
a kickass Bella anyone?

Monday January 24, 2011 at 10:49 PM


well first with the facts I am reading "there will be blood" (great fic by the way) for those that don't know what it is about its mainly a mobward story really kickass well the title says it all!. anyway.... while I was reading it I was thinking wouldn't it be nice to add a Bella that was really kickass in the sense that a mob boss will respect her you know power girl that kind of thing that could hold her own in front of a badass Edward just saying.  ( I´m bored of the damsel in distress) soooooooooo...........


if you know some fic with this kind of Bella well let me know please!!!!!





Monday January 24, 2011 at 10:48 PM

No not the ranger! Lol. I am a big Emibella shipper. Rec me something good. Please and thanks! Oh dur I should totes ask if there is already a list?! Yeh!

Fo Yo Trubs!


Rec Me Vamp Bella!

Monday January 24, 2011 at 10:31 PM

So I just gave a TON of reading suggestions in a campfire below and now I want some for myself. I'm looking for Vamp Bella. Not just any Vamp Bell though. I'm looking for an Edward and Bella that meet when they are both vampires. I have read some of these but I can't think of all their names off the top of my head. Thanks in advance! :)



*snort* I love that it looks like the guy in back of Rob is spooning him



Monday January 24, 2011 at 9:35 PM


I want to say I'm surprise but....not really no.

Monday January 24, 2011 at 9:12 PM inncently watching some criminal minds. mmm mmm love me some shemar more. no big. its fine. ANYWAYS. this commercial comes on.

and im just...staring blankly at the screen. is this funny? too much? genius? what do you guys think?



Monday January 24, 2011 at 2:06 PM

In what is the worst kept secret in the world, I was the.littlest.ingénue. I've flounced life, pretty much, but feel free to download the rar file containing all four fics + the epilogue of manic I wrote for my friends.

If anyone asks, tell them I pulled because I'm Dame Barbara Cartland (but not dead) and my integrity was being questioned.

But in all honesty, I am moving on to better things but to say thanks for all your kind words, have the rar. I don't really care what you do with it, just don't pretend it's yours or something.

I thought I'd share here because there was a lovely lady asking about me weeks ago and she sorta inspired me to up them.

Be good to each other.

Jenn :)


It's TMI Time!

Monday January 24, 2011 at 1:47 PM


That's right, it's TMI time brought to you by montannaleigh and shinzonx (who made that awesome banner!! I love her!!!)


anyways ladies you know the drill- nothing is off limits and there's no such thing as too much TMI in this campfire, so come share all the  TMI  stories you can't tell anyone else!!  Questions too embarasing to ask? Ask away! the wise campers and rangers of the forest can probably answer them! Hilarious stories to share? GOOD! everyone loves a good story ;)

 mine will be inside!   


Campire approved by the lovely GAW :)


And the winners are...

Monday January 24, 2011 at 12:46 PM

Today, the winners of the Pick a Pic Challenge were revealed.

For those of you who don't know what the contest was about: artists submitted banners, then writers could write oneshots for them. Both sections of the contest then were open for voting.

Go here to see the banner entries and here for a list of all the oneshots, including summaries and links to stories and author profiles.

The results can be found here (banners) and here (oneshots).

I had a great time writing for this challenge and wc'ing with some other participants during and I congratulate everyone who won in both the public and judges votes.


(This campfire was approved by GAW)


don't tread on me, man

Monday January 24, 2011 at 12:20 PM

forest freecycling

back by popular demand... it's time for another freecycle campfire!

despite the fact that i am dead and rangering from beyond the grave, i am here with this campfire because i care about you all that much.  

what is freecycling, asks the newer camper?

it's when you get rid of stuff you no longer want/have a need for, but rather than simply throwing it away or selling it, you're offering it to someone who really wants it or has a use for it.  you know what they say- one man's junk in the trunk is another's badonk a donk donk donk.  wait, that isn't right.

anyway, here's how this works-

-start a comment listing any items you have that need a new home: i've seen books, movies, makeup, designer purses, care packages, food, posters, magazines, you name it.

-people have also just decided to simply be generous and offer giftcards to those who might need them, paid livejournal/photobucket/other paid accounts, things like that.  this has turned into more than saving the earth and stimulating the post office's finances- it's turned into total camper generosity!

-the only real rule is that there is to be no exchange of money.  you can offer to pay for shipping, but it should be included by the original commenter.

-take care of your addresses and stuff privately, please.

-have fun, be generous, be kind, let your inner hippie fly, and make a new friend today!

-any questions can be made to me via PM or in the campfire.  i may be dead, but hell gets a great high speed internet connection, so i'll be around.


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special thanks to camper Nefth, who shopped the owl for me.  :') minor point of clarification, though, darling- i'm dead, not sick.  thank you ♥



Monday January 24, 2011 at 11:42 AM

This weekend I spent my time buried reading fanfiction.  I stumbled across 2 great stories. 

Work of Art by abstract way

Pressed for Time by twanza


I've seen Pressed for Time recommended before but never really took an interest in reading.  However, I'm so glad I did.  These two stories are quite different but both had the same effect.  They took my breath away.

I know we have rec campfires but what I want to know is what stories have you literally stumbled across that consumed you and took your breath away.  Why did the story impress you?  Why couldn't you put it down?  If they're works in progress, what concerns you?

Come in and share.

Thought I'd share just because this is a hilarious picture.  LOL.


FF Sneak Peek

Monday January 24, 2011 at 10:37 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Oldies but Goodies

Monday January 24, 2011 at 7:45 AM

Hey Campers!

