

Saturday April 2, 2011 at 4:53 PM

So- i'm drinking, please forgive the spelling errors... It came via my Twitter feed that another author is pulling her FANTASTICALLY written FF due to people not agreeing with her feelings about another FF writer. Seriously?! I have been a part of the Twilight fandom for less time than others, I am sure, but there is so much more hatred to others here than you would expect. I have seen very good writers receive HORRIBLE reviews because someone disagreed with their vision of the story. We have all bonded because of the same thing, the Twilight Saga books. Why can't we agree to disagree at times without making it uncomfortable? This particular author gave her thoughts of another authors story (and truth be told, I agree with her 100%, I thought the story was horrible and I can't understand why people thought it was so good..I digress) We as the human race will not always agree with what others say. I disagree with my hubbby almosy daily, but I don't leave him and I don't leave him horrible notes because we don't agree on something. I can only hope that she leaves her other story up as it is so well written, but the good news is: She has a blog-n please keep them there! J *edit: while I won't reveal the author, I can tell you her stories are on the political AH side and she will leave then on her blog, but only for a little while *


Saturday April 2, 2011 at 2:03 PM

You guys, I need help.

I have this friend, who has this birthday coming up. And he's a total nerd. This coming from the girl that read Star Trek fanfic, so you get the idea.

I wanna make him a cake, but I have the uncanny ability to, um, burn water.

Here's my problem: I want to make a covering for the cake with the shapes of space invaders. Sort of like this:

Only closer somewhat to this:

How the hell do I make that cake covering? It's not frosting, is it? Anybody has the slightest idea?

The icing in this cake is I won't even be able to eat it. My teeth are still wired shut. But oh well. It'll make a nerd's day, so there's that.



Saturday April 2, 2011 at 2:02 PM


Yes, folks. You read correctly. Pick up lines. Gimme the worst, best, funniest you got.

I want to cry, cringe, and chortle uncontrollably with laughter. COME ON: PARTICIPATE

*thank you ranger J and Co for allowing me to post this =)


Check it out!

Saturday April 2, 2011 at 1:45 PM

Okay, my good friend, Alessia, has an EP out on iTunes! Her band's called Kai, and the EP is called 11:11. This is the first single that came out in... January, I think? It's on the newest First Choice Haircutter's commerical in Canada, so some of you might recognize it.
She's an amazing singer, and I think she deserves some attention! Go check her out on iTunes if you like "I Choose Me"!

Back to the Roots

Saturday April 2, 2011 at 1:28 PM

So I'm doing something that maybe some of you have or have not done in a while....I'm going back to actually reading THE BOOK called Twilight.  I know--shocking as it seems but it's true.

Here's why...Yes some of you closed your eyes and web browsers the other night, closed twitter feeds and starting humming until it was all over but I sure as hell didn't.  Whether all of the leaked photos give us a good sign to as the movie's supposed hype will only be revealed when we see a trailer or the actual movie in November.

But I want to know, for those that did end of sneaking a peak, did you want to re-read the books?  I mean Breaking Dawn is definitely disappointing--I thought Edward wasn't the same like he was in the previous three books, but maybe I'm just weird--I just didn't like how his character acted, but other than that the pictures made me want to re-read what I first fell in love with.

So I ask, did you want to open up the books and go back to read it?

Not only that--I've read so much fanfiction is ridiculous!! I feel like I've forgotten the whole story--I forget that Renee doesn't treat Bella like crap and marry a rich man like she did in The Art Teacher or that Edward isn't some tattooed druggie looking for a savior or a bazillionaire or a doctor and Rose isn't a stripper or GOD KNOWS WHAT?!  Don't get me wrong--I wouldn't trade all that great fanfic in the world--it's brought me to meet some lovely ladies, even if it's only in the virtual world or not, it's most of the time great writing and reading about characters we love the most!

So who's with me...anyone always gonna crack open their books?  I actually have two sets of the series--my first copies that are dear to my heart which have been ruined :*(  I ended up raving and talking non-stop about them 3 or 4 years ago (right when BD came out) and let people borrow them b/c they didn't want to buy it themselves!  Cheap bastards ended up ruining my spines, getting stains on them, so I have a box set and decided to open up a freshly, not yet broken-in book :)

For your pleasure....

*EDIT* I understand I put a gif of WFE when discussing Twilight but it's too adorable not to have everyone look at *giggles*


Doctor Who fans all up in here

Saturday April 2, 2011 at 12:11 PM

It's countdown time now for the new season of Doctor Who!



Who's a fan? Who's excited? It can't just be a select few of us.

