
I need help finding a fic

Friday April 1, 2011 at 7:05 PM

Hi ladies and gents (if there are any), I was trolling around several random sites yesterday trying to find my next fic to read when I stumbled upon a short slash fic starring a young college student, Edward, who works in a coffee shop and attracts the attention of an older professor, Carlisle, who teaches at the same university. Edward is an English Lit major and Carlisle teaches biology so there's really no conflict of interest. They just fall for one another in the usual timid way. It is only 5 chapters long and the first was a one shot, I believe, but then it got expanded just a tad. If anyone knows this fic and can point me to it, I would be deeply indebted! I hate that I shut my pc off before bookmarking it and I really want to know what happened between these two! Thanks for any help you can give!

Miss Snazzy

Other Fandoms

Friday April 1, 2011 at 6:38 PM

Someone suggested creating one of these campfires every week, we go.

Please post your favorites for the other fandoms you follow. I've been dying for some good Roswell and Glee fic (still), so that would be greatly appreciated.

To keep things organized, please include the following:

1) Title of Fandom
2) Title of story, summary, and pairing
3) If you aren't going to link, please provide the name of the author and mention the website where it can be found (if not on

So far, we have recs for:
-Doctor Who
-Doctor Who/Glee Crossover
-Harry Potter
-Prison Break
-Sailor Moon
-Vampire Diaries


Previous Campfires:
-March 26, 2011
Includes recs for: Daria, Doctor Who, Glee, Harry Potter, Jane Eyre, North and South, One Tree Hill, Pride and Prejudice, Roswell, Sailor Moon, Shakespeare, Star Trek, Star Wars, Teen Titans, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Office, The Time Traveler's Wife, Vampire Diaries


One year?

Friday April 1, 2011 at 6:11 PM

So, I have a sort of question for all you ladies that have been in long term relationships...

I'm turning 30 in 16 days, and I am about to hit my first one year anniversary celebration with my boyfriend. I've never been much of the dating type, I usually keep a guy around for a few months before he either pisses me off or dumps me. That being said, I've never had a long term, over a year relationship...until now.

So here's my question... what should it FEEL like?

I know thay may be confusing, but I'm just not familiar with the ups and downs of dating. I've only ever had the high of a new guy, and the low of losing him. There has never been any in between.

Do things calm down? Do the crazy nights of wild sex and fun dwilndle? To the point of feeling like your just best buddies? I feel like I'm dating my best friend, and I'm not sure if that's what happens. The 'newness' of the relationship is gone, and now I'm just confused.

Where were you emotionally, after a year? Did you trust? Did you still love? How much sex were you having? Do you feel comfortable, or maybe borderline bored? What's the next step? Should moving in together be talked about? When does that happen? Is it too early for that?

I'm sorry, but I'm not very good at relationships, and the is unfamiliar territory for me. I'm just looking for some advice from some that have been there...   thanks in advance!


i'll have to kill him before he finds me, then

Friday April 1, 2011 at 5:38 PM







What the Hale?

Friday April 1, 2011 at 5:20 PM

So I notice that a lot of my friends are into this series called The Black Dagger Brotherhood. It's a supe series that's pretty popular right now, and each book is based on a different male character. They got nuts over the series, gush about the characters who have names like Wrath and Rhage. I know some of you like this series too, and I don't mean to offend when I say I *hate* it. To me, the writing is horrible and the characters are just unbelievable and ridiculous. Now of course the same has been said about series I like (i.e. Twilight) but for me, I just don't see the allure of BDB. I'm not trying to start a arguement or have anyone defend it to me...I'm just curious as to what books/movies/trends you guys see that make you scratch your head and go 'WTF?' Do you not get the Harry Potter allure? Do you think jeggings are the stupidest fashion trend ever? What is so popular/big/trendy right now that you just can't understand? For me, it's BDB, silly bands, and the Bieber. Am I alone in this? Come share with me!

Reposting this, because this is just the best baby bitch face ever:



Friday April 1, 2011 at 3:43 PM

After a rather intense week full of stress, anxiety, disappointment and knee-buckling fear, i got the email.


For those who don't know, Erasmus is an exchange student programme, that allows for European college students, to study in another country for 1-2 semesters. So...


Tell me about your experiences! Have you participated in this programme? Do you know someone who has? Would you like to do it? Have you ever lived for a period in a foreign country? Any tips will be much appreciated!




Friday April 1, 2011 at 3:27 PM

I have a request. I need someone in the Forest who can read and write Scottish Gaelic. I want to get a tattoo of "strength through difficulties" in Scottish Gaelic, and I've found translastions online, but I would love a confirmation. So, if anyone reads or writes, or both, Scottish Gaelic, either comment or send me a message. Thank you!




Cell phone Question

Friday April 1, 2011 at 2:14 PM

My hubby and I just got new cell phones yesterday and can't seem to get Swype on it...We've tried about everything short of going to the person we purchase it from.  It is a HTC Inspire.


I was wondering if anyone could help me?



I feel like doing a herky for some reason.

Friday April 1, 2011 at 1:47 PM


Talk to me about this.


I Need...

Friday April 1, 2011 at 1:41 PM

A lot of things, but right now I need books.  I've been going through a phase where everything I read is brooding and dark and I need a little break from that.  Any recommendations? 

