
FF Sneak Peek

Monday March 21, 2011 at 8:51 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Who needs tighty whities

Monday March 21, 2011 at 6:37 AM

Can anyone send me (or post and I will steal borrow it) the GIF of Kellan Lutz jogging...You know the one i'm talking about.

My friend and I are already bored at work today and need a little pick me up.



Bobby Long

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 8:48 PM

I have seen other post about Bobby Long so I'm hoping this is okay...

I saw him play and met him!



FF is back!

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 8:11 PM

Seems FF is working now! Please post your updates!

purple eta: ff.net is still failstatus for some of us. :/


it's sunday afternoon....

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 5:24 PM

my boyfriend showed me this-
i don't watch a whole lot of youtube, and i'm sure most of you have watched it, but i wanted to share for those who haven't because i think it's pretty funny and... really catchy.
warning: the end kind of gets... graphic? maybe that isn't the right word, but i don't think it's appropriate for those youngsters. (you know, since i'm 20 now, lol)
(i think i may be a campfire whoo-ra).
i feel like this is appropriate because it's sunday, and this song talks about sunday afternoons, lol.. but if it isn't, rangers please delete.

ff updates

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 5:18 PM

Well, not that it's going to happen anytime soon, but which fics do you desperately want to update? Which fics do you drop everything for to read? Which updates from completed fics do you miss the most? 


Some Pretty for your time!


Hey All!!

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 5:16 PM

Do any of you remember the name of the song that played when Edward danced with Bella at Emmett's and Rosalie's engagement party in The Office???



Some pretty for your time!!!


Edit:    Thank you for reminding me that the song came from The Submissive, Sarahtine!!!


Best Couples Ever...

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 4:49 PM

Hi everyone.

All right, so this might seem random, but this night I was chatting with my dearest sister and we were discussing couples. We all have probably fallen in love with great couples in movies, tv, literature etc. 

I have cried, laughed and danced like a complete loon around my living room when my favourite couple first kissed. The relationships don´t have to be purely romantic, they can also be best friends, co-workers, team mates, whatever as long as they have the great chemistry that make us fall in love with them. They don´t even have to be couples.

 So I decided to make a little cozy campfire and ask you, dear camper, which couple/couples is/are your favourite. It´s Sunady night (at least where I am), so get cozy and think of your favourite romances. I know this has been done many times here, but please bear with my lovey dovey mood. Feel the love and post your favourites. Even show some pictures. Cause who doesn´t love adorable, loveable, romantic pictures?? 

Now think about your favourite and post it. It can be in tv, movies and/or literature. Feel free to let your hearts out campers!


P.S. I know that this is so not Twilight related but we all need to feel the love from time to time...


CarlWard Contest winners and writers

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 3:04 PM

I'm so excited to be able to announce the winners and reveal the authors in the CarlWard Contest!!!!

Much love and thanks to my fellow judges: DeeLovely60, WhatsMyNomdePlume, Savannah_Vee, and YogaGal.

Special thanks to the talented Ms Ambrosia for creating banners for the winners, which I will post and distribute once they are complete.

Without further ado, come inside to see what's what and offer congratulations and comments! Let the fangirling commence!


Sunday March 20, 2011 at 2:08 PM

I read this and found it funny, follow the link for the screencaps!Photobucket

Robert Pattinson during MTV First interview

Rob: "Hi, I'm gonna hang with my fanboy here, Josh."
Josh: "Yay meeeeeeee"

Rob: "It's a change of pace to have a fanboy..."

Josh: "Rob, look at me! I'm smoldering like you with a side of handporn!"
Rob: "No Josh, THIS is how you smolder. You do it right, you dont need the hand."

Rob: "Haha he can't smolder..."

Josh: "Hey! No need to mock me. Most men are just trying to find ways to win their women back from Robsession by copying your methods."

Rob: "Win them BACK?! Now you're delusional!"

Rob: "See this look? You don't forget this look when you're a woman. Men aren't winning their women back as long as I keep giving this look."

Rob: "Ya see...you need to realize what women want..."

Rob: "Part of what they want is right here..."

Rob: "And right here..."

Rob: "But it's not all about the body..."

Rob: "You gotta give them the big, all teeth, laughs like this!"

Rob: "Let's see....what else, what else...some jawporn..."

Rob: "Oh! And they do love a cocked brow with a smirk, Josh. Thank Edward Cullen for that."



Call Me Irresistible?

