LJ Summers

Food Fic List

Monday February 7, 2011 at 6:05 AM

Today's Rec List is brought to you by 

tiwtter logo and by nutella


Today, we're compiling a list of fics in which FOOD figures prominently.  Now, I've seen from AngiJ's Hump Day Games that a lot of our Campers associate certain fics with certain foods (cupcakes, anyone?) and I received a request to compile a list of these stories.

So what fics bring on the good food?  Snacks, baked masterpieces, or barbecue?  These are fics, again, in which FOOD figures prominently either as the backdrop against which the story is written or because one of the characters is really into something ... yummy. :)

One of my favorites for this would have been LolaShoes' This Hungry World. Odd to have a vamp fic centered around food, but baking did play a huge backdrop to that fic.  Just to give you an example.

What about you?  Share your recs around the fire!

And hey, bring the Nutella and some Wasa bread, will you? I'm hungry.



Thanks for helping us keep the Master Fic List dynamic and updated, too!



Sunday February 6, 2011 at 9:25 PM


In your face Steeler fans! Boo-yah!

Ok, for real now, it was a great game. The Pack could have done even better if we didn't have all those dropped balls! I mean seriously, wtf Jordy Nelson?!?

Aaron Rodgers kicked ass though and I'm sooooo happy right now!

It was so close though....I was scared for a while there :)

P.S. Not sure if I can post this campfire without ranger permission? How do I get that?? itmightbemyfirstcampfire

RANGER EDIT: Hello-just ping a ranger next time for an off-topic post other than during Free for all. Several of our Rangers are rabid football fans so you will never have an issue making posts about that subject. Congrats Packers-great post!


Rob manages to smile when it's TomStu

Sunday February 6, 2011 at 9:25 PM

Who do you want to rub up against?


(and YES-we know it is a manip)


Rec me

Sunday February 6, 2011 at 5:01 PM

OK I'm in a funk and don't know what I want to read. I need some recs. I usually like AH but I got reading a fic called Addicted and now I'm in the mood for some AU fics. I'd like to read something after New Moon. Maybe where Bella gets bit after they leave. And then the Cullens come back. I'm not sure. But I like completed fics. So what do you rec?

Oh and I like B/E fics.


Super Puppy Bowl

Sunday February 6, 2011 at 4:59 PM

Have I mentioned that my dad has his living room set up with two televisions?

On days like today this comes in handy because I don't have any desire to watch the Super Bowl.

Therefore this is the scene right now.

Are you watching the Super Bowl?

Puppy Bowl?

Dr. Who on demand?

AMUSE ME by sharing with me in this camp fire.

PS i cooked vegetarian buffalo wings and my dad scarfed them. I totally compromised the manliness of football today.

PPS my dad just cheered for a puppy that scored a goal touchdown.


Ouch, my heart

Sunday February 6, 2011 at 2:15 PM

So, the other day I'm looking for fics on the Twilight Fic Database to fill up my Kindle and found The Cullen Sutras. I was looking for something funny/smutty and by that name I thought this was the fic to do it.

The Cullen Sutras

So here I am, sat down, thinking "Get ready for a laugh, Catherine."

It was so sad.

And I think what makes it worse was that I was totally not expecting it.

And my heart broke.

So... Tell me Campers - What fic has totally come at you from left field? Left you feeling like you've been punched in the gut? Huh?

Don't leave me hanging.


Weekly Fandom News - 2/6/11

Sunday February 6, 2011 at 12:07 PM

Congratulations to the following authors for completing their stories last week!

Did you recently mark your fic Complete? Let us know about it by filling out this form.

Deadline to Submit Entries to For the Love of Women Contest
The Vampies
Voting for TSA Twilight Hot Lemons Contest Begins

The rest of the week inside the comments

Sorry I've been fail to the 2nd power and haven't been posting this.  I will try to do better lol  You can check www.twificnews.com for new stuff that's added. Thanks ♥

Got a contest or an event to add to the calendar? Click Here to fill out the appropriate form or email kassiah@twificnews.com please.


Vampire Diaries

Sunday February 6, 2011 at 10:23 AM

I just love him. "What's the big deal about this Bella girl?" Oh Damon-you are my perfect anti-hero.



I want a new Damon avi. Anyone have any ideas? I like unusual/different ones (like I needed to tell you that)

A good question for a Sunday

Sunday February 6, 2011 at 10:18 AM

Help me out here, Campers.

Yesterday I was at Starbucks for a little while and I couldn't help but overhear a conversation happening across from me. The conversants were three high school aged girls, and the topic they were discussing...

I know, you're expecting me to say Twilight or Robert Pattinson or Taylor or even Kristen because why else would I post about it here?

No, these hormone-riddled sixteen-year-olds were discussing God.

I couldn't help but scrutinize them, thinking they must be from another planet. "You're sixteen!" I thought to myself. "Think about sex, for frik's sake, you weirdos."

But you know... good on them I suppose. Their parents must still have all their hair, and none of it's grey.

