
We gon' party like it's your birthday.

Friday April 1, 2011 at 3:26 AM

Hia Campers,
How're we all this fine evening/morning/midday/mignight/you-get-the-point.

So, I was watching Mean Girls the other day, don't judge, okay - that shiz never gets old, and it got to the Halloween party

which got me thinking about costume parties and themed parties and the like and I was wondering
what awesome parties have you been to that required you to dress up? Or, if you went to one, what would you LIKE to go as.

What was the theme?

What did you go as?
Didja go as a couple, a la NeverBeenKissed?

As a group?

Post yer pics, ideas, and the like.

And in other news, I would just like to say Thankyou to all those Campers who recc.ed me stories earlier this week when I was in a funk. You guys really cheered me up and added a Y to my day. [Funk-y]

Now lets party like its our birthday!


Fun Times

Friday April 1, 2011 at 2:39 AM

So this past week I've been watching some vids on youtube, instead of writing my new JasperxBella fic xD, and I wanted to share them cause they're fun.

They're of the many facets of the US and UK arms forces, and I just love them because while I don't agree with war these men and women are putting their lives on the line and it's nice to see they can still have a laugh while doing it :).


more in comments :)
Also, share some funny vids :D, funny interviews or clips or whatever the hell you like :D let's have a laugh

It's the first day of April

Friday April 1, 2011 at 1:35 AM


Check out today for more Black Friday jokes, I don't think it tops last years Bieber or Die though.  I always forget about all the funny stuff on that site.

What's your favorite April's Fool.  A lame one I just discovered: type helvetica into google today.

The Offspring


Friday April 1, 2011 at 12:18 AM

The link for my first fic is inside.


Free 4 all, Free 4 all, Free 4 all Friday, YEAH!

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 11:51 PM


FFA! Let's Celebrate!

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 11:30 PM

So, it's entirely to quite in the forest for my liking, considering FFA began over an hour ago. I am therefor posting this campfire in protest of the quiet and in support of anyone who went out tonight like me (what did you drink?), who is procrastinating tonight (yeah... about that paper, oops), or who has relationship problems (MEN, ugh) and would like to come chat about them. 

For those of you who are accepting the quiet, I give you this Rob glare, for he is unimpressed with you and would also like you to join the fun!  (FYT)



Thursday March 31, 2011 at 10:03 PM


What a wild day huh?

It's Free for All.

Please remember-no illegally leaked pictures or videos.

If you see them-ping us immediately here in the forest, on gchat, on twitter, by phone, whatever.

Yes. We liked looking at them too but we like our ADF community better so no links or pics ok?

Thank you.

I leave you with this....


Calling All TVD fans

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 7:37 PM

Just saw this new promo for the new Season 2 episodes of TVD.


Okay... is it just me or do we think someone is going to die?  Like a very important character?  That interaction between Damon and Elena at the end has got me all worried.  I don't know if someone dies in the books, b/c I've never read them, but here are my guesses (if this is the case... and yeah, I know the show isn't like the books):

A. Jenna

B. Bonnie

C. Jeremy

D.  Matt  <- I'm kind of going for this one.  I love Matt, but I really never thought he'd last long tbh.  But I could be wrong.




ADFFCC Results

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 4:47 PM

click to make bigger :)

Next Week:

breaking news 51% best man 49%

hydraulic level 5 43% volition 57%

Breaking News Edward VS Volition Edward

blessing/curse 60% and with thee fade away 40%

branching inward 38% the best I ever had 62%

Blessing/Curse Edward VS Best I Ever Had Edward

Edward Cullen 85% Leah Clearwater 15%

Carlisle Cullen 50% Charlie Swan 50% (2 more votes for Charlie made him winner)

Edward Cullen VS Charlie Swan

Alice Cullen 41% Jasper Whitlock 59%

Rosalie Hale 29% Emmett Cullen 71%

Jasper Whitlock VS Emmett Cullen

Damon Salvatore 87% Caroline Forbes 13%

Rhage 27% Spike 73%

Damon Salvatore VS Spike

Eric Northman 81% Godric 19%

Katherine 20% Angel 80%

Eric Northman VS Angel

Severus Snape 72% Westley 28%

Sue Sylvester 64% The Phantom 36%

Severus Snape VS Sue Sylvester

Albus Dumbledore 75% Dean Winchester 25%

Cedric Diggory 46% Fitzwilliam Darch 54%

Albus Dumbledore VS Fitzwilliam Darcy


Check Me Out

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 4:29 PM

Hola girls. 

