
Stupid Twilight

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 5:57 AM

It's only fanfic!!! Get a grip.

Come inside! Laugh at stupidity of our fandom. Just because we write about teenagers doesn't mean we have to act like them. Love on me, I'll love on you. This is a place where you can be anything/anybody you want. I don't know YOUR real name, you don't know MINE. So, stop taking everything so seriously and come have a good time.


Warning: gifs and other silliness allowed. If you are not able to take it, stay away!






You Brut!

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 5:52 AM



Is Marlena holding:

a)  A bottle of whiskey

b) A bottle of antistheptic to cleanse Jacob's wounds

c)  A bottle of Brut Cologne

d)  Both b and c


Either way.... I think I hear some Barry White playing the in background.  This movie is going to KILL me!

To keep it interractive:  What kind of cologne do you like on YOUR man??


I Call BS!

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 4:19 AM

Hi!  The other day we were having some hot water issues and I went to go take a shower and after like 10 seconds my mildly warm water turned ice cold!  And I yelped and jumped out of the shower faster than I have ever moved in my life!

This got me to thinking, in all these UST fics Edward is jumping into a cold shower, or turning his shower all the way to cold, to help with his umm... situation... and I just have to say that after getting blasted by cold water for all of 2 seconds I call BS on this!  It happens all the time and in all sorts of fics!  I never gave it another thought till it happened to me and then I thought, somebody would willingly do this???  But perhaps that blast and shock really works...  Never again for me and I'm so glad that I don't have to worry about being in a situation like that EVER! :) 

So tell me campers, what have you read that sounds good on paper, but when you encountered it in real life...


similar but not

Wednesday March 30, 2011 at 5:49 PM

hi! this is my first campfire ever, it is!

Does anyone know of sites similar to ADF but for published books where you can request a certain theme, topic or "books similar to". my mom finished reading the Lost Symbol and i wanted to find books for her with similar themes (mystery where clues are based on real objects and history). i used to know a site that was a discussion for romance novels (i am a romance novel junkie...eek!) but it was shut down or something...

i want to read new authors, but fic diving in the published world is more intimidating than fic diving on ffn. i've been trying to find new books on amazon under similar purchases, but it's not very helpful.

so, if anyone knows any sites like that, it would be greatly appreciated!

FYT =)

thanks wtvoc!


Fandom Fights Tsunami

Wednesday March 30, 2011 at 4:45 PM

If you haven't heard, the Fandom is coming together once again to the aid of those who need us.

Donate to Fandom Fights Tsunami and you will receive a compilation of one shots from over 250 authors! There are also other things up for auction. Visit the website for more information. I'm encouraging readers to donate and authors to contribute. We can all help in some way.

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”


My own story summary and teaser banner inside!


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday March 30, 2011 at 4:08 PM







"Jasper&Alice | Do you feel?" by LightningFair <- SHE MAKES THE BEST FREAKIN JASPER/ALICE VIDS EVER.  PERIOD.


and for all you TVD Damon lovers out there...


"Damon & Elena: Please don't go" by schokokeks1189 <- this has probably been mentioned in one of these posts before, but I can't help it.  I LOVE this video.






A Voice in the Darkness

Wednesday March 30, 2011 at 3:31 PM

Um. My heart hurts. Just. Can we talk about this? God. I've only ever read one other fic that made me cry, and it wasn't in this fandom, but this thing, just. Ow.

A Voice in the Dark by Katinki

Slave fics made me sick for various reasons, and the fact that some people think it's appealing makes me even sicker. I'm not even going to go into Emancipation Proclamation. Let's just... not.

I'm glad someone's willing to actually go to the trouble of making something serious out of a fic, to address a theme I think it's rather disturbing in this fandom. Well. In any fandom. In anything really.

Word of advise: the fic is harsh like a slap to the face, it's violent and blunt and doesn't spare one thought for our sensible little feelings. I personally appreciate that enormously. It's not a joyride, so if you're not looking to be shocked and pushed around... don't read it.

I wanna marry this author. Are you here? I think I owe you a tumbler of whiskey.

