
Help Desk

Tuesday March 1, 2011 at 7:55 PM


You guys should know the drill by now.

Use this to ask for lost fic, help with beta'ing, etc etc.


Behind the scenes shot

Tuesday March 1, 2011 at 4:19 PM

Oh hello Damon. What no hat?


Rob is Twi-tired

Tuesday March 1, 2011 at 1:44 PM

Twilight and its fans get a beating in this slightly depressing interview with Rob.

Perhaps we are guilty as charged, or perhaps we are anti-fans of sorts -- see Littlestar's post below.

ETA:  To Rob's credit HE doesn't disparage the fans.  The article points out various crazy-fan, invasive moments.

I liked it though, especially when he uses some foul language and calls the dog in to come sit beside him on the sofa. 

Oh yeah, and this pic:

Discussion began below (LINK) but I thought such a big'un deserved its own post.

Article scans inside.


Older man, younger woman

Tuesday March 1, 2011 at 1:07 PM

I am obsessed with the show Big Love and a recent storyline has a 37 year old teacher in a relationship with his 15 year old student. It's really gross, but at the same time I am intrigued at the idea of forbidden love. It's debatable whether the 15 year old pursue the man or he was calculating it all along, but they seem to be in love. Is that wrong? The 15 year old is very mature and comes from a background where younger women are in relationships with older men all the time.

In the Twilight universe, when a vampire changes, they are frozen in time, right? So Edward will be 17 forever. His personality will not change. I can sort of believe that, but when I think of Carlisle being 23 forever, that's harder for me to believe he will never change.  Carlisle has lived hundreds of years - even if as a vampire he doesn't change - wouldn't those years of experience bring a maturity?  And I guess its the same with Edward, but with him it just feels different.  None of us are grossed out at the idea of a 108 year old going from a 17 year old, you know?  Esme was 27 when she was changed and I think that's a good age to know who you are - you're definitely an adult by then and to me age doesn't make a difference if you are dating an older man.

How do you feel about older man, younger woman relationships?

Note: Older women, younger men is a different discussion, in my opinion. I'm not approving or disapproving, but it just feel a different dynamic.


For you I'd write a symphony

Tuesday March 1, 2011 at 9:33 AM


Today is Justin Bieber's 17th birthday, OMG


but i have a question...


Do you care about Celeb birthday's? Especially celebs that you really like?





Big bad wolf

Tuesday March 1, 2011 at 9:07 AM

Do you ever ask yourself...







First up he's got the movie with Nicholas Cage coming out DRIVE ANGRY (it might already be in theatres, idk)


Second, he's going to be in Red Riding Hood, the red version of Twilight. (I hope he's the wolf, tbh)

I was going to post the trailer for it, but he's not really in it.






He's been filming Breaking Dawn, but everyone knows that.


let's talk about how amazing and handsome he is.


New Breaking Dawn Pic!

Tuesday March 1, 2011 at 7:31 AM

I didn't notice this pic posted it off

Snoward! :)

I love how Rob goes from scruffy, messy Rob to clean cut Edward in the blink of an eye!

Post some scruffy Rob vs. Clean Cut Rob/Edward if you want to make this interactive!


Rob's Vanity Fair cover

Monday February 28, 2011 at 10:17 PM





edit:  thank you dalliana for adding more pics. there's a piano.  it's rather redeeming.



Monday February 28, 2011 at 8:46 PM

Okay soo edward and alice are siblings and I believe they move from chicago. Bella and jacob (i think) had a baby.. but the baby ended up dying.  There is a foundation that Carisle and Esme run at the hospital about whatever problem the baby had. Alice tells edward that Bella was cheating on him and had a secret child because she saw Bella and Jake having dinner as well as baby pictures in Bella's room. Everyone hates Alice at this point because she is causing trouble. Any ideas? I know this is uber vague. 


Qhuay otp

Monday February 28, 2011 at 8:41 PM


Calling all Black Dagger Brotherhood fans...


J.R. Ward's latest enstallment comes out on March 29th!




Wrenfield Hall *spoilers inside*

Monday February 28, 2011 at 6:50 PM

I just finished the update.


More inside.



Monday February 28, 2011 at 6:29 PM

What do you write? What do you beta? What does your friend write or your gchat buddy? What about your friend on twitter?

This is the campfire where you pimp out you and your friends.

We want to read your stuff.

(include links for the lazy)


Monday February 28, 2011 at 6:02 PM


Just goes to show how Twi-obsessed I am, the first thing I think of when I see this article is Edward...

Frank Buckles, last WWI doughboy, dies at 110 in W.Va.

" ... Born in Missouri in 1901 and raised in Oklahoma, Buckles visited a string of military recruiters after the United States in April 1917 entered what was called "the war to end all wars." He was repeatedly rejected before convincing an Army captain he was 18 ... "

May he and all his comrades rest in peace.

