LJ Summers

Enchanted Fic List

Tuesday February 1, 2011 at 5:53 AM

Many folks have an attachment to the fairy tales of childhood.  Disney banked on that when he started producing movies based off of fairy tales...knowing adults would have to shell out the money to see them...even if only for the children.

Twilight has actually been called a "Modern Fairy Tale." What with sparkling vampires and werewolves who cuddle, even if there are Bad Guys Dressed in Black...I can see it.



In the realm of fanfic, there are authors who enjoy adding the magic of the fairy tale to the chemistry of Twilight.

These are a different breed of story and I received a request to ask YOU to recommend some!  

So...where have you found Enchanted Twific?

My rec will be within.


Thank you for sharing your favorites around the fire!


One of our own faced a tragedy. :(

Monday January 31, 2011 at 10:28 PM

A member of our fandom (Shannon/BovveredLilly) has faced a tragedy. A fire started in her home today and destroyed everything, including killing her pets. 

This is from StrictlyRob (a blogsite in which she is an admin). 

One of our dear friends and admins, Shannon/BovveredLilly, has experienced a house fire that has destroyed everything they own. They lost not only possessions, but their beloved pets as well. We are devastated for her, and want to do anything we can to help out. They may get insurance help, but this will take time. As of right now, they have nothing; no clothes, no essentials, shelves of books and CDs and DVDs and memorabilia were destroyed, the whole house was gutted. It just happened today, so there isn’t much information as of yet.

More information is here:


Her family is taking donations, but I wanted to post this just so everyone is aware. I'm sure any words of encouragement would be appreciated. Our fandom can do really amazing things for those in need, even if it's just prayers and thoughts. <3

Purple font: don't hurt me if this isn't acceptable. I thought it was Twilight-related enough. <3

purple font approves this message and the forest wishes her family luck.


judge not lest ye be judged

Monday January 31, 2011 at 3:58 PM

i have something to confess

time to let it out, campers.

i did something today that i ain't too proud of and would like to get off my chest.

come in here and either denounce me or absolve me of my crime against target humanity.

then share your real life confessions with us.  

the dread pirate roberts not approving of my dirtbag shenanigans for your time:

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Classic Book's

Monday January 31, 2011 at 3:41 PM


This may sound really unintelligent, but I'm just gonna jump out there and say that ...

There is a huge list of books that I have never read before, books like Pride and Prejudice, The Great Gatsby, Flowers In the Attic, Romeo and Juliet, the list goes on...

So what I want from you is..

Tell me your favorite classic and if you think I should read it?




(please aprove this rangers..? :))





What's outside your window?

Monday January 31, 2011 at 2:56 PM

So in the spirit of getting to know you and my noseyness, I thought I'd start this campfire.

We're all in different parts of the world and we all see different things everyday.  Because I'm curious about your lives, come on in and post a pic of the view from your window, your neighborhood, or the crazy pile of snow you have in front of your house right now.  Some of you live in the city, some out in the sticks. 

For me, here in Northern California?  It is 65 degrees and sunny.  Here's a view of what I see from my window when I'm on the computer in my little subdivision.  I love this tree, it's a Sequoia Redwood and it's huge.

Campfire approved by GAW

Fluent in Sarcasm

Rec me...rec me GOOD!

Monday January 31, 2011 at 12:12 PM

Hidy hi campers!

I want, and need your help!

I am in need of some rec's, some GOOD rec's!

So I am looking for something which is either completed or has regular updates.

It can be angst, funny, lemony, I don't mind what but I just need something that I can get my teeth into!

So please put your thinking caps on, and get to looking at your fav lists!

Coz you know that you wanted an excuse to bring up that certain fic, that you have wanted to talk about or a prompt to re-read another.

Because we all know that its our guilty pleasure...


Oldies but Goodies

Monday January 31, 2011 at 9:31 AM


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Hey Campers!

It's time for our first "Oldies but Goodies" Discussion Fire!

Today we're discussing Chapters 1-5 of Mutually Assured Destruction by jandco.

