
Harry Potter Fanfic

Wednesday February 2, 2011 at 8:16 PM

Recently, some fabulous women here in the forest directed me to Finding Himself, a Cedric-Hermione fic by Minisinoo.  It was brilliant.

And now I'm hungry for more.  I've searched past campfires, and most Harry Potter fanfic requests are met with rec sites, which are in turn organized by ships.   But they're vast and difficult to navigate.  And I don't have a ship.  And I'm lazy.

I just want to find beautifully written, entrancing HP fanfiction. Shouldn't be that hard, right?

Help me, forest!  Any ship, any kind of story.  Just make it high quality.  


Your Song

Wednesday February 2, 2011 at 7:36 PM

So, I'm going to be honest here. Sometimes I hear songs that instantly remind me of a certain love story between a girl and a vampire.

THIS is one of those songs. It's beautiful, and it even says "..and watch him sparkle."


Tell me some songs that remind you of, you know, that story. Especially ones that remind you of certain situations. Bonus points for those that contain the word "sparkle."

ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday February 2, 2011 at 4:21 PM







"like a sin" by verotruth


and for the TVD fans out there...

"on the count of three" by TheViolentHours



jessica stanley

Madame X and other works of art

Wednesday February 2, 2011 at 1:32 PM

Okay. So let me just start by saying, I don’t typically hang out in art museums. But I went to a raging party on campus the night before, and I was in some serious need of culture to chase away the kinda-blurry recollection of keg-stands and way too many body-shots. Plus, I was pretty sure that my cousin was trying to text me to get me to babysit again. I figured a museum would be the perfect place to avoid her, and also a nice quiet environment to help me get rid of my hangover. I totally didn’t expect to come across a work of art, while admiring works of art.

The following is my interview with Edward, from The Art Teacher.



(Thanks to Spanglemaker. Check out her story right here on ADF, or here.)


Heart Fail and HEA?

Wednesday February 2, 2011 at 11:06 AM

Hi lovelies!

I'm off from work until monday-it's part of my vacation time! My original plans fell through at the last minute, so now I'm stuck with five days and not a thing to do. So of course I turn to fanfic! I've recently been reading 'Puddle Jumping' ( by 107yearoldvirgin. First let me say I *love* this fic so much, I can't even describe! But it just had a heart fail moment, and it got me you read fics if you know there will be heart fail? I know some people don't like it and some people do. Personally I can handle a little bit of it, but not if the whole story is nothing but HF. 

So do you like HF fics, or do you avoid them? Do you prefer you be warned by the author that there will be HF, or would you rather be surprised? And on that note, what about HEA? Do you need the promise of HEA to get through a fic, or are you willing to read a well written fic even if it might end in sadness? So many authors promise in the disclaimer, 'I swear there will be HEA, just hang in...' does that take away the mystery of the fics direction a bit, to know we are assured it'll all end well? I have way too many questions and too much time on my hands lol!

For your enjoyment:



Wednesday February 2, 2011 at 10:56 AM


Today's Game:  RE-TITLE

Take a fic, and give it another title. It can be something where you use synonyms for the major words (this is tougher imo), or something where you just give another appropriate title. Check the examples!

Example 1:  Red Room of Pain

answer:  MoTU

Example 2:  Fully Alert

my first entry inside

Thanks to Capricorn75 for loving & listening!  Thanks to Mystery Ranger who stacked this up for me... woo hoo.  Announce yourself woman!


Tweet, Tumble, Journal, Chat

Wednesday February 2, 2011 at 10:50 AM

How do YOU connect?

I have had a tumblr account forever and have never done a thing to it because I DO NOT KNOW HOW. Could everyone who has tumblr please explain to me HOW THIS WORKS??? I feel like it is some secret society and I have my entrance badge on but can't get through the front door. Here is what I have so far:

Tumblr: What the heck is this?


SO besides do YOU connect?? I feel like there are a lot of new people you have twitter? If you don't, sign up and maybe we can get you followers! Do you do the Live Journal thing?? Do you have a gchat that you hang out on? Do you just post here? Tell us how you CONNECT!

LJ Summers

Indie Fic List

Wednesday February 2, 2011 at 9:55 AM

I had a request for both a Classic Fic List as well as an Indie Fic List.

We did the former and now it's time for the INDIES!

Not the awards, Campers.  But the Indie Fics that are deserving of an additional rec or two.

What's an "INDIE?"  It is a fic that is not at all on the mainstream and something that tends to fly under the radar.  Unusual pairings, unusual scenarios.  Skilled storytelling, but lacking a fanficking mainstream audience, you know?  


So share with me your BEST INDIE FICS!  I'll have my rec within.

