
Hooked on a Feeling

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 6:47 PM

I read a lot of fics. A lot. And I've gotta admit, it's getting harder to find stories that hook me immediately. But then I found Don't Stand So Close to Me by ElyseGaines. And ladies, I fell in love. Hard. Here is the official summary.

When Bella meets Edward, they share one memorable night in a club. Although she hopes to see him again, when she does, it's in the place neither of them expected. Rated M for language and yummy lemons ahead.

It's smart and well written. And best of all....Elyse updates quickly!

What stories have you found recently that you absolutely love? What does a story need to hook you immediately? Are you reading something that gives you that loving feeling?



Saturday March 5, 2011 at 6:12 PM

OH MY ERIC NORTHMAN! Ladies we are on the road to the shower scene!

Writing challenge

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 6:05 PM

So, does anyone remember back to the ADF 12 days of Christmas? One of the competitions was to write a story in 24 hours based on the prompt left by the rangers. Lots of people said that they enjoyed it and wondered if it was going to be run again. So I want to know...

Do you still wanna?

I am willing to run a weekly campfire providing a randomly generated prompt if anyone would like to play. My initial idea is to make it a 24 hour deadline, but I'm open to change dependant on the majority opinion. What I want to know is:

1. Would anyone like to play?

If so:

2. How long should the timeframe be (24/48 hours)

3. What day would you like to play on?

4. Should it be judged (not by me, obviously, but perhaps the rangers might like to be guest judges)?


Come inside and talk to me about how this should go.


This is my first ever campfire - please don't leave me hanging...

Idea and campfire approved by the lovely Emibella

santa muerte

Master of the Universe got pulled,she publishing.

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 5:18 PM

This is my first campfire. Don't if I'm doing it right, but here it is..

Another one bites the dust..


Good deals, yo

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 2:59 PM

I think I'm just squeaking by for FFA.

So I am sucker for a good deal.  And I love telling other people about those good deals.  I recently got a screaming deal on eyeglasses through Zenni Optical.  I got a pair of single vision glasses for reading with the anti glare stuff for $35.00.  My husband has now purchased 2 pairs through them and we learned about it through a friend who uses them all the time.  Since we don't have vision insurance, this is awesome!  Check it out you can get some great deals. (Picture of my glasses inside).

So, use this campfire to share the great deals you know of with other campers!  Are you an expert shopper?  Do you know where to find the sales, or the best place to buy books, clothes, cds, movie tickets, whatever?  Come on in and share!

FYT - Rob rocking the glasses


Calling the Brits!

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 1:46 PM

Okay so littestar300 has like inspired me to actually decide to ask this... but i figured alot of us are willing to travel to London to meet... so why not travel may 2nd in time for the WFE london prem on may 3rd?? Like we could head to London and hang out for the day then those that want to stay and do the fangirly camping thing for the prem the next day can and those that aren't bothered can like head home... i've done the camping thing and it's alot of fun :) Also the plus side is you don't have to pay for a hotel and you're allowed to sleep on the streets without being moved on by police lol

But yeah, we can do like touristy stuff and like grab a meal or something on the 2nd then whoever wants to stay can and stalk Rob and that :p


EDIT: also those that cant make the prem dates.... 28th of may is also being discussed... no Rob but there would still be the awesome British campers :p 


White Collar (and other USA Network Shows)

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 10:11 AM

If you have never heard of it, White Collar is about a white collar criminal (forger, con artist, and thief) who strikes a deal with the FBI agent who caught him to get out of prison under FBI supervision and help solve crimes as a criminal informant.

The Criminal

The Agent


I am kinda (completely) in love with this tv show (and quite a few of the others on USA).  The second season finale is this Tuesday and I am so pumped (though kinda sad, since I will have to wait for the next season, which sucks).

Anybody else like White Collar (or Psych, Covert Affairs, Royal Pains, etc.)?

