
The Never Ever Happily Ever After Contest

Friday February 4, 2011 at 1:10 PM

Loss4words and I are hosting The Never Ever Happily Ever After Contest. Deets below:

Link to FFN profile:

Link to Blog:

Not everything in life ends with a happily ever after. People leave, they die, they cheat, they get sick, they are murdered or take their own lives. Life can’t always have a happily ever after, and neither can fics. That’s what we want. We want a FREE-STANDING one-shot that does NOT end with a happily ever after. That’s right, we want your MAJOR heartfail.

Your one-shot can start off happy, there can be lemons (please let there be some lemons) but it MUST end SADLY! We want your one-shots to make our chests ache and for tears to pour from our eyes? Can you do it? Can you rise to our contest challenge? Please, please do!

We are open to such scenarios as:





These are only suggestions, and if you have something you are unsure of, feel free to email us! Please, think outside of the box!

Any POV, or pairings and categories accepted. No entry limit, collabs are cool. This is an anonymous contest.


Submissions will be accepted from 2/4/2011-3/15/2011

Public Voting will take place from 3/17/2011- 3/24/2011

Winners of Judges Selections and Public Vote will be announced 3/31/2011

Contest entries must be received no later than midnight (EST) Thursday, March 15th, 2011

Public vote will be started on Thursday, March 17th, 2011, ending midnight (EST) Thursday, March 24th.


We have quite the kick-ass list for The Never Ever Happily Ever After Contest. We love them hard and we’re thrilled that they were willing to judge.





Questions, comments, concerns? Email us at: nevereverhappy(at)gmail(dot)com

Also, follow us on Twitter @loss4words81 & @nitareality

Please say you’ll enter! We really want your heartfail. If you have questions, it’s best to find us on Twitter!



Life lessons...a question for writers

Friday February 4, 2011 at 12:40 PM

This week I pressed the Complete button on my first multi-chapter story. It took me 17 months, but it's finished. In between chapters, I wrote a bunch of other stuff, but nothing else felt like quite as much of an accomplishment. I think parts of the story are some of the best things I've written, though they're far from perfect.

But more than anything else, this time it was as much about the process as it was the outcome. Cliche or not, this really was more about the journey than the endpoint.

I learned:
? That I have ADD. This was never a big issue until I started trying to write fiction, and discovered a creative impulse so strong that I hyper-focus on it, losing all realistic sense of time. This affected my relationships with my husband, my kids, and my volunteer work. (Apparently my RL friends just accepted me for what I was -- a chronically late mess -- and loved me anyway!)
? That a good therapist can help you-- and your husband-- understand why you're chronically late to everything,and cannot seem to juggle the basic tasks of running a big household.
? That the friends I've made writing fanfiction "get" all this better than anyone else.
? That writing fluffy smut in present tense about unrealistically perfect men will get you many more reviews than the stuff you really sweat over. ;) And there's really nothing wrong with any of that, once you accept it and mtfo.
? That I want to be better, and that means taking some classes and finding a writing group and/or workshop. Once I finish my two commitments for Fandom Gives Back, I'm scaling back to only reading and reviewing fanfic.

So tell me what writing has taught you about yourself, about life, or you know…about whatever. :)

For your time,  a favorite picture of Tom Welling (aka my Emmett) doing what makes him happy-- and looking damn sexy doing it.


And another one, just cuz he's so adorable. Don't you want to smooth that crease between his brow?



Friday February 4, 2011 at 12:31 PM


My lovely friend, AccioBourbon, just recently hit complete on a gorgeous, heartfelt AH story about Emmet & Rosalie.  Please take a moment to pop in, congratulate her, leave your reactions to this lovely, moving story, or share your own stories about how this topic touched your life. <3

LJ Summers

Why yes, yes I am.

Friday February 4, 2011 at 12:26 PM

I am writing non-canon.

I know, you're shocked. Astonished and gasping at your keyboards.  LJ? Writing NON-CANON? Surely, you jest!



I am and I am writing it in the Pride and Prejudice fandom.  I am...ready...pairing Jane Bennet with Fitzwilliam Darcy.

Unexpected Perfection at FFn.

Why, you wonder?  I have no idea, except that the idea tickled me. I've been a fan of P&P for more than 30 years, but I do like playing with convention.

