
They'll be trouble whent he kidz come out

Thursday February 17, 2011 at 8:35 PM


Normally emibella has a theme for these, so I'm going to try and keep to that.


Recc some fics that are non Edward/Bella.

Why not some Alice/Jasper or Emmett/Rosalie?

or even...


Emmett/Edward hehehehehe


you can, of course, rec edward/bella, i know that's where the majority of fic is.


you know what, just disregard me, lol.


Vampire Diaries

Thursday February 17, 2011 at 8:33 PM

This week.

okay, i have one big PEEEEEEVE to air, but I'll post inside.


Come in & tell me what y'all think.

Vampire Diaries


A Question

Thursday February 17, 2011 at 8:01 PM

Tell me. Tell me. Tell me.


Would it be worse for your partner/spouse to have an affair with someone not as good as you or better than you and why?



Yip, Yip

Thursday February 17, 2011 at 4:56 PM

What annoys you?  I'm not talking about fic annoyances... though those certainly may apply.  I just wanna know about those little everyday life/work/people things that piss you off.


Not the OMGHATESSSSSS stuff.  Just those little things that make you grit your teeth, mumble under your breath, or gripe to your nearest and dearest online friends in chat windows... before you shrug and shake it off.

Do lists annoy you?  Then step away.  I'm asking you to give me your top 5.  If you are easily annoyed, you might make it a Top 10.  Be prepared for a lot of "Me too's" in the replies. 





This campfire approved by the always awesome Jennyfly, who shares my annoyance at yippy little dogs. 

Fluent in Sarcasm


Thursday February 17, 2011 at 4:13 PM

Calling all Goonies...

So you GUYS (hehe) where do you go, who do you ask, what (if any) tools do you use when you need a GOOD rec?

I myself always come here

or look at the faviorates lists of authors i like! what do you do?

and speaking of recs...

I really would like you to help me out!

I'm looking for a good kidnap


Hostage type fic

Your recs would be much appreciated!


Thanks goes out to Jennyfly who approved this post (the pruuudy pics are for you!)

thanks also goes to Tor

LJ Summers

Fun Reviews

Thursday February 17, 2011 at 2:28 PM

I was perusing the reviews from a story (Young Man's Fancy) for reasons I cannot remember (srsly) and found one that made me laugh and laugh. Again.


Hahaha, don't worry I'm here to entertain you with my review! :D Again, you'll have to thank America for letting me temporarily commandeer her laptop. (and now I have the hugest urge to watch Pirates. lol!)

Great chapter! I just loved it. I love Charlie in your story; he's such a laid back dad and I love his relationship with Bella. He's all "Hey, you know you don't owe him - ya know - SEX, but if you guys are doing it, I get it, just don't TALK ABOUT IT because you are my DAUGHTER and that's just EW."

Then Carlisle going all instinctive was HOT. Duh.

And what a great way to meet the family! Hahahaha!

Bella: "Uh, Daddy C, WTF?"

Edward: *unintelligble growls and snarls* "ME WANT ME WANT MEWANTMEWANT GIVEGIVEGIVEGIVEGIVE!"

Carlisle: "Uh... well, my delectable human lover, this would be my family."

Jasper: "Yeah, we're as crazy as you're thinking."

Emmett: "Hey, go Daddy C!" *goes to give high five and then wraps Bella in a hug* "Welcome to the fam! Oh, sorry about Eddie here. I think he's hungry. And do you smell good!"

Jasper: "Smooth, Em. I'm sure she doesn't need to hear that right now..."

Carlisle: *facepalm and glances at ceiling with a 'why me?' expression*

Bella: *blinks* Uh... right.

Hahaha, well, I loved the chapter and can't wait for more! :D Mwah! 



YOUR TURN. What review have our writers received that made them laugh (in a GOOD and POSITIVE way) that they'd like to share?  Or what reviews for stories have you read that made you giggle (in a GOOD and POSITIVE way)?

Share with us! I could use a chuckle!

ETA: She was NOT quoting my fic, btw. Her 'script' was an interpretation of happenings within a chapter.  Hers was WAY MORE AMUSING than mine, which is why I laugh and keep laughing.


I'm so excited

Thursday February 17, 2011 at 12:03 PM

What are you super duper excited about?!


i'm excited for this:


i'm also excited for the red riding hood movie. only because Billy Burke is in it.

I'm hoping he's the big bad wolf, that would be amazing.



