
pardon my French

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 4:35 PM

so.... remember those campfires about what language(s) you speak/read/write/know?


well, here's one right now.

i speak english, cantonese and french.  i can write english. and I can read french and english.  hehe.

what languages are you fluent in?

now, I confess I had an ulterior motive in creating this campfire... you see, I wrote a page of my philosophy ramblings about what beauty is... in French.  unfortunately, i'm afraid that it's too "anglicized" and not really french, kwim? so, if any of you campers know French, and are willing to exchange emails so you can look at my work, that'd be great. i may or may not kiss you in gratitude, but...ya know, whatever.


**permission from the purplefonted ranger!, and given warning that you guys might think I'm making you guys do my homework for me.  I don't think I am, but idk if this counts as doing my homework for me...?  if I am, though, I'm sorry.***



Sunday January 23, 2011 at 3:55 PM

OK I know I'm bad but I need some help. I briefly looked over a fic once and can't remember the name. Edward, Rose and Jasper were siblings and just moved into Forks. Bella works as a pizza delivery person and somewhere else I think. She first meets Edward by delivering a pizza to his house.  Bella and Alice are at the beach and find out Edward's family is having a party to get to meet the kids in town.  I know they went to the party with Em but that about it.

Does this sound familar?


Fandom Fic Art Week!

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 3:14 PM




As ange de l’aube once elegantly put it, the Twific graphic artists are a bit like house-elves. They are always hidden, not to be seen or heard, but they always get the job done. They’re the amazing people who make the banners for your stories and the headers for your websites. They are the visual representation of the Twilight fandom.

Now is the time to celebrate those artists. The week of January the 24th, we invite you to honor your favorite banner-makers, designers, and graphic artists.

What To Do:

Simply fill out this form with the information about your banner maker and a note of appreciation. Feel free to do more than one! Then invite your artist to come see what you wrote during the week of January 24 – January 28.

So authors, who made your banner and why do you love them?

Link to the form

Thank you to the lovely Capricorn75 for giving me permission to post this!


Procrastination and Motivation

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 11:46 AM

Okay, basically, I have a heap of college work I really need to have done. And when I say heap, I mean mountain.

I'm not someone who is lazy when it comes to college, homework etc. but the past few weeks, I've found myself not wanting to do any of it - I've been skipping classes, missing deadlines and so on. I have never, ever in my entire 15 years or so of education done either of these things before. And I feel like poopy for doing it, but at the same time, I have no motivation any more.

So, I was wondering, what kind of things stop you guys from procrastinating? What helps to keep you motivated? How do you keep striving for that end goal? And (I can't believe I'm asking this) how do you stop yourself from reading FanFic when you have other things you really should be doing?


P.S. First campfire - is this how these things work? (:

*Edit - Ranger wtvoc, thanks for not deleting :D *


We Goin' Party Like It's Your Birthday

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 11:36 AM

Today is my birthday.....YAY!!!!

Give me your favorite stories centering on a birthday; any characters welcome.



Sunday January 23, 2011 at 11:35 AM

Hey :-) I need some advice. Please would you tell me if you would see the following as a heap of grammatical errors, or just a different style of writing. It's supposed to read a little like The Unbearable Lightness of Being :-) But if it's completely illegible I will simply have to begin again. 


Bella is racing through the decrepit and over-housed neighbourhood which is her home, her bike roaring through the bleariness of the morning, slashing through it like a knife. A battered street sign with a bent-over corner and a four bullet holes welcomes you to Cawdor and asks you to please drive carefully.

Graffiti grows over these buildings like ivy, yellow and pink and blue, Jezza nd Jaz in luv 4eva 2k4, fuk da system; opinions and feelings painted in three foot high neon and faded by the pathetic attempts of a police force which has long since given up. Abandoned cars teeter on street corners, rust splattered over them like dried blood, the windows blown out and craters where chairs should be.

The constantly falling rain collects in the potholes which mark the road, and her wheels displace the water, send it flying behind her like confetti. It patters down on the ground, and newly-grown rainbows spread over the surface of it, caused by leaked oils from second-hand cars and dodgy motors.

An old man shuffles his way along the street, his fingers clutched around a pipe which he has never considered giving up. It is as much a part of him as his arms and legs are; he has had his pipe since he was a young man. Memories of a long life swirl within the smoke, turning and disappearing into the air. It puffs out of the corner of his mouth; his lips are pursed around the varnished stem. His hair is sparse and loops his head like that of a monk, and his eyebrows stick out and inch in front of his face, bristly and grey. His eyes are watery and clouded and his heart beats painfully, pump-pump, pump-pump, how much longer, how much longer. Not so long now, the smoke promises as it leaves his system. I'm nearly done.

