
On A Bender

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 3:41 PM

Hi guys. 

I've been reading. A lot. I mean, I've read Branching Inward, In the Deepest Space, the two updates that came to my inbox from (which means I'm probably missing like 8 others), and The Hunger Games since Friday. 

I need something else to read! I've got to get Catching Fire from a friend. I've tried starting She Gives Me Religion and Pressed for Time, but they're too serious. I'll revisit, it's just now's not a good time.

I'm looking for some Vampward - with a catch... I'm looking for a Vampward that's a little funny, a lot sweet, and not completely hung up on being emo. The closer to complete the better.

Can y'all help?


it is not to be borne!

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 3:17 PM

the bbc's pride & prejudice episode 2- a campfire watchalong

try this link if your computer blocks this embed: click here


yesterday was a great success! thank you to all who joined in for the discussion! i apologize for my tardiness; traffic coming from meryton was abominable, and i fear my horse threw a shoe. 

in today's episode, we'll see just which of our friends in the country are prideful, and which ones lean toward prejudice. we'll also meet the man who is to inherit longbourn, who comes to visit with a very specific purpose in mind.

come in here and comment as you watch! beware of my impertinance; i daresay that my unsophisticated manners and lo-brow commentary will shock several of you. 

oh, and please do not encourage LJ_summers. she is a ghastly fiend, what with her non-traditional shipping and such.

and please, if you arrive late, do not fret. people were commenting in yesterday's campfire up until about an hour ago! there is still much lively debate and discussion!

enjoy episode 2!

oh, and if you find other links to watch this, please post them inside. not everyone's computers are able to handle this HD video link of mine.

to access yesterday's campfire and episode 1, click here


ADFFCC Round Four: Division 4

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 2:49 PM

Last one of the round. Voting is tomorrow... or tonight and tomorrow. I am not sure. Again, I try (and often fail) to get things done in a timely manner! This is a discussion thread. Tell us who you are voting for, who would win and why! 


Discussions for this campfire:





Links to other campfires

Division One: Fanfic Edwards

Division Two: Twilight Characters

Division Three: Other Vampires


Posting Fiction

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 1:27 PM

  I feel really silly, but I don't know how to post my fiction?  What do I need to do to get my stories posted in the forest?  I'm sure it's really simple, but I haven't found the link or button, so if you can help me out, I will really appreciate... then I will repay you with dirty stories about a really sexy Jacob.  Promise.  don't like Jake?  I can write just for you, just let me know what you wanna read, and where to post it.  Thanks.


Let's Play a Game, Shall we?

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 1:21 PM

For many authors, Mrs. Meyer included, music plays a large part of their writing.

Insert fun graphic here (I no longer have access to my mac and I can't figure out how to put pictures in on a PC)

I was looking around Amazon for some interesting new music (and I admit, to download some Glee songs ::hangs head in shame::) and found the New Moon soundtrack for $6.99.  I glanced over some of its offerings and realized they are pretty good songs.

Insert fun graphic here

Here is my little game for the day:

If you could pick a fic and tell it with songs, which one would it be and what songs would it use?

Also, if you could use some of your favorite music as a "playlist" of sorts for the canon, what would they be and where would they fit?

Finally, if you were the music editor for any of the movies, what songs would you have included/not included on the soundtracks?

Let the games begin!!!


New Author

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 9:40 AM

I Dont know if this is allowed But I Just want to share my stories

I'm a new author, trying my hand at writing

So if you want you can check them out here-  .

You know give some positive feed back thanks.

*If This is Not Allowed Please let me know*


ADFFCC Round Four: Division 3

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 8:00 AM

I meant to put this up yesterday and then had an unexpected opportunity to go out and took it. This means that Voting will either be later tonight into tomorrow or just tomorrow, depending on when I get the surveys done. 

You know the drill, but if you don't just click the tag below and read the other campfires. In this campfire we will be discussing

Division 3: Other Vampires

Damon Salvatore VS Caroline Forbes

Rhage VS Spike

Godric VS Eric Northman

Katherine VS Angel

I am looking forward to what you campers have to say. Remember we judge on CLEVERNESS, HOTNESS AND TOUGHNESS. Some of these may be quite difficult? Do you think so?

