

Tuesday March 22, 2011 at 2:18 PM

Voting in the ADFFCC will close at Midnight Tommorow. Results will be posted on Thursday.

Divison 1: Fanfiction Edwards. Read about them HERE AND HERE then

 *VOTE for Fanfic Edwards HERE*

Division 2: Twilight Characters. Read about them HERE AND HERE then 

*Vote for Twilight Characters HERE*

Division 3: Other Fictional Characters. Read about them HERE and HERE then

 *Vote for Other Fictional Characters HERE*

Division 4: Other Vampires. Read about them HERE and HERE then 

*Vote for Other Vampires HERE*

Use this campfire to make any last stitch efforts to support your favorites, ask questions or provide answers. 


Maybe I'm Amazed??

Tuesday March 22, 2011 at 11:03 AM

Do you read it? Waiting on it to complete? I saw the thread on Twilighted active, so I looked in and alicedances posted.

"'I'm alive, I promise! I know it's the excuse everyone gives, but real life has kicked me in the ass repeatedly. Just before I disappeared in the fall of 2009, I told you my fur baby had just been diagnosed with sudden blindness. Well, his heath continued to deteriorate, which took an serious emotional toll on me and the hubby, and we finally lost little Merlin in December. Then we welcomed a new pup to the family, and I swear she's possessed, so I have even less time that before - even though I'm in a better head-space. I even had to give up my validation beta role here on Twilighted because I just had no time for it.

I can tell you that I do still plan on finishing MIA. But here's the question for you: would you guys be happy with just the epi? It's the final normal chapter that's been stalling me - the epi's already half written. So, what say you?


EDIT: A poll:http://alicedances.livejournal.com/12801.html"


Link to the story: Maybe I'm Amazed


let's talk hair

Tuesday March 22, 2011 at 7:48 AM

Is anyone else having a hard time managing their hair?  I think it might be my advanced age (32, yet still dramatic) but my hair is looking really damaged lately.  It's become very frizzy and pretty much looks awful if I don't flat iron it.  I don't know if I am coloring it too much (every six weeks to keep gray away) or if my hair is just changing.  Prob both. 

Anyway, I've been reading up on going without shampoo, meaning using conditioner to wash your hair.  I've heard from a few friends who do it with great results.  Anyone here do this?  Any tips or any other ideas to get hair looking healthy again?


Approved by the lovely GAW!


FF.net Fail

Tuesday March 22, 2011 at 5:12 AM

So... I finally finished editing my latest chapter and wentt to post it last night, and I can't. I can upload it to my document manager but when I click on my story to actually add the chapter to it, I get an error message with ff.net's old logo. Support has remained conspicuously silent on this subject so far.

Has this happened to anyone else? Did anybody add a chapter last night without any trouble? I'm about to throw my computer across the room, here.


Help Again!

Monday March 21, 2011 at 11:06 PM

Can someone recc me stories where two friends hook up, and DON'T end up finding out that they're actually in love with each other?

Like... The opposite of what you would want to happen. Edward doesn't find out that he likes Bella more than a friend or vice versa.

In fact, it doesn't even have to Edward and Bella. It doesn't even have to be Twilight.

Just...anything. Please.

I need help, 'cause this is RL for me right now. D:


ADFFC Tournament: Round TWO (d)

Monday March 21, 2011 at 5:45 PM


I will link these discussions to the voting threads if you are unsure of which way to go! Remember, you can always follow the tags to all of the campfires about the ADFFCC.

This is our next round of DISCUSSIONS, DEBATES AND ARGUMENTS for our favorites in the ADFFCC. Remember, you are choosing who you like based on 


meaning that you should make your case a strong one if you want to sway people to your way of thinking! 

This is the LAST of four campfires today. You can find the OTHER VAMPIRE discussions HERE and HERE


To be discussed:

Katniss Everdeen VS Albus Dumbledore

Dean Winchester VS Will Herondale

Draco Malfoy VS Cedric Diggory

Fitzwilliam Darcy VS Seely Booth

Unlike the Twilight related divisions, campers may not know who some of these other characters are! So this campfire is to educated them. Link them, video them, picture them, quote them, anything to get your point across! Above all, have fun!


ADFFC Tournament: Round TWO (c)

Monday March 21, 2011 at 5:38 PM


I will link these discussions to the voting threads if you are unsure of which way to go! Remember, you can always follow the tags to all of the campfires about the ADFFCC.

This is our next round of DISCUSSIONS, DEBATES AND ARGUMENTS for our favorites in the ADFFCC. Remember, you are choosing who you like based on 


meaning that you should make your case a strong one if you want to sway people to your way of thinking! 

