
Attempting a FF

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 9:12 AM

I have a story idea that won't go away.  I have already started typing it out. I don't work with outlines, as my brain just spews forth ideas. Then I type it out and basically go with the flow.  But I have a question:

How can I find a pre-reader that can even tell me if I am on the right path? I am DEATHLY afraid to put my work out there, although I was a big deal at the free flow poetry back in the day  on open mic nights.



 **EDIT**- Pre-reading will come with a ton of questions from me and I expect the GOOD and the BAD to be told in an honest fashion..



heaven is a place where people die pretty~

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 8:30 AM




you knew this was coming.  you heard me dying over this for weeks.... my road trip to see BOBBY LONG in 3 states for 3 days.  it was EPIC.  it was AMAZING. it was.... there are no words to describe how amazing it was.  But I wrote about it anyway....


Luna StarFire

Thinking brain is thinking...

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 6:14 AM

So its a little early in the morning and my brain is thinking a little too much me thinks.

So we know that in Twilight land the whole forklore of vampire is a tad bit a skew.  They can enjoy the sun and don't have to worry about sleeping or what not and of course all complete with sparkles.  But this got me thinking about other things for example vampires and all things holy.  I want to say Carlisie had a wooden cross in the house so apparently they can touch the cross so theres another difference.

Okay on to my question now...

This is more for the holy sensitive vamps.  If there was a church back in lets say the 1800's but in 2011 it is now a neighborhood.  Is that land still considered holy after all this time?  I would probably say yes but I don't know...hence why I'm asking.  

Don't ask me why my brain is deciding to think such random things.  

Also what happens if they get near the holy site?  Do they know its there even if its not a church now?  Is it like an invisible barrier where no matter what they can't cross?  Or can they cross but they will burn a little bit?  The mind is wondering out of its cage and needs logic!  lol

Some eyecandy for your thoughts.

ETA:  Oh my goddness!!  I didn't even think about this, not only can some vampires not set foot on holy land...can they not feed from a holy person?!?  


Birthday Love

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 3:52 AM

Yep, that's right, another Feb. Birthday.

But this one is extra sweet!

Besides loving Dr. Pepper. (hehe) she loves Jared Leto, Robbie Pattz (specifically the Daniel Gale sort!), and amazing music. I don't know much about amazing music, so she helps me out. But if you know amazing music, then share it with us. She's a music major, fun girl, probably the sweetest girl you'll ever meet. She adores Jandco and can't WAIT to go to coachella. Mumford & Sons, Avett Brothers, all of that good stuff. Other things you may not know about Alyssa, besides being super sweet, is that she's a very faithful person. She cares about the community and others around her. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on and some just someone to listen to, she's the one you'd go to. She's the silent type of strong, she's sort of shy, but don't let that fool you, once you get to know her you'll find a heart of gold and an insanely fun girl. I can't say enough good things about her, I adore this girl! So come on in here and leave some birthday love and make an AMAZING new friend. As a matter of fact you all probably have seen her around plenty, Rob finger porn ring any bells?




Quote your life?

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 12:14 AM

So I was rereading twilight (the real book, so help me) and I came across this quote, which kinda summarizes my life...

"Good luck tended to avoid me"

and it got me thinking... do you have a favorite twilight OR twific quote? Or just one that speaks to your life?


Missing Scenes

Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 8:22 PM

One of the complaints I used to hear about the film version of Twilight was that the Blood Type scene was cut out, and that scene is regarded as pivotal to the book. While I admit to being disappointed that it wasn’t in the movie, I have to disagree with the idea that, as written, it’s a pivotal moment. Personally I think the real pivotal moment takes place in the cafeteria, when Bella and Edward are actually talking (which, by the way, was NOT cut from the movie, although it was certainly shortened). Him plucking her up off the ground and whisking her to the nurse’s office to tease her about fainting was just fluff. Bella doesn’t develop new feelings or have an epiphany when he picks her up—she was already falling in love, and this event doesn’t make her realize it. They don’t talk about anything significant except that she can smell blood, which, in the grand scheme of things, is unimportant except that it arouses Edward’s interest. But he was already interested in her, so what difference does it make?

So, thoughts? Arguments? Got your own scenes you wish had been included in the films, or that you think wouldn't have worked if they had been included? I'd love to hear about it.


how ardently i admire and love you

Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 6:44 PM

who do you admire?

and in what way?

and why?

eta: LJ summers wants to know why i hate the english language, and for that, i admire her.  i'm still not changing it to "whom", though.


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 5:08 PM









"i don't want you." by aruxes44 <- OMG SO FREAKING SCARY.  Okay, well it's not scary, but it definitely leaves chills tingling down your spine.  I've never seen a video that is THIS INTENSE.  We'll just put it that way... yeah.



"[ X Harry Potter] No Sign." by PiiiinkMuffiiiin




Something new, something old

Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 5:02 PM

Yesterday I received an update of one of the fics I follow, the author kindly informs us she was taking it down. No she isn't flouncing the story but taking it down to work on it and make it better, telling us that “There are so many elements that I can't stand to look at; the bad grammar, spelling mistakes, filler chapters and gratuitous lemons.” She also said she will post the newer version later on.

So my question campers, what do you think about authors taking down their stories and reworking them? Is it something that you guys as authors have contemplated before or are doing it now? I'm torn between being excited and a little scared because what if she takes a whole different direction with the story? Though I do applaud her for having the guts to going back and redoing the story.