Remember the rules:




Thanks so much for keeping the MASTER FIC LIST up to date and comprehensive!!


Let us stop the madness please...

Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 11:24 PM

I've noticed some SERIOUS drama around the fandom lately...

Clashing of opinions, shocked emoticons, lashing out...

And I've started this campfire to end this once and for all.



Let us choose sides once and for all... Which team are YOU on, fellow campers?


Forgot the name of these fics...again

Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 10:08 PM

I don't know why this always happens to me, but right before I go to sleep, bits and pieces of fics I've read pop into my head, and I can never remember the names!  So I come to you for help.  Here's what I can remember of them.

1 - One of them is a one-shot with Edward, Emmett, and Jasper at a strip-club for what I think is Jasper's bachelor party.  Bella is working there, and since Jake manages the place and is friends with her, he lets her serve drinks because she hates dancing.  Em and Jas notice Edward staring at Bella all night, so they approach her and offer her money to give him a lap dance.  She does, and he freaks the hell out, but eventually he gets into it.  Although the clients aren't supposed to touch the dancers, she instructs him how to do is so no one notices.  Edward comes back when Bella's shift is over, and they spend the night together, and it ends with one of them saying how the other is their date to the wedding.

2 - Another one-shot (I think) is about Edward and Bella getting married really young (around eighteen) and having a baby.  Bella dies during childbirth, and Edward raises their daughter, but he never gets over Bella.  Even though his family eventually tries to get him to date when his daughter is around thirteen, she tells everyone to leave him alone because she doesn't need a mom.  Her dad is everything she needs.  Eventually, about twenty-six years or so after Bella dies, their daughter is engaged to a man that she says will take care of her, and Edward has a heart attack or something.  He tells his daughter that he's tired of being without Bella, and she says it's okay, that she'll be okay.  Edward dies and is reunited with Bella.

3 - This one is a multi-chapter short story.  Bella sees Edward's ghost, but he isn't dead yet.  I think his ghost is fading, but somehow Bella leads a search party, and they find him in the woods, still barely alive, and she saves him.  I think he was out there with a friend, and the friend died.

4 - The last one is really vague (sorry!)  The only thing I can remember about it is that Bella is in her bathroom, and when she wipes the fog from the bathroom mirror, she sees Edward's reflection, but he's dead.  I've pretty much given up all hope of ever finding this one.

Thanks y'all!


Fans Against Domestic Violence

Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 4:14 PM

Dear you,
Today you can start donating to the NATIONAL COALITION AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and in turn will recieve a compilation of chapters written by some amazing authors in our little fic world.

The minimum donation is $10 and to donate go here:
Forward the receipt you are given to this email address:

in order to receive the compilation.

To learn more and/or to see the list that makes up the compilation, visit:

I among many amazing writers are included. So go do it!! and please share this information.

Thank you. xo

I thought this was relevant and hope you approve this *bats lashes* :)


i like white wine and long walks on the beach

Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 2:59 PM

ADF personal ads

this is either genius or a failure-in-waiting

here's my idea:

see, a lot of people say they don't know how to meet people on the internet or wonder how others seem to know everyone.  well, here's my way to get to know you without the pressure of posting ~in public.

comment with your personal ad.  introduce yourself- who you are, what you do, what you're looking for, likes/dislikes, etc.

if you want to get to know someone better, PM them from their personal ad, their twitter, or in whatever way they say to get to know them.

that way, the shy people can still reach out without coming out of lurkdom, and the loud, brash a-holes likes me can keep on doing like they do.

hey, it's win/win.  go with me here.  just don't post your facebook or emails.  as always, be safe.  take care of my heart, as if you could fight me off, etc.

have fun!


I'm too sexy for my shirt

Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 2:05 PM

Things have been heating up around the Breaking Dawn smexy scenes.

(Not KStew, but pretty nonetheless, and hella better than some of the photoshop jobs I found.)


My topic of conversation (Tawlk amongst yourselves!) is this:

Edward likes his new wife's lingerie.  A lot.  We know Alice picked it out (because SM's Bella would be all shy and whatnot).

If you were Bella, would you let Alice pick out your sex clothes?  Also, what would you buy, if it was your choice?  What do you think Alice really did pick?

(Oh, and yes, in this fictional universe you do have KStew's body--or Scarlet Johannssen's or whomever else you fancy)


I choose this one (duh!):


I Have Problems...

Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 1:46 PM

So, today I was in psychology class and we were watching a video on what mainly attracts humans to the opposite sex (in the physical sense). It said female are attracted to men who have: clear skin, are tall (6 feet and over), have square jaws, and are fit.... You know who the first person that came to mind was? Rob... 

