Review Etiquette

Thursday January 27, 2011 at 2:10 PM

I am certainly not the most frequent reviewer but I try to let a writer know that I like what is going on in the story of the fics I do read.  Usually, my reviews aren't in depth at all.  I may make a comment or two about something but mostly it's "I really liked it and thank you for sharing it" sort of remark.  Forgive me please talented authors I have done this to -- I know I suck at this.

And as an author, I am always so thankful that people take the time to read my stuff never-the-less to review it.  It's so nice to know that someone appreciates it, yanno?

Considering all of this, I think it would be nice to suggest the kind of comments that are appropriate to leave when you do review.

1. Thanks.  -- Thanks are always appreciated.  

2. Comments about how the story impacted you?  A scene that inspired you.

3. Quotes that you thought were especially enjoyable or poignant.

4. A Question clarifying something that you didn't get.

5. Concrit.   Just remember there are kind and compassionate ways of saying anything you want.  Try the sandwich method. Tell them something good, give a suggestion, tell them something good.   As Mary Poppins said, "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down."

Here are the sorts of suggestions that I've not found helpful as an author:

1. POST SOON.  I think most authors are posting as they can.  Fanfic is a hobby and done in people's spare time when the spirit moves them.  Not a lot of people have spare time and sometimes when they do, the muse is not there.  The only reason I can post as often as I do is that my kids are grown and I got tired of wrestling my husband for the TV remote.

2. GIVE US MOAR DETAILED SEX.  I find writing sex scenes difficult.   For the type of stories I write, and this may be a reflection of my old-fogginess, graphic sexy times would be out of place.   There's only so many ways it can be described and I, myself, prefer romantic rather than graphic --- well, anyway, what I am trying to say is I write what I feel works best.  If it needed to be more graphic, I would write it that way if I could.

3. WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO ___________?  Please don't ask me to reveal my plot points to you before I've told them.  That's what the story is for in the first place.

4. I THINK THIS IS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO _____________.  AM I RIGHT?  Ain't gonna tell you that either.

5. THIS ISN'T CANON.  No, it resembles canon in some ways but not in all, else I would have strangled a few major characters.

And that's about all I can think of now. 

Do you have any more?

Gratuitous Picture:

He's such a nice boy. 

GAW said I could post this.  Thanks.  I hope your pants are fired up.


Are you serious?!?!?!

Thursday January 27, 2011 at 1:27 PM

I just saw this on CNN and cannot stop raging.

Store reverses decision to hide Elton John magazine cover

(CNN) -- An Arkansas supermarket reversed its decision Wednesday to hide a magazine cover showing Elton John and his same-sex partner David Furnish holding their new baby.

The shield placed over the current issue of Us Weekly read "Family shield to protect young Harps shoppers."

The Arkansas-based grocery chain lets managers at its 65 stores decide when customers complain if the shield is needed, but it is usually for photos that are "sexually provocative or too revealing," Harps Food Stores President Kim Eskew said.

Complaints poured into the chain's headquarters this week after photos of the shielded magazine spread across internet blogs and news websites.

"When we began receiving complaints at our corporate office, we reviewed the magazine in question, removed the shield and are selling the magazine in all our locations today without any cover," Eskew said Wednesday. "Our true intention is not to offend anyone in our stores and this incident happened at just one of our 65 locations, which, when brought to our attention, we reversed."

Us Weekly West Coast Bureau Chief Melanie Bromley, who wrote the cover story, said the issue has been a good seller for her magazine.

"It's been very compelling for them (readers) and people have really felt the emotion with them (John and Furnish)," Bromley said. "So people have wanted to read about it and see the first pictures of little Zachary."

Bromley's seen no complaints from readers about having a gay couple with a baby on the magazine's cover.

"As far as I'm aware there was no negative feedback at all," she said. "I had not one email of any negative message at all. The only kind of feedback I got was positive, that people are so happy for them."

People Magazine put another same-sex couple with their newborns on front of its January 10, 2011 issue. But the photo of Neil Patrick Harris and partner David Burtka with their twins was only a small image on the margin of the cover.

When People featured photos of Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi when they married in 2008, it was one of the magazine's best-selling issues that year, a spokeswoman said.

What the hell is wrong with people? It's somehow WRONG to show a picture of a family because it doesn't meet the 'normal' definition of family? Who are these people to judge?!?!? Are there really no more serious problems than this to battle against???


