Is Kstew the most annoying person of 2010???

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 1:17 PM

Sorry If this has been posted before.

So every year the BBC produce a programme where they do a fun rundown of the 100 most annoying people of the year which is voted for by the public.

This year Kristen Stewart came in at number 25!

So what do you think? Do you agree? Do you think she should've been higher or lower or not included at all????

I'm torn I think she can be a cool gal but gees she does seem to do a lot of complaining. If I had to sacrifice 2 or 3 years of being harassed by the paparazzi and bugged by twilight fans and in return I got financial security for the rest of my life I say bring it on. But then maybe those are just the coments the media plays on to paint her in a bad light.

Anyways look at the clip and tell me if you agree with the very finest Z list celebrities Great Britain has to offer!

EDIT: I just found the clip and thought it was funny. No offence meant to any Kstew fans : )


Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 12:12 PM


Okay, so it has been a long time since I have had a fic consume my mind like this one. All day I have been trying to think of ways this can go. Only 2 chapters and a short epi left. Come in and share your thoughts.

LJ Summers

Time Traveling Fic List

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 11:43 AM

Today's List is brought to you by the letter T and the number 85.

I received quite a few requests while I was "on hiatus" from compiling fic lists, but just in the last few days, I've received at least as many has I had during the entire time I was off. :)  Our campers have discriminating tastes!

twisty time


Today, we're looking for TIME TRAVEL fics.  Stories that involve going back or forward in time by a principal character.  They might be going far into the distant past or just to their own younger years.  The story might be AU or AH, and could have any rating.  

Where do YOUR favorite Time Travel stories take you?  Share with us here in this campfire.


And ahem. Please remember the rules, Campers1

1.  Title, author, link and summary.  We're not waxing rhapsodic here. This is a rec fire -- we are figuring it's a GREAT FIC!

2.  No discussions. Just make this a list. :)  


Thanks so much for sharing your faves around the fire and for keeping the MASTER FIC LIST dynamic!


Cheer Up, Buttercup!

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 10:14 AM

So, right now, I'm sick with Strep. It's just so wonderful. I sound awful, my throat is raw, and to top it all off, I'm at college, four hours away from home. While most people I go to school with could go home, since they all live no more than two hours away, I cannot. And it sucks. Because right now, I would love nothing more than to just simply go home and sleep in my own bed. Plus, me being sick doesn't help the fact that I'm not very happy at my school.


Anyway, the reason for this campfire is to cheer me, and anyone else who's having a rough couple of days/weeks up. Post funny pictures, videos, stories that are just happy happy happy, anything. And, if you would like to vent, you can do so in the comments. Thank you!


Approved by grown.ass.woman



Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 9:52 AM



This week’s game:

Ode to FanFic

Are you a poet and didn’t even know it?

Write a verse, limerick, rhyme haiku, sonnet, song verse something short and pretty that describes, discusses or celebrates a particular fanfic. Then leave guesses for other entries. Do both – see if you can rhyme AND reason!

1. Your poem can be a limerick, rhyme, haiku, sonnet, song verse, anything as long as it describes, discusses, celebrates or gives clue to a particular fanfic.
2. Don’t give away the fanfic title or author in your poem.
3. When you leave a guess, make sure to also enter a poem as well! Try both rhyme and reason!



Chicken Alfredo, and yummy treats
Eaten each day, yet we don’t get fat!
Scars usually kept hidden away,
Are silently shared, tit for tat.

Answer (Wide Awake)


He says "Come" and boy, do I; he's my special fifty shades kind of guy

Answer (MoTU)

My first entry inside.

Thanks to Cappy for putting up with me on Wednesdays, and for the stickie thingie. 


The Worst Fanfic Ever Written

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 9:47 AM

Apologies if I am way behind the game and everyone already knows about this, but someone recently sent me the following links to what is supposedly the worst fanfic in the history of ever (It isn't Twific, sorry):

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Ignore the bolded commentary the first time you read it-- it's better that way. Also, you really need to read through to Chapter 3. Really. The "big surprise" is quite worth it.

So, here's my question. Have any of you read twific of this particular caliber? Did you read the whole thing? Did you leave a review? Do you leave poor writing alone, but feel the need to speak up when said poor writing includes racist themes?

Mostly, I just wanted to share this bit of greatness with you all. You don't learn new things about dead pigeons and the transformative power of Jesus every day...



Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 9:39 AM

OK I was on here the other day and seen a rec and now can't seem to find it. It was about Bella going to work for Edward. Not sure if it was porn or like playboy. All I seen of the fic was Tanya showing Bella into the interview with Edward. I think he had to see her naked. She just turned 18 and he gave her the job. That's about all I know. Does anyone know this fic?


