
Chitty Chat

Monday February 21, 2011 at 8:41 AM

It's President's Day here in the States which means that I am home from work and feeling all peppy! 

I miss smoking Robert.

What do you wish you were better at saying "no" to?


Twilighted and ADF

Monday February 21, 2011 at 7:59 AM

So I just signed up for an account at Twilighted over the weekend (so I could read Clipped Wings and Inked Armour) and I only signed up for ADF about a week ago or so.  I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for authors or fics that can only be found on ADF or Twilighted!  Thanks!


Sunday February 20, 2011 at 8:28 PM

Approved by wtvoc

Winner announced for the Caught With Your Pants Down O/S contest!!
'Daddy Blue Balls' by Exquisite Edward
Honorable Mention for
'Booty Boutique' by Leech Lover
'Just Friends' by IttyBrittyCullen
You can read the entries here:
And here:

pimp yerself.

Sunday February 20, 2011 at 6:08 PM

not to be confused with emibella's "pimp" campfire.

i'm talking about in RL, something fantastic about you that you're proud of that you'd like to share with the rest of the world.


example?  well, for me, people seem to flock to me and I can usually make a conversation less awkward.

modesty?  i know not of what you speak of.  that word does not exist.

okay. so honestly i just wanted to create a campfire with my new avi name. :) 

but humour me anyway, and participate in this campfire!


good day.

eta: i has permission from gaw.


Tweet Tweet

Sunday February 20, 2011 at 4:17 PM

Whew. We were cleaning out the ADF Twitter account today. All the bots and dead accounts are now only a memory. We are all spruced up and feeling very proud of ourselves.

Now give us your opinion dear campers on who we should be following. We want only the best and brightest. The smutty and the snarky.

Here is what we are asking you to do for us:

Tell us your favorite five people that you are following and we will follow them (hopefully they will follow us back because hey we are fun on Twitter too!).And if we are not already following you, we will certainly do so now!

Remember to follow the forest! @differentforest

My top five will be in the comments




Sunday February 20, 2011 at 2:27 PM

Howdy Campers!

i'm on my couch recovering from a very amazing and very intense weekend (of which i will likely post, but idk im too tired to upload pics right now sry but OMG!)

anyway... I'm catching up on all the things i've missed recently here in the Forest and I've noticed quite a few new names!  We do this every now and then, a ROLL CALL of sorts.  This is where you NEW Campers & LURKERS can come out and say HI and you old timers can can say hey too and make our new friends feel welcome!

So do this---

1. tell me something about you that no one else knows

2. name the last book you've read.

3. what's for dinner today (i need to go to the grocery store and i need dinner ideas)

4. whats your favorite song right now?

5. post a pic/gif/video of something/someone you love


Fiction Downloader

Sunday February 20, 2011 at 1:03 PM

Hello, I know there's already a campfire about this, but I haven't found a solution to grab fiction from this website http://www.thewriterscoffeeshop.com/library/index.php I would like to know if anyone has found a solution to grab epub from there. If yes, I would be really grateful.




Bobby? Bobby Long?

Sunday February 20, 2011 at 9:04 AM

Hey lovelies! So as many of you may know, Bobby Long is currently on tour here in the US! I know there's many BL fans here on ADF, and I remember someone mentioning they were going to the memphis show. There is a very real possibility I might be going to that show now, and dragging my older sister with me (I'm 25, she's 38). I sent her his cd and she's tote a fan now! :0)

Anyway, just wanted to see if any other campers were going to be there! It would be fun to meet up at the concert and say hi/stand together/gush over BL and Rpattz/ lol! To make this more interactive, who would you drive five hours to see? (Memphis is five hours from my place...road trips are fun though so I don't mind!). And if you got the chance to get a pic with or talk to Bobby, would you? What would you say? I'm sort of shy, and he's so freaking hot...I've done it with Hanson though, so I should be able to do it with Bobby Long!

Meeting people you know from the internet? Would you do it, or too dangerous/weird? I've met lots of people in RL from a True blood forum, and two of those ladies I now talk to like every single day on the phone. Meeting up with them was one of the best things ever!

Here's a pretty picture:


Make My Decisions for Me

Sunday February 20, 2011 at 7:48 AM

So awhile ago I decided to make "short lists" to help me get through my very long list of fics I want to read.  I've been focusing on completed fics to read in between updates.  I've been making a list of 5 completed fics, reading them, and then making the next list of 5.   I'm going to start my last fic on my current short list today, so I'm looking to make my next list. 

I've gone through my list and picked out 11 completed fics, but I want to narrow it down to 5.  This is where I need your help!  Let me know which 5 you think I should read next. :-)

A Matter of Trust  (apparently it's been taken down for the time being)
Beyond Time
Brown Study
Cascade and Cyanide
Coming Through the Rye
Coming to Terms
Secrets, Lies and Family Ties
Summer of Salt
Take the Ice
The Mail Order Bride
The Wedding Party


Edit: Please also tell me if any of these are not HEA so I can take them off my list.

I'd give you a pretty pic of Rob as a thank you, but I'm feeling lazy right now... so, just thank you in advance for your time!



