
I Want a Writing Hut

Monday March 7, 2011 at 7:17 AM

Check this out, and then come tell me where you write.

santa muerte

What Twilight Couple/Pairing you just can't handle

Monday March 7, 2011 at 4:14 AM

I was on another site and someone wanted Fics that had Bella/Billy or Bella/ Phil  pairing and made me.. Yuck!!

Also I have a problem with Edward/ Rosalie. I hated her in the books and I can't have her with Edward... I just can't do it.

So what pairing just Skeeves you out? Just corious.


New WFE Trailer!

Sunday March 6, 2011 at 8:35 PM


Oh my gawd. Why can't it be April yet??

Healthy Obsession

Sunday March 6, 2011 at 6:56 PM

Hello all! Okay, so I think that 99.9% of us can agree that our biggest obsession is with Twilight, am I right? What I want to know is, what were you most obsessed with before SMeyer went and corrupted us all.

Mine? Well that's easy - General Hospital. Maxie is a riot, and Jason & Sam are my Edward & Bella. I love my GH, and I'm cranky on the weekends (like now) cause I have to wait till Monday to get my next fix. It's kinda sad really... For the longest time it was Days, but recently quit watching it after eighteen years. Just couldn't take any more of the bs the writers were spewing out. (No offense to those who watch it.) Of course, I still tune in every now and then to get my EJ fix. (James Scott is my #1!)

What is your second healthy obsession?

A little randomness fyt:



March Madness

Sunday March 6, 2011 at 4:54 PM


If any of you don't know what March Madness is, it is pretty much the fact that the entire month of March for sports in the US is dominated by college basketball. It starts with conference tournaments and ends with the amazingly addictive NCAA tournament. What makes it so addictive? Is it the sweaty college boys? Is it the buzzer beaters? Is it the alma mater loyalty? Maybe a little of all of that but for's the brackets. And with the brackets comes betting and trash talk and crazy amounts of fun. Here is what a typical college basketball bracket looks like:

So how are we going to make this a game for ourselves??? 

We are going to have the ADF FICTIONAL CHARACTER CHAMPIONSHIP, or the

ADFFC Tournament

Instead of NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and WEST divisions we will have 

FANFICTION EDWARDS: Edwards from different fics. Right?

TWILIGHT CHARACTERS: The characters from twilight. Duh.

OTHER POPULAR VAMPIRES: Eric, Bill, Damon, etc. Get it?



Nominations are CLOSED.  


IDEK ff blogspot and such

Sunday March 6, 2011 at 4:44 PM im completely sorry if i'm supposed to have a ranger inspect this or something with new campfires because ive been reading some ranger edits on some campfires and such and they say things like they needed ranger edits and just delete it if the campfire wasnt approved or something that if you must rangers:D

 ( ill admit im more of a lurker but sometimes I'll comment and stuff)..anyhoo my problem is:


      I'm wondering if any of you guys know anything about these blogspot things where they have fanfiction lists of all these how to even describe this..ermmkkayy... on the site it has like groupings for whichever type of ff you wanna read like : childhood sweehearts or slash fics or any type of copward or lawyerward or something like that and you click on it and they give you a list of ff stories you can read to your liking.. 




In the mood for theater...

Sunday March 6, 2011 at 2:56 PM

Ok guys, so I NEVER do this, but my recent trip to the theater has driven me to look for a Twilight fic that I read a while ago, but I just can't seem to find.  It was a sort of Twilight/Spring Awakening crossover.  The twicharacters were actors in New York and most of them were cast in Spring Awakening and various other plays.  Edward was Melchior and Bella was his sort of Wendla.  Anyone have any idea what this is? I will love you forever if you can find this for me.


Twilight story?

Sunday March 6, 2011 at 2:45 PM

Hey guys just looking for a fic. So I'd like to find a story where edward knew that bella was going to be his soulmate or his forever. where they meet as kids and he loves her from that moment. the only one close to that scenario I can think of is Swirl and Daisy. and A World Without Sound.


Does anyone know a Mod over at Twilighted?