I have so many things I'm excited forrr


Oldies but Goodies

Thursday February 17, 2011 at 9:36 AM


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Hey Campers!


It's time for our first discussion fire for our new readalong story - Abbracciare il Cantante by Bratty-Vamp!!!

Hop on in here and discuss Chapters 1-10.

Then get reading chapters 11-20, and come back and discuss those on Monday.


The banner below is a link to the story here in the forest.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

 Thanks for sharing all of your thoughts and ideas!

Please remember - chapters 1-10 only, we've got lots of first time readers - no spoilers! =)


whatever. you do it, too.

Thursday February 17, 2011 at 8:14 AM

So, stalking finding out random info about people has gotten much easier with this internet invention.  Instead of driving by someone's house or buying Star, InTouch and People magazine every week, you can just....go on facebook or tmz or google the object of your affection.  It's almost too easy to do, there's no effort in it anymore.


Who was the first person you, uh, cyber studied?

an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend?

robert pattinson?

someone from high school you hoped had gotten unfortunate rash issues and is unemployable?

*edit:  does it make it harder to move on?  like, it's accessible, so you do it...but in a way, do you wish you couldn't see recent info? 

are you better off not knowing?

LJ Summers

AH Supernatural Fics

Thursday February 17, 2011 at 7:46 AM

Today's list brought to you by Wintergreen Ice Breakers and the letters S and F!

Got a request in my inbox about a slightly different variety of fanfiction.  The kind where our Usual Suspects are all human, but there is also an element of the supernatural in the story.  Ghosts, super powers, something...different. Unique.

Now, I KNOW y'all can compile a list with some terrific fics!  What do you have from this realm of writing?  What spooky, surprising stories can you share with us?  None of this Scooby Doo stuff where it's all explained away at the end by a guy in a mask, either. ;-)


Come, share the stories around the campfire.  It's still light enough in my corner of the world. I won't get scared. :)


And if the supernatural isn't your cup of tea/coffee/frappuccino/cocoa/sangria... Check out the Master Fic List to find what IS!

Remember the RULES of the CAMPFIRE:

1. Keep it simple:  Title, Author, Summary and a link if you have one.

2. NO DISCUSSIONS.  This is not the place to rah-rah over your faves or second or third an inclusion or to request something of this type.  This is just a list, okay? Thanks!



Thanks for sharing your favorite AH Supernatural fics around the fire!


Milk & Honey anyone?

Thursday February 17, 2011 at 7:38 AM

There has been a lot of talk in twilighted  lately, asking if anyone would like to finish "In the Land of Milk and Honey." As you all know the author disappeared. All the chapters have been saved in Google docks.  Now, here is problem, Is it legal/right/appropriate to do so? Would you read it? Are you  tired of hearing about this fic? Has the "awesomeness" of this fic been overblown?   Are you willing to finish someone else's work? Would you read it?

Any takers?

My thoughts are inside.


Ranger edit: I think this is a really great discussion, so I'm moving it up to the top.


Fic Etiquette?

Thursday February 17, 2011 at 7:26 AM

I have a fic that I started a year ago... Inamorata. At first I had no beta, and although it's cute, it's a mess. I had our lovely Ssarrahh1 take a looky and she's helped me rewrite the first chapters before I snagged SuperstarNanna and EdwardsEternal as my full time betas and Ssarrah1 is still my number one grammar nazi when she's not gettin' her learn on.

What I'm wondering is... would it be totally bad form and annoying as an author to repost those crappy beginner chapters that embarass me so? I've sent my work to a few sites for pimpage and even to Twilighted and I was told that based only on those chapters, they can't accept me. :( I know they are raught with issues, but I would like more exposure now that I'm almost finished. I have a good following, but not many reviews.

What do you guys think?

Is it okay to redo chapters a year later? Is that bad form to do that to all your subscribers? Discuss.

And thank you for your time!


Birthday Love

Thursday February 17, 2011 at 12:01 AM

Today is a very important birtday! It's, in my opinion, the most important person in this fandom.

Because without her, we wouldn't have this little treasure: Lord of HIS Ring


So everyone please stop in here and leave some birthday love for a very amazing person, who is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Don't let her "tough as nails/anti-social" exterior fool you, she's a genuinely caring person, loyal to a fault, and wicked brilliant. She's unique and I can't ever say enough how much I love her. Megan you ARE my life now.

There is NO ONE on this planet like her, and anyone would be lucky to have a friend like her.