Sunday February 20, 2011 at 6:08 AM

Is anyone doing fanficmyfic?? 

There has been recent discussion regarding completing or ficcing a fic...and the consensus was kind of split.  That, however, isn't really an issue with ficmyfic because all of the fics to be fic'd are written by fic authors who gave permission.



that's the link for anyone interested in checking it out. 

if you didn't want a fic to end, wanted to see the characters idek--go to hawaii or something, if you would've preferred a different ending or middle or beginning or heck, if you want to change the whole thing...this is that opportunity.

how many times can i use the non-word fic in one post?


Google Docs > Kindle?

Sunday February 20, 2011 at 5:08 AM

Has anyone else had the problem when you send certain fics saved from the google docs list to your kindle it doesn't work?

Emancipation just appears as Edward Cullen Isabella Swan repeated on every page in large font.

In others fics sections of text have been replaced by random sequences of letters and numbers.

I've tried sending them as an email document directly through to my kindle account and i've also gone through calibre and converted them and sent it that way. I get the same results every time.

Am I doing something wrong? Has anyone else had this problem? 

Please help 

For your time


ffn alerts

Sunday February 20, 2011 at 3:18 AM

I just cleaned out my ffn email alert list. Gone are the fics that have completed, haven't updated (save a couple I'm still holding out on) and those I don't read anymore.

My list now stands at 36. I know, that's still a lot, but I'm addicted.

So, give me good WIP. I'm a traditional girl, so B&E only, please.

Also, how long is your update list? Do you clean it up often? What fics are you holding out hope to update?


Twilight 25 years ago....

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 9:23 PM

So this is only like my third time staring a campfire so I have low expectations regarding replies (although fingers are crossed people talk to me....and that might just be the liquor talking LOL) but the most recent "Bound for Glory" update got me thinking (dangerous to be thinking on a Saturday night I know). And it has to do with the fact they referenced "The Legend of Bilie Jean" in their A/N. So my question is........

If Twilight had been made 25 years ago or even 20 years ago who do you see playing the main characters in the movie????

My answers inside.

using large font in a ploy to get more replies. I'm shameless that way.


If Only...

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 9:07 PM

If you were on the set of Breaking Dawn and able to do ANYTHING you wanted, what would you do or say or change?  (You may time travel if you wish, because TWILIGHT IS MAGIC!!! ::insert unicorns here::)  

FYT: a funny manip

ETA: Alternatively, feel free to spam this fire with really good or really bad Breaking Dawn manips.  :D  


Best Angst Movies

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 8:22 PM

One of the reasons I love reading Twilight fan fiction is ANGST.  It's also my New Moon is my favorite book of the series.  I love wondering whether the couple will get together, all the tension of unrequieted love or trouble that keeps declaration of true feelings...

So, campers, please let me know....what is your favorite "angst" movie?

My favorites will be in the comments.


Note: People might have different definitions for angst. I'm going for emo/unrequieted love/pain of desire not being met. Thanks!


Fanfic Fill in the Blanks

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 7:50 PM

omg i am so sick of being in pain and i am so bored. play my game. 


I love to read fanfic in the ______________________.

When I read fanfic, I always have ________________________.

When I read fanfic _____________________ in the background.

The fanfic that everyone is reading right now is ___________________.

The fanfic that everyone should be reading right now is ___________________.

The following gif/picture/video makes me very ___________ :

(post gif/picture/video)


The Princess Bride

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 4:14 PM


Welcome to the FIRST installment of the romance watch along! This week's featured movie is....

I'll be hosting the watchalong on gchat from 7 PM Eastern time (which is about 45 minutes from now) and the movie should be over around 9-ish. 


*You can PM us your email to make sure you join us in the conversations, or to ask for links!

However if you choose to do neither, you can still comment here on the campfire.

(Look in the comments for megavideo link!)


Special thanks go to BeanFlikn247 for making our awesome banner!


WTVOC for the permission :D


oh, bruce.

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 3:29 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

just 'cuz i can always use a laugh

what's made you laugh lately?


Songs about Edward

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 2:06 PM

We all love him, some more that others but that's ok I won't judge you :P. There are little things in real life that make us think about him (yeah, you too...don't deny it).  For me is this one:

Damn, this song IS about Edward :sigh: .  So I was wondering, which is your song about Edward?

I hope this is ok, is twilight related, right rangers? right?


Jump Rope for Heart

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 1:02 PM

My children are participating in Jump Rope for Heart, an event that teaches children about their hearts and how to care for them while also raising money for the American Heart Association. They need good people like YOU to be their sponsors! On Tuesday the kids will be jumping rope at their school. They have until Monday night to meet their fundraising goals, to be reported the next day. Proceeds will go to research and medicine that will benefit children with special hearts.

Donating is easy. Just click on either one of the links below and donate as much as you feel comfortable with (you will be routed to a secure page when you click "DONATE"). Each page is specific to each child in order to keep a running tally of their goals. Any little bit helps, even if it's just $5. You have to option to include your name in the fundraising honor roll or to remain anonymous.

This is my youngest daughter's donation page.

This is my oldest daughter's donation page.



To make this interactive: what charities are YOU passionate about?


This post was approved by wtvoc and jennyfly

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