
Is it sad of me...

Friday February 11, 2011 at 10:26 AM

that I'm so excited that I found out lastnight that the 6th and final book in the Earth's Children Series will be out on my birthday???

"The Land of Painted Caves by Jean M. Auel" will be out on March 29, 2011...

(yeah, I'm a dork...)



Friday February 11, 2011 at 9:51 AM

CBC News Reports 

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has resigned on the 18th day of anti-government protests, and handed over power to the military.

The historic announcement was made live on state TV by Vice-President Omar Suleiman at about 6 p.m. local time Friday.

"In these difficult circumstances that the country is passing through, President Hosni Mubarak has decided to leave the position of the presidency," Suleiman said in a five-minute address translated into English. "He has commissioned the armed forces council to direct the issues of the state."

The announcement elicited wild cheers from protesters — hundreds of thousands of whom had deluged squares in at least three major cities Friday, and marched on presidential palaces and the state TV building, key symbols of the authoritarian regime.

Protesters jumped up and down in Cairo's Tahrir Square, chanting, "Egypt is free!," "God is great," "The people have brought down the regime."


Wow, it's been how long? 30 years? It was time. 



Friday February 11, 2011 at 9:39 AM

Tell me how you feel about this, I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings.

[Apologies if the song gets stuck in your brain!]

Since it's FFA, I thought I'd ask you guys to ponder and mayhaps solve some problems that have been befuddling my mind.

My first question is for mothers of three year olds [past, present] who have dealt with tantrums of EPIC proportions...

/My three year old has recently started going over to friends' homes. By friends, I mean neighbors [and my co-workers]. Now, I don't mind so much but she's overdoing it and I dont want her to become unwelcome. Also, when it's time to leave - she kicks up a huge fuss: screaming, crying, HITTING, BITING!! She refuses to come to her dad or me, instead clinging to my coworkers...but, she hardly even plays with the kids...she just wants to  be around people...but it's getting humiliating when she gets so crazy...HALP ME PLEASE!/

If you have questions, please partake in the asking inside.

Happy Place.

Got Josh Hartnett?

Share - pics, movie recs...whatevz.

Just saw Mozart and the whale. EVERYONE. WATCH IT.



Friday February 11, 2011 at 9:31 AM

I don't know if I can do this, but ...


Does anyone know what's going on with the TwiFicDatabase (google docs)?

It's been awhile since anything new was added.


Bringing back the 90's

Friday February 11, 2011 at 9:14 AM

That's right! I'm in a nineties mood.

Come in THIS campfire right here and post some of the best nineties videos.

I got this one here.



Gone baby Gone

Friday February 11, 2011 at 8:47 AM

Krismom has pulled her stories form FF. I know she has lots of followers and people love her. I'm not here to bash her but I have discovered that her stories might have been plagirized from other works? Its this true? Am I wrong?  I found a book called Whatever makes you Happy  by William Sutcliffe that has the same scenes word for word. You can read it for yourself, link is below. Make your own conclusions and tell me what you think. And please be nice. Nice to her and to me. I will go hide now.


Are You A Gleek?

Friday February 11, 2011 at 7:35 AM

Does your entire world stop when Glee is on?

Who are you favorite couple?

Who do you ship even if they're not together?

Do you despise Sue or is she your idol?

Does it make you sad every time you remember that Mr. Schu is gay in real life?

Do Brittany's comments light up your life?

Do you have all the CDs? Do you turn it up when you hear a Glee song on the radio?

Are you going to the concert tour this summer? If you're going in Cleveland, I'll see you there!

Answer in as many gifs as possible. I need to increase my Glee collection!


My Cherry

Friday February 11, 2011 at 7:09 AM

She is popped.   o.O

First campfire ever, and I want to dedicate it to everyone who has been so wonderful and supportive to Garment of Brightness.

First of all, the new chapter is UP!! And I want to give the most heartfelt thanks to everyone who made that possible:

AVerySubtleGift ~ my long-suffering beta! Twelve drafts on this last chapter folks. Is she awesome sauce or what?

Geo3, Chicklette, Quothme, WoodLily, Anais Mark ~ pre-readers and hand-holders extraordinaire. I only have two hands but I have needed all of you to help me through the dry spells, the doubts and the tantrums. Oi.

Readers. What can I say. You are the most wonderful people.  You pm me to ask if I'm ok, and hang in there and don't stop writing. And the pimping. I'm flabbergasted. And honored. If I try to name each of you I am afraid to leave someone out, so let me just say you know who you are, and I know who you are and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Thank you thank you thank you!


So here, without further ado, is a little pretteh:


And some tease ...

As if my uncontrollable thirst for her weren't enough, I have step by step brought Bella closer and closer to the veil that separates our world from hers.


And ye linkes (clicks on the pics)


(in the beginning ... )



(the owl presides over the latest chapter ... )


FFA, kids.

Friday February 11, 2011 at 5:56 AM

Be free.

and gimme more videos.  also, i have a huge crush on warren entner and rob grill.  and look!  it's Creed from The Office totally playing the bass.  Seriously.  That's him.


Got Peen?

Thursday February 10, 2011 at 9:34 PM

What's the funniest penis name you have ever heard or the funniest accidental peen pic you have ever seen?



Vampire Diaries

Thursday February 10, 2011 at 6:41 PM

Who's watching?

I've missed it for the past couple of weeks because FOR SOME REASON IT COMES ON AT 7PM HERE, which is stupidly early for any kind of TV. Stupid Central Time Zone. I don't even eat dinner til 7:30 or 8.

Anyway, WTF is going on on Vampire Diaries?