Just thought I'd pimp myself out.  I post  fiction on  I mainly write Jacob and Renesmee stories, but I'm always open to suggestions.  In fact, I've taken a huge leap and started writing 'Screwing Fate' about a love triangle involving Leah.  I'm also working on my first full-length JxR story, and i'm lookign for a beta.  So please check my stuff out and let me know what you think.  Constructive criticism welcome.  I can't get better if you don't tell me what's wrong.  Hope to see you there.




Take a Leak

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 4:17 PM



Anyone want to play a game with me??

Inspired by the leaked pics that we can not share...  which scenes from Breaking Dawn are you actually looking forward to?  (Or expecting to cringe/laugh/cry through? Same dif.)

Here's what you gotta do:  Open paint, photoshop or whatever.  NO fancy skills are needed.  Just grab a YELLOW paint option and pee your image on a nice white background.  Like taking a leak in the snow, get it?  Then come here to share your lovely art work. 


Mine's inside.  :)

(If it's not your cuppa, don't worry about offending me.  I'm quite used to playing with by myself.)


40 Days and 40 Nights

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 3:30 PM

I gave up fanfiction for Lent.  I have gone 23 days without reading fanfiction and I have 23 more days left.  Lent is actually 46 days, I've been Catholic all my life (ok a really bad Catholic who has not set foot in a church since 2008) but never realized this until now.   Apparently they don't  count the Sundays in the whole 40 days and 40 nights.  This is by far the longest time I've gone without reading fanfiction since I started reading Twilight fanfiction in March 2009.  There are a couple of fics that have updated that it takes a lot of will power for me not to read.  Also is HL5 updates before Easter I may go crazy trying to resist that.

I always wondered what I did with my time before I read fanfiction, and if my life would be more productive without it.  In some respects the answer is yes.

Have you ever given up reading fanfic for an extended period of time?   What was it like?

Do you remember what you did with your time before you got sucked into the fandom?

Also is there any update that would be your kryptonite in an attempted fanfic fast?

My observations about my life without fanfic is posted inside. At 12am on 24 April I am going to start reading like a madwoman...


ranger PSA

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 12:00 PM

hello! wtvoc here!

it has come to the forest's attention that certain photos that were illegally posted are floating around the internet!

please- prevent forest fires, VD, and imminent ADF shutdown by putting the kibosh on that shit.

don't post them here.

don't post any links to them.

don't post links to websites that have them.

nothing, please. i beg of you.

thank you!


if you want to discuss them in here, please do.

not that any of us know how to obtain them.


(and i apologize for my hasty deletion of the campfires that were just here- i hope you guys understand. normally i inform you, but this is one of those OSHI- cases where we just had to act fast.)

thanks again, campers!

-your lovely rangers

and while i'm here, a reminder that tonight at 9pm eastern starts friday free for all!


24 Year Old (fanfic) Virgin

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 11:25 AM

Greetings and Salutations,

I'm fashionably late to the fanfiction game. I just started reading my very first fanfic two days ago. I know. I'm like fresh, virgin snow. By all means, feel free to plow me.

I have several burning (this is non-STD induced) questions/topics of discussion related to the wonderful world of twilight fanfiction, but I'll start with one regarding reviewing etiquette.

When reading a fic that is either complete or has multiple chapters completed, should I review after every chapter or wait until I've reached the end of the story up to that point? Personally, I am more inclined towards the latter.  I want my reviews to be well thought reflections on what I've read, rather than the ":) OMG!!! This ch was sooooo amazing!!!" (not that there's anything wrong with that type of review, different strokes for different folks). And I think it disrupts reading flow if I stop and review after every chapter. Also giving constructive criticism on a chapter midway through a completed fic seems pretty pointless.