I know. This is unbelievable but true. Cue melodramatic music...!

I am operating without a net at present, meaning I have no formal outline (!!!) but I will likely remedy that shortly.  

Just wanted to invite anyone interested to come peruse. :)  

I will make it work.  It's what I do. :D

I also have a post-P&P fic called The Last Miss Bennet, if you're more inclined to more, er, normal relationships. :)


What non-canon pairings in other fandoms do you wish you'd see in fics that you either read voraciously or wish were out there?


The Charles Schulz Philosophy

Friday February 4, 2011 at 12:02 PM

I thought this would be a nice way to start the weekend

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.


You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just ponder on them. Just read the text straight through, and you'll get the point.


1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress...

6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series

How did you do?


The point is: none of us remembers the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:


1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special!

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with...




The lesson:

The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, or the most money, or the most awards. They simply are the ones who care the most!

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia !"

"Be Yourself! Everyone Else Is Taken!"

Who are the people that make or have made a difference in your life?


What Are You Most Proud Of?

Friday February 4, 2011 at 10:40 AM

This week I am proud of myself because I had an interview on Monday for a summer placement in a community pharmacy, and on Wednesday I found out that I'd got it!

It'll be six weeks of working 9-6 Mon-Fri and 9-5.30 Sat, but it'll be worth it for the experience.

I'm also proud because I am no longer drowning in coursework, though I still have 2-3 assignments to do per week, I've found a routine that works :)

So what I want to know, on this Free For All Friday, is:

What are you most proud of YOURSELF for?

It could be anything! You cleaned the house from top to toe, you aced an exam, you got the promotion you wanted, you finally got your baby to sleep through the night anything at all :)

Let's give ourselves massive pats on the back :)

kaylamarieswan fail

Friday February 4, 2011 at 10:19 AM

anyone else always have a  problem with bookmarks? i do quite often. it always makes me lose my place and sometimes lose stories too. I used to have ad problems too but in another campfire some ladies recommended a great adblocking addon for mozilla, now i don't have those problems, but i was wondering if there is a reason the bookmarks keep disappearing?!



Friday February 4, 2011 at 8:53 AM

I don't normally do this.  I don't often rec stories because far too often I find a story I love... I get all excited for the updates, but then as it progresses, something happens that causes me to lose that magic I felt in the beginning.  Idk.  The fic loses me and I HATE when that happens.

But I have a good feeling that this won't happen here.


'Til death do us part wasn't supposed to come before Happily ever after. Bella is a widow undone by grief and anger, learning about the contingencies of life from an unlikely source.

The WRITING-- just stellar.  She not only tells this amazing story, but she carries you on this journey and makes you FEEL every emotion.

The STORY-- heartbreaking, real and just soooo good.  It's different from 99% of fic out's more than just another story of how B+E hook's a story about Life, and the stuff that happens, and the people who come and go and shape who we are and who we become.

The CHARACTERS-- rich, complex, REAL.  I love them.  I LOVE Renee here and my heart aches for her.  I love Mike and I MISS him.  Everyone in this story is someone you know, or someone you WANT to know.  believe need these characters in your life.

READ COMMITTED TO MEMORY.  This story only has 643 reviews right now which is a TRAVESTY when I can browse through 57467 sub-par, sub-standard, mediocre fics out there that have 6547286528 reviews.... THIS ONE DESRVES YOUR TIME AND ATTENTION!


free for all

Friday February 4, 2011 at 8:03 AM

it's friday.

be free.

and if you want, you can leave me fun, feel good songs here again...because i super appreciated it last week.
LJ Summers

Internationalward Fic List

Friday February 4, 2011 at 6:07 AM

Today's list brought to you by...

MY DEHUMIDIFIER.  Without this marvelous device, I'd be moping and not breathing well and just not inclined to start a campfire. 

All Hail the Machine!


Today, we're looking for the Mr. Internationalward.  This is an Edward who was NOT born in The USA.  He might be from the UK, Norway, Denmark, Russia...who knows?  The story can certainly take place in the US, it's just that our Internationalward hails from elsewhere.

Have you seen him? Have you seen his passport?


AH or AU, any pairing, any rating!