I don't really read romance novels, but I'd like something where love is a big factor, even if it's a little broody.  These two are a couple of my favorites and are exactly what I mean:

If you haven't read them, do so immediately.


Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club

Friday April 1, 2011 at 1:22 PM

So my beautiful babes how are you doing?


Thanks to RaggDollofTwilight for the Banner!


So before we go down a journey of weight loss we need to do a couple of things.

1. Goal - What do you want your end result to be?

2. Vices - What kind of things are holding you back. (Is it a certain food, stress eater, etc.)
3. Plan of action - What do you have in mind to do in order to reach your goal.

4. I'm going to see about creating a chart to show peoples progress, would you like to be on this chart? No worries I'll show this chart only on the inside of the tread.

If you want to calorie count here are two good websites you can use:  My Fitness Pal & Live Strong

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT FOR WEEK 2/40, Did you think I was going to let you off easy. haha I don't think so. I would like everyone to come next week prepared with a healthy recipe along with any result updates.

SideNote-I encourage you to join in as much as you would like to but if you don't feel comfortable in saying weight/numbers anything like that don't worry about. Just put down whatever YOU are comfortable with saying. No judging here.

I'm going to the movies so it might be a moment or two before I can reply back.


Femme Fatale

Friday April 1, 2011 at 1:18 PM

Britney post?

Have you heard it yet?

Favorite songs?

Favorite Britney videos, performances ........ anything at all


from your neck of the woods

Friday April 1, 2011 at 1:12 PM

so, there's this video that's making its way across tumblr right now. 


this concept is blowing people's minds. like... destroying their perception of reality. 

but here's the thing. to any classically trained musician, this has been a running joke and common knowledge for forever. so i am lolling all over the place at people's reactions.


so what i want to know is:


what's something from your little niche in the world that is completely obvious to you and your colleagues, but that normal people would never realize?


Summit released a statement regarding BD leaks

Friday April 1, 2011 at 12:53 PM

I just saw this on Facebook


Dear Twilight Saga fans,


As some of you may know, pictures and screen grabs of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn as a work in progress have leaked on the internet. We are extremely proud of this film and also extremely heartbroken to see it out there at this stage.


The film and these images are not yet ready or in their proper context. They were illegally obtained and their early dissemination is deeply upsetting to the actors, the filmmakers and Summit who are working so hard to bring these movies to fruition to you in November 2011 and November 2012.


Please, for those who are posting, stop. And please, though the temptation is high, don’t view or pass on these images. Wait for the film in its beautiful, finished entirety to thrill you.




Stephenie Meyer, Bill Condon, Wyck Godfrey and Summit Entertainment\!/notes/the-twilight-saga/filmmaker-statement-regarding-breaking-dawn-leaks/10150449307295005



Friday April 1, 2011 at 11:59 AM

My nose has permanant tissue plugs and my throat is so raw, i can't take it anymore.

Please cheer me up. Gimee something to do. Just talk to me about your weekend. Whatever! I just need to stop feeling so miserable.




It's a doozey - better than any soap opera - drama

Friday April 1, 2011 at 8:54 AM



See inside for better than any fanfiction.


Can someone tell me how to...

Friday April 1, 2011 at 8:38 AM

Can someone tell me how to edit uploaded documents in google docs?

I have several books in my calibre collection, but a lot of them have typos/ weird page cut-off headers, and stuff like that. I can't figure out how to edit texts in calibre, so I thought I could upload them into google docs and edit them, right? Well I uploaded them, but when I open them, it's only like the first 10 pages of the book and the rest isn't there...and it does let me edit those 10 pages, but where the hell is the rest of the book? I'm so confused...

Or if anyone can tell me of an easy program to use where you can upload your docs and edit the text.....and I'm not really good with if it's like going in and changing command prompts or whatever, I can't do that. haha

Thanks! :)


Happy Birthday...

Friday April 1, 2011 at 6:57 AM

Happy Birthday to the fantastic faireyfan!!



No joke, this is a very big day for our forest friend faireyfan so come on in and leave her some love and birthday wishes! :D



Let's celebrate!!




What's your anthem?

Friday April 1, 2011 at 6:56 AM

The last month has been not so good for me. To cut a long story short, I ended things with a guy after some very difficult months trying to make long distance work. I have finally moved on from my depression phase to my "angry/defiant" phase and well on my way to acceptance. To aid the process I constantly have songs like "so what" by Pink and of course "I will survive" on loud speaker and its a high singing/shouting the lyrics out loud. 

So to add to my collection I'd like to ask you guys what your Anger/Survival anthem is?


For your time:


LJ Summers

April Fools' Day

Friday April 1, 2011 at 4:15 AM

I am not a fan of pranks on the first of April.  

I am all for messing with people's heads in my stories -- that's fun and what folks know they're getting with me -- but not in real life.  It's upsetting to me.

Still, I cannot help my fertile imagination and I think of all kinds of weird stuff to do that I NEVER DO.  

In this campfire, I'd like to encourage you to share your inner Prankster.  

What kinds of April Fools' Day stunts would you pull

a) if you could

b) if you had the energy/time/resources

c) if you had no fear of repercussions


d) all of the above and then some?

Go ahead, make Rob laugh:

giggling rob


ETA: IF you know of some truly OH, YOU GOT ME! pranks out there, share them! :)  

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