
I has a [sad face]

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 12:52 PM

The Twilight crew is OFFICIALLY gone from Baton Rouge. They were here for nearly THREE MONTHS and now they are gone. I did some stalking, not as much as I could have, but never got to meet Rob. Let's face it, he was my #1 goal.

I did meet a couple of the actors and see the outdoor set, trailers and greenscreen...

In a way, I'm relieved they are gone. Now the pressure is off and I can go back to my normal life. But it still hurts that this beautiful man was in my city, filming LITRALEE five minutes from my house and I never got to meet him.

Farewell. Hope you enjoyed our southern hospitality. Be nice to them, Vancouver.


For authors or those 'in the know'

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 12:45 PM

So, I understand the reasons to have a BETA. I value mine above all things. She helps me to make sense when I don't.

What is the point of a pre-reader? How does it differ from a BETA? Do you find them helfpful?

And here's some random hotness for your viewing pleasure.


I Am Number Four

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 11:15 AM

I saw it last night. Have you seen or read it?

I'd like to know what you thought about the book/movie. (Trailer inside.)



*Heads up-spoilers are inside*



Wanna cry?

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 11:08 AM

I've just finished watching Dexter and I just bawled. I've never cried so hard at a TV show.

It's simple. All I wanna know is:


It can be anything. A song, a picture, a secret you're hiding, something that's happened in your life etc.

i know i'm going to cry when Harry Potter ends



Saturday February 19, 2011 at 11:06 AM




I'm serious. It's a funny, feel-good movie with a lot of heart.

Also, Bieber raps. And he is fantastic. And his mom is a dumb ho. But whatever.

this post is for my darling tor
she loves this interview. he's so funny.
have any of you seen the movie?
do you hate this kid for absolutely no good reason just like i used to?
come discuss.

Poor Kristen has a booboo

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 10:56 AM

She hurt her thumb on set Thursday night (according to that Twilight Takes Over Baton Rouge facebook at least...). Just her luck, eh? She came out w/ little injuries after all the Twi movies

Anyway she looks so so soooooooo good these days so I thought the campers would like to see :)


a couple more pics inside


Rob's ten shirts

Saturday February 19, 2011 at 8:04 AM

Here's Rob yesterday, at a WFE press conference.  Isn't that a shirt he wore in Remember Me?  I'll bet he stole it from wardrobe.

My question to you is:

What percentage of your total wardrobe do you actually wear?  On a regular basis?

I'll bet for most people, it's about 30% or less.

 The rest...just doesn't go with anything, was an impulse buy, doesn't fit, is sure to come back in style one day, etc.



Friday February 18, 2011 at 9:14 PM

I had a horrible accident last week.  I broke my tibia and fibula.  It required surgery to install a rod and screws.  

How did this happen?  I was walking and rolled my ankle on an uneven PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company) cover.  I knew the moment it happened that it was broken, your ankle isn't suppose to bend like that, nor is it suppose to make those kinds of noises.

The worst part?  I was carrying my 6 month old son while it happened.  Luckily, he's fine, but Momma's still trying to recover.

(my sexy orange cast)


So...tell me about your worst injuries.  How old were you?  How did it happen?  Did it require surgery?

This has definitely been my worst injury to date.



The Witches Come to Bon Temps

Friday February 18, 2011 at 8:12 PM

Today I got into a rather lenghty discussion about Season 4 of True Blood.

It's only 4 months away until we get naked Eric, a new season!

I haven't seen a good TB discussion in a while, so I have some spoilerishy things to share. 

(on the inside of course)

Also, the 11th book comes out this May. 

What do you think will go down? Let's hope it doesn't suck like the last few. 

Charlaine Harris said this one and the next one with probably be it. 

How do you think the series will end? 


SPOTTED: Jandco&Rob

Friday February 18, 2011 at 7:34 PM

Last Saturday night an unknown woman was spotted with RPatz at a club
opening wearing an oddly firmiliar dress.
Sources say they overheard the young couple discussing suspenders and the mysterious
blonde went as far as to say "Wear 'em and I'll let you do me in the shower".
This sure would explain the noticeable sweat patch on one, Mr. Rob Pattinson.

So ladies, does this mean RPatz has a thing for girls who dress like Bella? Is it a fettish?
Does he need help? And what of the 'ShowerGrrrrl', did she ever get him in those suspenders?
This reporter can only hope.

