LJ Summers

Songfic Fic List

Wednesday February 16, 2011 at 7:23 AM

Today's Compilation brought to you by Lee County, FL and the number 92!

Lyricists work very hard to make communicative songs.  Songs that speak to us and for us.  In the realm of Twilight Fan Fiction, many writers have felt moved to write whole stories based upon the lyrics to a song.  

Which songfics have moved YOU?  Which stories featuring lyrics or based upon a song do you count among your favorite to recommend to others?  Share them here!

*****Remember the Rules of the Campfire:*****

1.  Keep it simple. Title, Author, Summary and link (if you can!)

2.  No discussions. This is a list for future reference.


Once you've contributed here, consider checking out our MASTER FIC LIST, where we have more than 90 categories of fanfic!  If you know of fics that have recently completed, or have read any new ones that fit into an established list, consider taking some time to UPDATE our Master Fic List. :)

Thank you for sharing your favorite songfics around the fire!



Tuesday February 15, 2011 at 9:39 PM

Tonight the role of Emibella will be played by Capricorn75. Feel better, Tricia!

It is that time again.

Have you forgotten the name of a fanfic?

Is there a type of fanfic you are looking for?

Is there something you have always wanted to ask about but were afraid you would sound stupid asking for help?


We are here to help your tired brains find fanfictions, fit your fancies and just help you answer those burning questions.

Those of you who know a lot, I ask you to be experts at our Help Desk

Those of you with questions, ask away!


From fics to movies

Tuesday February 15, 2011 at 9:38 PM

Have you ever found yourself watching a movie and have a fic or Twilight character cross your mind an all of a sudden you can see Twilight characters as the people in the movie?

I know there are some odd carbon copy movies that were ficified but I'm just talking about losing your focus in a movie and seeing Twilight characters based on a fic you've read (since fics tend to change the personalities of the canon).

I was cleaning out some DVDs and popped in Pillow Talk and from the opening scene I was picturing Edward and Bella from any ol Twilight fic.

I mean Rock Hudson's character Brad Allen is a Broadway music compose who plays the....you guessed it piano. He's a pretty big player and serenades his nightly woman with her "own" song that's so simple to where all he has to do is change the name. So I'm watching and seeing the Tanya/Jessica/Lauren

You have Doris Day's character Jan Morrow who's kind of uptight with no time for relationships who's disgusted with her neighbor she shares a partyline with (Edward....excuse me Brad).

Is that just "classic" Twific now. Playboy/sleep with everyone Edward and an Uptightella who magically changes him and he drops all the nightly women because he's mesmorized by her hard-to-getness.

Any other movies that remind of you the Twilight character personalities from fics?


A Matter for Debate

Tuesday February 15, 2011 at 6:36 PM

What, in your opinion, makes a fic popular? Not good, necessarily, but popular. A bajillion reviews. A place on everyone's rec list. A twitter following that could stage a revolution (all right, I'm exaggerating a bit).

But really. What do you all think? What is that perfect storm of circumstance and critera that makes a story an instant mega-hit in the fandom? Is there even any rhyme or reason at all? Perhaps there's not.

Come share your thoughts.



Tuesday February 15, 2011 at 6:32 PM

The Downton Abbey estate stands a splendid example of confidence and mettle, its family enduring for generations and its staff a well-oiled machine of propriety. But change is afoot at Downton — change far surpassing the new electric lights and telephone.

A crisis of inheritance threatens to displace the resident Crawley family, in spite of the best efforts of the noble and compassionate Earl, Robert Crawley (Hugh Bonneville, Miss Austen Regrets); his American heiress wife, Cora (Elizabeth McGovern); his comically implacable, opinionated mother, Violet (Maggie Smith, David Copperfield); and his beautiful, eldest daughter, Mary, intent on charting her own course.

Reluctantly, the family is forced to welcome its heir apparent, the self-made and proudly modern Matthew Crawley (Dan Stevens), himself none too happy about the new arrangements. As Matthew's bristly relationship with Mary begins to crackle with electricity, hope for the future of Downton's dynasty takes shape.

