Oldies but Goodies

Monday February 14, 2011 at 8:46 AM

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Hey Campers!

Today we're announcing the next fic in this read along series.....

With great pleasure, I bring you our second story.....


Abbracciare il Cantante by Bratty-Vamp!!!

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So, dear campers, go forth and read chapters 1-10. Then come back and discuss them with us on Thursday! Can't wait!!

Use this fire to discuss this fic, or share any read along related ideas you have

(no spoilers please!!!)

D'Oh!  The banner is now a link to the story here in the forest! =)

Fluent in Sarcasm


Monday February 14, 2011 at 8:45 AM

I would like to start this fire by wishing everyone who has had a birthday recently, or has one coming up a "Happy Birthday"!

I would like to know what fic's you are reading, that are on hiatus or not updating, that you REALLY wish would update!

Mine are inside


(I'm hoping that this CF is A-OK, as my last one was deleted..... *sniffle*)


Birthday Love

Monday February 14, 2011 at 5:50 AM

Today is a very special birthday. Someone MANY of us have seen around the forest and probably interacted with, and maybe even read her story, To the Highest Bidder, RainyGirl1978!

OMG, go read her story and show her some birthday love! What you may not know, is that she is a genuinely caring person, who puts others above herself almost ALWAYS. She is always willing to help her friends out, even those she may not know with words of encouragement and support. Shes kindhearted, strong-minded, down to earth, funny, witty, a KICK BUTT writer, and amazing. And ANYONE would be blessed to call her a friend. AND it's super easy, just say hi. She's THAT friendly! So please come in here and leave some birthday love, and make and AMAZING new friend while you're at it!

That one makes me smile. And look Melinda, birthday presents (AND I didn't curse ONCE even though I wanted to say how much I bleeping LOVE you! ;)


Monday February 14, 2011 at 5:02 AM

I just finished Sanctuary by Jennyfly (which I loved) and I was wondering if there were any other Priestward and Bella stories that anyone could recommend.  Thanks!


Heroes (not the bas tv series, tyvm)

Sunday February 13, 2011 at 7:27 PM

This made me tear up like a fucking idiot.

For those of you who didn't grow up worshipping Nadia Comaneci:
Only one of the SEVEN perfect tens she achieved. The first in history to ever receive one.
Who's YOUR hero?

Sharpen your #2 pencils, children

Sunday February 13, 2011 at 2:50 PM

It's time to play


Yes, that's right, it's that crazy game that everyone is playing! Get that thing off of your chest by wrapping it in a pretty package of prose!

Oooooooh, sound like fun? Sound cathartic? Sound like a way to blow off some steam??

I KNOW some of you are already experts in this field and I bow to your passive-aggressive superiority. Look! That sentence right there is a great example! 

Remember, it is only passive aggressive if you don't name names so NO NAMES PLEASE, but if you ever wanted to write something on someone's Facebook page or tweet something to someone or comment on their silly blog or even write a fanfiction review that is not so positive.... Now is the TIME to do it.

This is an exercise in rhetoric, ladies and gentlemen. Let's see how passive-aggressive YOU can be!


Twitter Help?

Sunday February 13, 2011 at 12:39 PM

So I am very new at twitter. I basically did it to follow some of the FAB FF writers out there.

Today I had to protect my tweets because I currently have 4 people following me that are spam/ads type of things.

Can I remove them from following me?

Thanks- J



Sunday February 13, 2011 at 9:45 AM


As you can see today is Jennyfly's birthday

come in wish her happy birthday

spam her with her favourite things




Does anyone have these?

Sunday February 13, 2011 at 12:27 AM

(It used to ok to do Harry Potter posts when it wasn't FFA Friday...hope it still is)

Back when Minisinoo took down her HP fanfic website she told everyone they could download her stories for personal reading.   I did... all of them.    My laptop died.   I got the blue screen of death tonight.    Guess where all my Cedric stories were...yep...laptop.   Does anyone by chance have the Aorist Subjunctive stories or the Finding Himself oneshots?   I've managed to track down the other stories on websites that she has listed in her FanFic profile.    I have private messaged her but I don't know if she checks anything to that acct anymore since she retired from writing.    I really would love to have these stories on my Kindle.



Mac vs. PC?

Saturday February 12, 2011 at 7:53 PM

Basically what the titles says. I'm in the market for a new laptop. Try to convince me what path to choose.




I has a heartbroken. Cheer up fire?

Saturday February 12, 2011 at 7:38 PM

As Hubbin and I were driving home tonight there was what we thought was an accident because of a police care with the lights on in our lane, so we went around and there was a man on the curb with his head in his hands and in front of him laying in the road was a dog. A big German Shepard or Lab type dog, partially covered with a jacket.

I just burst into tears.

Immediately went into the house and grabbed Bella, our ten-year-old Dalmatian and just sat on the floor hugging her and sobbing like an idiot. Hubbin finally came and sat behind me and pulled me into his lap so I could cry on him.