I think I have a problem that I didn't even know I had... 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Gosh,  I can't help it the boy  just looks so good, even if he is just checking his phone, *sigh*.

And part two, because I am a greedy greedy person and I'm doubling up on this Campfire.

What do you guys think about Ashely Green's feature in the upcoming March 2011 issue of Teen Vogue Magazine? 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Come inside for the link to more pictures from the photo shoot, and tell me what you think. I will also share my opinions.


Jealous Bitch

Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 1:29 PM

I am such a jealous bitch.

I try not to be. Honestly. I try to be good and kind-hearted and patient, but in reality I'm just down on myself and jealous of everyone all the time. I'll just list the first to come to mind. The Rangers I know the best are included, of course, but I'm not close with EVERYONE.

I'm jealous of JANDCO for being gorgeous and having a loving marriage with a handsome man that's resulted in beautiful children.

I'm jealous of brattyvamp because everytime she updates a fic, there is a conversation about it on the Gaz, even if they just bitch about it (at least they pay attention to her which is more than they do to me).

I'm jealous of Tor for her youth and charm and the way people are always attracted to her and she makes friends (seemingly) effortlessly.

I'm jealous of emibella for having really smart kids and a beautiful home (based on the christmas decoration photos I saw).

I'm jealous of wolvesnvamps for her endless energy and sense of humor, her family of impossibly perfect people, and her undauntability.

I'm jealous of wtvoc for her ability to interact with people with grace and aplomb in situations where i'd find myself stammering and hiding in a corner. And she has the best-behaved kids ever.

I'm jealous of Writeontime for being so fucking awesome. Just. Awesome. Kind, smart, witty, and awesome.

I'm jealous of Talulablue for the way she is adored for her writing and her artless good nature. I'm jealous because I've seen my writing compared to hers but when I read With Teeth I saw none of the imperfections that make me cringe and hide when I read bits of my own stuff.

And so on. Anyone care to join me in this? It isn't meant to make anyone feel excluded. It's not a love post or a hate post. It's just a campfire to while away the day while I'm stuck indoors.

I'll add more inside as they come to mind, I think.


Baby, it's so cold!

Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 10:59 AM

Hearing of blizzards in the US, typhoons in Aus, and experiencing some pretty cold weather over here myself, I figured we could all use something to warm our hearts.

So... share your pics of Rob that make you feel all warm inside!



Fanfiction Help Desk

Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 10:50 AM

As part of our Weekly Campfire series a lot of you wanted the return of the Amnesia Campfire since there are a LOT of posts asking for names of fics. 

Also, a lot of people wanted a Request Campfire where people could ask for the...names of fics.

Since there seems to be a lot of people asking for help, I thought it would be a good idea to make this ONE WEEKLY CAMPFIRE where people could ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT FANFICTIONS and so, the following is born:

Want to know the name of a Fanfic?

Want to Request a TYPE of Fanfic?


Ask the ADF Fanfiction Help Desk! We are here to help!


Ice Ice Baby

Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 9:48 AM

I just took these pictures outside my house.

Photobucket Photobucket



Anyway... it got me to thinking about how Edward in the books, is always referred to as being cold as ice, or like an ice sculpture or some such thing.

Now I get the whole 'cold hands on warm skin' sexyness factor.  But really?  Nothing about the ice hanging off my tree makes me wanna cuddle up to it right now.  In fact, just looking at it, makes me cold.


Show me pictures of your ice.  Or show me pictures to warm me up.  Or explain to me... what it is about Edward that actually makes fondling a popsicle seem exciting in any way.  


I need more coffee.  I'm freezing.



Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 7:46 AM

there' a rumor that kristen stewart read for the part of Lois Lane in the new Superman.

you know....the one with Henry (omg) Cavill...who SM wanted as Edward (omg) Cullen before the part was given to Robert (omg) Pattinson.


Whatcha all think?

Would she be a good Lois Lane?  Will she have any chemistry with Henry C.?


Puttin' on mah pimpin' shoes

Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 6:28 AM

OMGosh I am so excited!  Kalejay just posted the first chapter of her new story TWO.


Summary: Vampires Edward and Jasper are partners in crime who make a game of their hunt for human blood. Their brotherly dynamic is threatened when Edward meets Bella and is tempted to start playing by his own rules. Vamp/AU/OOC.

Rated M for violence, coarse language, and sexual situations.


Don't let the banner fool you.  It's not a slashy fic.  But it IS hot.  Maybe I'm biased because I've already pre-read a few chapters, but I'm sort of in love already.  It's very different and very cool.  Check it out!!




Oh and I THINK she's trying to update Two on Tuesdays.  which is awesome, too!


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