Eating Disorder Bella?

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 11:51 AM

Does anyone know of any fics where Bella has an eating disorder?

I have read a few, and I find them strangely addicting and want some good ones?

Do you know of any? 

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Please share!


Just finished Harry Potter books 1-7

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 11:33 AM

I started reading book 1 beginning of dec 10 and finished book 7 today! 2 whole months!!!


When I started them I really didn't think that I will enjoy reading them as much as I did...

I feel sad that there is nothing more to read, I am done :(

now what's next? HP fanfic? The hunger games? What do you guys think?


Which do you choose?

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 11:20 AM

So I'm sure there's probably a hundred of these that become topics on here, ladies I do apologize for that (pic at the bottom to make up for it) but my question is, for both authors AND readers....POV' 'em? Hate 'em?


To me, sometimes they are called for but not always required for me to enjoy a fic.  I mean, I'm not the one writing it, so I would never and have never harassed an author to write to my demands.  I always continue to read because I'm stubborn and am too interested in a fic to just stop because of different POV's but...sometimes they annoy me because certain authors write EVERY detail from the other side & you get half a chapter of new material because they've gone over old stuff.


Thoughts?  Am I out of the norm?  I recently read a fic that was all EPOV and I loved it!! It kept some mystery b/c I never knew what Bella was thinking...and in life, isn't that how it should be, you can't read other's minds, you only know what you see, what you experience.  IDK, call me crazy...and here is some Rob porn for you to enjoy :)



Sunday January 30, 2011 at 10:37 AM

So I'm just curious as to what other fandoms people participate in other than Twilight, so come share and explain what you like about it. Or if you don't like reading any other fandom explain why. Please and thank you.


That's all she wrote.

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 9:59 AM


I just clicked "complete" on my very first fanfic.  Feels so strange.  


Thank you to everyone that took a chance a read not only a first time writer but a historical piece...and to those waiting for it to be marked complete, go's right here in the forest under "story telling".


Tee hee

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 9:44 AM

Prince William & Kate -- The Box of Condoms

With Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding just months away -- an English condom company wants to make sure they don't add to the royal family too soon ... with rubbers fit for a king.

The joke condoms aren't affiliated with the royal family -- but that doesn't make the website's description any less hilarious ... "Combining the strength of a Prince with the yielding sensitivity of a Princess-to-be, Crown Jewels condoms promise a royal union of pleasure."

But don't sheath your sword just yet -- there's a disclaimer at the bottom of the site that reads, "Crown Jewels Royal Wedding Souvenir Condoms are a novelty condom not suitable for contraception or protection against STDs."

Thanks for the heads up.


Rec Me

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 5:19 AM

Okay people, I have a challenge for you.  As some of you know I have recently lost someone very dear to me (I'm heading to their funeral later today) and desperately need to get my mind off all this death.  I was reading what I thought was supposed to be pr0n and then boom one of the main characters up and dies violently.  Speaking of trigger warnings as someone did earlier...

Anyway, I need smut.  Yeah, yeah, smut is lame, whatever.  I need to get my mind off things and I think it will help.  BUT.  I'm VERY picky as some of you already know.  And I don't have the patience right now to do pages and pages of fic diving.  I did a little but I'm not up for more right now.

So.  My criteria:

Rated M obviously

Vamp Edward/human Bella

WELL written.  This means proper spelling and grammar and no porn movie sex scenes with gushing caverns and acrobat sex.

Preferably canon/ canon AU.  

Preferably characters fairly in character.  I'm cool with dark Edward but if Bella drinks, does drugs, or smokes I'll flounce faster than you can say sparklepire.

Fluff is okay but no mutant babies please.

Preferably not very long.  I'm all for building a story but I don't have time to read something 20 chapters long right now.

If Aleeab4u or latessitrice or moneybeet wrote it I've already read it because I'm their beta.

Some examples of fics I DO NOT like mentioned solely to help give you an idea of what not to rec me so neither of us is wasting time.  No offense is meant to the readers and writers of these fics.  I'm a strange bird and rarely like anything other people like and my reasons for disliking the following are all over the map and not at all uniform.  I do not care for:

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Bonne Foi

Stranger Than Fiction

A Litany At Dusk

Creature of Habit

The Deluded

There's more but hopefully that will help.  Typically if something has over 1,000 reviews I won't like it.  Not because I won't read something with that many reviews but because usually I just simply don't have the same tastes as everyone else.  And in case you're wondering why I'm not listing my favorites it's because the three ladies listed above that I beta are my favorites.

