
yeahhhh :)

Sunday March 27, 2011 at 6:45 PM

I would really like to read an awesome fic about Bella moving on from a terrible break up and falling in love again, preferably with Edward. I really need a bit of encouragement and it's been hard to read fanfics ever since my personal breakup and I miss it!

Please and Thank you!


iCarly spoofs Twilight

Sunday March 27, 2011 at 3:36 PM

I couldn't find the whole episode, but this sneak peek on YouTube is pretty damn funny.


Birthday Roll Call (part 3)

Sunday March 27, 2011 at 1:10 PM

Hola campers!

Me again. You're gonna see a couple of these birthday roll call campfires, just because I'm still trying to collect all the birthdays and include everyone. If you've already participated in the previous birthday collecting campfires, then you don't need to leave it in this one. Thanks again everyone!

First birthday collecting campfire

Second birthday collecting campfire

I've had an idea to make a monthly birthday campfire for all of us. A way to include everyone and to get everyone a birthday shoutout. It'll be a monthly thing, I'll keep a spreadsheet and at the beginning of the month I'll put out a campfire with all the birthdays so that everyone can send love to all our birthday campers. This is in no way a campfire to take away from individual day birthday wishes, it's just a way to include everyone, for those of us that are lurkers and loudmouths alike. 

So I got together with Emibella and Jandco and put this plan in motion, trying to make this thing work and spread some much deserved love and happy to the forest and fandom. But I still need your guys' help too! Since the first step is collecting birthdays. 

Come in here and tell me your birthday!

You don't have to add your year, just the month and date.

Also, do you have a friend, a beta, a ficwife, or just someone AWESOME in the fandom that you think should be on this birthday love list? Just leave their name and birthday too. Please help me make this great and all-inclusive! 

"Believing hear, what you deserve to hear:

Your birthday as my own to me is dear...

But yours gives most; for mine did only lend.

Me to the world; yours gave to me a friend." --Martial

LJ Summers

Hotlinking: PSA

Sunday March 27, 2011 at 10:41 AM

Sometimes, you might be reading a post and there was a cool image or gif. You remember where it is and go back to look for it later and – yikes!  It's gone!

[PSA posted by permission of her Regency Purple Fontitude, wtvoc]

One of the causes of this is the excessive use of bandwidth brought about by hotlinking.


Hotlinking (pardon any tech liberties I am taking with this off-the-cuff explanation)  is taking the URL (www.thisimageissocuteohemgeeihavetoshareit.org/highlight-copy/#!s) from an image and posting it somewhere else (that is not an online photo album).  We love to share pics (especially of hot twi-guys!) and this is one easy way to do it.


When you take an image and share it, you're causing the servers on multiple websites to go back to the original website and use more bandwidth -- transmission communication energy, in a sense -- that is often limited.  

And when you do it and someone else does it and someone else does it... Next thing you know, the original website's bandwidth has been exceeded (you've all seen that graphic, yeah?) and the image has been grounded.


1.  Don't take the URL of an IMAGE and link it AS AN IMAGE on another website.  If you want to leave a link as a link, that's cool.  Let folks go see the image on their own.  

2.  Instead of copying an image, consider the ever popular "right-click-save" and download the image to your computer.  Then, you can upload it to an online photo album and share the image with others.

3.  If this is not an option, sometimes you can load to an online album directly from the URL where the image is hosted.  Just tell the online photo album to "load from URL" or some variation of that directive.



Photo albums.  

I personally have a paid account at photobucket.  I have a free account at picasa.  Other people use tinypic.  Flickr is another popular spot for photo hosting.  

These are accounts were you can store images you use online.  

By careful use of links to images, we can do our part to prevent the Bandwidth Exceeded graphic from showing up, and show courtesy to someone else's images and storage space.:)


an assembly such as this

Sunday March 27, 2011 at 9:56 AM

the pride & prejudice watchalong is tomorrow at 3pm pacific time

here's the viewing schedule:

episodes 1, 2, and 3 this monday, tuesday, and wednesday. one episode per day.

episodes 4, 5, and 6 next monday, tuesday, and wednesday, one episode per day.

comment as you watchalong; try not to spoil the fun for people who've not seen or read it yet!

even if you're not here in real time, i do hope you choose to participate. i like knowing if anyone's playing with me!

now, inside this CF, i thought i'd give a bit of a regency period primer for those who have no idea what entailment is, or why it is that mrs. bennett is such a screeching banshee intent on marrying off her daughters. themoreyouknow.gif, etc.

anyone who wants to add their two cents, please feel free! i've been absorbed in literature, movies, and tv about this history period since i was a young girl, so i take it for granted that people "get it". 


Music Post!

Sunday March 27, 2011 at 8:42 AM

Rob was spotted out clad in a Wu-Tang hoodie after admitting his love for them and 90s rap on the MTV interview last week in response to the question, "what would be the most unexpected find on your ipod?" (paraphrasing from memory)

So, what would people not expect to find in your music files?

