
This is dedicated to the one I love

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 8:21 AM

Basically a Kristen is flawless campfire, because I can't stop staring at this new BTS video from Vogue

Edit: I'm just starring at this right now http://mariotestino.com/

Funny fics rec please?

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 7:34 AM

Hi everybody, this is my first campfire

Anybody has any really funny fics I could read? My parents are impossible and I got a couple of mean PMs about my last chapter, and I'm feeling kind of down =(

To add insult to injury, it's raining so no beach.

I don't know how to tag this

Fluent in Sarcasm

Calling all...

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 7:31 AM

                                       Writers, posters and bloggers...

Whose is the review, answer, blogger which you REALLY look forward to reading, or hearing from?

Why is that?

What about that person makes their view so awaited?

Are you disappointed when you post/blog and that person doesn't reply/review?


Which ebook reader?

Saturday February 5, 2011 at 5:37 AM

Hello all,

after some time and consideration I decided that my ff thirst would be best served by reading it on e-book reader. I have saved most of my favorites in PDF and therefore I'd like to have one which makes reading them most comfortable. Which one do you use or would recommend?



Saturday February 5, 2011 at 2:19 AM

Hi Duudes and Dudetts

I just got some news that one of my very favorite residents died, Mrs Prance I love you and will miss you muchly

So i'm a bit sad. Has anyone got any brilliant news or stories to cheer me up or complete heart fail, you know it could even be of the HP variety.

fyt because it always cheers me up a bit





 Or anything super awesome funny like the above



Friday February 4, 2011 at 9:30 PM

(v) So...I knew a few of you love this guy (v)


^Partially (if not completely b/c of this)^

(I used that pic b/c of her shoes ~ So HOT. I want them now.)

I just watched this week's episode and it was awesome. (I ♥ Caroline) I was wondering about the books???? I haven't heard anything about them and I was wondering if they're worth the read or if I should just stick to the show?? What cha think campers?? Share the love? Or unlove? ;)


Help from the Campers

Friday February 4, 2011 at 9:01 PM

I am taking a Critical Thinking class this term at my school. The first assignment we had to complete was a 2-3 page paper about a topic we feel strongly about, since fanfiction has become a large part of my life and had introduced me to so many great and caring people, I decided to write my paper on fanfiction in the literary comunity. This week we are learning about flow charts and concept maps and one of our assignments is to make a concept map on our paper topic.

I am hoping the wonderful campers will be able to help me. In the paper I discuss professional published authors who support and are against fanfiction and the different types of fanfiction and I briefly touch on the legal issues with fanfiction. Is there anything else I should include? Do you have an opinion on whether fanfiction has a place in the literary comunity?


Parks and Rec + ...Twilight?

Friday February 4, 2011 at 8:12 PM

Maybe I'm super late to the party, but this made me laugh so much. 




Come in and share your love for Will Forte, Thursday night comedy, and most of all Aziz Ansari. I thought it was funny to see a fictional account of someone's first time reading Twilight


Plus: It is on like Genghis Khan wearing Sean John in Bhutan! 


FanFic Pet Peeves

Friday February 4, 2011 at 8:09 PM

It's Friday Free for All and I'm sitting here with my glass of wine and my glassy eyes, so please excuse the typos and incoherent talk.

I'm here tonight for a purpose...besides the fact that I'm a loser sitting home alone on a Friday night with a dying cell phone and a big old glass of Santa Margarita Pinot Grigio (YUM!)

I am here tonight to ask you...what are your PET PEEVES when it comes to the FanFic?

What is it that you see, over and over, in story after story (and let's face it, ladies, we read plenty of stories otherwise we wouldn't be here) that makes you sit back and say "Good Sweet Grief!  Again?!"

What recurring descriptions, characteristics, traits, phrases and overall plot devices drive you insane?

Mine will be below the fold...


(dear kind Ranger ladies, if I needed approval for this campfire and failed to do so (I'm not sure if we need approval for Friday Free for All?) then kindly do what you must and extinguish my fire...)

For all of your time....



Friday February 4, 2011 at 7:30 PM

I'm bored, so I decided I wanna go to the movies tonight, even if it's by myself.

However, I don't know what to see. Your thoughts?

My UPDATED choices are:


The King's Speech

Black Swan

Tron (omg garrett hedlund)

True Grit

The Green Hornet

The Dilema

No Strings Attached

The rite



EDIT: OMFG BLACK SWAN WAS WONDERFUL! Thanks for all the recs everybody :)


Recipes Needed?

Friday February 4, 2011 at 7:30 PM

It's free for all Friday, right?

I am so in love with baking (I should really stop, because I always eat all the batter. And it's just so bad.) Anyway, I'm always looking for different recipes to try. Today, I made a couple loafs of banana bread. It was okay, but I want it better. I have no idea how to make the bread so... moist? My mother makes excellent banana bread, but she lost the recipe.

Do you have speical way of making banana bread? Family secrets?

I'm just looking for easy recipes (for just about anything) that isn't very costly.

Also, I'm desperatly searching for a choc. chip recipe that is just... mouth watering. I've tried a bunch, and they always come out so hard and gross.

Any recipe would be greatly appreiacted. Anything for me to try. Also, pictures are welcome as well.


