

Saturday March 19, 2011 at 3:07 PM




Fluent in Sarcasm

Help! I need somebody, Help! not just anybody!

Saturday March 19, 2011 at 2:04 PM

Hey everyone! 

Just watched While You Were Sleeping on TV, sigh, and it reminded me of a recent CF (which I have looked for but can't find) in which someone requested recs based on the film/storyline!


Anyone guess what I'm going to ask????

Ik, ik, it's SO cliche to say it BUT...

Can anyone rec me a BxE fic which is based on the film? or basic story line - ish?

*bats eyelahes*

Pretty please

plus major pout!

FinS x


Is anyone on here a step-parent?

Saturday March 19, 2011 at 11:16 AM

Hi fellow Campers, I was just wondering if any of you all are a step-parent or have a step-parent of your own? I myself am a step-mum (always feel like a villian in a disney film when I say that) to my nearly 11year old stepdaughter and was wondering if ye could all help me out. I''ll leave my querys in the comments.


I'd post up some pretty if I knew how... so instead I'll just have to send you all amazing happy thoughts. :)


The wedding of the year

Saturday March 19, 2011 at 10:16 AM

... well, of my year, anyway. My best friend is getting married this June. I'm so excited about that!! Planning her bachelorette party as we speak and having the date marked and highlighted on my calender!

Due to circumstances, I won't be her maid of honor in the sense of co-signing the marriage certificate, but I will be MoH in all other meanings of the word. So, I need a special dress for the big day.

I already have a really nice, festive cocktail dress that is totally appropriate for the occasion. It's purple satin with thin, crossed straps and comes with a sash and a pin. I had it made when I was in Thailand with her in 09, so she's already seen me in it. Also, I've worn it to a formal, in a photoshoot AND to my cousin's wedding. So it's not new anymore. Click here if you can't see the pic below.

Today, I happened to be in the city and decided to just look around a bit. Can you imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon not 1 but TWO dresses that would totally work for a wedding? Yeah, me neither, but I did. The problem is, I am now unable to decide which way to go. Wear the dress that was custom made for my body but BFF has already seen me in it? Or buy something new?

This dress costs €220 ($310). It's a brown/purplish V-neck cocktail dress with a tule and velvety/lace overlay and a black satin sash. Click here if you can't see the pic above.

This one is €90 ($127). Strapless, with a laced up back. The top is a pink satin-y fabric covered with black lace. Then a pink sash-style waist with a pink/blue/black chiffon flower. The skirt consists of layers of blue, pink and black chiffon. Click here if you can't see the pic above.

Also, I'm finding it difficult to decide what to do with my hair this spring. Should I stay a bright redhead? Get more Bella-like hair like I had last year? Or venture back to 2004/2006 with darkbrown/near black hair?

Help a camper out in deciding!!

By the way, don't mind the top I'm wearing underneath the dresses. I'm still covered in vaseline from my latest tattoo session and I didn't want to get the dresses dirty.

Oh, and it's still FFFA, right?

Sugar Britches

Excuse Me While I Kiss This Guy

Saturday March 19, 2011 at 9:15 AM

Let's Compare Funny Misunderstandings


I have a habit of mis-hearing the lyrics in songs I listen to. For example, The Smashing Pumpkins song, Disarm. Instead of the lyric "Inside of me is such a part of you", I always hear "Sodomy is such a part of you"

Or, for years, I thought the Rolling Stones song went
"I can't get no
I can't get no
Girlie action"
Or that the Prodigy song was the innocent Snap my Picture instead of the more sinister Smack My B***ch Up
The list goes on and on. Share with me some of your funny stories. Some Cello Rob fingers for your time:
Rob's Fingers and Hands Pictures, Images and Photos

Robert Interviews

Saturday March 19, 2011 at 9:01 AM

What with Rob's appearances on Leno and MTV (both of which I missed - RL is killing me right now), I went in search of the Leno appearance online. While doing this I also went looking for his ROBERT IS BOTHERED skit on Jimmy Fallon. The ONLY source it is available through is Hulu, which you cannot download I don't care what CNET says. I need this saved on my computer for ALL ETERNITY!

Does anyone out there have this saved? Is it possible for me to get a copy?? I'm getting a little obsessed with it...