If you don't know what to leave this little nutjob on her big 19, well she's into the following:

Lord of the Rings

Tim Roth


Chuck from Gossip girl

Scotch and cigars, the good kind

That guy from Prison Break.

And, anything that you'd classify as disgusting. I'm not kidding. Pornfail is love to this girl!

So please help make her birthday a great one. Thanks. 



Wednesday February 16, 2011 at 9:06 PM

I can't remember the name of this story. It's just been started recently. It's based on the move Easy A. Bella pretends to be Jake's girlfriend, and then then "hook-up" at a party. Edward's in it, and he seems to be mad at Bella when she starts "dating" Jake. I'd be much obliged if anyone could tell me the name of it.



Fanfic music/playlists

Wednesday February 16, 2011 at 8:39 PM

How do you guys feel about playlists for fanfictions? Do you listen to them or not? Do you think they add to the story or distract?

What about song lyrics typed out in the story? Do you read them or skip over?


Inquiring minds want to know...


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday February 16, 2011 at 7:18 PM

(Sorry it's a little late)








"into a world in reverse" by xMiidnightSun

and for the TVD lovers...

"Damon & Elena (in Kat's body) | Break me down" by LightningFair



Rob interview

Wednesday February 16, 2011 at 4:22 PM

Exclusive: Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson share a smooch and more in the upcoming 'Water for Elephants,' and the onscreen lovebirds are talking about their forbidden movie romance with ET! They also share a nugget of obscure movie trivia -- they were once cast in a film as mother and son!

In 'Water for Elephants,' Reese plays the married star performer in a circus who catches the attention of a bachelor animal caretaker, played by 'Twilight' star Rob. When ET visited the Los Angeles set during production on the film last summer, Reese rode atop an enormous elephant for a scene involving an elaborate 1930s parade.

Reese gushed about sharing love scenes with Rob, proclaiming, "I am so lucky. He's so amazing and wonderful and sweet and just the nicest guy too, so you can just add that to the soup. I mean, he's just so good looking and he's a really nice person."
Rob said the pair hadn't yet shot their love scenes, but shared, "Reese has only got two days [of work] left [on the film]. So … they must expect me to be very professional about it." He also gave a tidbit about one love scene -- he says it ends with his character getting beaten up!

"We'll probably just laugh the whole time, because all we do is just laugh and joke around," Reese predicted of filming the scenes.
Although Reese and Rob are an onscreen couple in 'Water for Elephants,' they had a very different movie relationship when they filmed 2004's 'Vanity Fair' -- mother and son! Despite Reese being only ten years older then Rob, he was cast as her son, though his scenes later landed on the cutting room floor.

Reese recalls of meeting Rob back then, "He was walking down this corridor and I turned to the director, and I said, 'That's my son? He's so good looking!' I was like, 'He's so hot!'"

For his part, Rob remembers, "Even then, I realized on the set, I was like, I look too old to be playing her son. I mean, that's probably why I was cut."

Based on the best-selling novel by Sara Gruen, 'Water for Elephants' follows an elderly man (Hal Holbrook) reminiscing about his days working as an animal caretaker at a circus. A young veterinary school student (Robert) witnessing the beauty and brutality of life under the big top, he falls for Marlena (Reese), the captivating star performer, and suffers the wrath of her charismatic but dangerous husband, August ('Inglourious Basterds' Oscar winner Christoph Waltz).

'Water for Elephants' will debut in theaters on April 15, 2011.



Pressed For Time update

Wednesday February 16, 2011 at 2:44 PM

Come inside and discuss




Looking for Specific Pic

Wednesday February 16, 2011 at 12:33 PM

In Search Of...does anyone else remember that show from the 1970's, narrated by Leonard Nimoy, or is it just me??

Anyhoo- a friend of mine that writes FF is looking for a specific pic from Twilight to out on her page for it. It is a pic of Edward as he first enters the cafeteria.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller ....






Wednesday February 16, 2011 at 10:21 AM



This week’s game:


Find 1 or 2 images (MAX) that are related to a fic and post them.  Others will try and guess which fic you are talking about.  Get creative, have fun.

PSA: When replying to someone's guess, i.e. telling them they are right or good job, to the extent possible, don't use images there.  It will just take longer for the campfire to update and load and all that stuff !


(Answer:  Wide Awake)

Special Thanks to Capricorn75 for sticking with it!

First --- | >> | 905 | 906 | 907 | 908 | 909 | 910 | 911 | 912 | 913 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