But here's my question: Which would you sit around in a coffee shop and while away an hour on?

Both Jesus and Robert have hot bods:

Both dudes look pretty awesome in beards:

Each of them has some kind of weird thing about lambs:

And both of them have MASSIVE FANBASES that want to touch and fondle them:

So, what'll it be for your time, Campers? Bachelor one or two? Or whatever.


Note: Please do not come in here to try to convert anyone to your way of thinking or put anyone down for disagreeing with you. I realize that religion CAN be a hot button topic, but I am counting on the good grace of the Campers to carry on a civil and mature conversation...(unless you're talking about Robert's body in which case fun-making and snickering is a gimme.) Be RESPECTFUL of others.

Fluent in Sarcasm

Make my day...

Sunday February 6, 2011 at 4:59 AM




Make my day, cheer me up, make me smile,

anything and evrything welcome!

FinS x

ETA: demons4eva would also like some cheer please x


Fun for Hours

Sunday February 6, 2011 at 2:56 AM

Go here:


And play this:


Jjhfdhap as op Jjhfdap aassGGjk hjkddssaapuuooaadd ddssaapuuooaadd ddssaapuuoossjj jjhffdap ffhhkkzz bbvxxzkj

hjkddssaapuuooaaff G ddssaapuooaaff G ddssaapoossffjjk



(inspired by Halo's campfire)


Vampire Diaries

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 7:22 PM

I just caught up with Season 2 of the Vampire Diaries and am now completely obsessed and immersed in the fabulously witchy and vampy world of Mystic Falls, Virginia.

Besides being sex on legs, these vampires are wonderfully complex and flawed. They KILL people (with lots of blood and gore), they have wild hot sex,  they suck people's blood and are generally all around bad-asses.

Prepare yourselves for more posts on the Vampire Diaries. Now-tell me what you like and dislike about the series and what you think is going to happen.



Did you know?

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 7:12 PM

I'm so excited! I loved 'Mr Horrible' story, one of the first stories that had me addicted to fanfiction, and was sorry it ended. But I found out that a sequel exists: "Mr Horrible Two: Electric Squeakquelboo" written by the author under a different name.


Here's the link:



Let's read and celebrate!


Worth the Burn update

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 7:07 PM

My-Bella just updated her brilliant fic, Worth the Burn, and I need to discuss it with someone!



Smut, Please

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 4:40 PM

Which FF do YOU read when you want plot and smut? I know both in a story is hard to come by (all the innuendo, I can't help it)

I prefer my lemons graphic (ala CWIA)


Rec me, please... desperate need for release kwim



It's a WFE news campfire

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 4:12 PM

New poster today:

Also news on the premiere from the director:

The premiere will be in NYC on the 17th of April! International premieres will happen following the release in USA

Sooooo are you booking your flights right now?No? What are you waiting for?


Howling for a Rec

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 3:47 PM

So, ummm... **gulp** I want to read a wolf pack fic.  Problem is I dunno what to read. 

Can any of you recommend a title or two?  Linkies and summaries are much appreciated!  xoxox


It's a boy!!!!

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 3:41 PM

I brought home my new baby today. Introducing 8 week old Chase. He is supposed to be a mastiff/labrador mix. His mother was the smallest, most petite English mastiff I have ever seen (and I've owned them in the past so I'm quite familiar with them). And dad is most definitely NOT their 'friends lab' as I was told, because the entire litter of 8 week old pups were TINY. He only weighs 5 lbs 15 oz. So whatever dad was must be pretty small, since a regular lab pup would weigh 12-15 lbs at this age.

Anyway, while I'm very disappointed that he is not what I was told he was- and now without knowing what the dad was I have no idea how big he'll get, and I really was counting on a large dog- it was love at first sight.

After you fawn over my pics of him (sorry they're not very good, who do I look like, Grown.Ass.Woman or something?) come inside and post pictures of your own furbabies!



Finally, a lullaby for a baby!

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 2:26 PM


So Carter Burwell, the dude who did the bella lullaby, just tweeted:

"Just wrote "Renesmee's Lullaby" for Twilight Breaking Dawn. Rob will play it on camera this week. "

God, Summit is so manipulative, you know they are just waiting for twihard ovaries to explode all over with the combo of Rob's long fingers writing baby songs.

Good idea? Bad idea? And is Edward a frustrated jingle writer or what, what's with his fixation with sleepy-time song writing?


Dealing with Grief

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 10:51 AM

So, this morning I  found out that my grandpa had died last night. It hasn't really hit me yet even though my entire family has been expecting this to happen for the past two months or so. I'm sure I'll start bawling by the time that I get to the funeral but currently I just don't feel anything at all really. When I was told the news I took it like someone was telling me what they had for dinner last night instead of I will never see my grandfather alive again.

   This got me wondering how y'all handle grief, death, tragedy, loss, pain, all of the above. And how do you deal with it for different situations, like your beloved cat vs. your neighbor vs. your sibling. So come in and share your ways, your stories, anything at all really

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