Saturday March 19, 2011 at 5:12 AM


My name is Dani and Im searching for stories. I love stories where Bella has super powers. She can totally be a different creature too (mermaid,siren,fairy, demon...). I posted a campfire kinda like this a couple of months ago,but the website people either deleted it or I just cant find it anymore :( So Id really appreciate it if ya'll (Im from Texas) could help me. I also love stories where Emmett and Bella fall in love. I cant stand  stories where the Cullens are human. Thats just wrong- they are vampires! I also have a twitter http://twitter.com/megaemmettlover so you can talk to me there if you want!

Thanks for your help! Love, Dani


i need to talk about this.

Saturday March 19, 2011 at 5:12 AM


Is anyone else reading City of Sin???  i am and i am LOVING it omg, understatement

I NEED to discuss theories about this fic and, well, anything about this fic. 

first and foremost, if you start this, get past chapter one, it's not what it appears to be in chapter one.

my fears and thoughts will be in the comments.


Rob Interviews

Friday March 18, 2011 at 7:09 PM

I noticed there's a similar campfire below, but I wanted to link the video so I hope no one minds the overlap. 

What did you guys think about Rob's MTV Live Stream Interview?

Favorite part? Least favorite part? Did anything he say surprise you?

What did you think about Josh's questions?

If you're outside the U.S., you can access it here via Rob Pattinson Life. They have all the international links at the bottom of the page.

And don't forget - Rob also appears on Jay Leno tonight at 11:30 PM EST!


ETA: Full Jay Leno interview here via letmesign blog.


Still speaking of books ...

Friday March 18, 2011 at 5:25 PM

As of last week, I have become completely enthralled by these books.  I can't imagine that these have been around for as long as 1991 and I never got around to reading them before now:



I resisted reading these books forever.  I attempted to start Outlander about three months ago and couldn't make it through the first two chapters.  YAWN.  It didn't help that each book is a gabillion pages long.  But people kept on raving about this series all over the internet, so I forced myself to pick it up and try again.  And OMG.  Am I ever hooked.  Like, HOOKED.  I love the lead male character twice as hard as I ever did Edward, even with all his very human (and distinctly non-vampire-like) flaws.  In fact, much like real men, he will have you swooning one sec and wishing him great bodily harm the next.  The characters are so well developed and the plots are incredibly intricate.  They're not perfect, by any means, but I'm a goner.

Now, when I see this, I think ... meh?  That is what I seriously think ... suddenly Robert looks kind of feminine to me and ... not hot.  GASP!


Instead, my head is full of this. ALL. THE. TIME.  (And I'm pretty sure I've never even seen a Gerard Butler movie).




Does anyone else here love this series?  Has anyone else flung the books across the room and RAGED over a plot development you couldn't stand or character you wanted to kill?!  Is there a cure for this, because I can't seem to do anything but read and/or think about these books 24/7!!

(I will likely finished #2 this evening and start #3 sometime tomorrow).


Speaking of Books (rec's please!)

Friday March 18, 2011 at 4:02 PM

I know the YA Vampire book genre is... flooded with material.

There are tons of series out there.

Rec me a well written and compelling YA Vampire series!

Oh, and please, please, please tell me why you recommend the series.

Pls+thnx= Rob FYT.


MTV Live Chat With Rob

Friday March 18, 2011 at 3:51 PM

So, I don't know if any of you have herd about this or are planing on watching it live, but I just read about it and thought I would let you all know.

Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic

Watch 'MTV First: Robert Pattinson' Live Stream On March 18!

In honor of the upcoming release of "Water for Elephants," Rob will be paying an EXCLUSIVE visit to MTV News to personally premiere a new clip from the movie—and then sticking around afterward for a live, 30-minute interview with our own Josh Horowitz, in which he answers questions submitted by fans. Which means that if you've ever wondered what Rob's favorite color is, or whether he prefers boxers or briefs, or whether he would be willing to give a devoted fan a petite, keepsake lock of his chest hair, this is your big chance to ask! (But, uh, don't bother asking about the chest hair thing; we already tried, and no dice. Sad face!)

Rob's appearance will air on MTV at 8:56 p.m. ET on Friday, March 18, and we'll also be streaming the video live on MTV.com. And if you've got a question for our favorite sparkly vampire, you can submit them beginning today through MTV.com or on Twitter (@MTVNews, hashtag #AskRob).

*ranger edit to add that Rob will also be on Leno later, so nobody bother Cap for anything tonight. tonight is allll for Robert*


Romeo and Juliet....