Sunday March 6, 2011 at 1:35 PM

I have someone from Twisting the Hellmouth asking me if I know of any Mods at Twilighted for help with TtH's site (I guess they have the same format/issues...derr...). I don't go to Twilighted ever, so I do not know anyone there who is a Mod!

If someone here does, could you PM/DM me their FFn username, perhaps, as this TtH individual is also a member at FFn. Then she can PM the Mod there for help.

Muchas gracias!

ETA: I received a PM that proved to be very helpful. Thank you!


this is a giant true blood post

Sunday March 6, 2011 at 9:22 AM


So the TB cast and creator Alan Ball were at Paleyfest last night and they revealed a whole bunch of exciting stuff about Season Four.  I don't think it's really spoilery, but in case you want to be totally surprised come June 12th I'll include it in the first comment just in case.

This info all comes from True Blood's Twitter, eonline and ontd trublud

I mainly just wanted to share this stuff with you all. to make this more interactive, lets use this post to squee and speculate about s4.


Let me introduce you to my pet, Peeve.

Sunday March 6, 2011 at 7:03 AM

I'm sure this has been done several times before.

But I just tried to read a story I found in the most recent Help Desk campfire, and couldn't finish... due to perhaps, slightly irrational reasoning.

And it got me thinking. What silly, mundane things happen/are said/are done in fic that have you exiting stage left asap?

I find myself unable to suffer through a fic when someone gives someone else a nickname that isn't really used canon-ly, and they use it frequently.

Such as calling Edward, Ted. Or Bella- Belly. Or Emmett- Emmy. Or even calling Rosalie, Rosie and Alice, Ali can sometimes just... grate on my nerves.

Or, related-ly, during dialogue when, a character refers to the other character they're addressing by their name, term of endearment or nickname every time they speak.

I don't do that in real life. I can honestly say that I very rarely ever hear someone call me by my name. Usually it's 'hey...' Or if they do use my name- it's once or twice. Depending on how exasperated they are with me.

Or even in real life. What irks you? Me? Getting forwarded text messages, in general. But especially the ones that say, 'send this to eleventy billion people and you won't die.'


What are your pet peeves? 


Seen it before

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 9:17 PM

I'm pretty sure that we've seen this kind of situation before...


Author wants attention/wants to flounce.

Author creates huge lie, feeds it to the masses and then makes their escape or milks the situation for all it's worth.


I've seen this a few times in this fandom, but earlier today I saw it for the first time in ANOTHER fandom and then it occured to me...


Why are these authors so desperate for a dramatic exit or a flood of followers because of drama?

Has everyone seen this often or is it rare?

And how could people do things like this?

It's sad that people think they can get away with stuff like this... almost every time something like this has happened, the truth has been exposed eventually.



The Cube by SDFreeeze

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 9:07 PM


Just got 16 alert emails for this fic!

Glad to see her back up and running.



looking for Masters of the Universe II

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 8:36 PM

hi - was wondering if there is anywhere to read MOTU II or if anyone has it saved up to current chapters. i know the author took it down on her site and will continue the story for those reading, but I am a little behind. thanks.


grumpy eta: hey, dummies.  don't post your private emails in forums where anyone can see them.  i don't give a toot what you do with copies of whatever as long as you 1) keep the downloads off this website b) keep your private emails private.  

may i suggest you use our glorious private messaging feature, accessible by clicking on someone's icon, to obtain copies of what-have-you.  grumble mumble grumble

thank you for your time.


WTF happened?!?!?

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 8:27 PM

Ok, I should probably pay more attention ... of course, if I paid more attention to fanfic I'd be divorced, unemployed and homeless, so maybe that's not the answer ..... anyway, could anyone please tell me what happened to Krismom's "Committed to Memory"?  Its bad enough when a story disappears, but I can't stand it when I don't know why.

(If something is seriously wrong - forgive me for being a jerk!)


Arsenal of LOL and pics and such

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 8:06 PM

This has been bothering me forever and from the campfire down below I'm reminded of it. When  something is funny or someone wants to be clever and they whip out a funny moving gif. The audience clapping ones, the moving avatars, etc.