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 2:02 PM

Is anyone else reading this?  If so, I have some questions that I'll post inside.  


Here is some love for your time...


Thanks to the fabulous wtvoc for fire approval!


Pop Culture and Fan-Fiction

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 1:54 PM


So, I came across this article on Cracked.com about fanfic and expected it to be about awful it is and how the people who read it are crazy (because that is what cracked it good at); however I was surprised by what she had to say.  It was well written and the links in the article are pretty funny to boot.  

Did anyone else come across this or have a read?  What do you think?  We can chat inside.

A little pretty for your time.


What are you drinking?

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 12:43 PM


I tried this beer for the 1st time last night mostly because my friends kept urging me to, partly because a certain gorgeous brit man has been seen on occasion imbibing it. I really am a fruity drink and when situation calls for it vodka kind of girl. But I will say I enjoyed the beer and wouldn't mind trying another.
So to make this interactive, Tell me your favorite drinks, of the alcoholic variety would be nice but if you're a non drinker I'll take what ever you've got. 
I posted these commercials because they're about the beer...and HILARIOUS to me =)
So if you have a funny commercial or pic of the beverage in question me likey to see it. Hey, you could even post a pic of you with the drink...I'm not picky. So let me have it people.
I know it's 5 o' clock somewhere...does that even matter on a sunday? idk?


Sunday March 20, 2011 at 12:26 PM


click here for the ff.net archive lol

someone please, please, please, PLEASE write a progressive flo/old spice guy oneshot for me.  please.  

oh, and i've decided to make this a lazy sunday chat post.  what're you doing?  what's new?  i got matthew crawley from downton abbey to follow me on twitter, and we've DM'd each other a few times now.  AND i saw jane eyre.  oh, and the job thing.  and jandco is missing, so i'm texting with her husband instead.  so i've been having a pretty much stellar weekend.

what've you been up to?  TALK TO ME, CAMPERS.

or you can just show us your outlines for your M-rated jack in the box fanfiction.


Top 5 aka RECS :)

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 12:20 PM

So, last night I read a pretty much amazing fic, Tips for Better Living by adorablecullens. It made me smile like a freak, and it also made my eyes tear up.

Just like The Ace of Spades, by m81170.

anyways, I sort of just want to know to your top 5 fics from this fandom. The fics that make you smile, the ones that cause an actuual LOL moment, and even the ones that make you cry.

Mine would be...

1. The Ace of Spades by m81170
2. Renfield and Chiclets by katinki
3. Surviving Bella by Savage7289
4. Ladder to the Sun by Rosybud
5. Died and Gone to Heaven by DoUTrustMe


Is FF working today?

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 11:35 AM

I cheked my FF account and no story seems to have been updated. Is FF working?


New Rob outtakes

Sunday March 20, 2011 at 11:21 AM

I don't think these have been posted yet. Enjoy thanks to setje.  In a moment of fluffiness I dedicate this campfire to Katinki, who I feel comfortable saying loves Rob as much as I do, and who went above and beyond what a lot of authors would do and did something very sweet for me this week. Thanks, Kate!

MANY MORE INSIDE! just gimme time to post them


It finally happened.

Saturday March 19, 2011 at 11:01 PM

I. Am. A. Grandma.

That is all.


Magic Fingers

Saturday March 19, 2011 at 8:47 PM

Okay.  So I admit.  I am HUGELY turned on my the fact that Mr. Pattinson is so musical.  But it really comes as no surprise.  I'm the girl that stands in the front row of concerts, staring at a man's hands.  Piano... guitar... don't know what it is.  If a man is (musically) good with his hands, it works for me. 


I remember I had a HUGE crush on this guy after I was able to sit about five feet away from him during this performance, and watch his freaking hands fly across those keys. 

Please share.  Is there a musician who turns your crank?  Share videos.  Or hell... just share pictures.  (Rob's hands are always welcome.  If you know what I mean.  And I think you do.)
Come on.  Entertain a drunk girl.  (Or step inside, and join me.  Rum and cokes for everyone!!)


Saturday March 19, 2011 at 5:12 PM

hey girls (guys?)

i'm watching the movie frozen right now........ and i'm tottally freaking out.


so intense and soo insanely messed up.

has anyone watched this movie before?

(i'm at the part where he jumps and they start hearing wolves)


...rangers, i know this isn't twi related or anything and if it isn't approiate, just remove it. i'm just ahh... craziest movie.

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