ETA: It just occured to me, this story has ample warning and might have triggers for people who have experiences sexual assault. Do not go into this story like walking into a sunny park, I cannot stress this enough!


you must allow me to tell you

Wednesday March 30, 2011 at 3:01 PM

the BBC's production of pride & prejudice episode 3: a campfire watchalong

direct link to the source if you are unable to watch this embed





in today's installment, so much happens. mr. collins makes a proposal that is accepted; both elizabeth and jane experience upsets in their plans, and a visit to rosings park and lady catherine de bourgh proves to be... interesting for miss elizabeth bennett.

LJ summers, i hope you do take notes on a colonel related to a certain gentlemen we both know and adore.

come in and discuss, whether you're here promptly at 3 or if you're working late tonight. i do so enjoy our exchanges!

~this watchalong shall continue monday at 3pm with episode 4~

please click here for links to episodes 1 and 2 and their campfires


Now, this is a nice cover....

Wednesday March 30, 2011 at 12:54 PM

Vanity Fair Italy from ontd.

The Italians don't need no stinkin' gator.

I'll put more inside. This might be a good campfire for pretties. We all love hot pictures of men, right?



Rob is interviewed...and interviewed

Wednesday March 30, 2011 at 12:40 PM

Some great interviews with our darlin' Rob came out today.

Some fun quotes:

She (Marlena) will always be an extraordinary woman to him, no matter what. Jacob just wants to give and doesn’t ask for anything in return. That’s the best kind of relationship.”

Link to VF Italy translated interview

The one thing that pisses me off about working in a film is when you start a project and then, suddenly, two days before you start working on it, there's a massive script rewrite tto make an R-rated movie into PG-13, and it's a totally different story.  And as soon as that lin'es been crossed you know you're not making a movie anymore.  You're making...a...a...fridge magnet.

Link to Empire interview

Q: Pretzels?

A: I love them: it's crazy but I eat like tons of them every week. And I love m&m's too. It's insane but I can't resist pretzels and m&m's. My dog loves pretzels too

Link to another Italian interview


ETA Another, this time from Elle Russia.   

How can you describe love? If you love someone then you think that this person is the best in the world, don’t you? But if she doesn’t think that way about herself?? I think, the whole point to make her believe that she’s perfect, the most beautiful.

Swoony swoon swoon

Only on the fabulous Pattinsonlife, and ya gotta be a member.  Some lovely Russian gal is translating part two.  I'll put the text in the comments.


Calling all Kindle Users

Wednesday March 30, 2011 at 10:13 AM

I've noticed one of the most FAQs is how to read FF on the Kindle - yes, I asked the question as well. 

Yesterday I was checking out one of the Kindle forums I belong to & found this  It is a simple one click app that allows you to send ANY webpage to the kindle instantly, you have to register, remember to give your address,  pin the SendtoReader to the tool bar then when you want to transfer something to the kindle just click on it.

I've tried it with  FFN - transfers one chap at  a time ideal when reading WIPs / Oneshots

TWCS either 1 chap or whole story if you press the print icon

Twilighted 1 chap at a time 

My local paper & any number of other webpages.

I think it is brilliant I hope it works for you too.

Ranger Edit: This is AWESOME. Here is a page from the latest chapter of Breaking News on ADF... it is beautiful!! But to make this interactive, ANY OTHER AWESOME eREADER TIPS???????


please watch this trailer.

Wednesday March 30, 2011 at 8:47 AM

Vanishing of the Bees - Trailer from Bee The Change on Vimeo.

this strikes me as a very thought-provoking documentary, and it's got a bit of D: D: D: in it, too.

what do you think of this? should we be worried?

and here's the website:



Wednesday March 30, 2011 at 8:41 AM

Here is your official ballot for the ADFFCC. ALL voting will be on this one ballot. You don't have to vote in every matchup like you did last time but I urge you to try to make a decision if you can! 


After you vote, you will be directed back to ADF. I will keep you posted on any races you wish by request. There seems to be no way to show results as they come in to anyone but the person running the survey. So if you want to know how a race is going, just ask.

If you want to look at the campfires explaining the matchups, click on the "ADFFC CHAMPIONSHIP" Tag below, that will take you to links for all of the divisions. Voting will be open until midnight tonight eastern time.