(Here is a slide show ... )

purple ranger approved!

LJ Summers

Teacher, Teacher! Fic List

Monday February 28, 2011 at 5:07 PM

This evening's fic list is brought to you by the letter Q and the number π.


Teacher stories!  Do you know of any stories in which either Bella or Edward -- or BOTH -- are teachers? Not in a Forbidden Relationship story -- the request was specific on this score -- but just that they're in education.

I can think of one or two...can you? 

Find this list and NINETY-FOUR other lists on the MASTER FIC LIST, where we, the Campers of A DIFFERENT FOREST, have labored to organize the best of Twilight Fan Fiction since July, 2010. :)

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:

1.  Keep it simple. Title, Author, Link, Summary.

2.  No discussions.  



So come on in and share your favorite Teacher, Teacher! stories around the fire!


Are you in the (fangirl) closet?

Monday February 28, 2011 at 2:21 PM

Hey everyone, hope you are all having a great start to the week! Was just pondering something, and am curious to see the responses. In our fandom we use the word 'fangirl' a lot as a negative expression, or to hint that perhaps one is going a little crazy over a certain thing/actor.

Some fans are loud and proud about being a twilight/rob fangirl.  They wear the shirts with the actors faces, they have the posters, the bumper stickers, etc. They are not ashamed.

Some fans are in the closet, so to speak. They have read the books, they surf the websites, they see the movies, but no one in real life knows how much they love the characters/actors. It's all kept hush hush-a guilty pleasure, if you will.

I am middle of the road-I have fangirl tendencies, I'm afraid to admit. I don't wear the shirts or have the posters, but I do want to squeal or lick the screen when I see a new hot Rob pic posted. I don't do either, but the urge is there. I have spent hours watching Bobby Long video clips on youtube...another fangirl move. However I would never go crazy over Twilight memorablia, or stalk any of them. I don't know if I'll even try to get Bobby's pic or autograph in Memphis, cause I don't wanna be a fangirl, you know?

So which are you? Out and loud? Closeted and secret? Or Middle of the road? And if you don't fangirl about Rob, Bobby or Twilight, is there someone/something that you do go crazy over?


Which is better?

Monday February 28, 2011 at 1:21 PM

Born This Way by Lady Gaga? (be advised, there is some weird things coming out of her... vag)


Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears?


FF Sneak Peek

Monday February 28, 2011 at 8:07 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


I'm pretending this is true.

Monday February 28, 2011 at 6:24 AM

"The highlight for Pattinson and Stewart? When a certain Jay-Z/Alicia Keys Big Apple classic came on around 1 a.m. "They went nuts for Empire State of Mind!" the witness tells Us."

Nothing pleases me more than Robert Pattinson busting a move to Jay-Z.  I have a weird thing for Robert Pattinson and Jay-Z involving a chain link fence and boxing gloves.  Oddly isn't sexual at all.

Let's discuss Robert Pattinson fist pumping to Jay-Z.  Or the validity of this article.  Or anything else.


Character ages: How old do you like 'em?

Monday February 28, 2011 at 3:23 AM

 I USE to really into ages. I said "okay by 25 you should have this done, by 30 this done should be sending the kids off to college by 40s, etc...until I hit a certain age and missed a step an was perfectly fine with that.

But as far as character ages, I'm always fascinated by how old people tend to make their characters and wonder about the mindset behind it. Since fics are the playground for anything goes as far as what a character does, how they'll act, etc ages seem to not be so daring.

Sometimes it seems like the characters on average are somewhere between 21-27. 27-28 tends to be the maximum oldest age. He's a CEO at 27, the head ER doc at 27, English professor at 27, just everything peaked at 27 and maybe 28.

30 something sprinkled around in spurts and 40 something are a gold mine if you can find it and older that that is reserved for Carlisle and Esme if Edward/Emmett/Alice are their kids.

High school is it's own set of ages and THIS baffles me because with M fics many use the 18+ should be reading when the characters being written about are under 18 and having sex but no one really wants anyone that age reading it.


Why aren't you reading ...

Sunday February 27, 2011 at 10:14 PM

Without Intention by Halawia?  Seriously, this story has less than 250 reviews and it really should have more. The writing is excellent and Bella's internal torment as she makes a journey of illicit sexual discovery makes my heart ache.

Bella is a housewife in her mid-thirties with a teenage daughter and a insensitive husband (Jake). Her daughter Sarah is madly in love with her best friend's (Alice's) older brother -- Edward. But he isn't interested in Sarah -- he wants her mother. Edward starts working a gardener for Bella and Jake during the summer and they try to resist their attraction. But 'without intention' they are unable to resist each other. And so Bella becomes an adulteress and tries to live a double life where she is not being fair to anyone -- including Edward, who wants more than just sex.

Anyway, it's a great story, told well and I think the author deserves more love than she's currently getting. Go and read ...!

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