The Greater Good

Friday February 4, 2011 at 7:26 PM

You know, when I read Twilight, initially I was attracted to it because I found it on a "Clean Reads" blog. 

"Clean" as in, no sex anywhere in sight. 

Then, I went on another Twilight site, known to cater to moms because honestly, I was a bit freaked out that I enjoyed the friggin' book so much.  I felt weird and pervy for being left unsatisfied and that website explained it to me. 

Then, the website did another thing:  introduced me to this weird thing called "Fan Fiction".  I mean, why would I want to read what someone else wrote about these characters? 

Yeah, well, I was there when the poo hit the fan because the ratings went from PG to like, XXX, faster than a Bougati Veyron can go from 0-100kmh!

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the XXX sometimes.  I probably shouldn't, considering I'm becoming desensitized in a big way to all that the rating has to offer. 

Then, I read this tonight. 

This is where the interactive part comes in.  I'd like you to spend some of your precious Friday night reading and discussing that article with me. 

My question is this (and I know ya'll will end up rabbit trailing like kuh-ray-zee, and I'm cool with that!):

In what ways has the sex in FF helped or hindered (confused?) you (be as candid as you like, no judgement here!) in your sex life or normal life?

I'm thinking that this can kindof be a spinoff of the TMI Posts G.A.W is so kind to offer us (hopefully that isn't presumptuous or overstepping-it isn't meant to!)

My thoughts will be inside and I'd really like this to be an open, kind conversation. 

You can send me your keys to this in the mail-OME


Friday February 4, 2011 at 7:07 PM


Dual Purpose

Friday February 4, 2011 at 6:44 PM

I'm making this campfire for two reasons.


1)To introduce people to this band if you haven't heard of them:




2)To have a little discussion about songs that take you by suprise.


The first time I heard this song, I broke down into tears. I'm not a crier; I rarely do. But this song, sung so beautifully, describes my relationship with a boy  perfectly. I don't want him, but I will love him forever. And this song caught me by surprise and it struck right at the core of me.

Are there any songs that did/do this for you?

It doesn't have to be by surprise, just as song that touches you somewhere deep in your soul. If you feel like it, tell us why.

Alternately, share with us any and all music you can't live without. That what sends you somewhere you love or hate and can't get enough of.



Friday February 4, 2011 at 6:19 PM

Disclaimer: Be happy. That is all. 

Sir Rachel


Friday February 4, 2011 at 4:38 PM

One of our very own campers, bloodlust aka Shamarra, is getting married tomorrow!!!

Pop on in, congratulate her, share some advice, stories from your own wedding, etc!

I'm so excited for you, bb!!! <3




From Books to Movies

Friday February 4, 2011 at 4:15 PM

Hello Campers!

Many great films have been adapted from books, such as "Twilight" and "Lord of the Rings."  

Do you have a favorite book(s) that is now a movie? 

How do you think the movie portrays the book? 

Is there a book that you would love to see as a movie?

Look forward to your answers. :)


host cities & citizens

Friday February 4, 2011 at 3:07 PM

so, DFW is hosting the Super Bowl this year. great. 

i live in fort worth, approx 7 minutes from where the steelers are staying and approx 2 minutes from where they've been practicing.

i've already heard some crazy stories about both the players and the celebrities that have been in town from my friends.

my favorites thus far:

1. ben roethlisberger took some teammates out to dinner at a freaking nice restaurant and then they dropped a $1000 tab at Pete's Piano Bar downtown, where ben sang "piano man" by billy joel.

2. my friend helped unnamed steelers arrange a certain type of deal involving greenery on tuesday night.


aside from that, the traffic has been horrible, AND, on top of that, the roads here have been frozen solid for the past 4 days. (and yes, i mean frozen. this wasn't a snow storm like our northern friends got -- it was frozen rain up until last night. my street is still under about 2 inches of ice right now.)


so, to make this interactive, here's the question:

has your city ever hosted the super bowl? who was playing? run into any celebs? help them with drug deals? did you hide in your house until all the out-of-towners left? have you ever been to the super bowl? share your NFL stories!


that's the steeler's practice field at TCU

FUN FACT: It's estimated that more people will attend this year's Super Bowl than there are residents of Green Bay.


Advice plz!!

Friday February 4, 2011 at 2:42 PM

Do you lend people clothing?  yes? no? why? 


situation inside**


geez I really need a shrink so I can stop unloading my problems on the forest...

Luna StarFire

Dusty Bookcase

Friday February 4, 2011 at 2:30 PM

So I have a confession...  

  I like LLAMMA's.  Well thats not the real issue here.

I hardly read.  

I know~I know, don't shoot me.  If it wasn't for my ex coming home with the first Twilight book I would never have known about this wonderful fantasy world.  I just started reading the first book after the first movie had already been out.  Now mind you I like to read I just have issues picking which books to read.  

I can actually count on my fingers the books I've only read:

* Twilight Series

* The Mortal Instrument Series

* Lemony Snicket Series

* Kindred

* The Power of One

* Hush, Hush

* Encyclopedia of Hell

* Calvin and Hobbs Comics (That counts right?)

So my fine and beautiful ladies, could you please expand my mind.  What book should I read next.  I really want to read more!  I want selling points.  Faves?  Or maybe books to be careful of?

First --- | >> | 913 | 914 | 915 | 916 | 917 | 918 | 919 | 920 | 921 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
