Something to make me bawl?

Friday January 28, 2011 at 10:24 PM

Can anyone suggest a story that will make me bawl my eyes out? Sometimes, a girl just has to cry. My suggestion will be inside :D


I can't link to pictures just yet, so imagine that strong and dreamy jaw on Mr Pattinson, or those lovely fingers on Mr Rathbone :D Mmmmm



Friday January 28, 2011 at 9:30 PM

Hello lovelies! Hope you are all having a good weekend so far! This is so random, but I've been on a bit of an Eminem kick lately. It's gotten me thinking...are there any rapperwards out there? There was one called 'the Letter' that I read, but other than that I got nothing! Or if there's no rapperwards, I'll take bad boywards! And I don't mean CEO-secretly bad boy, I mean motorcyle driving, cigarette smoking, rebellious potty mouth bad boy!  Niceward need not apply lol!

Thanks lovelies! FYT:


Whovians Unite!

Friday January 28, 2011 at 7:40 PM

Just wondering: how many of you also happen to watch a little show called Doctor Who?

Who's your favorite Doctor? Why? Do you like the Eleventh Doctor?

This is pretty much a Doctor Who appreciation campfire.Tell me what episodes you like. Pretend to be a Dalek. Who else gets creeped out by the Cybermen? Spam me with pictures of David Tennant! (or your favorite Doctor)


For your time:


(The Fourth Doctor is my favorite, for the record.)



Friday January 28, 2011 at 7:17 PM

It's Friday, right? 


Curls your toes good...

Friday January 28, 2011 at 7:05 PM

People of the Forest-

What fic gets you weak in the knees? Curls your toes? Does it for you? Makes you sweat a little?

There are loads of good lemons, but which one really effected you the most?

My vote is for The Diva Diaries. Yours?



If you could...

Friday January 28, 2011 at 6:10 PM

Second post today. I'm campfire whoring.

Anyway, just wanted to ask a question, one that I hope is a good one.

There are so many great fics out there, but if you had to pick one... JUST ONE... to marry, which would it be? What fic to you want to marry and have little fic babies with?

What makes the fic so amazingly good?

Mine will be in the comments :)


Friday January 28, 2011 at 4:45 PM

soooooooooooo. i had to share this.

my friend messages me today and is like OH EM GEE theres a rob look-a-like on my campus...peacoat and all. and im like pshhh what ever you say and she was like NO. LOOK.

and then she sent me this.

PS look inside for the picture. you guys are gunna FLIP.



Friday January 28, 2011 at 4:39 PM

This is a campfire dedicated to the awesomeness that is Disney 50th animated movie!


***Will probably have spoilers****


If you have seen it and liked it come have a chat about it- and if you haven't seen it yet what are you waiting for???


Looking for a few good recs...

Friday January 28, 2011 at 2:53 PM

I'm normally an AH kinda girl, but I've been on an AU kick lately and came across No Choice by glasscannon.lj.  It's a WIP that picks up in New Moon when Bella met Laurent in the meadow.  The wolves are a few moments too late, and Bella is turned.  After I got into it, I noticed that the author hasn't updated in a while so I'm not holding out hope for an update soon, but I'm fascinated with the concept.  Can anyone rec other stories with a similar storyline?  (preferably complete?)  Or other New Moon AU's where Bella is turned?




Thank You!

Friday January 28, 2011 at 2:52 PM

Hello all! I am Natalone09.

I am really glad there is this free for all day. This day gives me the opportunity to thank those campers who cared enough to set two campfires about a little fic I had started a few months ago. The one with the "habits"...

I have been "MIA" for almost a month. I have read every comment you all made here and all the reviews I received. PlayOnWards and Smeyerfan  started the fires and my inbox had  fever for days. The truth...I could not believe there were people discussing about this story. I barely knew what ADF was.  At first it felt weird and then it just felt a good thing.

So, I really wanna say

Thank You! :)))))

For the positive thoughts,  the encouragement, and -most important- for the time.


And, since there is the  benefit of making questions today and I have confused you with more than one stalkers, I dare you to share ( not sure if there was a similar topic recently and I am a totally 2011 visitor here) :

Have you ever been a stalker? Have you stalked anyone lately?



Friday January 28, 2011 at 2:47 PM

Yes, this is another Twitter campfire.  However, this one has a humorous story behind it ;D

So yesterday, seemingly out of no where Mcruscito's dad demanded that he wants to Twitter.  And of course he wants to follow his daughter.  So he pretty much demanded that he be allowed to follow her Twitter account - threatening the life of her cell phone if she didn't accept (this is where I laughed and felt bad).  Well, as most of us here in the fandom, we don't like RL interferring - that includes are tweets.  In conclusion, here dad follows @mcruscito and she made a new, fandom only, Twitter account.