Use this campfire to talk about any races or to make predictions. You can ask questions about how races are going as well. :) If there are any problems with the ballot, let me know!



Hold me...

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 9:28 PM

I just posted my last chapter of Peeperward and Stripperella save the futuretake and the EPOV that I'm donating.

I has a sad.

I'm glad I've completed something. First time for completing a story. First time seeing something so significant through... it's also the one year anniversary of the first post too.

I just feel kinda emo over it being essentially done.

Anyone got some hugs?

TIA for listing to me whine.


Bobby Long!

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 8:35 PM

So sorry for posting two campfires in a row (Rangers, please don't kill me!)  but this one is for Mr. Bobby Long! I'm seeing him in Memphis April 6th, and if you're going to that show, comment in here and we'll dicuss possible meet up at the show? I know many of you have seen him-did you talk to him? get his autograph? What's your favorite BL song? Or are you more of a Marcus/Sam fan? 

I would kill to hear Rob performing like Bobby does, at small venues with just a guitar (well and a band now). I think poor Rob is a bit jealous of him sometimes :0( Anyone have any vintage recordings of Rob performing before he was famous? Can you believe how talented this group of friends is? Seriously, actors and musicians, the lot of them!

My favorite video:


Thanks to kaylamarieswan and Mary_Weather for showing me how to post a video! I feel very cool now :0)



Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 6:41 PM

I have a question for all you BDB fans...

If I were to organize a Lover Unleashed read-a-long, would you be interested?

or would you like a read-a-long of the entire series...?

tell me tell me


you can also use this post to discuss Lover Unleashed and what you all think so far, for all of those that are reading atm.



Also, I'm scared to death over what's going to happen with V/Butch/Jane.. I don't know if I'll be able to deal..


WEEKLY Help Desk

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 6:25 PM

It's that time of week again...

Have you forgotten the name of a fanfic?

Do you have any special requests for TYPES of fics?

Are there any BURNING QUESTIONS you have about adf, how it works, twilight, vampires, etc???

Ask and answer HERE!


Lost in Translation

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 4:50 PM

I have a question...have you ever been approached about translating your fics into a different language?

Did you say yes?

If you said yes was it a good experience, would you allow it again?


how do you do your adf?

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 4:43 PM

weird question, I realize... but bear with me cause I'm curious.

so, do y'all have a system of how you check your adf? this is what I do...


1. I go to my gmail account and see if there's any new updates (or if anyone's replied to me or whatever...)

2. I go to adf, then just scroll and everytime I see a cool campfire, i open it all in a new tab (until I've reached yesterday's campfires)

3. after the gabigillion tabs are open, I scroll through each one and see if I have anything relevant to say (although it's often irrelevant) and comment

4. and that's my daily dose of adf.


is this question random?  you don't get it?  i'm sorry.  i just wondered if there was any other ways (faster? better? more efficent?) to check your adf.  there prolly isn't.

"ill teach you all this... in eight easy steps, the course of a lifetime, you'll never forget..."


hola chicas!

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 4:10 PM

Hey!  I doing a little amnesia fire cos everytime I do this I forget to save the story I was looking for! (and found!)  So if you guys would be so lovely to try and remember ..


 #1 - In this one Bella is dating Jacob for reccomendations for college (yes she finds out later how ridic that is) but is sleeping with Edward on the side :O - Jacob and Edward get in a fight ( all very dramatic, happens in HS) and Bella pics Jacob, then realized how, yes ridic, that is and does a semi public picking of Edward in the middle of a classroom.  I´ve done a fire about this one before but alas - i forgot to save it.


#2 - now here where the trouble begins - I cant remember if this is the start of story which became pretty boring or something complete different! - Bella is in college and sits next to (surprise) edward but he´s in all black and not very nice at all - then she meets him at a bar (i think) and she trips and he helps her and he´s with james there.  AND THAT IS ALL I CAN FREAKIN REMEMBER ... my hard life i know ..


if anyone can remember i would loooove it.

ranger edit: fyi, the help desk campfire goes up tonight if others are forgetful.

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