I know a lot of you have furbabies and I thought maybe we could share pictures of our babies and cute furries? LOLCats and the like accepted too. I just need to smile and lighten up. I keep sniffling and our cat, Emma keeps head butting me. I think she is trying to tell me to keep my chin up.

I'll post more inside.


game time!

Saturday February 12, 2011 at 7:12 PM


Here are the rules:

1)Make a comment with a category and a letter.
2)Everyone comments with their answers
3)if you make a unique comment, you get 1 point. if two people comment the same, no points. if the answer has two words with the same first letter, 2 points.

for example:

bands that start with the letter B-

-Backstreet Boys (2 points)
-BeeGees (1 point)


idk how we'll keep score, if we even will BUT IT WILL STILL BE FUN



thanks coral, for lending me this idea, lol



Saturday February 12, 2011 at 7:06 PM

Two part post:

1. I just found out Kellan Lutz  will play Poseidon in the movie Immortals. Henry Cavill will play Theseus, can you imagine both guys shirtless through the movie.

I am a big fan of mythology and can't wait to see this movie. Will you watch? Are there any must read books mythology related?


2. A director has been hired for The Host

Was the book good? bad? eh? Will you be watching this movie?


I got your nostalgia right here

Saturday February 12, 2011 at 6:53 PM

Holy crap. Where my old-timers at? Halo, WTVOC, Jandco, Ruby Wednesday, Melba, etc.....

NEW BEGINNING by Don'teatmycookie UPDATED TODAY!!! Remember this awesomely pee-in-your-pants funny story from 2008????

Bella uses Edward's laptop to start a journal.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 29 - Words: 128,765 - Reviews: 1586 - Updated: 2-12-11 - Published: 1-31-08







I want you back

Saturday February 12, 2011 at 11:32 AM

You know what we need?




watching the bieber craze unfold makes me miss when I was 12, and the Backstreet Boys, NSync, Hanson, and Spice Girls were my life.


I remember when BSB came to Toronto in early '98, I think it was, and they did an Intimate and Interactive with MuchMusic and my parents let me stay up late to watch. They even let me call long distance(omg that was huge)so I could try and ask them a question. I didn't get through, btw. =[


I also remember when they'd also let me watch award shows because BSB was there, and I really wanted them to win.


Did you ever record music videos and specials on VHS tapes, to watch over and over?


I also remember my first BSB concert, I was so excited I made myself sick. My friends and I also made a huge banner to take with us, lol.


She's all that, and A Walk to Remember were my favourite movies.


And TGI Firday's were the best nights of the week because Sabrina was on that night. And Family Matters


come be nostalgic with me!


omg popular, I miss this show



The P Word? (Not Peen, Unfortunately)

Saturday February 12, 2011 at 11:01 AM

I'm normally really quiet and conflict genuinely makes me sick, but I would like to have this discussion brought up. I know this was talked into the ground yesterday, but I think this is a relevant issue.

From what I understand, it has come out that someone plagiarized several books (or at the minimum, numerous passages were copied and pasted).

These are PUBLISHED books.

So the authors of these published books are not involved in our fandom (or, at least, we don't know if they are - I still am a firm believer SMeyer is a lurker).

Still, a lot of readers are giving this author a 'pass' because she is super nice.

On the flip side, there have been many occasions where I recall some fic authors in our fandom that have called out people for plagiarizing their work. Most of it happened via twitter, which we know can turn girls into some straight up MEAN chicks.

One instance resulted in a 'plagiarizer' receiving death threats.

So my question is where do we draw the line?

Is it okay to steal from books, but not okay to steal from fic? Because the authors are involved in this fandom and we know them in a sense? 


Hey, Beautiful!

Saturday February 12, 2011 at 10:24 AM

I wanna talk about the best and worst pick-up lines ever been used on you/you've used on someone else.


Happy Campers

Saturday February 12, 2011 at 9:23 AM


Show me with picutres or

tell me things you're happy about. 

Let's get creative

I'm going to use vocaroo, you should too! 



Head gear

Saturday February 12, 2011 at 6:27 AM

Searching through my albums of manly prettiness for missrebecca's birthday campfire (below) I found inspiration for my RobP0rn campfire...

Most of us are quite partial to his lovely hair and hate to see it cut and/or covered. However, he does make beanies, hats and hoodies look exceptionally delectable.

So this campfire is dedicated to Rob and his head gear. Come in and share!




Saturday February 12, 2011 at 2:36 AM

not sure if it's still ffaf but...

Yup, today I turn 20! 

Not got much planned, having my hair dyed playng on my new rollerskates!

and then going out for a very sophisticated meal with my boyfriend and parents....though with my family it won't be very sophisticated

to make this interactive, show me some hunky men on my birthday =P and when's yours and what did you do for you last one? Is it anyone elses birthday today?

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