LJ Summers

The Classics Fic List

Thursday January 27, 2011 at 12:55 PM

Pardon me!  Buzzing through! Working on my THIRD BETA READING project of the day...!

We've been talking a lot about Oldies but Goodies lately here in the Forest.  Rec us your favorites here in this fire so we can add the CLASSICS OF FAN FIC to the MASTER FIC LIST.

Criteria include:

A classic can be re-read and enjoyed time and again. So bring on the fics you read more than once.

A classic is complete. A one-shot or multi-chapter, it is available in its entirety. Somewhere.

A classic is of good quality. Something someone can point to as a FINE EXAMPLE of its kind.


AH or AU, all ratings, all pairings.  


Remember the RULES:

1.  Keep it simple.

2. No discussions.


Now, I've gotta jet...bookishqua wants me to oversee/referee a discussion her characters are having...  ;-)



Robert eats and people freak out

Thursday January 27, 2011 at 11:19 AM

Robert Pattinson Causes a Stir at a Louisiana Deli
By Mark Lambert

Thursday January 27, 2011 12:00 PM EST

Robert Pattinson

Splash News Online
Facebook Twitter E-mail He's busy filming Breaking Dawn in Baton Rouge, La., but during a recent lunch outing at a local deli, Robert Pattinson ended up feeding his fans' appetites.

"A couple of girls who work in here are young … and they were absolutely star struck," a source at Maxwell's Market, where the actor dropped in for sandwiches, tells PEOPLE.

Pattinson is a repeat customer at the deli and, despite the attention he earned from the younger employees, the source says he's just like any other customer. "He's just a regular guy, and that's how we try to treat him," says the source.

During his most recent visit, Pattinson was accompanied by an unidentified male friend and "grabbed a couple of sandwiches and left," the source says.

As for his costar, and off-screen love Kristen Stewart, she hasn't dropped by the deli … yet. "I haven't seen her in here," the source says. "But I'm keeping my eye out."



Bobby's coming to town!

Thursday January 27, 2011 at 11:05 AM

Calling all Campers and Rangers!!!

Bobby Long is coming to Memphis on April 6.  Do any of you lovely ladies or gents(I'm guessing there aren't many of those in here) live in the Memphis area? Or would like to take a little road trip to the south? Come on! Do it for me BOBBY!

I remember seeing a post a while back about a few of you meeting up for a Bobby show. It looked like so much fun and I'd like to recreate the event. So let me know if you're interested and we'll make a party of it :)


Oh Lawdy, he's good lookin!


Reads like a Fanfiction

Thursday January 27, 2011 at 10:05 AM

This confuses me.

I see it ALL THE TIME, people commenting on here that books or things they've read "READS LIKE FANFICTION" or "THAT'S TOTALLY FANFICTION" or "FANFICTION IN THE TRUEST EXPRESSION" (you get the idea) but they don't ever explain how this is. It's just stated like it's supposed to make sense to the ignorant few (read: me) here.

I googled it and one site had this as an answer: "It's not something you can explain. I just know it when I see it."


This campfire was inspired by MuffNbutter's campfire below. And basically what I'd invite any and all campers to do is come in here and  help me understand this, talk about it.

When do you KNOW you're reading a book that reads like fanfiction as opposed to just reading like regular crappy fiction or some classic love plot line? What does "reading like fanfiction" mean to you? What IS the difference between reading like fanfiction and reading like a regular run of the mill classic "boy meets girl insert ridiculous angst and drama to overcome with HEA" fiction story? How do YOU just know it when you see it?

I'd LOVE concrete facts, comparisons, pointers, etc--SOMETHING--that tells me how you know something "reads like fanfiction" as opposed to "reads like a crappy book" option. I'd really really like to understand this, because I totally don't know the difference at all. 


Thanks to Jandco for the approval!


Oldies but Goodies

Thursday January 27, 2011 at 9:45 AM

Hey Campers!

Thanks for all of your contributions in the Oldies but Goodies campfire the other day.  I have compiled a huge list with all of the suggestions you have given for us to pull fics from for future read alongs.

This whole idea came about when I was whining to jandco about being late to the party, and missing out on discussions on M.A.D.

Seeing how M.A.D was one of the most suggested fics in the last fire, and the inspiration for this whole thing, I think it is a fitting place for us to start. 