So thoughts?


rest in peace, babygirl. (':

Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 4:56 PM

a life-long childhood best friend of mine just passed away in the hospital two hours ago, and to say i am down in the dumps would be a severe understatement. i love her, and i miss her so much already, it feels like my heart is being ripped out by freddy krueger. 

i feel like reading, and that's where you guys come in. if you can rec any funny or uplifting fic, then please do so.

thanks, hotterthanhades

eta: (april 4, 1993 - february 23, 2011)


The Incomparable Hmonster

Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 1:04 PM


As some of you may or may not know, the lovely and talented HMonster has decided to retire from the world of fanfiction. This happens from time to time, authors flounce or just disappear, but HMonster has actually been planning this and has done so with grace. 

With the completion of her collaboration with fellow author TheHeartofLife entitled A PLAYER TO BE NAMED LATER, HMonster has hung up her hat to devote more time to other pressing projects in her life.

She is a fabulous author, that is no question, but she is also a fabulous person. She has contributed to countless websites. She has run contests and started communities. She has tirelessly worked in many ways for fandom unity. I admire and respect her so very much.

Since all of her fics are complete, those of you who want a real treat in reading can check them out HERE

But I would like this to be a retirement party of sorts. A send off into whatever she does next. For all that she has done here at ADF and for all that she has done everywhere else in the fandom, I figure it is the least we can do. 

So give us pictures, thoughts about her fics or just well wishes. So grab a slice of cake and let us salute Hmonster!

and as a packer fan I understand that "retire" doesn't necessarily mean I am still holding out hope for the future ;)


Would you?

Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 12:41 PM

Gather 'round. hehe. No seriously, I have a VERY important series of questions I've been wondering about lately. And it deals with the fandom and YOUR place in it.

Now not too long ago a fandom member's home was destroyed in a fire. The fandom rallied for her. I found out the other day that a fandom friend had a slip and slide and broke a couple of bones, this through a campfire.

SO my questions to you all, EVERYONE, lurker and loudmouth alike, where is your stance on all of this:

If something drastic happened in your life, a fire, an accident, an injury, serious aliment of a child, bankruptcy, what have you, would you tell the fandom about it?

If you would, how would you go about doing it? Twitter? Campfire? Update of your fics? On your FFN profile?

If you would, why would you?

If you wouldn't, why not?

Let's say you fall under the category of wouldn't inform the fandom, but your close fandom friends know what's happened to you and they spill the beans, would you be upset? Why or why not?

So what type of person are you? Would you let the fandom in on the really important things in your life? Or do you just keep it to yourself?

In a place where privacy and anonymity is the norm, how much are you willing to reveal about yourself?

FURTHERMORE is there a difference, in your opinion, about positive things as opposed to negative ones. Like would you feel more comfortable announcing a wedding or the birth of your child as opposed to say the above examples?

And how do you feel about people in the fandom sharing these types of intimate information. Are you okay with it? Is there a line that you draw when you think it's best not to share with others? 

Jandco's campfire reminded me that I've genuinely been curious about all of this for a while. So come talk about it with me!


nice hat

Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 12:40 PM


to clarify, this is a photoshoot that Robert Pattinson is doing for Vanity Fair, for promotion for Water for Elephants.



Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 11:28 AM


This week’s game:


Inspired by my stalkee (MSM) who recently had a pre-spring cleaning frenzy.

Describe an item, or post ONE image of said item, associated with a fic character.

It can be something he/she keeps, discards or donates -- any tangible item!

Don't state the character or the fic -- let everyone else guess the character, the fic and whether he/she would keep, discard or donate the item, and you can leave guesses for other entries as well. Check the example!

Example 1:

(answer: Edward from Edward Wallbanger - KEEP!)


Special thanks to Capricorn75 for deciphering my strange messages :)

My first entry is inside!



Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 9:56 AM

 Are you a double agent on the internet?


seriously, do you have two or more different user names for the same fandom? like, do you have a different one for twitter, and another for adf and another for ff and so on? if you do...inquiring minds want to know why? 
 was yours taken? 
 do you like confusing people on twitter? 
 are you avoiding someone on gchat? 
 If you are willing, can we know all of your various internet names?
sometimes, on twitter someone will make a reference and it'll suddenly click "oh! this is so and so from wherever!"

 so, to help out the easily confused, let's have a list of names.

What do you go by and where?
 obviously, if you post somewhere else anonymously and choose to remain so, ignore this.






Being Human

Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 8:27 AM

Is anyone else watching this on SyFy??

The premise is a set up to a joke: A ghost, a vampire and a werewolf share an apartment in the suburbs...

Saw it on BBC about 3 times, but I am really digging the Syfy version


GreenEyed Vamp

Original Fanfics

Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 7:33 AM

hey guys !! So i was wondering if anyboy has any really good fanfics. And i'm talking about Original ones, oh and they HAVE to be Edward and Bella. 

I would really appreciate it !! Thankz



your scent is like a drug to me

Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 11:41 PM


now we know why edward is so drawn to edward, lol bella amirite?



would you ever give this out as a gift?


what would you do if someone you know has this product?


nsfw means not safe for work, for those that don't know.


It's heeerrreee.

Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 10:09 PM


Yes, boys and girls, the next chapter of Through the Oak Door has posted.

All I have to say is !!!!!

Please come in side and share-there is safety in numbers.  Or is there?

Grab your flashlight....



Tuesday February 22, 2011 at 8:16 PM

Apparently this is a teen She-who-must-not-be-named.

Whaddaya think? Cause, tbh i can't even remember her being a teenager in BD.

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