Come! Share your favorite Internationalward stories around the Fire! My recs will be within.


Remember the Rules of the Fire:

1.  Keep it simple. Title, author, summary and LINK if you can!

2.  No discussions.  We know these fics are fab because the Campers of ADF have rec'd 'em!


Thanks for compiling these awesome lists for fanfic recommendations!



Friday February 4, 2011 at 5:35 AM

I live in Sydney, Australia. When I'm awake and able to be in the Forest, the majority of you are asleep. Even if I could be bothered with Twitter (and I have tried), it takes too long to go through all of the tweets I have missed whilst asleep and at work to understand what the hell has happened in the Fandom. 

I love that The Forest is pretty much devoid of the drama that sometimes takes over other places, but it also means that I don't know what is going on. I've seen a few posts lately referring to 'drama' that is going on, but I am completely out of the loop! 

I love Twilight and I love fanfic. It consumes me. I want so badly to be a part of this community, but I feel like the timezone I live in excludes me. I loved the Night Ranger filling me in on what was going on, but in their absence...

What the ****?

What is the drama? What have I missed out on? If it isn't fit for polite company, please PM me. If it is, or you don't care, please leave a comment. 

FYT, I give you our new SUPERMAN! Swoon...



moon.witche is saying guh-bye

Friday February 4, 2011 at 12:08 AM


moon.witche is taking down her stories.
So if ya want 'em, go get 'em.
She left this authors note at the end of
How My Life Was Ruined In 14 Days:


Really, I hate when authors do this, and normally I wouldn't at all but I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be taking down all of my stories and probably deleting my two weeks to a month or so?

So, if you want a copy of my stories, take them now. I will not be offering them as complete downloadable documents...mostly because I'm lazy.

So, yeah, thanks for all the support and I'm glad you enjoyed the very strange journey these two crazy kids went on. And I really am sorry for the fake out chapter.

I feel I must also say, I AM NOT trying to get this published. Not. Not. Not. It is fanfiction and I am cool with it the way it is. It's more that I've, personally, moved on from Twilight Fanfiction and I just want this (mostly awesome) chapter of life to be closed. I do thank everyone for reading and caring about this story. It astounds me that so many of you did.

Also, a lot of you asked for a sequel or an epilogue for these two crazy kids, and I'm not going to write one, mostly because I want their future to be what you imagine it to be for them (I am such a snob...), but also because...I'm lazy. Anyways, I do, however, imagine the following conversation between sometime...probably in Amsterdam:

"This should have been our first time."
"Yes. It should."

Or something like that...about halfway through Europe."

Happy stealing downloading with permission, campers.

And a bit o Ryan because I can't think of a reason not to.



All nighters

Thursday February 3, 2011 at 11:42 PM

I need your help.

Tonight marks my first all nighter of the semester, and I am already feeling blah. But, I need to write 9 pages by noon tomorrow (10 hours).

SO... do any of you have advice for how to stay up all night and stay FOCUSED?

Tricks, playlists, foods?

Or just wanna come chat and keep my wandering mind company?



Humor the crazy girl.

Thursday February 3, 2011 at 11:05 PM

Okay, so this campfire is inspired by the below recommendation campfire.

HanaEmi recommended a fic, So the Zombie Fell In Love with the Human? And I've been looking for a zombie apocalypse fic like this for a while now. You see, I have this strangely morbid fascination like zombies. And zombies + twilight = magical nutella unicorn rainbows, in my book. 

So does anyone know a good Twilight Zombie Apocalypse fic in which Edward is a zombie? Romance, preferably. 

I'm a freak, I know. 



wait, what?

Thursday February 3, 2011 at 9:29 PM



K, so I may be REALLY late to this video, but..... it's of Rpattz singing, and I have to say.... It's not as hot as I thought it'd be. Wait, what? Did I really just say that???
But he does sound kind of like Jeff Buckley.... bonus points.

The REC tree

Thursday February 3, 2011 at 6:27 PM

Last week was our return of the the ADF REC CAMPFIRE. As a personal challenge, I randomly took a handful of fics and read at least the first chapter of each of them (I believe eight in all) and I have found that there are some REALLY GREAT STORIES OUT THERE!

