

Friday April 8, 2011 at 5:52 AM

My two choices for the leads in the movie were picked and I'm so excited. Also they stated that the movie will be out next March so we have a date too.  Josh Hutcherson is one of the best young actors around and wanted to play Peeta so much I know he'll give a great performance. He just finished working with Benicio Del Toro and has made an Indy film that he acted/produced and it made good reviews too. He was in TheKidsAreAllRight which I think got him the part. Then Jennifer Lawrence was made for the part of Katniss Everdeen, just watching WinterBones will prove that. Plus her oscar nod at such a young age. Add Gary Ross(Seabiscuit) as director and my hope for this movie is so great.  Now for the rest of the cast. So what do you think of the movie so far? Does hair color mean so much when picking an actor since the actors true color is opposite of what it needs to be? Or does acting supercede the physical aspects?




Friday April 8, 2011 at 5:51 AM

So this tweet makes me feel like skipping around in joy.

So, what is making you happy today?

Is the 21° heat and the glorious sunshine making you as happy as I? Is the prospect of the weekend making you giddy with excitement? Come in here and be happy with me.


I need music!!!!!

Friday April 8, 2011 at 5:15 AM

I'm so excited to be popping my proverbial campfire cherry!!! 

I need some music recs - am getting very bored with what I have.  I like all kinds of music, but just to give you an idea, I've most recently purchased:

The new Foo Fighters (Rope)

Scars on 45

the new Strokes (Under Cover of Darkness)

the new Dido (Safe Trip Home)

Ingrid Michaelson

I CANNOT wait for the new Beastie Boys to come out in May!!!


I trust the recs you fine ladies give on movies, books, and TV shows so was pretty sure I'd get the goods with music as well!!

(sorry if I'm not doing this correctly, but figured FFA was the best place for it!  Rangers - if this needs to be deleted or changed, have at it!)


Happy Friday!

Friday April 8, 2011 at 5:11 AM

Since it's Friday, let's have a little fun, shall we?

Post your favorite manips of our favorite Twilighters inside.

This should get interesting.

Come on...Rob says, "Come inside..."


TVD Episode 18

Friday April 8, 2011 at 2:52 AM

Kat Graham (Bonnie) hosts a little preview of the next episode.



(lmfao Damon)


NOW... watch the extended preview that ummmsure posted last night:




For those of you who have yet to see last night's episode, go here to share your reactions AFTER you watch it. ;)  For those of you who are still feeling the brain shock of last night?  Come here to speculate what you think will happen next week.


** There will be SPOILERS so don't come in here lurking around if haven't seen last night's ep.  Well... I guess you could if you REALLY wanted to. lol  BUT JUST BE WARNED!


Are you affected?

Friday April 8, 2011 at 1:05 AM

There's been a lot of talk about government shut-down, especially for the military.  Should it happen, our soldiers will receive a pay cut or may not be paid at all and still have to continue to work and our kids still need to go to school. This isn't even including what will happen to our civilian workers and the places we shop at.  At this point, they [the government] are still in debate, yet there has to be an answer by midnight tonight.  Some people say we will be fine...okay, so we may be fine but our civilian friends won't.  I'm more worried about them than I am me as I was saving money for a trip to celebrate my daughter's if right now, I have everything I need except for the food, the cake, and the people.  I'm proud of myself since I'd never been able to save money so well.



Does this affect you? 


For those not living in the U.S., has your country had this issue before? I'm not very knowledgeable about other countries, or even my own, so I rely on a lot of word-of-mouth and what I read in books to learn things about them.



Thursday April 7, 2011 at 11:21 PM


I'M NOT INTERESTED IN WORDS, JUST OGLING and i guess names would be helpful





Continuing Milk and Honey...say what???

Thursday April 7, 2011 at 11:01 PM

Say what....?


I didn't think anyone was serious and would.

So, someone anonymous has decided to continue In the Land of Milk and Honey. At a time I said I didn't care one way or another and I felt that way because as much as I liked the story, the conclusion was swirling around in my own head.

I couldn't really see anyone trying to finish it because unless Jesus.Is.Magic is playing a game it's not going to be the same and as far as TBC I want the original story and I would think a continuation at this point will be more influenced by what everyone has speculated on and not so much how it would have really turned out had JIM not went MIA.

So, thoughts?

Disliked the fic so you don't care? It's interesting and you're interested? Interested to see if this thing stays pleasant? Say what...someone's continuing it?


Edit: I know how deleting campfires is a no-no and I just found that this has been already mentioned in a previous campfire here so this is kinda pointless (well not really because the chapter finally published) but I don't know if I'd get in trouble deleting this CF so it's staying up. Can I delete this?


May I introduce you to...Free For All!

Thursday April 7, 2011 at 9:16 PM

Y'all know what to do.



Frivolous Reading...

Thursday April 7, 2011 at 8:14 PM

I am in the mood for some escapist reading that is not fic. Don't get me wrong, I lurve fic to a terrifying degree, which is why I sometimes need to get away from it for awhile. Anymore though, it takes something special to make me want to read it over fic (another discussion entirely). I'm not really looking for recs; I'm more curious what you think about the books/series that are popular right now...and maybe some that aren't. Let's exclude these:

  Because they're everywhere...


Because they are also seeping into the literary psyche...


And these...because...duh.


What frivolous fun are you reading?


Ask jennyfly

Thursday April 7, 2011 at 5:29 PM

A little bird told me y'all miss askin' me stuff.

So go 'head.


Q: where you been, jennyfly?