The Weekly Rec Campfire

Thursday February 10, 2011 at 6:30 PM

Welcome to the WEEKLY RECOMMENDATION CAMPFIRE. Last week, I recommended some fics that I started reading due to your wonderful words of praise. 

I am not going to do that today because I had a crazy weekend including drinking with The Decemberists and watching my fictional harem of husbands win the Super Bowl and I am STILL recovering instead I am going to clarify a few things about this post.....

This post is part of our weekly campfire series...

It includes, the Pimp Campfire on Mondays where you can tell us about you and your friends and what you do:

and the HELP DESK is posted every Tuesday where you can as for specific recommendations and help finding lost fics:

ALL of these campfires can be found throughout the week by visiting the TAGS section of our search engine and entering "REC, HELP or PIMP". You can also favorite them for easier searching. These are great resources and we should all use them! There are MANY other fantastic weekly campfires as well. Enjoy them all!

Thank you for your time and now, please, TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD READ and by all means LINK IT UP because nobody likes to go searching for the good stuff.


The Runaways

Thursday February 10, 2011 at 5:56 PM

I was just checking the Netflix instant queue for new arrivals, and The Runaways is available now to watch instantly.  My feelings are mixed on K. Stew's acting abilities, so I really want to watch this - plus Joan Jett Rules!


Is this movie any good?


Rangers:  Please delete if this isn't appropriate.  Thank you


Wanna giggle?

Thursday February 10, 2011 at 4:51 PM

It's been one of those days... you know which ones i'm talking about. Where everything just feels like complete and utter cat poop. Well, someone sent me THIS to cheer me up.

It made me laugh, and I feel a lot better. So... what's made YOU laugh lately. Got any other funny Twlight things? I thought this video was kinda genious to be honest.

Make someone else smile. Post something :) 



Thursday February 10, 2011 at 3:32 PM





There is an AMNESIA CAMPFIRE every Tuesday.

Here is the link to the last one. LAST WEEK'S AMNESIA CAMPFIRE

They are all given a "Help Desk" tag as well so people can find them. sheesh.


Please save up your "help me find" questions for TUESDAYS so everyone can join forces and direct their energy to the cause in a cooperative effort. Thank you.



i'm gonna win you back.

Thursday February 10, 2011 at 3:14 PM

I want a AH OOC fic that's about Edward breaking up with Bella for someone else but they stay really good friends. Then Bella gets a little fiesty and fights to win him back. 





Thursday February 10, 2011 at 3:07 PM

Omg...I can't even handle it anymore... you guys, I'm gonna lose it.


In 7 days I will see BOBBY LONG ...

omg glasses--

Dear Indiana: Alert your paramedics. Have the portable defibrillator ready...imma have a heart attack i'm so freaking excited!

And look... maybe Bobby isn't coming to your city....I feel bad because seeing him LIVE is an other-worldly experience.  There just aren't any words.  BUT--- you can go on youtube and watch ANY of the 57495634765347 Bobby Long videos on there.  There's this one dude on Youtube who records all kinds of concerts and the quality is soooo good. IDEK who this guy is...but gahh I love his stuff.  He recorded an entire BOBBY show in Vienna last year. 


This is one of my favs:

So come on Campers... talk to me about Bobby Long.  Or anything else.  TELL ME SOMETHING YOU'RE WICKED EXCITED FOR!
Or Just tell me how EXCITED YOU ARE FOR ME because omg ONE WEEK!!!!
oohh i almost forgot... if you're not already doing it...
follow @BobbyLongNews on twitter!!


Thursday February 10, 2011 at 12:15 PM

I'm on the look out for some quality slash, got any recs?

(this doesn't need approval, right? because of it's relation to ff...) 


Oldies but Goodies

Thursday February 10, 2011 at 8:53 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Hey Campers!

It is time to discuss Chapters 16-20, the final chapters, of Mutually Assured Destruction.

Anyone who has ever read the story is welcome to come in and share your thoughts.

Thanks for all of the awesome participation in the read along so far - its been great fun!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

The next story that we will be reading will be announced on Monday. I'm very excited for it - stay tuned!

Also, in the Monday fire, please come share any thoughts/ideas/suggestions you have about this whole read along business. =)


Eliciting Emotions

Thursday February 10, 2011 at 4:27 AM

This is a campfire about THIS GUY:


Anyways, my husband and I are currently discussing Jasper's talent because I had an idea for a fic while I was ironing my kids' clothes for school a few mins ago. So I ran to my computer and began typing the plot out, but I had to fill in some holes with Alice since it's an AU, but (almost) long story short, it eventually led into a question about Bella and how she doesn't repel Jasper's talent.

I used to think it was so simple because I always assumed that emotions were born in our bodies, and not our minds. However, according to scientists, and my hubs, that simply isn't true.

Turns out, emotions are created in the limbic system... I hate it when he's right. I'm not gonna get into it's location because frankly, I'm not a brain surgeon, but this left me wondering, if the brain is the birthplace of emotions that, in turn, send out physiological reactions pertaining to particular affections to our body (which I always thought were where emotions were created), then wouldn't that mean that Bella would have the ability to repel Jasper, too?

Or does this work like Spellbreaker, or Shadowform, in Guild Wars where direct spells can't affect you but spells which surround an "area" do because they're not directly affecting you? (Sorry, that was probably for my understanding so I'm making sense to myself.)

I mean, is that what Jasper does? Does he get to bypass Bella's brain because he affects the mood of the area, and therefore she only experiences the physiological reactions to these emotions because he's experiencing them as well? Is this what he sends out? Or am I thinking too hard about this and someone needs to slap me and tell me to go to bed cause I've been up for 24 hrs?

Your thoughts?

gogogogogogogo. I'vehadtoomuchcoffeethismorning,methinks.

Solid, real-life advice FYT

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