Feel free to come round and talk about their fabulous stars, episodes you liked, spoilers (please just color the font so it has to be highlighted to be read), the fandom, or whatever you like.

Also, any pics are always welcome!

Sugar Britches

Why Can't All Movies be Like This One?

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 8:03 AM

"They are like agents of Satan, but with awesome haircuts"

Could we have a Jennifer's Body appreciation campfire?

I loved this movie. It reminded me of one of my other favorite movies way back when, Heathers. It's campy and dark and fun.

Also, the 2 stars, Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried, are fierce and like, extra salty.

Daniel Tosh dissed this movie on Tosh.0 last night which vexed me.

Megan Fox Pictures, Images and Photos
Jennifer's Body Pictures, Images and Photos
jen's body Pictures, Images and Photos
If you disagree with my opinion (I know that there are a lot of you out there) I want to know why. Because I thought this movie was just the bee's knees.
Highlights of the movie and my favorite quotes inside

freedom of speech and other misc. ramblings

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 3:37 AM

is it still FFFA?  i hope so - it's actually early saturday here in los angeles....  and i forget the rules.  bad camper.  no smore.

anywho.  so i was spending this friday night all by my lonesome, drinking beer, packing up the homestead, shredding documents, and watching 'the people vs. larry flynt' because that's how i do, and i was reminded of this here campfire from awhile back, titled "Written In Blood - Sex, the Law, and You":

i just basically wanted to say that it's a good movie to watch on the topic of free speech, censorship, and first amendment type stuff.  granted, it's a movie, so i'm sure a lot is lost in the script and editing, but it's based on real cases, and has some very well-worded arguments.




interactive:  anything more to say on the issue(s) at hand?  anyone want to discuss the varying degrees of edward norton hotness and/or not-so-hotness over the years?  anyone else love the song 'hang on sloopy' as much as i do?  i don't know what the feck it is about this song, but it makes me indecently randy.  i just want to spend a long, lazy summer afternoon f*cking and listening to the ocean with it playing in the background.... 

yeah.  i haven't TMIed in quite some time.  it was overdue....


Epic Draco/Hermione story?

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 3:19 AM

Since I haven't gone to bed yet can I still claim FFA Friday?

I am looking to get into Draco/Hermione fanfic.    Can someone rec me an epic story?   I want long, Draco/Hermione, COMPLETE.   Something that is just outta this world.    Any suggestions?

Miss Snazzy

The Twilight Disease

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 1:05 AM

Yesterday, one of my co-workers needed to get by me and he said,

"Excuse me, love."

I am in no way attracted to him, but the fact that he called me love had me practically giddy.

So my question for you is--

Has anything ever happened in your day-to-day life that made you think of Twilight and consequentially, become ridiculously excited? Something no one else would see the connection to because they don't spend hours reading/writing fanfic or thinking about Twilight?


Because for me, it's as if Twilight has slithered its way through my brain like a sickness. I relate almost every song I hear to Twilight, or think--huh, this would make a good fic...



Planned Parenthood

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 12:19 AM

I figured since it is FFAF I would go ahead and post this campfire. I have been spreading the word via twitter and facebook, and I'm sure many of you know already, but recently the House voted to defund Planned Parenthood.  One of the main reasons their funding is being called into question is because of abortion, however it is already against federal law to use federal dollars for abortion services, so the amendment would only be taking away the money they use to provide for family planning, birth control, and STD and cervical cancer screenings. I'm not aiming to start a political debate or change anyone's opinions on abortion or Planned Parenthood in general,  only to raise awareness and encourage people to get the facts and get involved, and sign the Planned Parenthood petition if they are in favor of keeping Planned Parenthood federally funded. 

I can never remember if we're allowed to link outside links in the forest, but if you just google Support Planned Parenthood the sites you need will pop up. so if you support them, be sure to go do this!!  The Senate will be voting on the amendment sometime later this month. 


