
The House Bunny

Friday February 25, 2011 at 8:12 AM

My hubby has a subscription to this magazine:

And I have to say....I really like it.

Not for the nudie pics (although, I have to say, looking at all the fake boobies makes me giggle quite a lot) but for the ARTICLES.

No, seriously.

This month I read one on the possibility of interbreeding among early Homo sapiens and Neanderthals.  Not really new info to me, as I spent years studying that kinda stuff, but I was surprised that a magazine not really catering to, ahem, intellectual pursuits, would take time and space to go over a topic as stuffy as early hominid evolution.

The point of this is to say:

Of which magazines/websites/books/publications have you found yourself an unlikely fan and why?

What kind of topics really gets your brain a-chugging along?

Also: Do you like to laugh at unfortunate plastic surgery?  I do.  Heeheehee.

LJ Summers

Vamp or Not Fic List

Friday February 25, 2011 at 7:49 AM

Today's compilation is brought to you by the number


and the punctuation symbol


Is he or isn't he? Is she or isn't she?  

This has next to nothing to do with haircolor (though heaven knows "lustrous mahogany locks" vie with "bronze sex hair" in half the fics in the Fandom) but is all about whether or not Edward or Bella is a vampire.



Do you know of stories like this? I know of one or two... ;-)  

If you do, please bring them here and share them around the fire!  We have campers eager to read them!

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:

1.  Keep it simple.  Title, Author, Summary and Link (if you can! url if you can't, eh?)

2.  No discussions, if you please. This is a list. :) 


Hope you have a terrific weekend! :-)



Friday February 25, 2011 at 7:01 AM

There was a tragedy in my town this last week. A couple in their early twenties were murdered and found in their car down an abandoned road. Obviously this has been a big topic in my town since it happened. We wanted to know what happened and who was responsible. Everyone had been talking about them quite a bit and there have been several stories in the local newspaper about it. 

The local paper went onto the facebooks of the people who were killed, posting their pictures and quoting their posts. I know things on facebook are public domain, but they posted a picture of the girl that was killed with a beer in her hand making a face at the camera. I know almost everyone has a picture like that, but on the front page of the newspaper it didn't exactly paint her in the best light. They also quoted a status of the guy that was killed (who was 23) and said that he was foretelling his own death: "I'm 23 now, but will I live to see 24? I don't know my, luck's runnin out fool...." They didn't even bother to fact check that it was a Coolio lyric. That might just be my local paper though. They're not exactly the best and brightest over there.

So here's my question: Do you think it's okay for newspapers to use facebook to find out about people, rather than getting information from the families, doing their own investigative work, etc? And what does your facebook say about you? I'm pretty sure mine makes me look like an alcoholic. I don't think this is what Mark Zuckerburg had in mind.


Can't remember

Friday February 25, 2011 at 4:44 AM

So i read this story and i can't remember who wrote it or the title.

Bella and Jasper were like brother and sister or really close friends and They were homeless and Jasper started working with Edward selling drugs and then their was Edward and Alice who weren't really homeless but didn't have much either i think they were really brother and sister i also remember jasper and Alice started dating and Jasper was doing the drugs he was selling and i think Alice might have been too which got all of them in a lot of trouble when Jasper couldn't come up with the money for the drugs he was using and i remember Bella and Edward were kind or together but Bella was younger like 17 or 18 i think and everyone else was older like early twenty

does anyone know what this story is?


FYT :Image and video hosting by TinyPic


May the odds, be EVER in your favor!

Friday February 25, 2011 at 3:52 AM

I juuuust finished The Hunger Games Tril. Like, minutes ago.
Started out awesome. Then got worse. 
Poor ending. I liked Haymitch, Peeta, Boggs, Finnick. Among others.
And now that I have read it, I will understand you when you express

I know it's been done to death. Humour me.

I vaguely remember a previous campfire on this topic that had
people  about the last half of Mockingjay.
Most of Mockingjay made me >:|
So what particularly about MJ made you crazy-mad?
And fer those of you who havent red eet.
Go forth now and do so.
ETA: Just searched ADF campfires for HG stuff(probably should've done that to begin with)....there's about a million of them [okay 10]
so I understand if I am yanking a dead horse out AGAIN.
I dunno...add yer movie thoughts too...perhaps..maybe. Yes. Do. it.



Friday February 25, 2011 at 2:00 AM

So I'm sick...for the fourth day in a row, and this afternoon I have a 3 hour placement in a community pharmacy that if I miss, I fail the year.