By Request:

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 7:54 AM

A Different Forest is proud to announce

(well, really just me, but it sounds more special that way)

the return of a few helpful:

Last week witvoc asked what you would like to see in the forest and consensus was that the posts, like the "Amnesia Campfire", brought a certain sense of order to the forest, like a good set of pruning shears in spring. Since I stopped doing these (omg, real life) I know that other weekly posts have come up but it seems as though people are still missing these originals.

But now I need your help. I would like to know what you want and when you want it.

That is a tall order and I can't please everyone, but I will try to please some of you at least. 

This is the list of campfires that used to be weekly: 

Recommendation Campfire (general, I usually post a guide for the week but anything goes)

Pimp Campfire (tell us what you write or what a friend is writing)

Rec Campfire II (because one wasn't enough this was bi-weekly, different theme)

Amnesia Campfire (what was the name of that fic again?)

Chat Campfire (which may not be wanted anymore now that there is Free For All Friday but maybe we could do this midweek)

If anyone remembers something that they liked/disliked about these or if they have any suggestions, please post them in this campfire. I will have out a list of regularly scheduled days and times when this is talked about. For example, I may start with a Rec/Pimp/Amnesia schedule.


robert pattinson is hot.

Wednesday January 26, 2011 at 6:39 AM

So, while watching Teen Mom last night (Chelsea, he's only back because he wants to live in the house yer dad pays for!  This will not end well!  Don't take him back!) something horrible/wonderful happened. 

Normally, I like to keep my Twilight separate from my Teen Mom, you know, a girl's gotta have boundaries and all that...

but then:

Teen Mom Janelle looks just like another teen mom we all know!  Bella Swan! 

know of any other Looks Just Likes?  or just discuss this or teen mom. 


Help me find a fic!!!! PLEASE!!!

Tuesday January 25, 2011 at 8:26 PM

Ok so I can not, for the life of me remember the name of a fic that had me crying.


Bella goes with her college roommate Alice to her home during spring break (or some other vacation time). She meets Alice's brother, Edward. At first she thinks he's standoffish, but in reality has lukemia (or some sort of cancer), and hides in his room. Bella and him develop a friendship that turns into something more.


Please if you know the name of it, I would be oh so grateful!!!


Happy Australia Day!!!

Tuesday January 25, 2011 at 8:03 PM


Today is the day that we celebrate Australia. In America, you have the 4th of July... we have the 26th of January.

Although our origins may have been less than perfect, it is a pretty great country now. Here is some info for you from Wikipedia

Australia Day (previously known as Anniversary Day, Foundation Day, and ANA Day)[1] is the official national day of Australia. Celebrated annually on 26 January, the date commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788 and the proclamation at that time of British sovereignty over the eastern seaboard of New Holland.[2]Although it was not known as Australia Day until over a century later, records of celebrations on 26 January date back to 1808, with the first official celebration of the formation of New South Wales held in 1818. It is presently an official public holiday in every state and territory of Australia and is marked by inductions into the Order of Australia and presentations of the Australian of the Year awards, along with an address from the governor-general and prime minister.
The date is controversial to some Australians, particularly those of Indigenous heritage, leading to the use of alternate names, such as Invasion Day and Survival Day. Proposals have been made to change the date of Australia Day, but these have failed to gain widespread public support.

I am a Sydney girl born and bred. I cross the Sydney Harbour Bridge every day on the bus to get to work and take it for-granted way too often.


I love this country. I love its vibrancy, acceptance and the ability it gives me to be whoever I want to be. I know I want to travel more overseas, but I will forever call Australia home.

So, are there any other Aussies out there? Share your Australia Day plans with us! Anyone ever visited Aus? Share your experiences with us all! 

This is an Australia ROCKS post. I'm heading off to my Aunt's house for a BBQ soon (tradition for most families on Australia Day), so I want to come back home to lots of love for my country!

Thanks to grown.ass.woman and wtvoc for permission to celebrate here in The Forest!


Luna StarFire

Pow! Kick! Boom!

