LJ Summers

Trying Something New. Ish.

Sunday March 13, 2011 at 8:31 AM

In our neverending quest to find the BEST in FANFIC, I have noted a few folks who have been fic-diving (or have said they've been on twitter, MY source of all knowledge and wisdom ) and had a thought.

Let's share some of the newest fics we've found with each other so we can do a more, er, well-informed fic-dive!

So to try this out, I'd like to solicit your choices for NEW AND NOTABLE in fan fiction.  


Have your fave authors started something new or posted a new one-shot that deserves a read? Let us know!  Is there a new writing voice in the fandom that deserves a hearing? Let us know!

What's NEW and exciting? 

This is NOT one of the "fanfic lists" for the record. So discuss, talk, whatever. :) If y'all like this, we can make it a regular gig. :)

ETA: By "new" I generally mean, "It's been up for less than a couple of weeks a month or has only a couple few of chapters so far."

*approved by the beauteous Emibella*


Brought to you by the letters H and M

Sunday March 13, 2011 at 6:53 AM

That's right





I think sometimes, Robert Pattinson is actually the definition of the term.  You know... cuz he's hot.  And he's a mess.

Use this campfire to post your favorite MESSY pictures.  You know the ones I'm talking about... the ones in which Robert isn't necessarily TRYING to look hot.  He just is.

The guy looks amazing in a suit.  But I think I like him better a little messy.



Saturday March 12, 2011 at 8:29 PM

So, I was explaining to the hubs today what I understand of the situation surrounding SDFreeeze. And while that situation isn’t at all what this is about, it got me thinking: are all fandoms as drama filled as Twilight? Like, when authors pull to publish and all the feelings that surround that, and a while ago I thought I heard of a gal who had faked a major illness, and I have heard of another who faked their own death just to flounce the scene, and the recent case where the author had been (allegedly) plagiarizing published novels.  And of course all the pulling of fics recently.  Has HP ever experienced such a mass exodus? 

I asked him what he thought about my musings and he pointed out that there is a lot of passion in our fandom: the passion of first love, the passion of the love triangle, the passionate love/hate of BD, and certain characters over others. The passion that a large number of us have for Edward Cullen…we are a passionate fandom, trufax :)

I’m typically a lurker and occasional comment-er, but I kind of feel like there is a lot of drama in this particular fandom. Tbh, I have never been a part of another fandom, so I really don’t know if this is the case or not. So ladies (and Gents?), tell me…is it?

This might be too heavy a topic for a Saturday night, but I was just curious about what you think, and mayhaps your theories on why… And don’t get me wrong…I love it here, I love the TwiFandom, I love me some EC and I love the peeps I’ve met here. I just wonder are we an extra nutty bunch?!

 <passionate, right? :)


ADF + Blackberry

Saturday March 12, 2011 at 6:32 PM

Is it just my version of BB or does ADF not load well on anyone else either? The last time I tried to access a response to a campfire via my bb, only the background would load. Is this just a BB thing? or is it a Me thing (it's ok, you can be honest) Forgive the bad spelling and such, ive been drinking.. Tks J


Saturday March 12, 2011 at 4:24 PM




podcasts... like, so 2008....

Saturday March 12, 2011 at 1:50 PM

I do dearly miss the girls from twigasm. No one else could make me bend over (wha?) laughing on the damn treadmill like these girls.

So now I am coming into my long run days and need something besides the  same old music. I'm getting a few podcasts downloaded but it looks like (nerdy laugh here) Podcasts haven't been kept up much since like 2008, 2009.

Still, I need new material. I've got 10+ miles to deal with on the weekends now, that's way too much alone time, I NEED the voices in my head.

Anyone still listening to Twi-related podcasts? Any old favorites?

Because my running buddies just don't want to talk about how-- oh my god, how could Bella just leave him and go to France for two months? (wink, Melolabel) or the incredible UST from LifeInTheSnow...even though they totally finally did it but still... so much still to be desired, no?

help a girl out like you always do!!



Master Fic list needs our help!

Saturday March 12, 2011 at 1:44 AM

Hi campers! Hope all are having a wonderful weekend! So the wonderful LJ Summers has been doing such an amazing job of putting together a master fic list for our favorite stories. But tonight I was over in the master fic lists adding stories and you guys SOME LISTS HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATED IN MONTHS!!! And this made me sad. Until I added to the crack fic/humor rec list it hadn't been updated since November. NOVEMBER!! And I know so many of us love humor fics. I know many times when new campers come here and ask for recs we direct them to the master list. But its only so good if we don't keep it constantly updated. So my fellow campers I have a challenge for you. I challenge you all to add at least ONE fic to the master fic list this week. LJ does such an amazing job with this list. But its up to us to keep it going. So I hope you all take a look at your alert/favorite lists and can find one new story to add.  I know we can make this list a great, updated directory for stories!! :) And Rob really really wants you to add a story. See he's looking at YOU saying "Add a story!" or maybe he's saying "take me to bed or lose me forever"....oh wait that was Top Gun. My bad.


And here is the link to the master list



Go NOW!! Rob wants you too.