I know my way around the net so to speak but honestly people I feel really out of the loop and can't find a thing. WHERE in the world are people getting all this funny stuff?

I check the weekly pictease websites and sometimes they are NSFW pics and such and ones that magically fit the upcoming chapter I'm like "where in the world are people getting this stuff" my lame Google doesn't work like that. I don't find jack.

What am I obviously missing? Where do you guys find this stuff? Is there some website everyone just pulls up and takes the embed code or whatever, copy/paste, and voila something to LOL over. Are people that speedy making their own moving gifs for the occasion.

I swear this feels obvious but it's really not and I'm so puzzled.


That still ticks me off!

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 7:49 PM

Sort of a random campfire but I was struck moments ago by an ancient memory that at the mere thought of it I got supremely pissed off. Does that ever happen to you?


Mine for example:  When I was in high school/early college my boyfriend was so incredibly lazy, he had no drive to do anything to succeed and would rather get high and play video games than do anything else. He got fired from his dead end jobs a lot and it was always somebody else's fault. Anyway, this one time I found out a friend's boyfriend was a video game designer or whatever for EA Games. And it turned out they were hiring for game testers like people who got paid to just sit around and play games all day and give feedback and what not. Full time. So I got the guy's number and he agreed to talk to my boyfriend about trying to get an interview.

Did my boyfriend every call? You guessed it, nope. Too much effort.

So this is completely irrelevant to my life now, obviously I kicked that guy to the curb (which was a good thing he eventually ended up putting himself through college and getting a degree!) But I seriously just got so annoyed by it like it happened yesterday!


Tell me I'm not the only one this happens to? lol


Step forward please

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 7:32 PM

Okay, I don't know which one of you lovely ladies recommended this on some campfire a while ago

Observations by Anon_J_Anon

But I feel compelled to blame you for my new obsession. Furthermore, I also need to blame you for the fact I haven't replied to my reviews yet, because everything I've been doing since, oh I don't know, MONDAY, has been reading this fic.

Also, I never ever read a Star Trek fic before in my life. So thanks for that too, now I'm tangled up in this fandom. I've always been absolutely in love with Jim Kirk, but now I'm also in love with Spock, so thanks for that, TOO. Additionally this is possible one of the best pieces of writing I have read in a while. The man can speak about physics, which go right over my head, and still somehow make it compelling. I swear I've read novels that didn't have this quality, things like Twilight Eragon, or other stuff that's actually getting published.

You've ruined me for the Star Trek fandom, so I now demand you come forward and rec me more amazing Star Trek stuff.

But to make this less personal focused, everyone come forth and disclose what fandoms you've been active in. Mine are as follows:

Escaflowne, Chronicles of Narnia, Hellsing, Bleach, Vampire Hunter D, Cowboy Bebop, Southern Vampire Chronicles Samurai Champloo.

Also one more question: What makes you go into a fandom? For me, it's when I'm not satisfied with the way the story wrapped uo. For example I never thought of venturing into the Harry Potter fandom because, useless epilogue aside, I think the story wrapped up neatly enough, and I was not left with unresolved doubts.

ETA: Then again someone recommended the Shoebox Project, and now I love that too. Story of my life.

ETA2: Should I have consulted this with a ranger? I'm sorry if I screwed up :/


Welcome to Our World

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 7:26 PM

Okay, so in that campfire down there about a fic being pulled for publishing, montannaleigh said something I thought might be worth exploring a little more in a separate campfire.

If you had to pic one of the stories around here to be the fic ambassador to the real world, which story would you choose? Which story would you be thrilled to see as a trending topic on Twitter? Which story would you be proud to know that the world was judging us by?


Day of the Week

Saturday March 5, 2011 at 7:10 PM

Do you think that it matters what day a week a story gets updated?

If you are an author, when do you post? Do you get more hits on weekdays or weekends? Day or night?

If you are a reader, when are you most likely going to read?

Gratuitous pretty below:

First --- | >> | 892 | 893 | 894 | 895 | 896 | 897 | 898 | 899 | 900 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
