

Thursday March 24, 2011 at 8:40 AM

new tvd stills! (the next episode is not until edit: april 14 april 7 thank goddd

(a couple more inside)

to make this interactive -- what in the WORLD are you other TVD fans doing to pass the time during this freaking long hiatus? does anyone else feel like they're dying?

maybe i'm just way dramatic


Oldies but Goodies

Thursday March 24, 2011 at 8:11 AM

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Morning, Campers!

It's time to discuss Chapters 11-15 of Volition by Rochelle Allison!

Come on in and share you thoughts, feelings, etc, etc.

As always - no spoilers please! We've got lots of first time readers.

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On Monday we'll discuss chapters 16-20

(OMG I can't wait to read on!!!!)


New Entertainment Weekly Cover

Thursday March 24, 2011 at 6:13 AM


That is all.

*ranger edit to add a little bit of the article. sigh.....rob rob rob.

Twilight-fans, take heart: Robert Pattinson is every bit as good-looking and thick-maned as he appears onscreen. But don’t confuse him with his brooding characters — the 24-year-old actor is surprisingly open, chatty, and quick to laugh. Pattinson talked with EW last week about his upcoming film Water for Elephants (in theaters April 22), in which he plays a traveling-circus veterinarian who falls for the show’s star attraction, played by Reese Witherspoon. He also discussed what his future might look like once he’s finished with Twilight. “You can never really predict what an audience wants or how to maintain a career,” he says, “other than doing what you think is cool.” But, Pattinson laughs, “Generally, what I think is cool is what everyone else hates.”

Filming for the final two installments of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn will wrap next month, and there’s one thing Pattinson says he won’t miss — the contact lenses he’s had to wear to play Edward. “My God, I’ll be glad to see the last of those,” he says. “I actually want to get some kind of plastic explosive. I want to reanimate them into something so I can kill them. It’s so embarrassing for me — after so many years, it’s still a process every single morning. Everybody else has figured out how to do it, and then there’s two people holding me down because I can’t do it myself.”

For more on Robert Pattinson and Water for Elephants, including how the beloved book was made into a movie, pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, on stands Friday, March 25.


Guess who's back!

Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 11:37 PM

So, I don't know if anyone noticed or really cares, but I've been MIA for the past 5 or 6 months....

Long story short, I had a really demanding job and no time to do ANYTHING. Anyway, I quit it a few weeks go and am ready to come back to the fandom....with a vengence.


So, pretty pretty please.....




What is the hot drop everything and read fic? Who are the new up and coming authors? What oldies are still are around and updating? And if you would be so kind as to req  any good NEW Em/Ro stories out there? 

Shocker, I know....




Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 9:03 PM

how about a BBC's pride & prejudice watchalong?

i have been wanting to do this for some time and felt that the opportunity had finally presented itself.

you, dear camper, are cordially invited to join me and the other campers in a concurrent viewing of jane austen's pride & prejudice, a production by the BBC starring king colin firth the first as fitzwilliam darcy and jennifer ehle as miss elizabeth bennett.

there are, in my opinion, a shocking number of you who have neither seen (nor read) pride & prejudice.

so, let us come together as friends and view this exquisite production together.

it is in 6 hour-long episodes, so i think we shall either enjoy two segments a day for three days, or one each day broken over two weeks. might you have an opinion as to which is the more preferable form of viewing?

i do hope you should endeavour to join us for this most exciting opportunity. please inform me of your intention to join in over the fire, and do allow me to tell you how ardently i admire and love you.


your uncle wtvoc, an ardent mr. darcy, and miss bennett's arched eyebrow


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Update to SMeyer's website

Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 8:07 PM

Forgive me if this has already been posted.

Hooray. (And I say that in the flattest voice imaginable). Evidently that Official Guide to the Twilight Saga that Stephenie Meyer was writing (which was SUPPOSED to be published well over a YEAR ago) is only 19 days away from release. With a list price of (are you ready for this?) $25.00 USD.

I don't care if it's hardcover, and I don't care if it's got 100 full-color illustrations throughout the book. There is no way some stupid "official guide" is worth twenty-five bucks. I didn't pay that much for the friggin NOVELS. If you plan to order (or pre-order) this book, get it on Amazon for $13.74. Personally, I'm still bitter that the publishers had it available for pre-order before she even finished writing the thing--and then she didn't have it ready by her deadline.

So, do you plan to read this one? Do you wish to continue giving Meyer your money for things that are not Midnight Sun? Do you think that, now that this book is out, we will actually SEE Midnight Sun in the future?


Rob pets a pooch

Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 4:24 PM

On WFE set.  More Behind the Scenes photos at, ladies!

To make this interactive:  Are you a a dog or cat person?  

Is there anyone out there who is both, like me?


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 2:39 PM







"Breaking Dawn | dream sequence." by aruxes44  <-  I despise BD, but this video is pretty darn good.


and for the HARRY POTTER fans

"the weight of the world, can we handle it?" by TheVioletHours <- uses new scenes from HP DH 2 promo!  ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG






Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 1:03 PM

"Innocence is Dripping Red"


"Hide and Drink"



Please, and thank you


Review Drive

Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 11:56 AM

Hey Campers! It's time for our March Review Drive fire!

Here's how to participate:

1. Go to your account and scroll over the Traffic Tab.

2. Click on User Stats.

3. You'll see a sentence that says "You have completed a total of _____ signed reviews"

4. Come back and share that number here.

Feel free to discuss your number - defend it, brag about it, whatever! Next month, we'll do the same.