My Opinion...Whatevs

Friday March 11, 2011 at 8:35 PM

OK so most of you don't know me from Adam.

I read. A lot. I think I have discerning taste.

This is what I've read lately that I think you should read.

1. The Art Teacher » reviews
He gave me art and words and passion and life, but all I wanted was him.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 15 - Words: 89,413 - Reviews: 5943 - Updated: 3-6-11 - Published: 11-7-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete

2. High Anxiety » reviews
Cute, trendy Bella returns home to escape the heartache of her past. She immediately befriends neighbors Jasper and Edward, bonding with them in the treehouse out back. Bella and Edward discover they have more in common than they ever dreamed of. AH A/U
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 45 - Words: 557,946 - Reviews: 19627 - Updated: 1-18-11 - Published: 7-16-09 - Edward & Bella - Complete

3. Starry Eyed Inside » reviews
High School Fictional. No one sends Bella into a tailspin quite like Edward Cullen... but can she make him hers? The ups and downs and all arounds.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 28 - Words: 146,500 - Reviews: 7285 - Updated: 3-1-11 - Published: 8-24-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete

4. All At Once » reviews
Edward had it all: beautiful wife, great kids, promising career. He was content, until a chance meeting changed everything. Happily ever after isn't always what it seems.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 126,891 - Reviews: 1486 - Updated: 11-2-10 - Published: 1-21-10 - Edward & Bella - Complete

5. Beyond Time » reviews
After the Cullens leave Forks, a twist of fate lands Bella in Chicago in 1918. She thinks it's a second chance to build a life with Edward, but when she finds him, he's not quite what she expected. Can Bella create the future she's hoping for?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 37 - Words: 304,697 - Reviews: 6341 - Updated: 11-27-10 - Published: 2-17-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete

6. Paper CutOuts » reviews
Bella prefers the virtual to the actual, but feels herself being tugged from the safety of her online realm into the world of a rough edged Edward. This time she'll write her own story. Collab with astilbe13 AH/AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 34 - Words: 138,833 - Reviews: 9258 - Updated: 2-15-11 - Published: 5-23-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete

Sir Rachel


Friday March 11, 2011 at 7:50 PM










santa muerte

Art after 5?

Friday March 11, 2011 at 7:49 PM

I need a copy of this, I didn't get to finish it. So please, if anyone has a copy?


Like in Twilight?

Friday March 11, 2011 at 7:41 PM

At work recently, I had a phone conversation with a man from Nevada. His name was Phil Dwyer.

This was a very professional call on my part until I said "Oh really? Like in Twilight?" then he said "What do you mean?"

...and instead of getting back to the bid-ness I said "You know like Bella's Step dad?" then I snapped back to my right mind when It was nothing but silence. It was very awkward to say the least. I just hope he laughed it off later and didn't contemplate complaining to my boss.

So campers, My question to you is...Have you had these kind of moments where you can relate something like a name, etc. to Twilight?

Please share, I need to know I'm not the only one. =)


Welcome To The Rileys

Friday March 11, 2011 at 7:27 PM

I finally watched Welcome To The Rileys tonight, and since no one in my life is as obsessed with KStew as I am, I had to come on here to talk about this movie. Wow. That was an incredibly beautiful and incredibly heartbreaking film. I had heard the performances from James Gandolfini, Melissa Leo, and our girl Kristen were good, but I was completely blown away by all three. 

This movie absolutely broke my heart, and I thought Kristen was just brilliant. Homegirl can convey vulnerable like nobody's business. I wanted to reach through the screen and hug her. 

What did you guys think of the movie? And if you haven't seen it, come in and share your appreciation for Kristen in general :)


Hunger Games FanFic

Friday March 11, 2011 at 6:38 PM

I really loved The Hunger Games and have been disappointed in not finding good fanfic from the trilogy. I'm still looking but wanted to share one really good WIP that I've found amazing. The title is based on Peeta's statement of adding ally to the list of words he uses to understand Katniss. 

 http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6440201/1/The_List_of_Words    by MyKonstantine


Her writing is spot on for the characters, all of them. I'm so happy with this story and hope that some of you will start following it. The Hunger Games and it's characters are so rich and beleivable I would love to find more like The List of Words.

Please share if you've got em.


Edward Wallbanger Gone?

Friday March 11, 2011 at 6:02 PM

I searched for a thread about this and couldn't find anything...Does anyone know what happened to Edward Wallbanger by feathersmm(?)? It's been pulled from FFdotnet. I sure wish I had gotten a copy of it first.


Friend wanted

Friday March 11, 2011 at 5:40 PM

Wanted: Friend in NYC 


I sound all lame here, but I have come to the decision I really need to make a friend that lives in NYC. In July I will be flying to America (from England) to visit the lovely Punkfarie and it's going to freaking rule. I decided the easiest and cheapest way to get there will be to fly into NYC then get the train to where she lives. I just so happen to kind of be maybe a little obsessed with pictures of NYC, it's so prettyfull and stuff. And I figured why not stay there over night between the flight and the train and see at least some of this city I'm kind of in love with. However i'll be alone and this scares me. So i was hoping maybe between now and July i could make a friend in NYC that would take pitty on me and hang out with me when i'm there so i don't have to wonder around like a loner with a camera crying at stuff (yeah i have a feeling i'll be over whelmed with the fact i'm actually there, i fear i will shed tears.... dread to think how slobbery and snotty i'll get when i meet Punk) So yeah, i just want a friend to show me all the exciting places and to have fun with when i'm there :) 


also to make this more interactive...

are you traveling anywhere soon and wondered if there was a local to show you around and be a tour guide?