ETA:  errr..I just realized this isn't to make it interactive how about we talk about if you've ever used Planned Parenthood before and what type of experience you had with them,  or whether or not you would ever use them  or why you do or do not believe PP should be funded.  :)


KStew and the 7 dwarfs

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 12:09 AM

It's official. Kristen is going to be playing Snow White. Apparently, she IS the fairest of them all...



Help me spend $$$

Friday March 4, 2011 at 8:41 PM

I have decided that I am no longer going to buy paper back books because they take up to much space and money.

So in deciding that, I have decided to buy some kind of ereader.

What I wanna know from you is what kind should I buy?


Kindle 3?

Just say heck with it and buy an iPad 2?

What do you use and how much do you love it?




I'll discuss more inside.


WFE Premiere

Friday March 4, 2011 at 7:28 PM

The Water For Elephants premiere is in New York on 4/17.

I bought my flight ticket last night. Yay!!!

This campfire is for two reasons-

1) To find other ladies to meet up with. Are you goung? Where are you staying? Do you want to go? Would you like to meet up? Do you know of a group that is going? Etc....

2) Get as much info as possible. I have never ben to New York. Have yet to get a hotel room, and don't even know where this event is being held. Let me know what you know. Please.




Added after shedding some tears and checking out if I can change flight arrangements...

Well.. damn. So, if it's not in Ny and in LA... maybe I can go there... doubt it. :(


Now this campfire is about major disappointments you have received recently.

I just bought my ticket last night!! Sob! 

Scrooge McDunk

The Things We Do For Love

Friday March 4, 2011 at 6:30 PM

I love my seester Modunk bunches. I love her so much, in fact, that I agreed to beta her lemon. Now, I am aware that my sister knows about the birds and the bees, but I had grave worries that actually reading about it would give me the squickies.

Lucky for me, the dreaded lemon was so well handled I was able to forget the fact, at least for a while, that it was written by my sister. But hey, even though the squicky didn't ACTUALLY happen, I was WILLING to let it happen. So why not reward my bravery and sisterly devotion by moseying on over to and checking out her story:

Summary: He's older and a little awkward. She's young and beautiful. What would he do to win her heart? E/B

(Disclaimer: we haven't actually, REACHED the lemon yet in the posted chapters, I've just beta'd what Mo has prewritten)

I can promise you twice-weekly updates and a story that won't drag on 40 chapters beyond where it needs to be I think you all know where my finger's pointing.

And I know plenty of you campers understand the appeal of a geeky older man:

Photobucket" />



Friday March 4, 2011 at 4:18 PM

Okay, so this campfire is inspired by the one below, asking people for photo's of themselves. It got me wondering if anyone dabbles in photography? Amateur or professional?

Do you have some snapshots from your digital camera that you are particularly proud of?

I wanna see 'em.  (:

And hopefully get some constructive criticism for my own contribution (I'll post them inside).


Where are these characters mentioned?