So, help a girl out?

EDIT: Please for the love of all that is holy do not rec anything with death in it. I'm trying to ESCAPE death. Also, Edward must be vamp from the get go. Not later on.  Also, minimal swearing. Did I mention I'm picky? 

EDIT #2: Adjusting my criteria as things get rec'd to me.  I can't read Edward with anyone else.  Just can't do it. Looking for strictly ExB this time around. Thank you.


*LJ, I know you have a bunch of master lists but I wasn't sure if there were any that were specifically vamp smut and I couldn't figure out how to find it if there was.  Sorry. :(


Ageism In Fandom?

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 12:38 AM

I'm curious.  I saw a comment in my Twitter feed that said:

"first off why is a 13 yr old reading ff??" 

I asked the individual in question why they thought 13 year olds shouldn't be reading fan fiction and the original tweeter did not reply.  However another tweeter did reply:

"Well, I don't mind them reading FF in general, but the vast majority of popular fics are out of their age range"

This got me thinking a couple things and I'm curious.

1. If you are an adult do you have a general age in mind as to how old a person should be before they start reading fan fiction?  If so, what age and why?  Have you maybe assumed that fan fiction is only read by adults and are shocked when you see a 12 or 13 year old reading it?  And why is that?  What led you to believe that fic is primarily read by adults if that's what you think?

2. If you are a teenager (I think we have some here) what ratings do you read and why?  Is the presumption that you only read popular fics accurate or are your reading habits different from adults who do tend to read only what gets talked about?  Explain.

I would really especially like to hear from the teenagers and to clarify this isn't meant as a "teens shouldn't be reading this!" or "authors shouldn't be posting M fics where teens can see them!" post.  I'm really just more curious as to what the reading habits of teens are compared to adults and if there is a preconceived notion amongst adults that teens don't or shouldn't read fic.


*My apologies in advance if I end up not replying to comments. I'm prepping for a funeral. :( But have fun and play nice for me and I'll at least read the comments.


Summer of love

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 12:34 AM

There has been a lot of discussion lately about what some of the all time best fanfics are. When I looked back at my favourites list (which, I realised, is not at all accurate) it reminded me of one of mine.

Heatwave » by Ruby-Wednesday
When an unexpected Heatwave hits Forks, it allows Edward and Bella to leave their problems behind and have some fun! Set between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Now Complete!
Complete - Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 39 - Words: 109,551 - Reviews: 4789 - Updated: 9-27-08 - Published: 1-4-08

It is seriously lovely, imagining what the Summer between Twilight and Eclipse may have been like. 

It got me thinking... are there any other Canon fics out there that cover this period of the story? 


KStew look-a-like

Saturday January 29, 2011 at 7:53 PM

This maybe has been brought up, but I just saw this trailer. This actress Teresa Palmer looks like a blonder Kristen Stewart. It might just be me but I swear she does...


Ubiquitous FFFA Food

Saturday January 29, 2011 at 7:09 PM

Post about food...all shapes and forms.

My post is inside.


My Writing Muse

Saturday January 29, 2011 at 6:13 PM

Is a fickle thing...

I'm working on a Twilight one-shot and I've got three weeks to do it and no ideas.  Are there any sites you use for prompts?  Also, where do you find your inspiration? 

I prefer photos, but I just need stuff that I can stare at for a while until my muse resurfaces from wherever she's flitted off to.  

Or, if you don't know of any sites, post some pictures!

Thanks in advance :)


Twilight Word for Friends?

Saturday January 29, 2011 at 5:33 PM

Hi there everyone!  Anyone what to play Twilight Word for Friends?  The way I play is that every word has to somehow relate to Twilight in some way.  For example, if you put the word "RED" down, you could say that it is the RED Room of Pain from MoTU or red is the color of Bella's blood that drips on the carpet.  If your word is not totally obvious, you have to explain it in the CHAT bar.  If you want to play, just start a game and invite me...Beans827.  Just let me know that you want to play Twi Word so that I know.  Hope someone will play.  I'm super bored tonight!