I'd be happy to show people around Birmingham... no idea why people would want to see it though....

Any tips for visiting America? (furthest i've been from birmingham uk other than a school trip to disney land paris which was literally an in and out over night on coach and ferry either way thing, was Devon... yay...) 

I know i'm making this pretty far in advance but i really do want to make a friend in NYC lmao.... ugh im so lame... now look im begging for friends! 


That's why I'm here

Friday March 11, 2011 at 4:54 PM

Oh ADF, hai! I've missed you all. 

So I recently had a mini-"I'm fleaving this fandom." And there were many of you that through comments, PMs, emails, and my Twilighted thread that reminded me why I am here. I can't thank you ALL enough. You guys rock my socks off. 

But what I felt most guilty of was that during my intent to leave I never once thought about what it would mean to my stories, or even my readers. I took a couple days off away from all of this only to come back to some new readers and reviews, and some old readers checking in on my recent disappearance. I can't believe I almost stabbed them in the back, and that I very nearly forgot how amazing they've all been the second things got rough.

Let's make this a READER APPRECIATION campfire!

We haven't done one of these in a while.

Come in here and leave some love for your readers! Leave a review or pm or twitter message, something that made you smile, tear in joy, made your day, your week. Heck, leave more than one, and give a shoutout in all it's glory.

Share with all of us a bit about the unsung reason we're all here!



Friday March 11, 2011 at 4:47 PM

Everyone must bear with me as this is just a lot of information, and nothing really "fun". The purpose of this campfire is THREEFOLD. First, it is to explain how we will be handling the ADFFC Championship. Second, it is to get your opinion on how many championship battles should be held at once and third is to try out some polling and see if it works for our needs. 

1. The ADFFC Championship will work as follows. Each championship round will be divided into two days. On day one, campers can lobby for their votes on who they think should win and why. These can be essays, pictures, thoughts, any kind of evidence to support their argument on why their fictional character should beat its competition. On day two, a poll will go up and people will cast their votes and the winners will move on to the next round. If you have any questions, ask them here. I will do my best to answer. Here is a picture of the brackets again:

2. I have been trying to figure out how many battles will be discussed at once. At first, I was thinking that all sixteen in a division could battle in one campfire with subheadings, but I fear that this may get crowded. The thing is, there are 32 battles total, it is going to have to be cut down. I just don't know how many is too many per campfire.

3. I need to see if this polling software WORKS. So if you could, answer the following question. I am still not sure if the answer will be what we go with. If some campers have a really great reason for going with more or less, we may have to do it, but I don't want to overwhelm the forest with this. That would be unfair to all of the other great campfires that go on every day. 

This starts next week! Thanks to jennyfly for helping me out! 



Is this love... that I'm feeling?

Friday March 11, 2011 at 4:07 PM

And someone assure me that I'm not the only girl who would instantly drop trou for Pauly D.



Friday March 11, 2011 at 3:22 PM

So, I know, it's been done. But really, can it be over done? ;) If yes, skip to next fire :oP

I wanna say thanks. More specifically, I want to thank YOU, you sexy camper you! Since coming to ADF I have ... begun to understand Twiiter ... I have been introduced to some spectacular music, like NATW which is my new favorite band (whoever's idea it was to make playlists with fics is a genius btw) ... amazing fics and discussions of said fics have take over my ficsession, which I never would have come across otherwise ... my Rob porn collection has increased, and amazingly so ... I have heard wonderful stories that ppl have shared, making me feel slightly less crazy, about my Twilight obsession as well as just day to day things ... and I have smiled, giggled, laughed, even to the point of tears b/c of some of the wonderful things on this site. 

So. I just wanted to say thank you for your contributions. It is awesome. *hug, a real one, a warm squeeze!

Anyone you'd like to thank?? Or shout out to??

(I searched and searched for a pic, nothing seemed appropriate...except for a few that would be completely inappropriate ;)


Disney dreaming

Friday March 11, 2011 at 1:00 PM

Hey all...

I posted a while back that my son won an essay writing contest to attend Disney's Dreamers Academy at WDW in Orlando. We went this past weekend and it was amazing. He is interested in engineering, so he was teamed with an engineer from the Magic Kingdom for the 3 days and was able to see and learn all about the behind the scenes running of the four Disney parks. He is now convinced that he wants to work for Disney.

It was a mini vacation for the parents. Disney gave us park hopper passes and meal vouchers and we were pretty much on our own. We escorted our kids to the buses in the mornings and we didn't see them again until about 11 at night. They spent the entire day with their Disney reps.

I'll include more pics inside.

First --- | >> | 888 | 889 | 890 | 891 | 892 | 893 | 894 | 895 | 896 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