So I need something to cheer me up

I'd like for us to share interviews...funny/cute/interesting interviews involving the twilight cast....or the Harry Potter cast :)


I just found that and thought she was adorable :)
Anne Shirley Cullen

Anyone ever try Curling?

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 11:58 PM

So if you are Canadian, my guess is you have tried curling at least once in your lifetime.
Even if it some team building event, chances are you have been on a sheet of curling ice.

Well....I was being all old and stuff and was watching the Scotties Tournament of Hearts when I saw this commercial.

I was in tears I was laughing so hard.

Hopefully one of you out there will know what this is about and find it funny too.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Free for all

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 11:27 PM

I am sure you figured this out already but it is FREE FOR ALL!

Just a few reminders about what is allowed when it is NOT Free For All:

You do not have to get Ranger permission to post anything Vampire related. (Twilight, Vampire Diaries, True Blood, any vamp book, movie, topic-doesn't matter-if it is vamp-post away)

You do not have to get Ranger permission to post anything Harry Potter related (why? Robert was in HP-connection-get it?)

You do not have to get Ranger permission to post anything relating to anything relating to the any of the actors/actresses in vamp/HP movies/television series

If you tie a question/rant/observation/gush to a Twilight or other vamp topic you don't need permission. Make your posts interactive.

If you want to go off-topic during the week-just ask-we are very flexible and love interesting posts. DON'T BE SCARED TO ASK US.

But when Friday rolls around- remember that Free for All is just that-GO NUTS and do whatever the hell you want.


Vampire Diaries!

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 8:55 PM

Tonight's episode was like :) :D :0 80 so many things happend!  It was wicked but now we have to wait till APRIL 7TH!!! WHY???

Come chat, share vampire diaries Damon love, gifs and whatnot :)


RANGER EDIT-Just a reminder that ADF is all vamp all the time. You don't have to wait for Free For All to post anything Vampire Diaries. Post away. Post frequently. Hell-if you are going to discuss Damon post hourly ;)


What is a BNA

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 8:41 PM

GAW said it was alright.


I see BNAs referred to all of the time.


I know it stands for Big Name Author but honestly, reading between the lines, I think it only refers to ONE author who wrote the insomniac  AH piece that Rob Pattinson read and said was good.  (Honestly, I think he was just having what we used to call the munchies.)

But what constitutes a BNA?

Who are BNAs? (And what did they write?)

Is it number of reviews? And how many reviews on a story equals a lot.

Traffic on a story?  How many hits?

Please to be explaining.  Let's quantify this, please.



Here's my favorite BNA author cartoon.:  by beatonna on LJ  here's a link


Recommendation Campfire

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 6:46 PM

We really want to know what your #1 favorite story is RIGHT NOW...

and maybe your second, and third.... heck.... GIVE US YOUR TOP FIVE FANFICS RIGHT NOW!

Not of all time, what you are currently reading or JUST read! Don't forget to link them and tell others what you think of their top 5!




Why so angry-face?

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 6:04 PM

Hey guys, it's been a few weeks. I miss ADF and all the campers, especially since this last year has kicked my a$$ so my ADF-time has been sorely limited.

Anywho, I have a question:

What happened to this fandom, and why is everyone so goddam angry and hate/hurtful?

I don't get it. I've been in this fandom for nearly 3 years (*eye twitch*) and in the beginning, general bitchiness rudeness and twanking and whatnot were a severe rarity.

But in the last few months almost 2 years, now that I really think about it, there has been such a change. People do the three P's: plagiarize, pull, and publish (not necessarily in that order or all three of those). There's rampant flaming and obnoxiousness. Egos have grown wayyy too large. Hatred and offensive comments and even personal attacks are spewed forth daily.

What the heck happened? Is it that people feel that they can be meaner online because they are somewhat anonymous? Do people see others doing it and think it's okay for them to do the same? A little of both? Something more?

This isn't just a rhetorical question, or some way to stir the pot. This is me being truly confused, and wishing for an answer (though I realize I may not find one).

***Please understand that I'm not referring to ADF in writing this post, but rather the fandom as a whole. I just knew that by posting it here, I could actually spark some discussion and get back a response rather than some other pleaces which shall-not-be-named where hatred would be shot back at me faster than I could say Spunk Ransom.


Okay, now that I've stepped off my little virtual soapbox as I eagerly await your opinions, I'd like to offer up some pretteh as a peace offering bribe to play nice in the sandbox thanks: <3




Are You Afraid Of...