So, with great pleasure, I bring you our first story in this

ADF Read Along Series....


Here's what to do -

1.  Go Read Chapters 1-5 (click the pic to be linked to MAD here in the forest!) 

2.  Make mental notes (or whatever works for you) to come back and share.

3.  Join us on Monday to discuss these chapters!


Feel free to share any thoughts or ask questions inside! 


Twi-fic maybe?

Thursday January 27, 2011 at 8:27 AM

So I just finished reading an Edward/Bella fanfiction the other day called "To Catch a Pirate"...

Okay, so that wasn't really a fanfic, but it totally READ like one... The characters, the way they were "mystically" drawn to each other from the start, they way they relate to each other... Definitely fanfiction material.

I mean, James Sterling (Edward) was a pirate who attacked the ship Annalisa (Bella) was sailing on with her father Governor Townsend (Charlie), took her ring, kissed her breathless, and then disappeared while she spent a year searching for him until they met once again and went on new adventures... trying to deny their feelings for each other all the while. There's even a man who claims Annalisa's (Bella's) affections and wants to court her named Nathaniel (Jacob) who immediately hates everything about James (Edward), not even including the fact that he's a pirate.

Yeah, I went on a tangent there. Sorry. Lol.

My point is this: what other books, tv shows, movies, etc. have you seen that completely seem like fanfictions to you? Were they good ones or bad? Cliche'd or interesting. What are your thoughts?


K-Stew = Snow White?

Thursday January 27, 2011 at 6:39 AM

Kristen Stewart is in talks to play the title role in Rupert Sanders‘ Snow White and the Huntsman, according to Deadline.

Word is also circulating that Viggo Mortensen is up for the role of the Huntsman in the flick!

Kristen’s former The Runaways co-star Riley Keough was placed on the shortlist of ladies up for the role last month.

Charlize Theron is already confirmed to play the Evil Queen in the film!



What do you think campers?




From JustJared



Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 10:11 PM

What are the funniest Fics you've ever read? Any specific moments come to mind? Any moments that were so funny you went, uh oh a little pee came out or oh crap I woke up the kids, husband and neighbours ?! 

See, Rob's even laughing (he is looking mighty werewolfish!) 


Through The Oak Door

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 9:33 PM


Chapter 14 is up!

Come inside and let's discuss!



Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 7:56 PM


Did you read that right? No? Then read it again because we don't want whiny comments/PM's about "I clicked in the comments and didn't think it would be nudity."

IT'S A NUDE PICTURE. GOT IT? I am putting it in the comments.

This picture is making the rounds on twitter and we found it hysterical. So click if you are interested and let's have some fun discussing how this picture came to be and what captions we can make up.



your avi.

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 6:53 PM

so... here on adf, we have these lovely avis.

now i've seen some adorable ones, some witty ones, some funny ones and some really hot ones.

idk about you, but I associate campers with their avis... it's just easier to see their comments, for examples: rochelle allison has the mermaid, jandco has ken, jazzy cullen has the really hot lip licking rob, cappie has the most adorable picture of rob, littlesecret has gunshooting kristen, and so so so much more.  like, pwtf... lady gaga.. god, who else?

LET'S SHARE SOME OF OUR FAVS!  our whatever. idk.  i just like seeing avis. 


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 5:48 PM







So... I'm going to request something this week.  Today has been an overall craptastic day from hell for me - sounds wonderful, right?  So, I propose we post hilarious and just all around "good feeling" fan videos today. 



"New Moon Trailer (Jasper's Struggle)" by TikiTyler9


"It's Robert Pattinson Bitch 3!" by twylyter




Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 5:14 PM


sooo...i just heard that they've set the release date for the hunger games movie for march 23rd 2012...which means they need to start casting riiiight about now.

to be honest? i didnt even know there was goin to BE a movie. i am tres excited. :D <---see? thats my excited face.

anyways. who's your dream cast? Do you think they should get big name actors? OR do you think they should find them virtual nobodys (like twlight) and make them stars?

My choices are in the comments :)

PS. approved by the always wonderful jennyfly


Surprise, surprise!

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 4:27 PM

I never read T rated fanfiction.  I mean never.  However, this weekend found me in quite a state and I was desperate for New Moon fanfics.  So, where did I turn you ask?  Ithaca is Gorges.  OMG!!  This fic was superbly written - just stellar.  Since then I've found No Choice and Dark Side of the Moon, both of which are also fantastic.