The other day, jandco and I got to talking about some of the amazing older fics out there.  I have many on my TBR list that have been around for a long time, and somehow I missed reading them when they were in their prime. 

You know what saddens me about this?

The fact that I'm gonna miss out on the chance to talk these fics through!

With new WIP's and more recently completed fics, it is so much fun to chat about them - talk about what quotes we loved, what made us cry in chapter 4, what we wish Edward would do - whatever!

So....getting to the point....we think we've come up with a remedy.... 

Let's do a read along!



In this fire, lets compile a list of oldies but goodies that you haven't read yet but would like to.  Once we get a list going, we'll pick a story, and chat about it a few chapters at a time.  Maybe we'll even get some of the author's on board to come discuss with us. 

Already read lots of these fics?  Great - when the time comes, contribute your thoughts on the chapters we're discussing, and for now tell us what stories from the past are absolute "must reads", even if you've read them.

Come on in, give us your list, and share any ideas you have for making this work!

jandco:  in other words, give us "retro" fics that you didn't get to read when they were hot.  we get new folks every day, and some feel like they've missed the boat as far as fic discussion goes. 


Fanfic my Fanfic

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 11:10 PM

Who else is excited about this competition!?

I can't WAIT to read the entries,

especially excited about WIDE AWAKE fanfics, I flove it soooo hard

edit #1: forgot to add link fanfic my fanfic

edit #2: those are the fics to be fic'd lol:

Scotch, Gin & the New Girl by jandco & wtvoc

Paper Heart by Hezpixie

Wide Awake by AngstGoddess003

Hide & Drink by Savage

Tropic of Virgo by



Sunday January 23, 2011 at 10:44 PM

The Jets lost but my beloved Giants didn't even make the playoffs so I really shouldn't complain about the Jets.

That's the way it goes in football on any given Sunday.

My mini went to bed sad.

I am disgruntled and annoyed.

The hubs is....well let's just say he isn't in the best of form tonight.

I miss the NY Giants and hate that I won't be able to watch them play seriously until September.

Let discuss current disappointments in our lives.


I'm so great

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 6:58 PM


I've got one.

But I think it's despicable of me to have one, so I despise myself for it, and I get downtrod in all this self-loathing and unworthiness, and I have developed an inferiority complex over my superiority complex, but don't worry about it. I'm just especially neurotic and overcomplicate anything. For proof please see anything I've ever written.

But what I want to talk about are the superiority complexes that make it difficult to maneuver through this community.

Readers feel all ENTITLED to have their stories delivered at a certain time and up to a certain number of words or something.

Writers feel the RIGHT to extort reviews.

People have taken to posting bigger and more obnoxious title cards for their fics: first they were text, then colorful text, then word art, then BANNER ART, now they're all like FLASH or moving gif thingies that cause seizures in small children. It's a ridiculous marketing game of one-up-manshio. And no, I am not implying this started yesterday. I know it's been going on and growing and morphing and building and changing.

So, I dunno. Call youself out on your superiority complex. Has it gotten you anywhere? Has it done you good or ill? Does it make the fandom more dynamic?

Or call out someone else's... but keep in mind this site is CRAWLING WITH LURKERS, so be prepared to back up whatever you have to say, even if you delete your words when you sober up tomorrow morning.


Jasper and Edward Fics

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 6:09 PM

I don't know why but I have been on a major Jasward fic kick for the past few days. Any reccomendations on what to read? Preferably complete fics.


Written In Blood - Sex, the Law, and You

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 5:41 PM


*This week's column requires a few disclaimers.  First and foremost is the adult nature of this week's topic.  Please be advised that things of a graphic sexual nature are discussed along with issues that could be potentially triggery (such as rape) for some people.  Read at your own risk.  Second, while the law is the law my opinions are my own.  I am simply fortunate in that the Rangers believe in freedom of speech so please keep that in mind.  My opinions are my own, not those of the Forest, however as with all of my posts this has been Ranger approved.  This is a hot button topic that is likely to touch a nerve.  While comments are always welcome I ask that everyone plays nice.  And before anyone tries to say that I have no idea what it's like and I'd think differently etc, etc, I was sexually abused repeatedly as a child.  So yes, I know what it's like.



Humbert: Lo, listen a moment. For all intents and purposes I am your father and I am responsible for your welfare. We are not rich, so when we travel, we shall be - we shall uh... we shall be thrown together a great deal. And two people who enter into a cohabitation inevitably lead into a kind of...

Lolita: The word is incest.

Lolita - film version - 1997


*column in a comment due to content



Sunday January 23, 2011 at 5:00 PM







Because I am a Ranger and I can....

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 4:40 PM

Let us discuss HOT ATHLETES


Super Bowl bound QB Aaron Rodgers


Speed dating...?

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 4:39 PM

Hi lovely campers

So I mostly lurk here, but tonight am seeking advice and perhaps a good fic rec.  My friend has talked me into going speed dating tomorrow night and after drawing upon my new "say yes to things" attitude I have agreed....and am now desperately nervous and doubtful about the whole thing.

I know it's supposed to be fun and I shouldn't expect too much, but I've not dated in ages and am looking for advice on questions, conversation starters to give me ideas please?  Any tips or experiences of your own to share?

I tried to think of a fic where speed dating was involved, but the only one I could recall was the speed dating at the beginning of SubPlans (a brilliant fic) and I'm afraid the BDSM adventures of a vamp/human are no use to me here.  Any other speed dating fic recs to draw hope from?

Thanks go to Capricorn75 for approving this campfire and calling me brave (I've paid the £20 now, there's no backing out...)

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