Enlighten me with your thoughts. To the readers, which way do you review and why? And to the writers, do you prefer getting one over the other?

Also I know one camper who thoughtfully directed me over to this neck of the woods, but to everyone else I want to introduce myself and say "hello." I am from H-town (reppin the 3rd coast chopped and screwed style), give good TMI and love paul newman, that fine stallion of a man pictured on my avatar.

Much Obliged for your thoughts and opinions.


Pimping a story

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 10:39 AM

I have never done this and don't know if it allowed, but you all HAVE to read this story!  I just love it, it is sweet, funny, angsty, fluffy, romantic, you name it, it has it all. It even has some typos, but you forget all about them, when you get lost in the story.

She only has a little bit more than 200 reviews, but she should have thousands more. She updated today. GO and read NOW!

Hallett Hall by jaxinton

On our first night away at college, Bella Swan, thinking the room was her own, drunkenly stumbled into my bed. She was broken and I wanted to fix her. I loved her for four years before she left. Never did I expect her to come back, but she surprised me.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 18 - Words: 134,589 - Reviews: 232 - Updated: 3-31-11 - Published: 11-2-10 - Bella & Edward

I don't know how to link, butt ff seems to have come to life again.

Sorry if I have broken any laws, if so delete me.



Om nom nom

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 8:49 AM

(Can never remember the campfire rules - it's twilight related, so I hope this is OK!)

I just saw this and had to share

It's kinda cute (apparent from Bella's apparently broken legs - whatever stops her getting away, eh Edward?). Is there any other twilight related food out there? Do you bake?


I just got a dog!

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 8:10 AM

My new pup. I just got her yesterday, and she's a beagle/cocker spaniel mix. She's 7 months old, and though we wanted a puppy, we loved her and decided she would be worth the train. Her name is Raisin, but I don't like and really want to change it. I see her as a Molly, but I'm not sure if it's to late for us to change it. What do you think?

She's pretty well trained anyway, she sits, and lays when I tell her. She listens pretty good. But, since she's a beagle, she has this loud howl/bark thing, and where we live - it's sort of like a gated community, I guess. We aren't allowed with dogs, so this is my very frist dog, ever. I've only ever had cats (they don't get a long with the dog very well, and all she wants to do is play, lol) Anyway, we're trying to train her so that she doesn't bark at the slightest sounds, but it's pretty tough.


I know this isn't appropriate, or anything, but I'm just so excited. I love her so much already, <3

Any tips on training her though? I think we're doing right good so far, but it's tough because technically we're not allowed to have her.


What the hell is this?

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 7:53 AM


click here to read the interview

I can't...This is just...

Can you imagine if she would have a meet and greet here in the forest? Let's make a list of all the questions we would ask her and send it off to her website. I am serious. Let's do this because that article is a damn joke and embarrassing.



Oldies but Goodies

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 7:32 AM

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Happy Thursday, Campers!!

It's time for our final discussion fire for Volition by Rochelle Allison.

On Monday, I asked that you read Chapter 21 and onwards.

This fire is to discuss those chapters, and this wonderful fic as a whole.

Even if you haven't participated in the read a long, come on in and chat - No worries about spoilers this time!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


On Monday, I'll announce the next read a long fic - Stay Tuned! =)

Thanks for the sticky, wtvoc!!

LJ Summers

The Nanny Fic List

Thursday March 31, 2011 at 6:48 AM

We will have, including this list, 102 compiled fanfic recommendation listings from the Campers of ADF on our Master Fic List.

In all of those lists, we do not have one recently requested segment of fic represented.


The Nanny.


Nannyward?  Nannyella?  (Not Nanny McPhee, but she was phun!)

Do you know of any fics that feature Edward or Bella as a Nanny?  Share with us!  

Just remember the rules...

1.  Keep it simple.

2.  No discussions.  


Thank you.  And wipe your feet.

First --- | >> | 876 | 877 | 878 | 879 | 880 | 881 | 882 | 883 | 884 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