This is a catch-all discussion of Who. What did you think of last season? What are you looking forward to for this season? Who's your favourite Doctor? Did you catch the Comic Relief special? Who has been your favourite companion? Favourite episodes? etc.!

Do you want to start Doctor Who and need a convincing argument and possibly a good starter episode? Come in and ask!

Someone please come get excited with me because none of my friends watch Who and I am forever alone in my love.


Birthday Roll Call! (IV)

Saturday April 2, 2011 at 11:44 AM

Hola campers!

Me again. You're gonna see a couple of these birthday roll call campfires, just because I'm still trying to collect all the birthdays and include everyone. If you've already participated in the previous birthday collecting campfires, then you don't need to leave it in this one. Thanks again everyone!

First birthday collecting campfire

Second birthday collecting campfire

Third birthday collecting campfire

I've had an idea to make a monthly birthday campfire for all of us. A way to include everyone and to get everyone a birthday shoutout. It'll be a monthly thing, I'll keep a spreadsheet and at the beginning of the month I'll put out a campfire with all the birthdays so that everyone can send love to all our birthday campers. This is in no way a campfire to take away from individual day birthday wishes, it's just a way to include everyone, for those of us that are lurkers and loudmouths alike. 

So I got together with Emibella and Jandco and put this plan in motion, trying to make this thing work and spread some much deserved love and happy to the forest and fandom. But I still need your guys' help too! Since the first step is collecting birthdays. 

Come in here and tell me your birthday!

You don't have to add your year, just the month and date.

Also, do you have a friend, a beta, a ficwife, or just someone AWESOME in the fandom that you think should be on this birthday love list? Just leave their name and birthday too. Please help me make this great and all-inclusive! 

"Believing hear, what you deserve to hear:

Your birthday as my own to me is dear...

But yours gives most; for mine did only lend.

Me to the world; yours gave to me a friend." --Martial


ETA: This'll be the last one of these for a while, I'm gonna put the lists out soon. I'm SO sorry to my March birthdays for missing it, I'll include you guys in the April list. Thanks again to everyone for participating!

purple edit: despite what you may have heard, today is NOT my birthday. it's on easter this year. also, i'm not turning 19. 

however, if you want to buy me things, i shan't stop you.

The Offspring

One More, Oh Boy!!!

Saturday April 2, 2011 at 11:30 AM

I just had to ask. Have any of you read a book called The Six Rules of Maybe? It's really good so far. I'm almost done with it. You should all read it.

It's worth the read.

EDIT- I finished it! IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!


Venti Latte.

Saturday April 2, 2011 at 10:41 AM

Or, vent a lot..hey!

Ladies, I am here tonight to fume. I have been playing the "oh you're being a bitch - I didn't notice 'cause I'm so aloof" part for a while now. In many, many relationships [with women. Non-sexual].

And I am seriously pissed.

If I have to shrug off one more look, blink away one more nasty look, grin through another not-so-subtle insulting conversation, I will LOSE it.

I bitch quite a lot about the man in life.

Join me as I bitch about the women...or tell me to shut up, whatever.

Also, if you have any Twilight becomes Mean Girl images - share!




The Offspring


Saturday April 2, 2011 at 9:57 AM

So, one more thing. Is anyone else completely in LOVE with this movie?

It's amazing!


This one too.

And, of course, the horse.


Your thoughts?

The Offspring

Favorite Drink

Saturday April 2, 2011 at 9:49 AM

So I had a thought. I was wondering what your favorite drinks are that you can get at a coffee stand. Thanx!

(For the record, mine is a hot Vanilla Chai, which I had this morning. :D)



Saturday April 2, 2011 at 8:52 AM

Hello everyone I was wondering if anyone has heard of Melaleuca the all natural eco friendly wellness line.  if you have please tell me your thoughts on it it would be appreciated I'm trying to get the lowdown on their story and what not.

Thank you!


It is that time of year again...

Saturday April 2, 2011 at 7:35 AM



What was your prom like? Do you still love your dress or do you seriously question whatever made you choose the lime green velvet two-piece? Was there tons of teenybopper drama??


It seems a little early, but I know at least one school in my system had theirs last night, and at least one is having it tonight. 


[Mine is tonight! I am wearing red and I keep having dreams that my dress will be too short.]


Reminisce! Also, check out PROMTACULAR which makes me alternately question humanity and laugh out loud. 


for your time: my dream date: 


Include pictures if you have them!