He hears the bike from behind him and turns a saggy neck, watches it approach. The noise grows louder as the wheels fly over the road, and he watches the water spray up around it as it growls its way forward. He glances at the pothole beside him and curses, struggling to move faster, get out of the way; but she is upon him and the wheel hits the water and it rises up in a huge splash, and arcs, curves through the air. It lands on his clothes, patters against his skin, soaks his side. She flicks her head to look at him and she shoots him an apologetic glance; but she is gone too soon for him to notice. He sticks up his middle finger and curses her through the corner of his mouth. His words are foggy. Stupid kids, he says, stupid kids and their stupid jacked-up bicycles.




Empires Of The Mind

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 9:34 AM

Is anyone else reading this? Come and share your reactions


Mines is inside


Must-Read Classic, regardless

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 7:10 AM

So this is kinda a long set up to describe the recs I'm looking for, but bear with me. I'm hoping people's suggestions might help in dealing with an epic "to read" list.

I don't write fanfic but I read a hell of a lot of it. Some stories are slow to update. That's just how it is.

I don't hold it against an author. Real life happens, sometimes they lose interest in the story, sometimes they are dealing with the motherload of writer's block. That's the reality of the situation, not a flaw in them as people or writers.

But, as a reader, I'm not gonna lie, there are times when this is frustrating as hell: When you get rec'd a WIP, read it, fall in love, crave an update, only to realize that even though it indicates that it was recently updated, the update before that was probably months ago, and this is one of those stories where there might not be another update in a looooong time. if at all.

But I'm not starting this campfire to complain about the ones that drive you nuts. I'm trying to negotiate all of the "must-read classics" on my to-read list. Some are still WIP, but are they worth the read anyway?

I want to know which classic stories are the WIPs (that are probably already on my mile-long "to read" list) that are:

 - MUST READ (as in, if you are a Twific junkie, this is one that shouldn't be missed)
 - a WIP that is either super slow to update or probably abandoned or on hiatus
 - but is absolutely worth the read, just to swim in that story world


My examples are inside... 


for your time:

Beastie Boys, Slow and Low... that is the tempo!


my new fave Rob pic


What can I serve you, gorgeous?

Sunday January 23, 2011 at 6:46 AM

Rob likes Heineken, I've heard.  

Are you a beer drinker?  White wine ?  Drinks with umbrellas?  
Candy-flavored Vodka stuff?


(What a lovely shoulder...bicep...cheekbone... hand...ffffffingersssszzzz.  YUM.  Taken in 2008, they say.)


happy birthday!

Saturday January 22, 2011 at 9:56 PM


It be Punk's birthday today! (today being the 23rd... im in the uk so it's totally her birthday already here)

Anyways show her some love and spam her some sexy men :) she likes em tattooed and skinny and shiz :) and of course she likes the Rob.... 

Maybe some Harry Potter? or some Greenday? 

Punk is a freaking amazing girl, she's funny, dirty minded, honest and so freaking kind and she deserves some birthday love so give her some! .... use protection though cause even though you all seem like nice girls, even nice girls can be nasty ;) 

hehe even one with his wife cause i know punk would totally do her too :p


Name of a Fic?

Saturday January 22, 2011 at 9:49 PM

I hate doing this...I don't know why but it just makes me feel bad :\

Anyway, I read a EdwardxJasper slash a while back and I can't for the life of me remember the name of the fic....  It was a multichap, AU, AH, and I think OOC....  Edward and Jasper are in college and Jasper sees Edward in his history class.  Well after that he basically stalks the boy and later on you find out that Edward was basically stalking Jasper too (because they felt that instant attraction thing).  Let's see...It sends J for a loop because he liked girls before Edward...they kiss in the rain after J sees E kiss Rosalie...Em, R, E, and J all watch gay porn together...J gets "outed" to his family and their friends when his little sister, who is playing with his phone, finds a picture of Edward and him kissing and screams it...

That's about all I rememeber ^_^  If any of you know what this FanFic is I owe you so much!