A: to hell and back, baby. HELL AND BACK.



Thursday April 7, 2011 at 4:21 PM

ETA: props to bexi21 for the banner :)




what is jenna going to do about isobel being at her door? remember that time when MATT FOUND OUT ABOUT VAMPIRES? is anyone going to die in this episode?

how hot is klaus? LET'S TALK ABOUT IT. 

ETA: hey, west coast -- let's just go ahead and say there will probably be spoilers in here. so... enter at your own risk!


Tell me about your favorite spot in the world

Thursday April 7, 2011 at 2:36 PM

After studying 4 years at the university I’ve decided to take a break the next semester and travel the world with my best friend. But the world is a big place and the more guidebooks I read the more problem I have figuring out which countries I want to visit, and because I’m the most indecisive girl ever I now have 50 countries on my list. Sigh. So please help me out and tell me about your favorite places! Where do you dream about traveling? What’s your best vacation memory? Or if you hate to travel what’s the best thing about the place where you live? Tell me, tell me, tell me…….please, pretty please?! (Ok, now I feel like I'm begging but I really want to hear your thoughts).


I promise to ask next time. Promise.

hey, it ain't free for all friday yet! i give permission because i like the topic, but please make sure you ask first next time. gracias!


Little-known-fic recs

Thursday April 7, 2011 at 2:13 PM

It's been a while since I've done this, sorry.

This one strictly for those hidden gems, secret treasure, little-known fics that don't get 50, 100, 200 reviews per chapter. We're all familiar with the flavors of the week. We see the names tossed around in various campfires, on Twitter, and in author's notes. However, with over 160,000 Twi-fics on alone, it's hard for the average story to get picked up and noticed. So in this campfire, give us your recs for those under-the-radar fics. Let's go with stories that have at least 4 chapters if they are a WIP (completed fics can be less than 4 chaps, that's fine), have updated in the last 4 weeks or so, and average LESS THAN 25 reviews per chapter.

Please give us the title, summary, and link if you would be so kind :-)

My last request is that if you choose to read any of these recommended fics, PLEASE show the author some love and respect and leave them a review- or even better, reviewS- as you go along.


Doppelganger post

Thursday April 7, 2011 at 2:11 PM

The other day I was trolling Tumblr and stumbled across this pic:

Does the pretty blonde chick with the head-dress look familiar?  It's Jandco's doppelganger! 

So I was wondering have you come across other doppelgangers?  Perhaps a RPatz lookalike?  Or a KStew twin?  Doesn't have to be a RL person could be a celebrity.  Come in and share your discovery.

Approved by Jandco, of course. ;-)
p.s. I'm soooo bored @ work.  Come and entertain me PLEASE!  I'm counting the minutes until I can leave my cubby and actually enjoy the rare sunny day we're having.

conversations with my killer

Thursday April 7, 2011 at 1:09 PM



What did everyone think of the new chapter?  After getting Jaspers whole POV do you still think he's an irredeemable character?

This was me after reading the last sentence in the chapter....


Vampires in a changing world

Thursday April 7, 2011 at 10:27 AM

Here is a preview of my next chapter of Parachutist 2 - Our New World (I'll post it early next week on twilighted). But is not about the story proper, it is about my author's note. People review about the story, not about the notes, normally, but the subject matter deserves some discussion and I'll love to hear your opinion. It goes like this:

No, this Bella will not be reading Emily Bronte, she has discovered Sci-Fi, and is enthralled by it. Noting similar was ever published in Italy before the war and it is a look into the future she wants to fantasize about. After all, she is hoping to exist very far in the future. The Pocket Book of Science Fiction (1943 - Donald Wollheim) was the first book of the genre to be published in the US, before that Sci-Fi stories only found their way in magazines.
Here is a good place to have a little rant. The passing of time and the changes in the world are important for the vampires who witness them. What completely maddens me are those stories where, after Edward leaves Bella in New Moon and they meet again after decades (she has become a vamp, meanwhile) the world has not changed a jota. Come on, fifty years ago people did not have a cell phone, a laptop or a credit card, just to name three things that changed our life, world politics apart. But too many authors are completely oblivious of this aspect. If you ever found one of such stories where the future way of life is described with some imagination, please tell me, because, having been disappointed many times, I now avoid them like the plague..

I would like to hear from you. Thanks


Bella's Wedding Dress

Thursday April 7, 2011 at 8:48 AM

 What do you think Campers??

 ETA: Here is what had to say about the images

EW has not one but two exclusive images from Stephenie Meyer’s new book, The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide, which goes on sale April 12: Bella as a vampire and Bella in her wedding dress. A nice walk-up to the first Breaking Dawn film, no? I didn’t expect to like the first Twilight graphic novel as much as I did, and these illustrations are by that book’s illustrator, Young Kim, who did such a great job bringing Meyer’s characters to life.

What do you think? Is this how you visualize Bella in the upcoming film?



Oldies but Goodies

Thursday April 7, 2011 at 8:41 AM

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Hey Campers!

Here is the first Read-a-long fire for River Dam by jennyfly and jandco!

Come on in and discuss chapters 1-5.

No Spoilers please - lots of first time readers!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Come back Thursday to discuss Chapters 6-10

Thanks for participating!

santa muerte

Help, My Flag's not working!!!

Thursday April 7, 2011 at 8:16 AM

No really is anyone having problem? It's not "grabbing" the whole file/fic.  Is there another fic "grabber" I can use?  Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

First --- | >> | 870 | 871 | 872 | 873 | 874 | 875 | 876 | 877 | 878 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