(extra points for weird or relatively unknown)


Well Well Well-look who is back

Saturday March 26, 2011 at 10:13 PM

Season 4 is upon us.....



looking for recs

Saturday March 26, 2011 at 2:44 PM

OK I'm looking for some good completed fics. I'm so depressed over the long and never ending winter we are having. So can anyone rec me some millionaire and playboy Edward. Ones like MotU and Friday's at Noon. Where he wants Bella but she doesn't make it easy on him. I'd appreciate what ever anyone has got.


Oh.. THAT updated? I didn't even know!

Saturday March 26, 2011 at 11:49 AM

Because of the huge fail of FF.net not being able to update stories properly, a lot of story alert e-mails are being postponed or not coming in at all.

I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread about which stories had been updated in the past week so we can ensure we didn't miss anything!

So if you would be so kind, please check out the stories on your alert list and let everyone know if they had been updated recently. Or if you're an author and you updated, let us know! Hopefully FFN will fix the issue quickly.




Solution to FFN Story Updates

Saturday March 26, 2011 at 10:37 AM


Solution to Story Updates

Credit to the first people to tell us here of this work-around goes to Effiron and Slashguy, who built off of each other's ideas.

Hi, people of Fanfiction. While the issue has not yet been fixed and FF Support hasn't replied to our numerous reports, there IS a way to still update stories:


1. Login and go to 'My Stories' page as usual

2. Click in the story you wish to update

3. The error will come up as usual, with an address like this displayed: http://login.fanfiction.net/story/story_edit_property.php?storyid=[series of numbers]

4. While on that page, simply go to your address bar and replace 'property' with 'content'. Change nothing else.

6. Your address bar should now look like this: http://login.fanfiction.net/story/story_edit_content.php?storyid=[series of numbers]

7. You should now be able to update your stories normally.

This is currently the only way to update stories in the larger fandoms, which are the only ones affected by this bug.


1. Post the story like normal in a category that is working--pick a random one that is small.

2. Go to My Stories, click on the story, and edit the category in Properties.

3. Click Submit. You will get an error message; don't worry about it. It has changed.

It should be noted that you cannot change the character filters after this until the problem has been fixed. Please be patient. If you have questions, please refer to the links in the next post.


Show some love!!

Saturday March 26, 2011 at 9:39 AM

Okay so I haven't made a campfire in a while. Since it is still free for all, I thought it would be nice if we shared some love with our fellow campers.

Everyone loves getting private messages. Sadly I haven't been very active lately so I don't send or receive many.

So I challenge you to show some love through the different forest messaging system. Come in here and tell us what kind of pretties you like getting and keep eye for PM's from your fellow campers.


Authors Deleting Reviews

Friday March 25, 2011 at 10:07 PM

This is my first campfire, but something came up today that really has me conflicted, and I wanted to know if anybody else has any thoughts on it.

I have been reading a story on Twilighted lately, and just today realized that the author has been deleting any reviews that aren't 100% complimentary. I'm not talking about flames here, either. I mean reviews that say things like "I love your writing, and look forward to reading your stories in the future. However, I just cannot stick with these characters any longer. I wish you the best of luck." (to paraphrase a couple of the reviews that were left and subsequently deleted today). As one of the people whose review is no longer there, I feel...I don't know how I feel.

So please tell my your thoughts on this. How do you feel about authors deleting any review that even hint at criticism? Does this unfairly skew things for people who skim through a story's reviews before making the decision to read it or not? Or is it an author's right to delete any and all reviews that "offend" them? If they are going to do that, should they just state up front in their Author Notes that all uncomplimentary reviews will be deleted, so unless you have nothing but good things to say, don't even bother?

If you were in my place, would you send a PM telling the author your thoughts, or would you just shrug your shoulders and move on?

Miss Snazzy

Other Fandoms

Friday March 25, 2011 at 9:14 PM

Earlier this week, I made a comment about how awesome it would be if there were separate campfires for the fanfiction of other fandoms... Since I don't want to flood adf with a million of these campfires, I figured I would just narrow it down to one.

(Besides, it's Friday, right?)

Anyway, please post your favorites for the other fandoms you follow.  I've been dying for some good Roswell and Glee fic, so that would be greatly appreciated.

To keep things organized, please include the following:

1) Title of Fandom
2) Title of story, summary, and pairing
3) If you aren't going to link, please provide the name of the author and mention the website where it can be found (if not on ff.net)

So far, we have recs for:
-Doctor Who
-Harry Potter
-Jane Eyre
-North and South
-One Tree Hill
-Pride and Prejudice
-Sailor Moon
-Star Trek
-Star Wars
-Teen Titans
-Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
-The Office
-The Time Traveler's Wife
-Vampire Diaries

And requests for:
-Jordan Catalano (My So-Called Life)


Sirius Business Here

Friday March 25, 2011 at 6:52 PM

So whatever happened to those sexy pictures of disney males? Y'all know what I'm talking about... There was a campfire about it a loooooong time ago, and the pictures from that were saved on my laptop before it crashed a few months back, and I miss them.

So? Does anyone have those highly inappropriate versions of male animated characters that can make even an adult woman drool?