Friday March 18, 2011 at 3:17 PM

Hey lovelies! So I just finished reading a fanfic called 'Pigtails' by Tenley Einde, and it's got me in the mood for some more forbidden relationship fics! This one was about Edward, who works with Phil and is 28, and Bella, Phil's stepdaughter, who is 16. Naughty, naughty! Lol anyway, have you read any forbidden storylines lately? I'll take any kind of rec! I'm also into Emmett/Bella lately (Heavy in your arms-sigh-love that fanfic. And everything on here by emibella, of course) and May-December.

So what's got your attention right now? What fic has you squeeing everytime you see an update alert? Share the goodies, lovelies!

Pigtails Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/652420/1/Pigtails



50 Book Challenge Update

Friday March 18, 2011 at 2:51 PM

Come in here & discuss the books you've read so far, give some recs, leave reviews, ask for recs, etc.

Coming Soon:

March 2

April 4


If anyone is willing to make an ADF/ 50 book challenge banner it would be much appreciated :)


Looking for... a friend ^^

Friday March 18, 2011 at 2:48 PM

Hi campers ^^

I've been lurking in the forest for almost a year and I've noticed something: I still don't know anybody! I'm kinda shy in RL, but talk to people I know whenever I see them (unless they're intimidating lol). The thing is that in the forest, I don't know how to do that... It almost seems like everybody already knew each other though I know it's not always the case lol.

So I'm looking for a pen friend/ possible beta/pre-reader who could give me their opinion about my ideas (though I'm not really ready to start writing!) but mostly a friend. I'm from France and corresponding with someone will help improve my English (I've come this far thanks to movies and fanfics lol).

More info abt me in the comments.



So Am I a Prude?

Friday March 18, 2011 at 2:36 PM

So my question is how young is too young for Twilight? I know it's a YA book and PG13 movie, but I am amazed at the marketing and young audiences that view this.

The reason I ask is I have a friend who had a young child who was invited to an New Moon birthday party...they are in preschool. I wanted to hold up my R U KIDDING ME sign!

*And when I saw Eclipse this summer I was AMAZED at the ppl who brought LITTLE KIDS... I am talking 3yrs old and 4yrs old. My sister and law and I again wanted to hold up the R U KIDDING ME sign! So give me some advice...am I a prude? Because I think explaining to your little one Breaking Dawn is something that should wait till early teen years...IF that!




Friday March 18, 2011 at 2:06 PM


For those who do not know about this, Erasmus is a students exchange programme in Europe which enables a college student to study in another European country for a semester!

It sounds pretty awesome, doesn't it?

I handed in my application last Monday, and i'm still waiting to see if i got accepted!

We are supposed to provide three choices with the one that we want most at the top, so if we don't get accepted in the first we move on to the next and so on. My choices were:

1)Nederlands Amsterdam

2)Finland Joensuu

3)Denmark Copenhagen

It seems i won't be picked for Amsterdam due to my low GPA (oops). But i'm really hoping for Finland!

Anyway, do you know about this?? Are there any exchange students in the forest?? What do you think of this programme??Any tips for living in a foreign country?



Hit me baby one more time

Friday March 18, 2011 at 1:45 PM

I've been introduced to some of my favorite music through the fandom.  Come and share with me your favorite new music or someone we should all be listening to. 


I'll start with something I love by one of my favorite bands of all time.  Hence the title


Voting ends today

Friday March 18, 2011 at 1:26 PM

Voting ends tonight at 12:00 midnight Eastern time for my pet project, the CarlWard Contest.


We've had some real stand-outs among the entries...and interestingly 1st & 2nd places are tied right now, 3rd & 4th are tied, and so are 5th & 6th! So we really need more people to come vote and shake things up. The wonderful Ms. Ambrosia is providing banners for the winners and she just might have a coronary if I tell her she has to make way more banners than expected due to ties!

Some come read these one-shots, drool over the awesomeness that is Carlisle and Edward lovin' each other, and vote for your top two favorites. Winners and authors will be announced next week!!!

santa muerte

Stories where Esme doesn't like Bella

Friday March 18, 2011 at 1:05 PM

Stories, one shots. Mean Crazy, Just B@##$% Esme.  Please?

First --- | >> | 884 | 885 | 886 | 887 | 888 | 889 | 890 | 891 | 892 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