Trying to Remember a One Shot

Saturday April 2, 2011 at 6:29 AM


I had read a one shot but cannot remember the title or the author. It was an E/B story with both of their perspectives and the story went something like this:

They dated each other in High School but then went to different colleges and remained a couple. B was still really into E and she thought he was too, but then he tells her that he thinks they should break up because of the geographical distance between them. He adds that he still wants to be friends with her and keep in touch. B is predictably heart broken but puts a brave face on and she tries to remain in touch with him on the phone. And then what I remember is that E tells her over the phone, that when he had talked about being in touch and remaining friends, he was saying it because it was just something you say, even though you don't really expect to be in touch at all after the breakup. And so B completely cuts off contact with him. And then 7 years later, she still hasn't gotten over him and it turns out that he regretted breaking up with her and he tries to find her and then sends her a general email to which (I think) she doesn't reply and then he flies to her city and waits for her outside her workplace. I think she was a teacher or professor or something.

If anyone could help, I would be very grateful.

Luna StarFire

What happened to my night?

Saturday April 2, 2011 at 4:59 AM

OKay so last night was supposed to be all EPIC!  My plan was to see Sucker Punch.  (FYI, this is why I haven't replied to ADF Fit Club...that will be next.)

I get at the mall about 5:30, buy some cool 'Rock' and 'Geek' earrings then find my friend to have a beer.  We then meet up at restaurant to eat where I eat very unhealthy which I haven't done for a week so basically starts screwing up my belly.  Not to mention I had another beer so by now my heart is racing out of my chest.  (Now I'm implimenting my I DO NOT DRINK anymore plan).

So then we go to the movies which started at 9:40, beer is getting to be and is making me VERY sleepy.  We get through all the previews and about 30 mins of the movie and the movie starts acting all crazy.  Long story short we get our money back along with a free movie pass since they couldn't get the movie to work right.  

So to make this interactive...PLEASE tell me you guys have bad luck like I do?  What have you done thinking was going to be an awesome night and then just turns to mush?


Water for Elephants clips

Saturday April 2, 2011 at 2:31 AM

So unlike Edward.  




What Are SM's Hard Limits?

Friday April 1, 2011 at 10:30 PM

w/ BD kink specifically?

On one hand you've got that Chico's wearing, Mormon suburban minivan mommy SM:

But...there's also the freak flag flying SM, who wrote BD. The same BD that's chock-full of panty-ripping, headboard batering sexy times, Bella not minding it a little rough, vampires spending half of their day having sex, vampire couples moving to other houses so their loud sex doesn't bother the other copulating vampire couples, Vampy Bella using her new strength as a foreplay aid, marathon multi-O- sex sessions with E/B. ( I can't even get into the whole pedo-wolf perversions...)


There's such a disparity between the two SM versions, where will they intersect for BD sex scenery? Will she wimp out on her inner freak, and go all moral majority on us? Will she let the flag wave at full or half mast? Approve of one Edwardian thrust, but not three? 

Give me your guess on what SM's hard limits are with the BD naughtiness. And omg, her Initials are S&M.....


A Little Friday Fun

Friday April 1, 2011 at 8:49 PM

Twilight in Fifteen Minutes

I don't know how many of you know about this, but you have got to check it out! The author only parodies movies she loves - her words - so it's all in the spirit of fun.

Here's the link:  

She also does New Moon and Eclipse

p.s. I fixa de link now


Top Five

Friday April 1, 2011 at 8:28 PM

Hey all!

I'm curious - who are your top five men? We all have a list. Oh yes, we all have a list.

My husband wants to go so far as to laminate his, like Ross... No really, he does. Lol

Here's the thing - you can ONLY MENTION YOUR TOP FIVE. Not your top ten, or fifteen. I know it's difficult to narrow it down to five lucky men (YES, they are the lucky ones), but you can do it! (Channeling my best Rob Schneider)

It can be in order, or random. My top five, in order, is:

1. James Scott

ej dimera

2. Sully Erna

Sully Erna

3. Jared Leto

4. Jensen Ackles

Jensen Ackles

5. Timothy Olyphant


So... Who's in your top five?




Friday April 1, 2011 at 7:28 PM

Feeling down? In need of a pick-me-up? Do you think the platypus is underrated?

Netflix is now streaming three seasons of Phineas and Ferb on Instant Watch! Come, join me and my children as we spend our Friday night enjoying adventure, excitement, and a dorky villain.

So, ladies and gents, tell me what YOU enjoy that brings happiness to your heart and a smile to your face!

First --- | >> | 874 | 875 | 876 | 877 | 878 | 879 | 880 | 881 | 882 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