Jandco, I do this from the nice place in my heart.
Not the place that wants to slap Bieber upside the head and ruin his
pretty little hair, so I hope this doesn't offend. 

OMG I'm incredibly lame but I couldn't resist.
Come inside and share yer funny. 

  ETA: Is NOT a creepy pervert...unless yer Ryan Reynolds.


Caught With Your Pants Down O/S contest ends 02-19

Friday February 18, 2011 at 7:24 PM

Approved by wtvoc

February 19, 2011 is the last day to vote in the

Caught With Your Pants Down One Shot Contest!!


Come read here:


Vote here:

*You can read the entries here as well*

**Winners will be announced February 20, 2011**

Thanks and happy reading and voting!   ~  Keye


Friday February 18, 2011 at 6:19 PM


only you can prevent forest fires

Friday February 18, 2011 at 6:09 PM






Red Rooster!

Friday February 18, 2011 at 5:42 PM

That has become my new nickname! I dyed my hair black and added red streaks through the top of it, and everyone has an opinion.

I had a few questions I wanted to ask all of you, as I had heard/saw a couple people discussing haveing their hair colored this way in a campfire a while back.

Please help me out.

My questions will be inside.

(FFFA, yes?)




home remedies

Friday February 18, 2011 at 4:12 PM

so i'm sick. as a dog, cat and fish.  i have a headache, a sore throat and a fever. 

it's my once-a-year sickness, but when it comes, it comes bad.

SO SHARE YOUR REMEDIES!  i'm sure a lot of you have some home traditions or certain things that y'all do.

mine are in the comments.


In Love With the 80s

Friday February 18, 2011 at 3:22 PM

I don't use the Start A Campfire button often, but I missed Jandco's Happy FFAF/Spam me with music post this week... which I'm sure she has only done the last 2 weeks.... I'm a sucker for the tunes though.   

It's a lovely warm springish day and all the snow is melting away.  I'm in a happy, crazy, cornball mood.  So please, spam me with your favourite 80s songs.


Here comes the bride

Friday February 18, 2011 at 3:04 PM

So as most of you know from Rachel (pwtf) post that I was getting married. Well, that day has been and gone. It's now already been 2 weeks, and I'm still trying to get used to my new title & last name lol

Anyway people have NAGGING me to tell them about my day (not really, I just want to make an excuse that doesn't make me feel like an ASW) so you all have your wish :p

I'll put everything inside so it doesn't take up the whole front page, but here's a little tease for you :)

Also, to make this interactive tell me about your wedding day! Did things go wrong? Where you a bridezilla? Share pics too if you have any :)

4th Street

Just a quick thank you!

Friday February 18, 2011 at 3:04 PM


Positively4thStreet from here!

I'm a complete tool when it comes to anything tech-like, so I'll make this quick because quite frankly, it all looks very complicated and scary! There's toggles and gadgets and all sorts staring at me. I can barely work my Word documents on a good day - I'm easily intimidated.

I've had people leaving me comments and saying that somebody from ADF has sent them my way, so I just wanted to say a huge thank you - it's really very lovely to hear that people have rec'd AMTDR. Saying it in an A/N seems highly impersonal, and I'm not quite sure who I am supposed to be thanking exactly, but I thought if I could at least post HERE, then... y'know - I'm at least in the right vicinity!

For anybody following A May to December Romance - the new chapter has been sent off for pre-reading this afternoon, so it should hopefully be up today/tomorrow. Cross fingers!

Happy weekends to all!

Oh look - I've managed purple... *dons proud pants*

4th Street :)


Romance Watch Along

Friday February 18, 2011 at 3:03 PM


The Romance Watch Along

As some of you may have notice for the last couple of months there has been something called “the horror watch along” and is with great pleasure that we introduce this new project!!

So join us tomorrow at 7 PM ET to watch the romantic classic “The Princess Bride”

and check out the comments for links to our blog!



Friday February 18, 2011 at 2:56 PM

grammar pet peeves... do you have one?


here's mine:

The difference between farther and further

Farther means "more distant" and is usually measurable, as in these examples:
Is El Paso farther from Dallas or Los Angeles?
John decided to climb farther into the cave.

Sometimes farther can be used more figuratively, such as:
My best friend and I drifted farther apart.


Further is a more abstract term meaning time or quantity ("more" or "additional"), as in these examples:
Katie developed further complications.
Jim needs to research the subject further.

In writing, you'd be okay to use further any time you don't apply it to a distance.

what's yours??

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