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 5:57 PM



I'm curious. What is it about this genre that either draws you in or makes you scream and run to the hills?

Is it because it's unbelievable or too crackficky?

Poor quality?

Lack of knowledge of the other fandom?

Or is it your guilty pleasure and you secretly crave a good crossover?

I just want to know.


I need to fan myself

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 3:52 PM

Thanks to, I just wanted to tell all of you True Blood fans that this super sexy fella is returning for Season 4.


I loves me some Godric. And Eric.

Please share my excitement and some photos or just anything to do with True Blood.

ps. how will Godrick still be alive?


What is that funky smell?

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 3:05 PM

Bella smells like strawberries and freesia.  Edward smells like lilacs and sunshine. i think they both probably smell like bong-water.




WHAT DO YOU smell like??

What is your favorite "signature" perfume?  A body-wash you always use?  If your favorite Cullen had to sniff you out of a crowd... how would they know it was you???


(Campfire inspired by a twitversation I had with the hippie WTVOC earlier...)

excuse you, i'm not a hippie.  i simply smell like one.  and i have this as a wall-hanging.  but that's it.

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Thursday February 24, 2011 at 11:37 AM

this campfire is totally serious and important, so pay attention, please.


i've literally been trying to reach her for days.

i g-chat her, and her box replies saying "i'm not jessica; i'm her sister."

i call her phone, and i get this "The number you have called does not have voice mail set up for service."

that's new. I used to leave her voicemails all the time. BECAUSE SHE NEVER ANSWERS HER PHONE.

the last time i emailed her, i got no reply-- which is nothing new.

so just now when I was about to email her to ask if she'd been kidnapped by pirates or something, i thought "well, I know she looks at ADF, probably more often than her email, and CLEARLY more frequently than she checks her voicemail, considering something has happened to her phone..."

so here it is.


now, to make this interactive, who're you missing?

for example, i frequently miss gallantcorkscrews. i wish that girl would unflounce.

purple edit: jennifer, you doof.  she's around, i just talked to her.  she has a new phone and has to figure out how phones work again.  ALL IS WELL, CALL OFF THE DOGS.


Let's look at that chest hair

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 11:27 AM

During my last RobP0rn campfire, GAW requested a chest hair picspam and I'm happy to oblige. So without further ado...

Let's drool over Rob's chest!

Here's some wet Rob FYT

gaw edit: OMG THANK YOU!


You give good talk

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 11:14 AM

Has anyone read the latest update to Breaking News?  Can I just say how much I love this story?  WriteonTime you are one smart lady.

Rob in a fine-cut suit, shades and a little bit of chest hair can never go wrong.

Let's discuss how reading this story amps up your IQ or just come in here and profess your love to Reporterward.


Lonely Robert

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 10:32 AM

Robert Pattinson adopts a puppy to stop feeling lonely

Robert Pattinson has apparently adopted a puppy to stop the loneliness he feels on the set of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - as his friends refuse to visit the remote filming location.

"I know it's sad. A lot of actors have a bunch of people who just go up and stay with them for two months, like an entourage," Pattinson reveals. "But my friends, their egos are too big. They'd be like, 'I'm not a part of your entourage. I'll stay in a free hotel for a bit if it's in New York or LA, but I'm not going to come out to some random town in the sticks.'"

The actor adopted the puppy - which he jokes he'll name "Robert" - from a rescue shelter in Louisiana and is counting on the dog to keep him company while filming Breaking Dawn in Vancouver. "That's kind of why I adopted the puppy. It's from a shelter and he was going to be put down. I got a private plane, so he came out of the shelter and the next day he's on a private plane. A bit like Lady And The Tramp."

And what about R-Patz's co-star Kristen Stewart, rumoured to be the lady in his life off-screen? The pair have never confirmed their relationship, but when asked about forbidden love he replied, "There's always some kind of problem when you're in love with someone. Especially in movies."





Oldies but Goodies

Thursday February 24, 2011 at 9:59 AM

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Hey Campers!

It's time to discuss Chapters 21-30 of Abbracciare il Cantante by Bratty Vamp!

Come on in and share your thoughts on these chapters.

On Monday we'll be discussing chapters 31- 40, so get all caught up over the weekend!

Click on the banner below to be linked to the story here in the forest.

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No spoilers, please - there are a lot of first time readers!

Thanks for your participation! =)

First --- | >> | 899 | 900 | 901 | 902 | 903 | 904 | 905 | 906 | 907 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