***FOUND IT!  All I Ever Knew.  Thank you everyone who helped :)


Waiting Games

Saturday January 22, 2011 at 9:28 PM


My day has sucked thus far. My grandmother is in the hospital at the moment, in surgery. We (me and my family) don't know what is really wrong know what's wrong but not the cause. So it's one big freaking waiting game. Me and my brother (whom I'll call Waldo) are in charge of caring for our grandfather-who has Alzheimer's-and it's really been stressful.


We, I, kind of need a pick me up. Anything funny, stupid or just plain embarrassing will do. :)

Thank ya!



*side note: y'all on here are awesome!!!!*


late night shenanigans

Saturday January 22, 2011 at 9:09 PM

so i just came across this gem


despite the fact that it's missing the best line in the entire movie, i had a really good laugh over it

post videos from your favorite movies, movies that you could pretty much quote the entire thing start to finish, movies you can't wait to show your kids once they hit a certain age, etc

fyi- wayne's world makes all of those lists for me as it's one of the funniest movies ever made

also, if anyone wants to gif this clip for me, i'd surely appreciate it


What things remind you of your favorite fics?

Saturday January 22, 2011 at 7:15 PM

So today, I had the radio on and heard "Hate Myself for Loving You"  .... which immediately made me think of the wonderful Halojones and one of my all time favorite stories. So what I am wondering is this: What things do you come across during the day that make you think of your favorite fics or favorite authors?

  and   make me think of I Hate Myself for Loving You

These make me think of Clipped Wings and Inked Armor --------->

And when I think of a certain Purple Font Ranger I always think of these:

(I think after reading It's Good to be Back, so very long ago, that I used "snickerdoodling" as a verb for weeks.)

So come in and share with me (pictures or words, I'm happy with either!) - what makes you think of your favorite stories? I can't be the only one who hears a song or sees a box of cereal and wants to jump online to read some fic!

Fluent in Sarcasm

Let's talk...

Saturday January 22, 2011 at 3:18 PM

Ok so,

I want you best lemons...

they can be one-shots, full fic, multi-partner, slash, whatever!

talk to me, give me your favs

what gets your juices flowing...?

(figuratively! pervs lol)


I want your stuff!

Saturday January 22, 2011 at 3:04 PM

Hi Campers....

I'm a former editor/sometimes contributor to a really cool website,  It's a site made FOR women, ABOUT women, and BY women!

We are looking for YOUR contributions!!

We're undergoing a redesign but will be launching our next Jan/Feb issue on MONDAY so you gotta move fast... I'll need your contributions for this issue by tomorrow!

The theme is CASTLES IN THE SKY.

We need:





* Mar/April 2011: Reflections
* May/June 2011: Childhood Memories
* July/Aug 2011: Forbidden Pleasures
* Sept/Oct 2011: Wasteland
* Nov/Dec 2011: Burning the Midnight Oil

This isn't a fandom related we're looking for ORIGINAL WORK, anything creative!

***If you have something to CONTRIBUTE....PM me your EMAIL ADDRESS.  I can't guarantee I can respond if you don't give me your email address.***

If you have any questions please ask in this campfire and I will answer ASAP!!



Fic Generator

Saturday January 22, 2011 at 1:28 PM

I don't know whether or not this has appeared here before, but I'm so amused, I had to post it.

THIS will change my life forever. I will never again have to expend energy to write!

Anyway, the real purpose of this campfire is to post your generated drabbles. I'd love to see them. There's not too much variety, but it's funny nonetheless. (I think Stephenie Meyer may have used this to write Breaking Dawn).

Mine is in the comments.



Saturday January 22, 2011 at 11:56 AM


thanks everyone for letting me vent.  anyone else need to       rage?











Life after DoMF

Saturday January 22, 2011 at 10:04 AM

Now what do I do with my Fridays??

does anyone know of a good WIP that has a weekly posting schedule? Something to fill my weekly WIP gap? It doesn't have to update on friday, any day will do, as long as it is relaible and with an intresting plot...


Riding Solo

Saturday January 22, 2011 at 9:53 AM

Good morning foresters! Hope you are all having a great weekend so far :0) I need your opinion on a solo trip I'm thinking of taking tomorrow. The details are in the comments...

Also, do you guys make solo trips ever? To the museum, to the theater, or the zoo, lol? Or if you can't but you could, would you? Where would you go for a little 'you' time if you could get away for a few hours? 

Also, you all need to move to south mississippi or new orleans and then we could do group outings ,lol. You know Rob and Kristen *do* film in NOLA sometimes...just saying! :0)


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