Tuesday January 25, 2011 at 7:44 PM


Hello my chickas and one or two males!  Its time to pick your lovely brains.  I have movies on the brain so the next couple of days I'm going to see about asking questions about some of your fave (blanks) in a movie.  So here goes:
Name/show your favorite movie fight scene.
**Just a minor note that if there is a particular movie you want to see and your afraid it might ruin a movie moment for you don't watch**
Side bar also, thanks for GAW for approving this message.  X D


Tuesday January 25, 2011 at 7:18 PM

I recently finished a fic where Edward had cancer. And it really touched my heart and it seemed to make the bond between Edward and Bella that much stronger. Does anyone have any preferably complete fics that has any of the twilight characters with a disease of some sort whether it be cancer or something like that, where they fall in love?


there fell a stillness

Tuesday January 25, 2011 at 4:25 PM

there fell a stillness by happyinlove just updated... and i am dearly dearly confused.

here's the link to the latest chapter: right here

can someone please enlighten me?  and lettuce discuss, because I love this story so hard, i was just thrown for a loop

*probably spoilers**


cantcha hear my heart beat for the very first time

Tuesday January 25, 2011 at 4:17 PM

let's talk about our firsts


first love, first lust, first sex, first boyfriend, first girlfriend, first car, first kiss, first kid, first best friend betrayal, first louis vuitton, etc.  tell us about your first ~something significant~ in your life, and use lots of great details because i'm nosy


to avoid confusion, post different firsts as different comments to satiate those of us with attention span issues


first time i sobbed while watching a tv show for your time:

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Sell me your Technology

Tuesday January 25, 2011 at 2:36 PM

I've got a wee problem....

My cell phone kicked the bucket.  Or rather, my old, 3 lb, nothing fancy, grandma cell phone kicked the bucket. 

I need a new one, and as my contract is almost up, my provider is offering me a free BLACKBERRY if I sign a three year contract. 

So....Tell me campers....Would you take that deal?  Do I even want a Blackberry?  Why are Iphones better?

Come and tell me your choices as far as technology goes, and why you've chosen what you have....cellphones? laptops? Those reader things that I'd never be able to figure out? Mac or PC?  I wanna hear it!

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And while you're at it, wtvoc wants you to sell her on verizon for iphone...or not. (I don't know what she's talking about - HELP HER!)


Lovin A Monkey

Tuesday January 25, 2011 at 2:01 PM

Its been a rough couple of weeks for my favorite lil fella. 

The chodes at the Razzies decided to express their jealousy at his overwhelming Hotness by "Nominating" him as worst supporting actor for Eclipse and of course they are all over The Last AIrBender as well. But the truth of the matter is, they are just insecure little men who wish they could be him,(we know it), so we razzie right back at you.  

Hes been pretty quiet lately...Some of the fellas from his band have formed a side band called "Mechanical People". Dont know what that means for the 100 Monkeys, I hope nothing. I HOPE they will be touring in the Summer. They did just announce a concert in Vancouver B.C.(DAMMIT!) March 4th, so I am hopeful that means ALL the boys will be there. 

They have been on MTV's the SEVEN a couple of times now and that is pretty exciting. The footage is from the December and New Years concerts, so I am really looking forward to hearing some new NEWS soon, such as release dates for the album,"LIQUID ZOO", or the Summer tour dates so those of us who are planning on trying to follow can begin planning. 

No release date on "Girlfriend" movie yet, and Shadowland went from being listed as "Pre-production" to "In development" so that doesnt tend to bode well, but considering I kinda loathe that book...meh.  IMHO, he could do soo much better. 

Anyhow, this is your monthly  Jackson update. It is also a Jackson affection post. I think he needs and deserves it. 

Come in, bring your well wishes for him and share any good Jackson porn you may have, I will.



Tuesday January 25, 2011 at 11:14 AM

How in the world did "The Town" not get nominated for Best Picture? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?

I hated the Social Network.

Tell us which films/people you think got unfairly snubbed by the Academy this year, and why.



My heart hurts

Tuesday January 25, 2011 at 7:27 AM

I am reading TheBestMan. I am on chapter 24.
Someone come and hold my hand, please.

*spoilers and tears*


LJ Summers

Brokenward Fic List

Tuesday January 25, 2011 at 6:22 AM

It's really a sad thing to see, when Edward has been broken. 



Whether it was by horrible happenings in his youth or because a woman has destroyed his faith in other women, he is broken inside.  

Where can we find Brokenward?  

AH or AU, all ratings and pairings, share with us the best of Brokenward!

I'll share my rec within...


Thank you for sharing your favorite Brokenward fics around the fire!




P.S. REMEMBER, even if you can't think of a Brokenward fic, you might still be able to add recs to any one of the eighty-four lists on the Master Fic List!

First --- | >> | 921 | 922 | 923 | 924 | 925 | 926 | 927 | 928 | 929 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