But when petty jealousies and ambitions grow among the family and the staff, scheming and secrets — both delicious and dangerous — threaten to derail the scramble to preserve Downton Abbey.

Created and written by Oscar-winner Julian Fellowes (Gosford Park), Downton Abbey offers a spot-on portrait of a vanishing way of life.  

i can't remember the last time i enjoyed television quite this much.  it aired here in the states on masterpiece classics last month, and i waited each week with breathless anticipation.  i just noticed that it's now available on netflix instant watch, so get over there and watch it, then come report to me on whether you loved it or you LOVED IT.  

(if you like british period pieces with a great script, this is definitely for you.  LJ summers, you have zero excuse not to watch this now.)

now, get in this CF and tell everyone how great this show is, how wonderful matthew crawley was as mr. edward ferrars in the BBC production of sense & sensibility from a few years ago, how excited you are for the next season, or just your favorite films/tv shows in this genre so i know what to add to my netflix queue

click here for downton abbey on netflix

or PM me if you do not have the means to watch it (i can get it to you, darling)

downton OTP for your time:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Man of little means?

Tuesday February 15, 2011 at 6:25 PM

I want to read a good Poorward, Middleclassward or even Homelessward fic. I am growing weary of Mr. Richie McMegabucks Cullen.

I have read/am reading River Dam, Green, The Art Teacher, Grand Jete, Young Pilgrims, We Come to Life Beneath the Stars, and Fuggiasco.

Have I exhausted my resources?

Help me get all heart-achey over a man of little means.

Rec me some fic.


Some questionable Rob gifs


And one we should never question:


Someone call the waaaambulance

Tuesday February 15, 2011 at 2:44 PM

I am sick. I am cranky. I am mottled in the head and cannot focus on reading a fic. Or picking a fic. Help. Waaaaaaaa. I love you all, and will remember the joy you've given me after i've left this world.

WHY should I read any of these (on my to read lists for a long time, cannot figure out why I won't start them)

1. Parachute (actually read a few chapters, lost focus)

2. Beyond Time

3. Do Over

4. Love on Wheels

5. Drift

6. Elemental

7. Dead on my Feet

EDIT: Thank you all so much for your detailed opinions, it really helps, and thanks for the well wishes! You guys are the best.


A rose by any other name...wouldn't be a rose, duh

Tuesday February 15, 2011 at 9:42 AM

I am currently pregnant with my 2nd little monkey (yay!) and hubby and I have been playing the name game.

I found an article about the influence of Twilight on the popularity of baby names


I was wondering: what are your feelings on the subject?

A friend of mine, due any day now, has a son named Jacob and had this baby been a boy, his name would have been Edward (something she didn't think about until AFTER they found out the baby was a girl).

I know the name Renesmee makes my skin crawl, but I also know that some people have actually named their daughters this (why, I have no idea).  I also know that it drives me crazy when people go outside of canon to name the offspring they create for the characters.

SM has said she named Bella after the name she was saving for the daughter it looked like she would never have.  Lots of the characters are also named after her family.

So tell me peeps: what opinions do you have on SM's naming choices, people naming their kids after Twilight, or just stupid naming choices in general?

I can't really talk--I was named after Priscilla Presley's character off Dallas.


February Review Drive

Tuesday February 15, 2011 at 9:02 AM


Hey Campers!  It's time for our monthly Review Drive fire!


Here's how to participate -

1. Go to your FF.net account and scroll over the Traffic Tab.

2. Click on User Stats.

3. You'll see a sentence that says "You have completed a total of _____ signed reviews"

4. Come back and share that number here.


Feel free to discuss your number too - defend it, brag about it, whatever! In a week, I'll post another fire and we can compare our numbers. Next month, we'll do the same.


This is a fun way to challenge ourselves, encourage us to take the time to review and show all of the awesome author's out there some love!

