
Help Desk

Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 7:42 PM


Need help finding a fanfic? Forget the name? Remember the name but can't remember if you liked it or what it was about? Want to know what is the best fic to read on a long car ride to Albuquerque? Want to know how to post a picture in the forest or the best background to read fic?

If you can think of it, ask it ! If someone can answer it, they will!


Another Harry Potter Fanfic Fire

Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 7:12 PM


As a recent convert to HP fanfiction, I've been trolling browsing rec lists in lieu of meeting my personal and professional obligations often.  Apparently, a H/D fic called Underwater Light (by Maya) is on everyone's absolute favorites list.  But in the grand fandom tradition, it has been taken down and the author claims to no longer have copies.  Boo.

Can anyone in the forest help me out with a PDF?  I would love you forever be really grateful.


(If you think sharing fics is wrong, I appreciate your perspective, but I'm not trying to start a dialog about that here.  We've debated that horse to death already, so let's agree to disagree!)


typical taurus seeks sexy scorpio

Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 2:46 PM

ADF personal ads

i tried this out a month or so ago, and it seems that it was ~a success, so once more into the breach, dear friends

this is a way for people to make a few new chums.  that way, anyone who isn't comfortable with public posting/likes being a lurkey loo can make a friend or five!

basically, write up your personal ad.  people will respond publicly, via PM, twitter, or whatever.

include... oh, idk.  your new favorite website or recent purchase or favorite pages of the kama sutra.  anything!

just come in here and make a new friend or two.

mr. thornton shaking hands in newfound friendship for my time:

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BD filming in Vancouver

Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 9:54 AM


So according to the generally annoying but reliable Lainey Gossip, these are the scenes they're going to film over the next few weeks


* Bella’s new vampire hunting
* teaching the hybrid child about hunting
* some sh-t in pretend-Alaska
* something about Romanian vampires
* something about a movie theatre and Edward’s flashback
* Bella kicking Jacob’s ass
* Jacob training baby wolves
* Bella practising her mind techniques
* the father-son “baseball” conversation between Carlisle and Edward
* the wedding
* a happy future family scene when the kid is all grown up
* and the final scene of the saga which is, unless they change it in editing, the two lovers in the meadow.


What do you guys think?  What are you dreading? What are you excited for? Am i the only one wonering what the hell is gonna happen in a movie theatre?

now that they're in Vancouver, and we've got lots more 'newer' cast members involved, i'm dying to see if security is as strong as it was in Louisiana. i know the constant scrutiny is uncomfortable for the cast members and lots of fans, but i'm getting bored and i think the fandom needs some life in it. campers, are you loving or loathing the lack of activity?

LJ Summers

Charlie-Centric Fic List

Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 9:45 AM

The latest fic list request I have received to be added to the MASTER FIC LIST is for stories that feature CHARLIE SWAN.

Gotta be honest, he was not my favorite character in the Saga, but BILLY BURKE did such an amazing job with the character that Charlie Swan is now on the Swoon Lists of many women in the fandom.


There are stories out there written just for him!  Do you know where they are?  

If you do, please collect the evidence in the form of

Title, Author, Summary of the Story

And link them in this campfire!


Just remember, you have the RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT on other points, hm?  ;-)




I'll have mine inside!  


Thank you for sharing the best Charlie-centric fics around the fire!


2 Questions

Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 6:20 AM

Ok I've seen alot of campfires about kindles and e-readers, but haven't found an answer for my problem. I have a sony e reader and I download in BBeB format. My older fics that are in PDF I find are harder to read but EPUB is better. So I have converted some to EPUB but when I put it into the library or on my ebook I get some stupid a$$ long number and no title. Does anyone know how to change the titles of fics on the ereader?

Second question is I use the BBeB binder and fanfiction downloader (for twilighted fics). When I try to convert to BBeB or use the downloader on some of the larger fics, neither one of these work. (MotU, CW&IA, Femme Docs and Kevlar Knights) I don't understand why I can't convert or download (epub) and it's really starting to erk me. Does anyone have a solution for these problems?


So new the tags are still on

Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 5:16 AM

Brand spanking new fic by VampiresHaveLaws.
Cracks in the Pavement
It's really good so far, only one chapter in.
Comments inside. 

For yo-...actually no. Just because:

^ Holy Hell, how did I not know this existed?! ^



Let the games begin

Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 2:55 AM

Twilight royalty arrived to Vancouver last night...and what a mess it waaaaaaas...Paparazzi in VC are already fighting among themselves calling each other names and so on...everybody wants to be the alpha dog and have the "exclusive" but it's not working out so well for them, apparently...

Kristen made a run for the cars waiting for them while Rob kept the paparazzi entertained walking to the cars at a slower pace.

