Luna StarFire


Friday March 25, 2011 at 2:40 PM

Yep its me again, I know GTFO is what your thinking.  lol

So I would like to talk about PENNSIC.  <--- Linky Link to the site.


I'm a little excited to be going.  But yet I've never been.  Has anyone been to this?  Would you go if you could?  Heck maybe you want to now.  



Luna StarFire

I challenge you to a duel

Friday March 25, 2011 at 2:19 PM


lol, no pwn-age I promise.  
So I'm curious to see if anyone is interesting in a weight loss challenge.  
ADF Celebrity Fit Club Challenge.  
I don't have an award to give out or anything of that nature but just pure joy in losing some weight with some fellow friends.  We can do weekly weigh ins.  Doesn't have to be weight specific, just how much weight have you lost during the week.  Maybe set up goals as to were you would like to be and what not.  
Maybe if we get a lot of people we can create teams and pit against each other.  So any thoughts? ...interested? ...Stupid idea?
Every FFAF I'll do an update post so we can keep in touch.  Next week well go over goals and what not since it seems some people are liking the idea.

Please Help Me Decide!!!

Friday March 25, 2011 at 1:41 PM

Okay, I have so many to be read completed fics that it isn't funny. I'm at the point of feeling completely overwhelmed at my choices. So I need your help.

Here's the kind of stories I like: I like stories with a strong and intense Edward. I'm not really into manwhoreward or stories with a lot of substance abuse. I love stories where Edward actively pursues Bella, like The Wedding Party or others. I love stories where they can't seem to stay away from each other and there's this mystical drawing to each other - but not love at first sight. I love attraction/intrigue/obsession even at first encounter - I can't get this person out of my head kind of thing. I also love a possessive Edward - though as we talked about in a few campfires down these qualities would not be hot in real life, lol.

It's been really rainy and dreary here so something with a fantasy/fairytale-ish/maybe mystery feel would be awesome. I'd love to read something really mystical like The Blessing and the Curse or with a gothic feel like Ethan Church or with an element of fate like The Lost Boys. Just something like those that adds that extra intensity. Maybe fantasy like The Mirrors. I'm not sure if there is anything like that on my list. If not, do you have something else to recc that is complete?

Even if none of these stories fulfill my requests above, tell me what you think I should read and make sure to tell me WHY because it doesn't have to be mystical or gothic - it's just kind of what I'm in the mood for at the moment. Thank you so much!!!

Omigosh there are so many I'll put them in the comments so as not to take up the entire ADF page! But PLEASE come inside and help me!!!

FYT: Some intense Edward

And a gothic-y type Edward


E.W. pics

Friday March 25, 2011 at 10:49 AM


Sharing Playlists

Friday March 25, 2011 at 9:45 AM

Reading, listening to music and "doodling" (what I call my attempts at art) are my loves. And since there are many other music lovers on ADF I would like to share my music interest and hear what you're listening to.  If you are interested in exchanging a CD of each other's current music loves I would love to hear your favs. Currently I'm listening to RL Burnside and other Mississippi Delta blues and guitar blues, etc. and also since I'm going to see CagetheElephant,ManchesterOrchestra,Sleeper Agent,Biffy Clyro next month I've made a different playlist for them. If you love,love,love a band and can't help but fangirl about them  whenever someone talks about music then I'd love to hear them. We can exchange addresses and get alittle surprise in the mail. Or if someone else lists something more interesting to you then contact them. Hopefully this could be like yesterday's exchange but with music. 


Do you ever get tired of Twilight Fanfiction?

Friday March 25, 2011 at 9:39 AM

This is my first ever campfire, and I was compelled to start it earlier after reading a comment in another campfire that was reccing HP fics.  I'm not mentioning names, because I can't remember who said what, but it was basically an offhand comment about being tired of Twi Fic and feeling like the fandom was 'winding down.'

It made me think because well, I had a moment like that myself just near the end of last year. I have read a lot of fanfiction, most of it good, but at the time I think I'd just read one too many bad stories and I found myself getting bored. So, I took a little step back and started to read some actual books for once! After about a week the lure of fanfiction pulled me back and I decided to foray into the world of HP fanfiction. I still read updates of the few great WIP Twi Fics I'd been reading, but I didn't start any new stories.

It was such an escape for me to find myself in the Harry Potter fandom, because I was so familiar with it from the books, and they can be so different from the stuff we see in Twilight fanfiction. I fell in love with Draco/Hermione (Dramione) and some brilliant Harry/Draco slash. This lasted a couple of months and I suddenly felt a craving for Edward and Bella again. I'm more discerning about what I read now, and occasionally need a break in the form of HP fic or real books, but I think I've found a good balance.

The main point of this is, I actually felt a little sad when I'd tired of twilight fanfiction, like you do when a great relationship feels a little stale and you don't know if things will manage to work out or not. (God, I'm so dramatic, but you get my point I hope.) I felt a  little petulant, because I don't want to feel fed up with Twific, but I recognise that it will probably happen eventually. After all there are authors and readers who leave the fandom all the time.

What I want to know is this...

Does anyone else ever feel like this?

Have you ever had enough of  Twilight fanfiction?