This is the third of four campfires today. You can find the OTHER VAMPIRE discussions HERE and HERE


To be discussed:

Severus Snape VS Kurt Hummel

Dr. Spencer Reid VS Wesley

Sue Sylvester VS Nathan

Jamie Fraser VS The Phantom

Unlike the Twilight related divisions, campers may not know who some of these other characters are! So this campfire is to educated them. Link them, video them, picture them, quote them, anything to get your point across! Above all, have fun!


it's not you, it's me...no really

Monday March 21, 2011 at 5:08 PM

Why Shiloh Fernandez Didn’t Land the Role of Edward in “Twilight”

Shiloh Fernandez who stars in Red Riding Hood recently revealed to NextMovie the real reason why he lost the role of “Edward” to Robert Pattinson.

“It didn’t work because I wasn’t right for the part,” Fernandez tells NextMovie. “I read a quote recently that I supposedly said about Kristen… it was horrible. What I was really saying was it was me — I was the one who was nervous and awkward. She already had the role of Bella.

“I really wanted that part because I like the book and I think it’s a fantastic role, but we really didn’t mesh up. I’m sure Kristen would agree — I’ve never seen her besides that one day.”



So what do you think ladies...do you think he could have been Edward?  I haven't seen Red Riding Hood so I don't know about his acting skills, but here are some more photos bc that picture is awful.





Monday March 21, 2011 at 4:25 PM

So here's the thing. My Dad died 2 days ago. It wasn't exactly unexpected. He was 83. Had been poorly for a long time.

BUT - he never told me he loved me, never hugged me, in fact told me I was worthless, stank, was stupid, a whore, a slut, lazy, would never 'amount' to anything, had half-baked opinions (I could understand this at age 10, but age 43?). Oh yes, when I married ( lost my virginity to that man, by the way - so much for whore ), said my son was retarded and my daughter just silly, (true this!) SO - WHY OH WHY am I filled with such sadness, such regret, such GUILT??!

WHAT is it with we women we keep putting ourselves through this hell?

So sorry if this is inappropriate rangers, but no one knows me here personally so it could be like free therapy!! lol

(By the way he was also an absolute ass to my mother and brother too) 

Going to bed now to rack my brains for a memory of just one good time. Funeral on Thursday. Wish me luck...........


Twitter Tweet?

Monday March 21, 2011 at 3:18 PM

So I just got a twitter and am still trying to figure the whole thing out.

Does any one have any advice, the do's or don't's?

I have figured out how to follow people and tweet, but other than that I think I'm basically talking to myself =)

To make this fit in with forest rules, if your favorite twilight/true blood/the vampire diaries/other character had a twitter what do you think they would tweet about?

Rangers I hope that this is ok-if not feel free to make this go away =)


Ragey Ragey

Monday March 21, 2011 at 2:46 PM

i have some serious rage that i need to get off my chest. 

today, my 5 year old Lily was at school apparently telling everyone that she has moved. (we are moving but it hasn't happened yet) So, i've heard several different versions of this story but the fact is, she was allowed to get on a wrong bus with a fellow classmate of hers and ended up at some random classmates house. Now i've never met this particular friend of Lily's so to me, she basically ended up at some strangers house. 

It's a loooong story but it ends with me getting into a screaming match with the Principal on the phone while i was standing in front of everyone at work, me calling and complaining to the bus company AND the Superintendent; who said these exact words "Obviously Lily has an issue with getting on the correct bus". 


My daughter could have ended up anywhere in the school district, with anyone. She could have gotten hit by a car, lost in the city, or taken. (you may think that's jumping to extremes but there are quite a few sexual predators in this city.) i got LUCKY that she ended up at the house she did. 

The Superintendent actually told me to "not get frustrated with them, when they have a working system and Lily chose not to follow it." 

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE. REALLY?! Kids do crazy stuff all the time, that's why there's suppose to be responsible adults watching over them. 

So that is my rage inducing story. Come rage with me people. You know you want to, it's a Monday. COME ON!

this campfire was approved by the ever amazing wolvesnvamps. heres a lil' sumthin sumthin for her -


Birthday Roll Call! (part 2)

Monday March 21, 2011 at 1:47 PM

Hola campers!

Me again. You're gonna see a couple of these birthday roll call campfires, just because I'm still trying to collect all the birthdays and include everyone. If you've already participated in the first birthday collecting campfire, then you don't need to leave it in this one. Thanks again everyone!

First birthday collecting campfire

I've had an idea to make a monthly birthday campfire for all of us. A way to include everyone and to get everyone a birthday shoutout. It'll be a monthly thing, I'll keep a spreadsheet and at the beginning of the month I'll put out a campfire with all the birthdays so that everyone can send love to all our birthday campers. This is in no way a campfire to take away from individual day birthday wishes, it's just a way to include everyone, for those of us that are lurkers and loudmouths alike. 

So I got together with Emibella and Jandco and put this plan in motion, trying to make this thing work and spread some much deserved love and happy to the forest and fandom. But I still need your guys' help too! Since the first step is collecting birthdays. 

Come in here and tell me your birthday!

You don't have to add your year, just the month and date.

Also, do you have a friend, a beta, a ficwife, or just someone AWESOME in the fandom that you think should be on this birthday love list? Just leave their name and birthday too. Please help me make this great and all-inclusive! 