Pics of Rob and Kris inside, I'll just let you with this lovely crop from Robsessed for the front page. Thanks for indulging my Rob-has-the-juiciest-bottom-lip obsession, Tink!



Monday February 21, 2011 at 11:13 PM

I've finally found a way to make this Twilight related, though this is a serious topic that could be disturbing (and the images I've seen of this tonight are extremely disturbing).

You know in Breaking Dawn, the book I like to ignore, how the Cullens gather a group of vampires to support them and protect Renesmee from the Volturi?

The world needs to get some of that going on right now.

Renesmee in this particular case would be Libya. Do you know what's going on there? Like Egypt was, Libya is in revolt against their government. And the way their government is responding is revolting itself, in the other sense of the word. People are dying. And dying. And dying. No one other than Irina died in BD, but there are thousands being killed here. Mercenaries hired to stomp down the rebellion are firing in hospitals, at ambulances, at people in the streets. Soldiers are being executed for refusing to fire on their own people. Gaddafi's (Gadhafi) (el-Qaddafi) paid mercenaries have free reign to rape women. Helicopters and planes are bombing Tripoli, the capital of Libya. Foreign journalists cannot enter the country, and internet access has nearly been cut off.

Egypt has opened their borders. The UN has a Security Council meeting tomorrow morning to discuss this.

The Libyan ambassador to the United States, Ali Aujali, is urging his own people to revolt and wishes for Moammar Gadhafi to step down as leader. He's asking the international community to 'condemn strongly the regime's violent crackdown on protesters.' Aujali added: "How can I support the government killing our people? ... What I have seen in front of my eyes now is not acceptable at all." (from an article in the Washington Post). The New York Times also has information on the revolt.

Just, you know, wanted to let you all know, so you're aware of what's going on. I know politics aren't a favorite topic, but this isn't just politics.

Erm, I tried relating to Twilight? heh. Now, to make this interactive, let's discuss. Let's talk about ways we might be able to help even from halfway around the world. Let's find literary quotes that summarize what's going on (I've seen a fair few from Harry Potter and The Hunger Games being applied to Libya's struggles). Let's sypmathize and ask questions and learn more and make people aware. Somehow, we've got to show support for these people. Or talk about Australia and New Zealand and the earthquakes. Or how screwed up the world is becoming. Any and all of the above? Come talk about what's bugging you, what you need to talk about, problems of every kind.


"Borrowing" books and such

Monday February 21, 2011 at 11:04 PM

I don't know what the deal is right now with "borrowing" aka stealing from books and making them fics. I was JUST doing a general fic dive on FF and came across a fic and chuckled wondering just what Edward's older man age was. I'm reading and it's not bad at all. I come across a location/place/item I don't recognize and I do my usual and pull up another window and type it in, wondering what city the story takes place it.

Guess what that search takes me? To an excerpt from a published book. I know people get testy with this but facts are facts and it's a simple name swap.

Is this what's going to be the new "trend" in fics?

I swear, I was just interested in the fic and the marina name was odd and no city was given yet so I wanted to know. I don't know what to do about this. I'm extremely bummed because it seemed promising but it's a blatant copy/paste. I've read inspired by this book/movie/play but a copy/paste where Debbie=Bella, etc.

I don't know this person, how "nice" they are, PTA mom or whatever but I do know this is just wrong. And I'm getting worried about starting any fics wondering if just MAYBE there's a book out there that's being copy/pasted.

The Offspring

There Is No Reason For This Campfire

Monday February 21, 2011 at 10:45 PM

The only reason for this campfire was I wanted to show off my new avi. It took a lot of trial and error to find this one, lol.

To make it Twilight related..... If you could think of anything to say to any of the characters, what would it be?

Also, spam me with cool pics and gifs. I have almost none.


Looking for Art After 5 by sleepyvalentina

Monday February 21, 2011 at 8:46 PM

Hi - I was looking to  see if anyone had a copy of Art After 5 by sleepyvalentina. It has been taken down from FF but is posted on her website for a short period of time. I'm not sure if I can get to it before it is taken down. Thanks for any help.



Pimp Your Stuff

Monday February 21, 2011 at 7:44 PM

Look! I found the old banner in the archives! It is so sparkly!

Pimp your stuff if you do stuff. Pimp the stuff that your friends do. Pimp the stuff of people you like on twitter. Pimp the stuff of people you beta for.

Don't be afraid. No one will judge. Link us. Banner us. We want to know what you do!