To see January's review drive - click here.  And thanks to jazzy-cullen, we've got the January results fire here...click me. =)

Unfortuanetly, it appears that the forest ate our last review drive results fire. Dang grizzly bears. I'll keep hunting for it!


Your FF Scene

Tuesday February 15, 2011 at 8:50 AM

Not sure if this has been done or not:

If you had to choose a scene from your fave FF to be acted out (regardless of actors/roles), what would YOU want to see?

I have a few, but I narrowed it down in the comments




Audiofic not iFic?

Tuesday February 15, 2011 at 7:11 AM

I cruised around the forest before asking. I only found two posts about it and they both referenced iFic, but it hasn't been updated since last Spring. Are there any new developments? I need to drive a lot today and tomorrow and I thought about an audiobook but can't find anything worth it under 10 dollars and the fics on iFic are either ones I've read or aren't interested in and there are only five or so of each one.

Any ideas? I'm desperate for some entertainment! HALP!


Pimp Your Stuff

Monday February 14, 2011 at 8:50 PM

Tell us what you  write and why we should read it. Tell us it is the perfect fic to try out tonight. Tell us what a friend writes and why it knocks your knickers off. Tell us about pretty much anything you've always wanted to tell us about but thought it would sound too self serving. 

Don't be afraid, little chickens, that is what this campfire is for!


This campfire is for YOU.



Love Story?

Monday February 14, 2011 at 7:21 PM

In honour (yes I am Canadian and I will spell that with a U) of Valentine's Day, may I present to you tragic love stories - also known as couples who weren't meant to be.


Jin and Sun (LOST)

I don't know about you, but I was a sobbing mess watching this scene.


Romeo and Juliet

Classic tragic love story.


Come on in and tell me - who do you think was a tragic love story?


Purple Ranger approved.


Asking for a fic

Monday February 14, 2011 at 5:39 PM

i was wondering if any one has a copy of a fic called commited to memory by krismom , it was recently pulled which i don't know why and i didn't get to read the last two chapter so if any one has a copy plz help me and by the way it wasn't completed but i still want to read those chapter bec this story was amazing . thanks


forever a scone on valentine's day

Monday February 14, 2011 at 5:25 PM

Happy Valentine's - http://www.valentinesdaytext.com

let's hang out here instead and answer my inane questions

the best holiday is __________ because _____________________

if you came over, we'd ___________________________

the dumbest thing i've ever done was _______________________

my favorite fic to re-read is _________________

i'm really looking forward to ________________

before i die, i'm gonna ______________, ______________, and ____________________

one day, i WILL meet ________________

this is what happens when i hit ctrl + v: 

and of course, a valentine's gift for wtvoc:



lol ctrl +alt + delete.  pardon my error, i've got issues today

my favorite sad bastard song for your time:


Happy Valentine's Day from Isle Esme

Monday February 14, 2011 at 2:41 PM


Smutty Issues

Monday February 14, 2011 at 12:33 PM

God, that's a terrible title. but it made me laugh and i can't change it now. 

i need some help with smut, can i have your $0.02?


i'll explain inside...


Some people care too much-I think it's called love

Monday February 14, 2011 at 11:34 AM

In honor of this special day 

I want to recognize our fandom first's...

the first person to make you feel welcome,

the first person who introduced you to g-chat,

the first person who you may never meet in real life, but will always consider to be a true friend. 

Celebrate the first person, or people, who made you feel like you finally found a place in the world, even if it is inside a computer. 

Tell them you love them, 

If they are no longer around tell them you miss them,

Tell them how much their friendship has meant to you.  


If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together.. there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart.. I’ll always be with you.
-- Winnie the Pooh



Smooches & Motorboats

Monday February 14, 2011 at 10:57 AM

This is for theraingirl.

Much love to all the ladies of ADF!



FF Sneak Peek

Monday February 14, 2011 at 10:08 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~

First --- | >> | 906 | 907 | 908 | 909 | 910 | 911 | 912 | 913 | 914 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