It's still pretty new - no tweets, no avi - but send her a follow request! ^_^


To make this interactive put your Twitter name/link - maybe you can get to know the campers hiding in bushes



Friday January 28, 2011 at 2:37 PM

Hello Campers.

A few weeks ago, a camper posted a campfire about a reading challenge. I was wondering did anyone challenge their selves to read more this year? How are you coming along? If not, please feel free to share what you are currently reading.

I was surprised by the number of people who are excited for the book rec campfire. I have never been a part of a book club, but I love to talk about books, so if there is something you hope to talk about or any helpful ideas, please feel free to share those too.

Thank you :)



502 Bad Gateway?

Friday January 28, 2011 at 2:25 PM

HELP! The wonderful fanfic downloader I've been using to put my fav. fics on my kindle is saying there's a gateway and that it's bad!

Is it me? Is it them? All I can picture is massive doors with angry faces on them, chanting "502! 502!" I'm a little scared......

So, when does technology scare/confuse you? 

And does anyone have a suggestion for another downloader I can use? 


How real is it?

Friday January 28, 2011 at 2:06 PM

So I was thinking the other day how different it is the culture in different countries and how that difference shows in what we say, do and write. I've been reading ff for a while and I've done it in english and spanish. Anyway, reading some of this stories made me think:
How much of the things that happen in fanfiction are actually a reflex of real life?. What I mean it common in you country, for example, to have one night stands? or sex at the office? or any other thing that's commun for Edwards and Bellas around the fanfiction world?.  How much of those things are you willing to try?

What do you think, do we live vicariously through this characters or do we put ourselves out there? and for the much of youself does your main characters have?


weekend plans?

Friday January 28, 2011 at 1:46 PM

Its the weekend! I have had a really good week and i'm sure tonight will just add to it.

I'm going to see these guys:


but i'm more excited about this man (i love his voice and can't wait to hear it live):
So tell me... do you have plans for the weekend? any special plans coming up?
Luna StarFire

Food Porn Time

Friday January 28, 2011 at 1:33 PM

So I may have just found the most fattening, awesome, mouth watering, yummy goodness in my life.



on a cinnimon swirl begal!!!  I totally meant bagel...sorry.

What is your favorite snack right now?!?


It's Bad You Know

Friday January 28, 2011 at 1:18 PM


So, I have a bit of an addiction, shocking I know, but it is to something other than fanfic, it is to music.  I am constantly looking for something new and fun.  So I was wondering what you lovely ladies (and gentlemen) where listening to this morning/afternoon.
What are the last 10 songs on your recently played list?
What are the top 10 played songs in your music player?
I will post mine in the comments.
Something fun for your time


Friday January 28, 2011 at 12:47 PM

I know a lot of you peeps are on Twitter.  I, too am on it but I rarely venture because I'm too lazy to read my feed.  Anyways, as I was logging in today I saw an interesting tweet on the Popular feed:

I was like, "What?!" before I burst out laughing.  Clever.

The challenge for you is, log into Twitter, look for the most bizarre, thought-provoking or even hilarious tweet you can find and post it here.

The Offspring

Ok. Here It Goes.

Friday January 28, 2011 at 12:42 PM

I have started writing my story. I haven't posted it yet cause I need a Beta.

Any takers?

Note: I would prefer someone experienced.


That is all.


All Bets On...

Friday January 28, 2011 at 12:32 PM

I saw on Yahoo! today that the Carnegie Museum of Art and the Milwaukee Art Museum has made a not-so-little wager depending on who wins the Superbowl. If the Steelers win, which they will, then the Milwaukee Art Museum will lend the Carnegie Museum of Art  one of its top works, Gustav Caillebotte's "Boating on the Yerres." If Milwaukee somehow wins, the Carnegie museum will send over Renoir's "Bathers With a Crab" to the Milwaukee Art Museum. This is what the director of the Carnegie Museum said:

"In Pittsburgh, we believe trash talk is bad form," Carnegie Museum's Lynn Zelevansk, said in a statement. "We let the excellence of our football team, and our collection, speak for itself."

And this is what the director of the Milwaukee Museum said:

"I'm confident that we will be enjoying the Renoir from Carnegie Museum of Art very soon," Daneil Keegan said in a statement. "I look forward to displaying it where the public can enjoy it and be reminded of the superiority of the Green Bay Packers."


The gauntlet's been thrown in a very sophisticated way. So, tell me campers. What do you think about the wager? Also, do you have any Superbowl bets going? If the Steelers' win, will you have to go to work naked? If the Packers win, will you shave your head? Let's discuss. I myself have no bets going on, but I might make one with a guy I work with.



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