"rob" is not a valid answer

Monday February 21, 2011 at 7:42 PM

what's your type?

and i mean this in the most superficial way possible.

i mean, yeah.  we all want a kind, caring man or woman with a great sense of humor, humility, and style.  i get that.

so let's talk about what catches your eye.

i've known for years that i enjoy a man who is at least 6 feet tall with dark hair and light-colored eyes.  i do not enjoy muscular types, but not lanky skinnyboys, either.  a bit of meat, just not... floppy.  scruff/facial hair required.  no hairy chests.  and i like my boys not tanned.

so, what do you go for?  please provide pictures.  and seriously, don't just say "24, british, goofball expression, jawporn, fingerzpr0n, playz the piano blah blah blah".  that's the lazy man's answer.

6'2" dark-haired, blue-eyed, side-burneded wtvoc's type fyt:

(lol my husband.jpg, but also:)

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Banner Garage Sale

Monday February 21, 2011 at 6:11 PM

Authors, need a banner? Need inspiration?

Selling: Loads of awesome banners by crazy talented artists.

Price: One story. Whether it is a story you’ve already written, a story you’re currently writing, or a story to be written, all we ask for is a loving home in exchange for the banner.

How it Works: I will make a comment inside the campfire with a banner that needs to be adopted. If you want it, comment under the banner letting us know what story you’d like to use it for (if it’s a completed or WIP story, please post a link). ms. ambrosia or ange de l'aube will contact you with the details through PM. Be sure to contact the artist ASAP so they know you claimed it and don't give it away to someone else.

Note: Any titles already on the banners are just place-holders and can easily be replaced with the title of your story and penname.


1. Please do not claim banners and not use them.

2. You may only claim one banner per story; do not claim banners for stories that already have one.

3. Do not claim more that one banner for a story "to-be-written."

Featured Banners: Do these inspire you? Come inside and grab them.


More banners inside!

Campfire approved by the awesome Capricorn75

Scrooge McDunk


Monday February 21, 2011 at 4:57 PM

Hey Campers!

Just thought I'd throw a question out into the forest.... have you picked up any bad habits from the land of fic?

Since I started reading fic/forums, I swear twice as much as I used to, and I didn't think that was humanly possible. All the smut has given me the ability to make pretty much ANYTHING dirty. I never used to use text speak or acronyms or whatever you want to call them, but since I got into the Twiverse not only my emails and texts but many of my everyday conversations are littered with OMGs and WTFs and srslys. Or, idk (OMG look I did it again) may that's not from Twi, maybe I've just seen a few too many lolcats.

(I'd post a pretty picture FYT, but I'm technostupid and couldn't figure out how)


Pssst..... is this Twilighty enough? This is my first attempt at a non-FFAF campfire, and the though of breaking rules always freaks me the fuck out makes me a little nervous.


FF Sneak Peek

Monday February 21, 2011 at 3:35 PM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~

Sir Rachel

MS Walk

Monday February 21, 2011 at 11:42 AM

Hello all!

I'm doing a walk to fundraise for the National MS Society next month.

This is an incredibly serious disease that affects far too many people.

Any donations, of any value, would be greatly appreciated.

If you are unable to donate personally, please help by spreading the word in any way possible.

Follow this link: http://main.nationalmssociety.org/goto/whodatrachel to donate.

Thank you so much!


*approved by GAW

Incog Ninja

Fic Posting/Reading Schedule

Monday February 21, 2011 at 10:38 AM

I've always been curious about posting and reading schedules. I wonder if all readers and writers strategize their reading/reviewing and posting/replying time.

When I wrote Reality Minus Expectations, I had it completely outlined and half of it written and betaed before I started posting, which allowed me to stay on a semi-regular posting schedule and plenty of time to reply to reviews! With Hair of the Dog, I had never even planned to make it into a multi-chap, so there was no plan at all, totally flying my the seat of my pants, making up all the rules as I went along. As a reader, I love seeing an alert for my favorite story in my inbox first thing in the morning, weekday or weekend, but I find it hard to review on my phone, so I often re-read before I review, and I plan out the time I'll review and my feedback the best I can.


So, what about you all? What are your reading/reviewing and/or posting habits? What have you found to be the best time for you to read, process and give feedback? What's the best time for you to post and reply to reviews to work best with your writing schedules and RL?


Here's a kitty to snuggle with while you consider your reply.



ETA: I hope everyone reading this will reply. I'd like to hear from readers as well as writers :) Thanks!


Oldies but Goodies

Monday February 21, 2011 at 9:33 AM

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Happy President's Day, Campers! 

It's Family Day here in AB, Canada....any other holidays today?

Today we're discussing

Chapters 11-20 of Abbracciare il Cantante by Bratty Vamp.

On Thursday we'll be discussing Chapters 21-30.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for your participation so far! We'll keep doing these read a longs as long as there is interest!

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Click on the banner for a link to the story here in the forest.

Also - please no spoilers - there are a lot of first time readers participating!!

First --- | >> | 901 | 902 | 903 | 904 | 905 | 906 | 907 | 908 | 909 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