Friday March 4, 2011 at 4:16 PM

Afton - Breaking Dawn?
Alec - Volturi?
Alice - Obvious...
Alistar - Breaking Dawn.
Amun - Breaking Dawn.
Angela - Forks High/Bella's friend.
Aro - Volturi.
Austin M.
Bella - Main Character, lol.
Bejamin - Breaking Dawn.
Billy - Jacobs dad.
Brady - Wolf Pack.
Bree - Eclipse (Girl Cullens want to keep after Victoria attack, but Jane kills her.)
Cauis - Volturi.
Carlisle - Edwards Dad.. lol.
Carmen - Breaking Dawn?
Charles - Breaking Dawn? :s
Charlie - Bella's dad.
Charalotte - Jaspers friends (Breaking Dawn)
Clair - Girl Embry imprints on?
Collin - Wolf Pack?
Demetri - Volturi.
Didyme - Breaking Dawn.
Dr. Gerandy - Obvious a Doctor, but I don't remember him...
Edward - Main Character, lol...
Eleazar - Breaking Dawn.
Elizabeth - Edwards real mom?
Embry - Wolf Pack.
Emily - Sams Girl - Wolf pack.
Emmett - Edwards brother...
Ephraim -
Eric - Forks High Student.
Esme - Edward's Vamp momma.
Felix - Volturi.
Garret - Breaking Dawn.
Harry - Charlies friend who dies.
Hedi - Human girl who is the secetary type thing to the Volturi???
Huilun - Breaking Dawn? People that Alice brings back??
Irina - Breaking Dawn.
Jacob - Bella's best friend.
James - Vampire killed in first book.
Jane - Volturi.
Jared - Wolf Pack.
Jasper - Edwards vamp brother/Alice's lover.
Jenks - That guy that the Cullens use to get fake ID's and shit.. Bella goes to him for Nessie in Breaking Dawn?
Jessica - Bella's human friend.
Joham - One of the people Alice brings back in Breaking Dawn.
Joshua U.
Kachiri - Breaking Dawn.
Kate - Breaking Dawn.
Lauren - Human girl at Forks High.
Laurent - Vampire that the wolves kill in second book.
Leah - Wolf Pack.
Liam - Breaking Dawn??
Maggie - Breaking Dawn??
Marcus - Volturi.
Maria - Girl who changed Jasper?
Mike - Bella's human friend..
Mr. Banner - Bio teacher.
Nahual - Half Vamp/Half human??
Paul - Wolf Pack.
Peter - Breaking Dawn??
Phil - Bella's Step daddy.
Quil Jr - Wolf Pack.
Quil Sr. - Quil's dad?
Rachel - Jakes sister?
Randel - Breaking Dawn.
Rebecca - Jakes sister?
Rene - Bella's mom.
Renesmee - Bella/Edward's kid.
Riley - Third book. Edward & Seth kill him.
Rosalie - Edward's Vamp sister.
Royce - Rosalie's human boyfriend/who Rosalie kills when she turns vampie.
Sam - Wolf Pack.
Seth - Wolft Pack.
Sue - Leah and Seths mom.
Taha Aki - Metioned in that story the wolves tell at the bon fire?
Taha Wi - Same as the answer above?
Tanya - Breaking Dawn.
Third Wife - Mentioned in the bonfire story the wo
Tia - Breaking Dawn?
Tyler - Human boy/Forks High.
Victoria - Edward kills her in third book.
Vladimir - Breaking Dawn.
Yaha Uta - Mentioned in story the wolves tell at the bonfire.
Zafrina - Breaking Dawn.

Half of these people, I don't remember ever being mentioned in the series.

I answered what I can, correct me if I'm wrong.

Do you remember where most of these characters are mentioned?


What are you doing this weekend?

Friday March 4, 2011 at 4:14 PM

It's Mother's Day on the 8th of March here and I always try to give mom a present that is handmade...I was looking around tumblr earlier and I stumbled upon this beauty...So I now have a weekend project! I'll see my mom next weekend so I'll have to get it ready by biggy, cranes are easy to craft :)

So, what are you doing this weekend? anything crafty, artsy? Anyone playing around with Origami these days? I mostly make little boxes for trinkets and flowers/kusudamas for ornaments to put on gift boxes/bags...but it's great fun :)


FanFiction Alerts

Friday March 4, 2011 at 3:27 PM

Can anyone help me?

A few days ago I noticed I hadn't had any e-mail updates for a while and so I logged on to my account and looked at my alerts and sure enough found several stories HAD been up-dated.

I've checked everything I can think of - alerts all switched on and enabled, Fanfiction address in my e-mail address/contact  box - but still no e-mails - anyone know what's happened?

The only different thing I've done recently is put all my deleted e-mails in the re-cycle bin - would this have done it?

It's a real pain having to trawl through the 50 or so stories I have on alert every day looking to see if they've been updated.

Pah! I'm such a techno imbecile - please help.........!!

First --- | >> | 893 | 894 | 895 | 896 | 897 | 898 | 899 | 900 | 901 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