So here's my question:  have any of you M rated junkies jumped into T rated territory because a fic was just so great it didn't matter what the rating was?  If so, what story did it for you?  Also, rec me great T rated fics, preferably New Moon/Edward and Bella centered.

Edit:  I wanted to add that I know there is lots of great T rated fanfic out there.  I don't disregard it or dis-count at all - I just read M rated stuff because I read fanfic to get what I didn't get out of SM's original works.  Also, because I guess I'm a bit of a perv!  lol

FYT:  T Rated Rob.  All pics over the age of 18 are strictly rated M.



Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 4:03 PM

O.M. G.



Example 1:  Two weeks ago, during Humpday Games, midsouthmama, fatlouie and happymelt were discussing and praying/whining that Breaking Bella had not updated in ages.  It had not updated in idk, close to 9 months?  Whadda ya' know - 2 days later - poof - update!

Example 2:  Today during Humpday Games, OuterIsland and I were lamenting the need for an update of Bound For Glory.  Whadda ya' know?  This afternoon, we get an update.  JASPER!!!!!

Lesson to be learned here, campers:  praying to fic gods works.  I mean it's like, we put it out there, the universe and fic gods hear and then convince/bribe/brainwash/coerce authors into updating.  See above for proof.

Share what fics we want updated.... the fic gods will listen.  I know it!

Approved by wtvoc... i think.  I mean when I asked for her blind okay, she said "jas...per"

ETA: confirmed, that was a yes!

jessica stanley

Germ-X and the McDonalds Messiah

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 3:43 PM



Okay. So last Sunday, I totally got conned into watching my cousin Becky’s little boy for the afternoon. His name is Jeremy, but I call him Germ, because basically he’s one big germ/snot factory all the time. I’m kidding. Kinda. He’s actually a pretty cute kid… which is amazing because his father is totally not. So I guess he got the good genetics from the Stanley side of the family, or whatever.
Anyway, I decided to play nice Aunt, and took him out to the McDonald’s Playland. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to let him run out a little of his excess energy while I chilled with a book or something. Sounds totally relaxing, right? Boy… was I wrong. The place was a zoo. Screaming kids were running around everywhere. And Germ was totally hyped up by all of it. He was all like “Aunt Jessica… buy me food. Aunt Jessica… buy me a milkshake. Aunt Jessica… help me get my shoes off.”
And then there were all of these moms everywhere who just looked at me and rolled their eyes and stuff when like, I didn’t even know that he was supposed to take his shoes off to play there. Or where to put them. Or whatever. I think it’s in a mom hand-book or something.
This one big guy sitting by himself was the only non-judgy-mom type I could see, and he kept looking over at me and sorta laughing while Germ was dragging me around. Germ actually gave the guy a fist-bump before running for the slide… so I figured maybe he knew him or something, and decided to try to take my chances on getting him to share his table.


You asked for it... you got it.  Check out the first comment for my interview with Emmett from Imperfectly Perfect.




(Thanks to the lovely Jandco.  Check out her story, right here on ADF.)


Emergency Beta Service - available for authors!

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 3:40 PM

The service offers:

- help with punctuation
- help with proper grammar (for instance, when to use 'he and I' and when it is 'him and me')
- help with phrasing sentences
- input for insignificant plot points
- to beta short teasers (no longer than 250 words, and please include where the teaser will be posted)
- help with summaries

Just to be clear: EBS does not accept complete chapters or oneshots.

We have amazing betas and aim to answer your questions within 2-3 hours

PLEASE visit the site and bookmark us!
We're also on Twitter, add us, because we accept questions and offer quick answers on Twitter too when it's possible



I'm one of THOSE people now.

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 1:50 PM

I remember the days when I shook my angry fist like an woman mad at her husband whenever author's went on "hiatus."

I remember the days where I literally could not finish writing fast enough.

I remember the days where I could say I would never, ever go on hiatus.

That day has come. I'm one of those author's that I used to shake my fist at.

I didn't realize how hectic life actually is when you're not in high school and tons of homework and have to make your own meals.

So, sorry to my small fan base. As of now, I'm done posting. I'm going to take down my unfinished stories and attempt to finish them before reposting. I'm still writing, but nothing of real substance yet.

Have you ever gone on hiatus, temporary or not? Why? Was it hard? Were people mad?

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