Do you think the fandom is winding down?

Have you ever just needed a break from it all?

Do you forsee the point where you will just give it all up?

LJ Summers

Stomach-Flipping UST Fic List

Friday March 25, 2011 at 8:53 AM





I love it.  Admit it, you love it.  Not that I don't mind to see it resolved, eventually, but good bouts of stomach-flipping UST are just 


-- Right?


So come on and share with the rest of the Forest Dwellers your choices for the BEST UST OUT THERE in the fandom.  

Any pairing. Any rating (hey, UST is to be had in T and PG-13 as well as AU or AH.

Just...bring it.


You know you want to.




Remember the Rules:

1.  Keep it simple.

2.  No discussions.


Thanks for sharing your favorite stomach-flipping UST fics around the fire!


Out of Your Comfort Zone

Friday March 25, 2011 at 7:09 AM

Socializing outside of my small group of friends is uncomfortable for me.  Because of this I miss out on alot of fun and possible really good friends. So I decided to get out of my comfort zone and not only participate but instigate time with my coworkers. Tomorrow a large group of girls(term used loosely) from work will be going to watch the Lowcountry Highrollers Rollerderby game here in Charleston. I invited, facebooked and bought the tickets to sell to the event. I'll let you know if I'm glad about this after tomorrow. What I want to know is what have you, or need to do to step out of your comfort zone? 


Slightly Controversial But Hopefully Not Offensive

Friday March 25, 2011 at 7:08 AM

So…I have a few hundred updates in my ffupdates box since I’ve been MIA for the last few…oh I don’t know…quarters? Yeah, let’s go with that.

My box contains all the old goodies, you know, anything by Ro’, anything by WTVOC, Jandco and few others that are on my favorite authors list. But most of them…most…are completed now. So I sent out a request into the twitter-verse asking for “whatcha’ reading”.

I got a few links back and started reading stories and then started to think about something.

We tend to go in cycles here in the Twi-dome. When I first started YEARSSSS ago… everything was “my version of BD” because well, it was before BD was released. Then we somehow opened the door to AH fics…then well…Along came my lovely friend JandCo and blew everyone out of the water with something like TTAB…still ruminate on that one quite frequently since I have a full blown teenage girl now…but I digress.

Sex was opened up…sex with teenagers was opened up…sex with vampires, girl on girl, guy on guy, at some point wasn’t there alien sex? Everything was a go now…drugs, drinking, crazy ass sex.

WE LOVED IT but sometimes it all just went a little too far. The teenagers some people were writing about were so out there we often wondered where the hell would this high school ever exist, and damn, I’m never moving anywhere near there!

Then the Twi-verse met with TaraSueMe…and hellooooo bondage… While I think some people may have at first found it extremely offensive the way in which Tara wrote her story, with care and elegance people opened up to the idea that no…you’re not really a freak if you find this appealing…no, you’re not the lowest of sexual deviants, it actually sounded kind….cool?...if we stopped to think about it.

WHAM…whole new way of looking at things.

The Twi-verse blew up with bondage fics some good, few great and lots that were just…yeah, not so much… if you know what I mean.

I guess my point is, we get a new idea, we write it, it’s accepted, then it’s taken way to far.

First off, I’m wondering what the new trend is?

Secondly, I’m wondering if any of you stop to digest what you’re reading and say…why the hell am I reading this? I’m totally against this in real life… for instance, for me?, teachers sleeping with students…yep. That’s wholeheartedly wrong (in my opinion) in every single case at the high school level…there is no excuse for that ever in my book…love is love is love, blah blah blah… but underage is not right. The developed mind of a high school is not what is should be to hold a relationship with an adult none the less a teacher. College professors…well it’s against the rules, not the law…in College your both considered adults. Not necessarily right, per sea but passable in a court of law.

I feel I must add:

A. if a teacher ever propositioned one of my girls, I’d ruin his life, had sex with them…oh we’d be a whole new level.

B. College profession, I’d not be happy and I’d be there when she learned a valuable lesson and 10 to 1 I’d have his job on my fire place mantel, but that’s all besides the point.

And lastly, C. I mean actually having sex…not lusting after or thinking about but actually engaging in the act with a minor. Teacher or no…I just have strong feelings against that.

Again, I digress, what I really want to know is. Have you found that the fandom has opened your eyes to something’s you may have thought negatively about before but think you may try now?

Have you found that you read things that in real life you would be the first person to protest…(cough Mary Kay Letourneau cough)? And if so, what do you really think about that?

Writers, is there anything that you will absolutely not write? Or is nothing off limits?

DISCLAIMER: if you write a story like the above I am in no way bashing you, criticizing you or telling you that you are an immoral evil person. I’ve read a few stories like this that have been very well written…not trying to start a riot here. I was just thinking about it as I read one and kept saying to myself…if this were real life I’d be the first person to say throw the douche bag in jail, why am I even reading this…hence prompting the above train of thought. I’d like to also add that I’m still reading the story… :)

I'm wondering if I'm going to be banned now...should I turn off the computer?  I did preface it with Controversial right?  Not NOT offense intended.  Happy Friday!