Here's what to do -

1. Jump in and share your thoughts on these chapters - only Ch. 1-5 please!!

 2. Go read Chapters 6-10 (click the pic below for a link)

3. Come back and discuss on Thursday

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!  See you again with this on Thursday!

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It's Monday!!

Monday January 31, 2011 at 8:30 AM

Happy Monday Campers!

I've got a lot of my mind today...so grab a cup of coffee, a can of diet coke, a bottle of beer, or whatever your choice of poison and settle down here with me for a minute...

How was your weekend?

I went to Detroit for my daughter's dance competition.  She did really well (we already know she's an amazing dancer)....but today I'm tired and so is Chanel, so since I'm a great parent, I let her stay home today.  Cherie also.  We overslept and missed the bus....we took that as a sign that we needed to sleep in.  I'm gonna make banana bread in a few minutes, you should come over.


InTheCorner83 and I are throwing a BOBBY LONG LISTENING PARTY tonight!!  If you're in the Central OH area you must come!

details HERE

EVERYONE is invited...we'll have some snacks and we're giving away copies of Bobby's new album A WINTER TALE!


Plus...you get the chance to hang out with us and drink with me!!!  How could you pass that up?!?


Okay so also while in Detroit, I got to hang out with JANDCO and meet her family.  My kids and I had dinner with them, it was awesome... we weren't even on the highway yet on the way home and my kids were asking me when we were going back.  I'm not sure of the Jandco family is quite prepared for this....but  my kids have adopted themselves into their family.

here we are:

Jandco and I have met in RL a few times now and she said something to me that spurred a conversation.  She said "YOU'RE THE SAME IN RL AS YOU ARE ONLINE!!"  ---which I guess is a good thing lol.... but so is she!!  She's amazing and funny and lovely in person too.  

So this is what we were wondering--


Some people are just shy, I understand....and it's easier to be yourself when all you have is a screen staring back at you.   But we want to know YOU!  The REAL YOU...not your online persona...

So tell us, Campers--


Think about it for a second.  Tell us how you think your personality comes across online...and then tell us how you think it compares to who you are FOR REALZ.  

if you've MET another Camper in real life....tell us how they were the SAME or DIFFERENT from what you expected!


FF Sneak Peek

Monday January 31, 2011 at 8:04 AM

(Posting a little early today 'cause I don't know when I can get around to it later. Maybe a ranger can pushpin it to the top for a few hours?)

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Ripple Effect.

Monday January 31, 2011 at 7:38 AM

 What if's and all that.  Specifically, what if you take out ONE character in twilight?

Example:  No Jessica Stanley.

My Theory:  If Jessica wasn't there, it obviously would've taken Bella a lot longer to get the Cullen scoop, because Angela wouldn't be so blunt.  But more importantly, would Bella have been in Port Angeles the night she was almost attacked near the bookstore?  She was prom dress shopping with Jessica and Angela.  It's Jessica's thoughts that Edward picks through for information about Bella--how she regards him, her location, etc.  Could he just pick someone else?  Maybe. But it's Jessica who pries Bella for info.  and all that.

the point is this story basically revolves around Jessica Stanley.

The point is, without one minor character, this entire Saga would've played out differently.  Perhaps the end would be the same, but getting there would be waaaay different.

So, please, you take out a character and give theories how Twilight would've or could've gone differently without them.

Ridiculous is welcome.


Superbowl predictions

Monday January 31, 2011 at 5:09 AM

Because we so need a campfire with this...

Who do you think is going to win the Superbowl this year? Why? Do you even care? If not, why?

P.S. I want Steelers to win :) ...here we go steelers, here we go, pittsburgh's goin' to superbowl.

Ranger Edit: Since this Ranger is a HUGE PACKER FAN and does not see ranger approval on this campfire, she is taking it in her hands and being generous enough to allow it to remain but is striking out the opinion of the original poster. The original poster is hereby allowed to put her opinion in the comments... but I won't: GO PACK GO!

Miss Snazzy


Monday January 31, 2011 at 12:56 AM

Does anyone know of any good Edward/Bella/Edward stories?

Ever since I read Multiplicity, I've been in love with the idea of two (or more) Edwards being with Bella.