REMEMBER: This division isn't as widely known as the two from yesterday so feel free to use pictures, quotes, gifs, or whatever else to make your case for your favorites. All too often people say, "I don't know who that is!" Now is your chance to show them!


Pen names

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 6:42 AM

When I happened onto this site many months ago I just wanted to browse through and possibly get some good stories for my time. Hence, the penname notimeforclevername. Well, I'm not a writer but I do put my two cents in once in awhile and want to keep on the up and up as to who I am. I finally decided on a pen name that reflects who I am at this moment in my life. I'm working on getting a key tattoo on my left forearm to remind me that life is a search that is never over, that we, ourselves, whole the key to happiness,love,meaning. I use my forearm as a sort of notepad because I have a very bad memory and while driving I'll look down and remember to stop at the store, or pick up my son who's waiting for me, etc.

I know this has been done alot but to make this interactive can you mention something about your own pen name  or even a life changing period you went through or how you procrastinate in making decisions. Inside is the template for my tattoo. And like my pen name I'm taking my time to get it right.


Recc. Me Something Good

Tuesday March 29, 2011 at 2:01 AM

I've had a bad day
I'm taking one down
I looked for a good fic
Just to turn it around
Now you all know
So come and say hi
Gimme a reason to smile
And I will never try and be clever with a song again

I've spent all day on ffn trying to find something good to read and trolling through the Fic Lists here on ADF.
And now I'm depressed because I've wasted a day. And I'm sick.
And Pride & Pred. wouldn't work for me cause I live in Aus. And I'm whiny.

So, campers, what are you reading right now?
What's curling yer toes and keeping you up til the AMs?
Help a girl out.

I give you semi-naked sexy for yer trouble



Happy Day of Birth

Monday March 28, 2011 at 6:23 PM

Glitter Graphics






twitter avis for your use; made by MissSnazzy






this campfire is mighty purple ranger approved


it is a truth universally acknowledged...

Monday March 28, 2011 at 3:00 PM

the BBC production of pride & prejudice episode 1- a campfire watchalong

you can also click on the direct link if your antivirus software doesn't allow you to watch this embed:pride & prejudice here 

it's time!

let's enter a beautiful world where the ladies are accomplished and the gentlemen wear cravats and sideburns.

a world in which mr. bennett, a country gentleman, has five unmarried daughters but no son to leave his home, longbourn, to. but what's this? mr. bingley, lately of london, has arrived with a party of twelve ladies and seven gentlemen. surely one of the gentlemen will do for one of the bennett girls.

for those of you who've seen this a billion times, watchalong and comment when the fancy strikes!

for those of you who are new to jane austen's world (or colin firth's version of it), comment on anything- the setting, the costume porn, miss eliza's copious... wit. anything. questions about the era? questions about the plot? 

i'd really like to see some enthusiastic participation here! oh, and if you can't watch this video, let me know. it's available on youtube as well.



Monday March 28, 2011 at 2:51 PM

Okay, Daily Damon has FAILED so far... lol.  Although, I can't say much b/c I haven't been on every day to look.  However, maybe we should assign someone to certain days for this post?  Thoughts?  Rangers?  Campers?  I'll sign up for Mondays, if that works.










Another Missing Fic

Monday March 28, 2011 at 2:49 PM

As usual I am looking for a missing favorite (why is this happening to me so much?). It is an Edward/Jasper slashfic and I believe it was called ALL I EVER KNEW. Can't remember the author, she never completed it, but it was awesome and I NEED it back! 


ADFFCC Round Four: Division 2

Monday March 28, 2011 at 12:19 PM

These are getting harder and harder. ;)

Edward Cullen VS Leah Clearwater

Carlisle Cullen VS Charlie Swan

Alice Cullen VS Jasper Whitlock

Rosalie Hale VS Emmett Cullen


If you have any questions, check out the division one campfire below.