This is a fun way to challenge ourselves, encourage us to take the time to review and show all of the awesome author's out there some love! To see February's review drive - click here. =)



Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 9:25 AM




This Week's Game:  Character Clues

Let's try something different this week . . . Write down three things related to a specific character from a certain fic.  Don't tell us the character, or the fic - let others guess.  The character clues can be anything - type of car they drive, something they wore, a life-changing event, something they said, anything - just keep the clues short and sweet (or not ;P)!  Check out the examples!!


Example 1:

Five decades.  Hungry little boy.  Kazillionaire.  (answer: Edward, MotU)

Example 2:

Bread. Cat. Pink nightie (answer: Bella, Edward Wallbanger)

My first entry is inside.

Thanks to Cappy.  You rock!


cos its a wednesday

Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 8:36 AM

Awesomeness incarnated, Elizabeth Taylor (almost wrote Taylor Swift and have no idea why) has passed but I say the poor woman deserved a brake.

But to a completely different topic - I know that has been .. well a big meanie these last days and I can say that cos I´ve been disgustingly sick with nothing to do!  But I found an old jewel that I hope you will all enjoy, since most of us enjoy an non cheesy, well written fic.

Its a 12 chapters, completed with a Copward, AwesomenessBella who like Elizabeth (no offense to TayTay that Im actually comparing her to a fanfiction character) is all about overcoming adversity and being pretty kick ass while doing it.

The name is To serve and protect and its so badly worth reading and I can´t belive the low comment count.  At least read the first few lines, i only recommend awesomeness.


ps., Jandco - I´ve been sick and started reading Cullens Island .. do you see where I´m going with this?



Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 8:11 AM

I was always fascinated by Elizabeth Taylor's life, but the one thing that really reeled me in was her passionate, tumultuous love affair with Richard Burton. Look at them.

R.I.P. Elizabeth. You were a true star.

Let's discuss true love and great love affairs in this post.

santa muerte

And she going.. 107yearoldvirgin

Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 1:54 AM

is saying her goodbye.. FAP and it's last chapter and her long good bye are up. We'll miss her or at least I  will. your thoughts? 


mtv movie awards

Tuesday March 22, 2011 at 10:20 PM

I just voted for the MTV movie awards.  Do you think Twilight will win any category?  Or is the hype over?  If you do think they'll win, which category?

I think Rob and Kristen have won Best Kiss the last couple of years, but I'm hoping (fingers crossed) that JGL and Ellen Page will win for Inception.

I didn't vote for Twilight once.


It was just brought to my attention that this is just to nominate the question changes: do you even think they will be nominated?




Tuesday March 22, 2011 at 9:20 PM

Do original characters tick you off or rub you the wrong way? Or, do you have absolutely no problem with them and actually seek them out? Come post, talk, debate, WRITE ANGRILY, and such like and tell me why or why not you like original characters


We Were Here! YAH!

Tuesday March 22, 2011 at 6:34 PM

I just saw We Were Here updated and WOOOOOW! I so have to discuss this with someone...anyone? Please Mrs. Rangers' can I post this? LOL


Ranger Edit: OF Course! This updated and I DIDN'T GET MY EMAIL. Grrrrrrrrr.


Rob Riding a Hog?

Tuesday March 22, 2011 at 6:33 PM

No, no that kind of hog.   A MOTORCYCLE one:

  Or more likely:

According to THIS, Rob has been given a script for a movie called Akira based on series of graphic novels.

"The script for the Warner Bros/Legendary Pictures live action adaptation of anime artist Katsuhiro Otomo’s 6-volume graphic novel Akira has been sent to a short list of actors. The picture is finally taking shape for an August start, following the delivery of a rewrite by Steve Kloves that has director Albert Hughes and the studio brass excited. The story takes place in the rebuilt New Manhattan where a leader of a biker gang saves his friend from a medical experiment. There are two major roles, and I’m told that for Tetsuo, Robert Pattinson, Andrew Garfield and James McAvoy have been given the new script. For the role of Kaneda, the script has been given to Garrett Hedlund, Michael Fassbender, Chris Pine, Justin Timberlake and Joaquin Phoenix. The two leads are expected to come from that group of actors."

Link to original Akira storyline

I still have to find out more about Akira the graphic novels, but maybe we'll get to see Rob poppin' a wheelie and wearing one of these ensembles; maybe?

How about it?  Can you picture Rob doing this type of super powered/ super hero role?


Weekly Help Desk

Tuesday March 22, 2011 at 6:04 PM

Fanfic Amnesia?

Fanfic Request?

Need help with ANYTHING related to fanfic?

Want to know what is UPDATING?

With FFN in meltdown, this may be the place to be!


To retrieve pulled out stories

Tuesday March 22, 2011 at 2:19 PM

Hi, as I too am not getting alerts from ff net I have nothing to read - sigh. So I am trying to locate an old story :"I don't exist". (Bella lost her memory and married Mike, Edward stopped to be a vegetarian ... then she has cancer, they meet again in New York...) I know it has been pulled out but somebody gave me a link, a sort of archives where it could be found again. I want this particular story, but in any case to know where to go would be very useful.

Thanks a lot


So I have something to until fanfiction net starts sending me updates. (But I checked many of the stories I am on alert for, and they have not been updated - so authors also have their problems).

First --- | >> | 881 | 882 | 883 | 884 | 885 | 886 | 887 | 888 | 889 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