Terri (Beans827)



Saturday January 29, 2011 at 3:36 PM

this is a public service announcement from your purple prose ranger

after trolling the huffington post for more news on egypt, i came across an article entitled "the top 10 worst internet passwords".


please keep your doings on the internet safe, and use passwords that no one could guess.  but dammit, DON'T USE ANY OF THESE:

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side note: this of course reminds me of one of the most sophisticated comedies of our time, spaceballs.  this post isn't really interactive, but i suppose you could use it to discuss mel brooks movies, or share good stories about security.  at any rate, use good prophylactics.  protect yourself.  have a care with my heart, i've left it with you.  wtvoc out.

the sauce and president skroob for your time:

huffington post

ugh, the good clip doesn't embed.  whatever.  this movie is so hilarious i can't even

The Weeping Angel

Bella-Is-The-Best Fics

Saturday January 29, 2011 at 3:04 PM

I need fic reccomendations.

I'm looking for a fic were Bella is the best.

Were Bella is the one who is rich, popular, experienced, hot and Edward is the average virgin who crushes from afar and has to put up with the hatred from Bella's friends and family. Were Bella is the best friend and Edward is the one who secretely loves her while she's oblivious. Were Bella is leading a wonderful ol' life and Edward comes along with the issues.

I want one were Edward's the one who has to experience the embarrassing moments, the feelings of loneliness and angst, the being the one who has to be inferior. Because lately all I'm reading is fic's were Bella's the one who has to be all this and Edward's the superior and I'm tired of it.

So. Any reccomendations?



Saturday January 29, 2011 at 2:25 PM

Warning Labels on Fics.

Let's chat about them. I have some opinions. I want to hear yours.

 - Do you think that fics should come with warning labels? I.e. a heads up that the content in the story might  be a trigger for some? Or for future character death?

 - Why?

 - To what extent? How much detail should be given?

 - Is it the author's responsibility to warn potential readers about content at all?

 - Do you think that warning labels spoil the story?

 - If you think fics need to come with warnings, do you also believe that printed books should, too? If not, what's the difference?


Everyone play nice. Disagreement is welcome. Arguing and being judgy is not.

*yes, I'm aware of the fact that the Lost in Space phrase in the title is not 100% accurate. The Robot really says "Danger, Will Robinson"


Dark Fest - Prompt Claiming Now Open

Saturday January 29, 2011 at 12:10 PM


The multifandom fest for fanfiction with dark themes is open for prompt claiming until February 8th. This is a fest about difficult subject matter, moral ambiguities, unhappy endings, no win scenarios, secrets, lies and shames, psychological messes, a look into the void, bad deeds, bad thoughts, bad decisions, twists of the canon mood or themes, pure evil, or good intentions paving the road to hell.
Prompt claiming runs from January 29th - February 8th, with finished fics due by March 15th.


*Just a reminder: You do not need a Livejournal account to participate.  They have a gmail address you can use to submit work and then they'll post it for you.  There's only a few Twilight prompts this year but they also have a whole bunch that are labeled "any fandom" which means you could make them Twilight.  But there's a whole bunch of other fandoms represented as well.

These are the Twilight ones:

Twilight, Edward/Bella, after she dies, Bella is not a lamb anymore.

Twilight, Jasper, Edward was just a little too slow.

Twilight, Alice, Alice lies just as well as she sees.

Twilight, Jacob/Bella, Jacob wins a broken prize.


Forest Schedule

Saturday January 29, 2011 at 11:16 AM

So, there are lots of cool things going on almost daily here in the forest. I know "FFAF" begins on Friday (of course) and Humpday Games are on Wednesday. But is there some kind of schedule that lists all the fun things that happen weekly along with what day they occur??


desktop post!

Saturday January 29, 2011 at 10:14 AM

Show us what's on your desktop!


Friday January 28, 2011 at 11:44 PM

Hydraulic Level 5 Next Update Status??? It has been over 2 months since the last update. I believe there is only 1 chapter and an epi left to this story. I really need closure to this story. I have been following it for more than a year. I can't even count the number of time I've re-read this story hoping when I get to the last chapter, there is a new update. I am so appreciative and grateful that the talented author (G) for sharing such an absolutely beautiful well-written story. I am scare to leave a review to ask for status on the next chapter because I am aware that authors don't like that. Also, since the author so graciously let me read this story for free (although I would pay for a published hard copy of this story like any other fiction in a book store), I don't want to bother her. At any rate, if any one out there have any information on the status of the next update, can you share? Pretty please?

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