"Believing hear, what you deserve to hear:

Your birthday as my own to me is dear...

But yours gives most; for mine did only lend.

Me to the world; yours gave to me a friend." --Martial


A Way Around The FFN Fail!

Monday March 21, 2011 at 12:54 PM

I was tweeting earlier that I still couldn't post my new chapter on FFN, and BellaDCullen told me that there was a way around it.

When you get the error message...where it says story _ edit _ properties in the URL, chg 'properties' to 'content' and you can get in.

I did this and it posted. A minute later an alert went out letting people know the new chapter was up. :D

purple edit: your gif dances perfectly to one of my favorite internet memes:


*whispers* That. Is. Awesome.


Look @ the baybeh!

Monday March 21, 2011 at 11:06 AM

Twihards, rejoice. Robert Pattinson tells Total Film that the scene where his character performs a caesarean with his teeth on wife, Bella (Kristen Stewart), has been filmed for the final part of the Twilight franchise, Breaking Dawn.

He's currently juggling filming with promotion duties on his new non-vamp flick Water For Elephants, and chatted to TF while in LA.

"Yeah, I’ve done it," RPattz laughed, "I’ve chewed it, spat it out!"

Though he's not allowed to give much more away (joking with Ryan Seacrest recently that he gets 'beaten' for revealing details), Pattinson promises that Breaking Dawn will be "very different to the other films - more like a horror film."

"Just some of the source material makes it inevitably more different. It's completely nuts, the book."


So what do you think campers?  Anyone else looking forward to the trainwreck scene?  Are you going to be like me and giggling like a school girl all the way through?



p.s. I was going to put the Aliens gif but some of you with a queasy stomach might be too grossed out.


In the Land of Milk & Honey....

Monday March 21, 2011 at 10:51 AM

I guess it's finally gonna get an ending....

I was on the Twilighted thread and clicked on the link someone provided and this is what is said:


Wondering who the author is??

So...can't wait to read or not interested???


ADF Flub

Monday March 21, 2011 at 10:42 AM

Why does it do this on some chapters? It's really annoying. Is there something I can do to fix it?


It's a ROGLOW kinda day!!

Monday March 21, 2011 at 9:47 AM

I think today is a holiday.  yeah...I'm pretty sure it's ROGLOW DAY!!

I'm excited about this!

One of our sweetest campers, a beloved author and friend to many, ~~ROCHELLE ALLISON~~

is all over the place right now

(Rochelle Allison....so hot right now.  Rochelle)

She just updated AIR

that you can only read here in the forest while FFnet is being a butt.

We're discussing her AMAZING epic fic VOLITION just below...


So come inside, Campers...

wish her a happy birthday....brings presents too!

Read her stories and leave her sweet reviews!

Send her fun tweets on twitter too!




we love you!!!



ADFFC Tournament: Round TWO (b)

Monday March 21, 2011 at 9:42 AM


VOTING FOR ALL DIVISIONS, ROUNDS ONE AND TWO, WILL BE TOMORROW. I will link these discussions to the voting threads if you are unsure of which way to go!

This is our next round of DISCUSSIONS, DEBATES AND ARGUMENTS for our favorites in the ADFFCC. Remember, you are choosing who you like based on 


meaning that you should make your case a strong one if you want to sway people to your way of thinking! 

This is the first of four campfires today.


To be discussed:

Godric VS Adrian Ivashkov

Eric Northman VS Butch

Pamela Swynford de Beaufort VS Katherine

Angel VS Jessica Hamby

Unlike the Twilight related divisions, campers may not know who some of these other vampires are! So this campfire is to educated them. Link them, video them, picture them, quote them, anything to get your point across! Above all, have fun!


ADFFC Tournament: Round TWO (a)

Monday March 21, 2011 at 9:40 AM

VOTING FOR ALL DIVISIONS, ROUNDS ONE AND TWO, WILL BE TOMORROW. I will link these discussions to the voting threads if you are unsure of which way to go!

This is our next round of DISCUSSIONS, DEBATES AND ARGUMENTS for our favorites in the ADFFCC. Remember, you are choosing who you like based on 


meaning that you should make your case a strong one if you want to sway people to your way of thinking! 

This is the first of four campfires today.


To be discussed:

Damon Salvatore VS Eli

Caroline Forbes VS Mick St. John

Rhage VS Wrath

Spike VS Lestat

Unlike the Twilight related divisions, campers may not know who some of these other vampires are! So this campfire is to educated them. Link them, video them, picture them, quote them, anything to get your point across! Above all, have fun!


Oldies but Goodies

Monday March 21, 2011 at 9:02 AM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Hey Campers!

It's time to discuss Chapters 6-10 of Volition by Rochelle Allison!

Come share your thoughts, feelings, predictions,etc, etc


We've got lots of first time readers participating.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

On Thursday, we'll discuss Chapters 11-15.

Happy Reading!!

First --- | >> | 882 | 883 | 884 | 885 | 886 | 887 | 888 | 889 | 890 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