I'd prefer stories where both Edwards are essentially the same person.  This could be through cloning, supernatural means (like magic, another vampire's gift, etc), time travel (in which human Edward and vampire Edward are with Bella at the same time), etc.

Still...I wouldn't mind a twin story either.  I know there are a couple out there, though I've never read them.  I'm not entirely sure how I feel about twincest...with Edwards.  I know I don't mind with Roswell fanfic.  Lol.


Anyway, I'd really appreciate some suggestions. =)


Would anyone be interested in reading this?

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 9:34 PM

Is anyone interested in reading this story? I'm planning on posting it eventually, but it no one is interested in it, then I won't waste my time with it. It's a true story (mine and my husband's) so if there are any nasty comments, please keep them to a minimum :)

After struggling for years with infertility, Rosalie and Emmett are finally blessed. But when tragedy occurs and mistakes are made, will their love be strong enough?


I'm so bored...

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 9:28 PM

Hi everybody!! I'm bored and there's nothing decent around, not a new fandom drama and not Kellan Lutz new pics/news, so I wanna know:

Where in the world you live. I live in Puerto Rico, in a town called Vega Baja. Can you show me some pics? :)




It's All About Rob...

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 9:22 PM

Yep, that's what this thread is about...his nibs~Robert Pattinson~


This guy...

So...let's talk about ROB...

Answer four simple questions...

1:  What do you LIKE about Rob?

2:  What do you DISLIKE about Rob?

3:  What do you LIKE about Rob's portrayal of our favorite vampire, Edward Cullen?

4:  What do you DISLIKE about Rob's Edward?

Bonus Question:

Have you ever been minding your own business, and then found that something...a song you hear or a plaid shirt you see...makes you think about Rob?


My answers will be below the fold....



Sunday January 30, 2011 at 5:46 PM

SO we all know that this is the man that Stephanie Meyer supposedly pictured when she wrote Edward:

I always thought hell yeah he can be my Edward any day .  But now he is tapped to play:

What do you think?  Does anyone out there still wish he could be Edward?    Also now I'm curious if anyone knows of any superhero  Twilight Fanfics other then the few zombie killing Bella fics.


Clark Kent?


iPad help

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 4:12 PM

I know people have talked about it before, but I need a way to put fan-fictions on my iPad so that I can read while I'm on the run, since my internet doesn't always work for me.


I need something with simple instructions, but worse-case scenario, I can make hubby do it for me.




10 reviews? seriously?

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 3:21 PM

Read this !!


10 reviews? seriously?


Emergency Beta Service - available for authors!

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 3:10 PM


If you don't know already, we had started a new service for writers - Emergency Beta Service.

The service offers:

- help with punctuation
- help with proper grammar (for instance, when to use 'he and I' and when it is 'him and me')
- help with phrasing sentences
- input for insignificant plot points
- to beta short teasers (no longer than 250 words, and please include where the teaser will be posted)
- help with summaries

Just to be clear: EBS does not accept complete chapters or oneshots.

PLEASE visit the http://emergencybetaservice.blogspot.com and bookmark us!
We're also on Twitter - @emergencybeta, Add us, because we accept questions and offer quick answers on Twitter too when it's possible!

If you are writing right now and stuck on a sentence or a phrase, if you have a teaser you want to post while waiting for the chapter to come back, if you need help to write or refine your summary, we can help you!

Tweet us your question, or fill out a form on the EBS site. We have amazing betas and aim to answer your questions within 2-3 hours. If it's a quick question on Twitter, you can get your answer a lot sooner!

With questions, please email emergencybeta@gmail.com

Thank you,

Detochkina/Emergency Beta Service Admin



The 80's!

Sunday January 30, 2011 at 3:06 PM

Okay, this weekend I had a 80's chick flick maraton. I watched The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, Sixteen Candles and Say Anything. And now I'm just in love with the 80's! 

So I wonder, has anybody read an 80's fic? A fic inspired just a little or a lot by one of these movies?

If so, rec it! 

You're also welcome to post your appreciation of these movies and/or the 80's.

Let's have a party!


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