Friday March 25, 2011 at 5:01 AM

It's the free for all, y'all!!!

and let's have good friday sunny day music, too!

we'll go dancing, everything will be alright.


Stop. Chat. Now.

Thursday March 24, 2011 at 11:18 PM

So I was wondering: What are you doing right now?

Are you with your kids, with your hubby/loved one, with friends, alone, drinking, doing work, etc?

If you could be anywhere doing anything right now, what would you be doing?" (My answers inside)

Come chat, I am having a really bad day, and need my lovely ADFers.    :)

FYT: (because an ADFer mentioned Viggo, my love, on twitter earlier) 


approved, albeit drunkenly, by GrownAssWomen... Thank you!!!


Just a question

Thursday March 24, 2011 at 9:31 PM

Hey all!

I wondered if anyone could tell me if HL5 is complete.  If not, does anyone know if it will be updated soon.  Thanks so much!


The Weekly Rec

Thursday March 24, 2011 at 7:07 PM

What are you reading right now?

What stories do we need to read?

Here is the place to recommend your FAVORITE FANFICS of the week!


Something Funny

Thursday March 24, 2011 at 6:54 PM


So I've been feelin down lately and need a pick me up, I'm looking for fanfics that make you PEE your pants with every chapter. I prefer all human and completed or regularly updated stories, but I'll take whatever you've got, if it promises to be funny then I'm willing to read just about anything.

Let me know what makes you laugh so hard you cry!


- Thanks!



Thursday March 24, 2011 at 5:15 PM

Purple Ranger approved, oh so graciously, since I'm in desperate need of giving some stuff to good homes.

So the way this works is if you've got stuff you want to give away, you list it and campers come in here and comment on what they'd like to take off your hands. Then you exchange the specifics like addresses and shipping via PM. Easy peasy, right?!

Here's what I've got:


1. My Sister's Keeper, paperback.

2. ALL of the Sookie Stackhouse books. (Dead Until Dark, Living Dead in Dallas, Club Dead, Dead to the World, Dead As a Doornail, Definitely Dead, From Dead To Worse, Altogether Dead, Dead And Gone, Dead In The Family). All of them a paperback except Dead In The Family, that one's hardback.

3. The Doctor's Book of Home Remedies. (P.S. This one's awesome!), paperback

4. The Templar Revelation, paperback

5. Holy Blood, Holy Grail, paperback

(Note that I'm not gentle with my books. All of these books are used and it shows.)


6. Authentic addidas 2010 Spain World Cup away (blue) jersey. XL

7. Authentic puma 2010 Ivory Coast World Cup home (orange) jersey, number 11 Drogba. XL (This one is beautiful!)

8. Authentic addidas 2010 Mexico World Cup home (green) jersey, number 4 Marquez. XL

(Note I'm VERY gentle with my futbol stuff, so these are like pristine, tags and everything, and it's killing me to let them go)


Come take this stuff off my hands! And come get rid of some of your stuff too!


harry potter post, deal with it

Thursday March 24, 2011 at 4:23 PM

the first deleted scene from harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 is here



i hope we get dudley telling harry he isn't a waste of space as well, tbqh



Contest Judges?

Thursday March 24, 2011 at 3:22 PM

Soooo....does anyone secretly harbor the same twisted addiction to reality shows that I do? Becuase of that addiction and the desire to ignore all real-and-paid-for-work copious amounts of free time I have on my hands, I'm running a contest!

Fiction versus Reality, the ultimate horrenous marriage of TwiFic and reality shows, and I need judges! All you have to do is read the entries and lend your opinion, and really, who wouldn't want to subject themselves to Emmett on Survivor, or Rosalie on Top Model, or Bella and Edward steamin' up the pots on Top Chef?

If you're interested in being a judge or helping me make winner's banners, let me know here, through my FF profile (Wutheringbites) or at

I'd like to begin accepting entries on April 6th, but this can be pushed back. I'm advertising her, on TwiFicNews, Twitter, and the Twilighted forums. Hope to see you join the crazy fest!

(Permission given by wtvoc!)


Looking For Fic

Thursday March 24, 2011 at 2:14 PM

Read a fic. Loved it. Forgot about it. Want to read it again. Can't remember it.


Bella's twenty seven, I think. Edward's twenty two, I think. Edward's Alice's little brother, and a musician (he plays outside Starbucks for money, from what I can remember, but I might be getting that mixed up with another fic). Bella's friends with Alice. Alice had a baby with Jasper called Lucy, I think (a lot of "I think's" but my memory's crap).

Oh, and all the chapter titles are related to fire, as is the title.

Help me? Please?



Thursday March 24, 2011 at 1:47 PM

I've decided to do this:

What would you like to see me contribute?

Who else is contributing?

Who plans to donate?

Is this a good way to "help"?


ADFFCC Results

Thursday March 24, 2011 at 10:08 AM

Results are inside. Special thanks to the 548 of you who voted!

Which do you think are going to be the most interesting match-ups in next week's rounds?

(you can click on the bracket to make it bigger!)

First --- | >> | 880 | 881 | 882 | 883 | 884 | 885 | 886 | 887 | 888 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