My challenge to YOU this week is to, besides reccing, read one of these fics and review it saying that you heard about it here on ADF. I will love you forever if you do it and if you do it, let me know with a comment or a tweet and you'll get a nice big hug.

Here are four fics that I read this week from last weeks rec campfire and my thoughts...Please check them out and remember my challenge, then go forth and rec your own!!


We Were Here by Lola-Pops, my new favorite twitter-friend.

jandco said  "it's hard to explain without sounding like "just another teen fic" but it isn't. i love it very much." and I have to agree. It's edgy but doesn't glorify bad-girl/boy behavior and I LOVE this Esme for being a smart lady.

Pressed for Time by the lovely Twanza 

fabkish said, "I'm always sad when I get to the end of a chap because I just want to read more. There are some stories I skim and some stories I savor. This one's definitely savored." and I have to say, I ALMOST stopped after the first chapter until like 20 people on twitter told me that I had to keep going. I am glad that I did. This fic really finds its stride and yes, I am savoring. 

Elysian Fields by Monstrous Regiment, a new camper/amazing addition to the twiverse

Music Daydreams said " I love that this Edward really does speak like he's from a different time. I love the dialogue between Edward and Bella, as well as between Edward and Emmett. And the "bad guys" - even they seem different from standard AU fics. I really enjoy this fic so much - and with only 50 reviews for 8 chapters - it needs more."  I told Monstrous Reg that I wouldn't recommend fact I promised her that I wouldn't spotlight it. SO DISREGARD THIS REC even though I want to wax poetic about her Edward who SLEEPS IN A COFFIN IN A CRYPT AND MAKES IT HOT. oops, I mean, don't read this even though it is fabulous.

Branching Inward by Life in the Snow, a name that I can totally relate to right now, omg.

hot4J said, "Edward is sweet, hot and mysterious without being a dick. Bella is so likable and relatable. The story itself is dark enough in places to offset the sweetness in other places.And this fic has my vote for Best First Kiss Ever. I had to read that part over and over again." Uggy said, "OMG That first kiss scene....f$@& that was hot." Stardust1 said, "That was the most intense kiss of MY life. LOL" and I say, if you just read this fic to the kiss you will live a better life for it. I want to be kissed like that. But besides that, this fic is very interesting and Bella is likeable and unique and sloppy and Edward is damaged but not in a crappy emo way but a way that you understand that he used to be lively and fantastic.

I am going to do the same thing this week so TELL ME,



Fanfic Assistance...Please?

Thursday February 3, 2011 at 5:05 PM

Here are a list of stories, I am extremely interested in reading:

The House - luv2beloved

Momento Mori - Rosette Cullen

To Be Stabbed In The Front - forevergold

And lastly,

River Damn - jennyfly

The problem is, I want to read them ALL, lol. And I will, eventually.

So, my question is: which one do I read first?

LJ Summers

Page WHAT?

Thursday February 3, 2011 at 4:28 PM


The problems with e-reading.


Okay. So. Breaking Dawn IS happening, no matter your opinions.  And often times, we like to discuss "I didn't see X, where Edward said on page 100, Y," and so on.

Thing is, when you're reading Breaking Dawn on Kindle, as I did, this does not compute.



If Kindle people (and all other e-reading fans! Woohoo!) want to compile a directory for BD (or other books in the SAGA) based upon the numeric system established for the books WE have on our READERS? 

Like, Rosalie discussed the lack of survivors on hybrid births at location 4496.


perfect, flawless, exciting, etc

Thursday February 3, 2011 at 9:53 AM

These are the first stills from On the Road.

I am so so so so so so so excited.

Hi, Garrett. omg.



Oldies but Goodies

Thursday February 3, 2011 at 8:48 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Hey Campers!

It's time for our discussion on the second installment of M.A.D!

Within this fire we'll be chatting about chapters 6-10 - No major spoilers please!

Just these chapters, or previous chapters for now! =)

Jump on in and share your thoughts and feelings!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Your homework, due Monday:

1. Read chapters 11-15 (click the banner to be linked to Ch. 11)

2. Take mental notes (or whatever works for you!)

3. Come back and chat!

Thanks for joining in, guys!

First --- | >> | 914 | 915 | 916 | 917 | 918 | 919 | 920 | 921 | 922 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