And thank you. Happy Friday ;)


Romanticizing the Unromantic

Friday March 25, 2011 at 5:40 PM

All right, ladies, I come to you tonight with a topic that is:

A. very serious,
B. potentially troubling/unpleasant,
C. perhaps "political or a "hot topic" and
D. a topic that could easily devolve into rudeness if we allow it (which we won't, right? Right.)

Before we get started, I'd like to set some ground rules:

1. Do not call out specific fics (don't even hint please)
2. Do not call out specific authors (don't even hint please)
3. Discussion and arguing is fine, but be polite and respectful of those with differing opinions.

This is beyond any single fic or any single author. It's a discussion about a segment of fic that's been around for years now. I'd like to discuss the romanticization or sexualization of non-consensual situations, which includes but is not limited to: rape, human trafficking, sexual assault, pedophilia, etc.

You ask, why such a heavy topic, Kate??? And on a Friday night to boot! Recently, I've come across a few fics (meaning more than like... 5 in the past two weeks) in which female characters (ie Bella) are in situations of dubious or non-existant consent.  The male character uses her, kidnaps her, buys her, forces her into servitude, etc. And these fics are labeled as romances.

I'll go ahead and put my two cents out there: it disturbs the hale out of me. Sure, I get the potential hotness of consensual power play, but I can't wrap my head around non-consensual. I just can't because such situations are very real and very unromantic to me.

But they obviously don't disturb some people because some of these fics have rather large followings. And I've read comments in reviews that say things like:

"OMG that's so hot"

"I hope he really gives it to her hard."

"I love this!"

Personally, I don't understand this. But I want to. Seriously, I mean that. This is not meant to stir up drama. It's meant to be a serious and respectful conversation. I would like to understand why/how/what it is about this type of thing that allows people to find these nonconsensual situations sexy/romantic/hot/whatever.

Is it an issue of:

1. It's an ExB so whatever happens is going to automatically be okay? I.e. Edward can do no wrong...
2. It's just fiction so it doesn't matter?
3. Is it lack of understanding of the situation?
4. Is it confusing the psychology of consensual BDSM with these non-consensual situations?
5. An issue of research (or lack there of)
6. Other?

So... unlike my usual campfires, I won't be responding as much (so don't be offended if I don't reply to you, pls). Mostly because I recognize that I have some rather strong opinions. But I'd really, really like to hear your opinions on these fics:

Are they harmless? Are they hot? Is it okay to enjoy these types of plot lines? How do they make you feel? When you see plots such as these, what are your thoughts? Are they damaging? Other thoughts?

Thanks and PLEASE be respectful

ETA: This is NOT a discussion about censorship. This is more of a discussion on WHY some find the situations described above "romantic" and desirable and whether or not you agree. :)


Better than Twilight....

Friday March 25, 2011 at 5:17 PM

Hello lovelies! Hope you are all having a great start to the weekend! I just got my internet back after like three days of no service, and I'm catching up on my fics. In doing so, I stumbled across a Jake/Bella fic I *have* to share. It's called Spindle Tree and the link is below. This is fic could have been an alternate ending to the Twilight series, I swear. It's so, so well written and the characters are so in character. Seriously, the Jake and Bella in this are exactly Jake and Bella. It reminds me why I love Jake so much :0) So check it out if you haven't already! And my question for you is this: What fic have you read that is so good it should have been part of the series? I don't care if it's Jake/Bella, Edward/Bella, etc. Just that it could have believably been part of the series. And of course you're welcome to rec whatever has been owning you lately as well :0)

Spindle Tree:http://community.livejournal.com/paperminty/10607.html

I've never seen this pic before, so cute:


the real housewives of.....

Friday March 25, 2011 at 5:11 PM

do you watch this show?

I've just started watching this show and i srsy can't get enough - so much drama.

if you watch this show- can we PLEASE discus this crazy biotch?

when i'm finished i want to watch another real housewvies show but what one should i watch!?!



Friday March 25, 2011 at 3:26 PM

grrrrr so Fanfiction.net is being a *explicative* lately and i can't update. i heard that there was something on here to help get aroudn that. if someone could help me i would be SUPER happy and would not be able to express my thanks enough.


Reasons To Watch

Friday March 25, 2011 at 3:03 PM

Happy Friday!

 For the past couple of days I've been addicted to the TV show, Pretty Little Liars. It's not the best thing I've ever seen, but I just can't stop watching.

And the main reason for this, is this dude:

Say hello to Ian Harding.


Yeah, just look at that face...

Anyway, to make this interactive - are there any shows you specifically watch due to an actor or character?

And if so, who are they? Show me some pretty. :)

Fluent in Sarcasm

I am srsly BORED!!!!

Friday March 25, 2011 at 2:46 PM

Ok guys, I don't know how many of you this happens to, BUT...

I am seriously BORED of Fics atm, there are not any that are totally grabbing me!!!

There are ones that i am enjoying, which are wip's, some not updateing!!!! cough*pixie4eva*cough

but there are none, that are ohmygodit'sjustupdateddropeverythingiMUSTreaditNOW!!!

I have to have something like that on the go...

Does anyone know of any that I would enjoy....?



EDIT: Yeah I put in link to my profile on ffn so ppl could look at my faves list if they wanted too...


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