James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing

Monday March 28, 2011 at 12:09 PM


Did anyone read this fic? LINK


from wikipedia:

In November 2007, The Scotsman reported that Rowling had threatened legal action against American computer programmer G. Norman Lippert for allegedly violating her intellectual property rights by producing and publishing the online novel, James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing, an unofficial and unauthorised continuation of the Harry Potter series. Written as a fan fiction project for Lippert's wife and sons, the novel is set eighteen years after the end of the last official installment in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and describes the adventures of Harry Potter's son, James Potter, during his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.[50] A specialist in intellectual property law at Strathclyde University commented that, "If an insubstantial character from a novel is taken and built up by another author in a new story, that can be a defence against copyright infringements."[50] However, after Lippert offered Rowling an advance copy of the novel, Rowling dismissed her threat[51] and said she supported the novel and any others like it.[51] Lippert subsequently produced a sequel, James Potter and the Curse of the Gatekeeper.[51] After the novel first appeared online in early November 2007, some Harry Potter fans on the Internet initially speculated that the site might be part of an elaborate viral marketing campaign for an official continuation or spinoff of Harry Potter, one either written or at least approved by Rowling herself.[52] On November 9, 2007, Rowling's agent Neil Blair denied that Rowling was in any way involved with the purported project,[53] and Warner Bros., the studio which owns the rights to the Harry Potter film series, denied that the novel was in any way connected to the official Harry Potter franchise.[54]

purple edit: recommend me and reeba any decent canon harry potter fics that you know of! we're desperate ladies!


ADFFCC Round Four: Division 1

Monday March 28, 2011 at 11:38 AM

Since you all know how this goes by now, we are going to attempt to put all of the discussions up today and have voting Tuesday with results on Wednesday. Then, more discussions Thursday and a vote on Friday. This way we will be at the final four matchups by the weekend. Who will it be?? In this campfire we will be discussing Division 1: Fanfiction Edwards. Remember, this is not a vote, this is a persuasive argument for your choice. You want to help sway people to your way of thinking! 

We are discussing the following:

Breaking News Edward VS The Best Man Edward

Hydraulic Level 5 Edward VS Volition Edward

Blessing/Curse Edward VS And With Thee Fade Away Edward

Branching Inward Edward VS The Best I Ever Had Edward

If you are unsure of what is going on, click the tag "ADFFC Championship" below to read the other campfires!


FF Sneak Peek

Monday March 28, 2011 at 10:37 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Oldies but Goodies

Monday March 28, 2011 at 8:10 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Hey Guys!

Come on in and discuss Chapters 16-20 of Volition by Rochelle Allison!

No spoilers, please...we've got lots of first time readers.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Your homework for Thursday?!?


I'm so excited to read on, that it isn't even funny.

There are 6 chapters plus an epi left, as well as some EPOV to read, so go ahead and read it all.

We'll discuss this awesome fic in full Thursday!!


I need a link...

Monday March 28, 2011 at 7:31 AM

Since is failing right now, I would very much appreciate it if someone would give me the link to this story. I believe it's called Forbidden Love or Fobidden Romance. Edward comes home from college, and his father, Carlisle, is dating Bella. Bella and Edward meet, have a a connection, and begin an affair behine Carlisle's back. In the end, it turns out that Carlisle has been seeing Esme, and I think Edward and Bella tell hom about their romance. But, if someone would be as so kind to send me a link, I'd be grateful. Thanks!




Is It Strange....

Monday March 28, 2011 at 6:46 AM

That I dont know ANYTHING about true blood...vampire diaries...ect? I fell like ive been letting the vampire world down! *Gasp*

So I kinda need your help! Yes you! Could any of you sexy vampire fans tell me roughly what VD and TB is all about, so I can watch the new episodes and not stand there like a retard? You guys would be saving me some time, because I cant watch everyyyyy single episodes that have come befor hand o.o  Would you do this for me?


*Looks around pleadingly*

Jessica out

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