
I fail at being a fan

Sunday April 10, 2011 at 1:32 PM

Hi everyone.


I believe the last time I was here- I was writing in a campfire about how much my life sucked because I was working two jobs, couldn't pay my rent, broke up my boyfriend after being together for 10 years, was having a nervous breakdown etc etc... blah blah blah.

I got my life together, quit thinking negative, and turned to myself to get better.

And I have. I am proud to say, I have quit smoking- 9 weeks today! (btw, by quitting I am saving almost 100 a week- Cigs are about $13 a pack in NYS)  I asked for a raise at work, and got it. Moved into a better apartment, in a better neighborhood and basically packed all of my exboyfriend memories in a box to be looked at only in the very distant future. 


And now I am back. And wanting to dive back into the land of FF, but really back into the land of the Forest.   Someone gimme the details!



Sequels ...

Sunday April 10, 2011 at 12:11 PM

remember the scene from Scream 2 were they were discussing the fact that a sequel - as a rule - will never be as good as the original hit movie,

EXCEPT for Godfather2 which some argue was as good if not even better than The Godfather


this applies to fanfics as well, take for example Tropic of Virgo/Tropic of Gemini/Delta of Mercury. To me they are the godfather of twilight fanfic.


so to make this interactive tell me about other fanfic sequels / series that fit the bill


What to Pack?

Sunday April 10, 2011 at 9:48 AM

You will be stranded on a desert island for one year.


You are allowed to pack:

One book

One movie

One CD

One piece of technology

A favorite food

One wild card item

What will you bring?


Fine print (because there is always fine print):  If you are a person of faith, your holy book does not count as your choice.  Your tech or wild card cannot reach the outside world.  You are isolated.  (I'm mean that way.)  There will be power for laptops, and a way to play the movies.

Thanks wtvoc!

Diana Wolfskill

Nature Versus Nurture

Sunday April 10, 2011 at 9:18 AM

Vamp Edward is hardwired to be the perfect predator -- a killing machine -- yet his upbringing by Carlisle leads him to resist his natural urges. 

How much of our personality is hardwired in our genes and how much is due to environment and upbringing?

Can we and should we fight against what our genes and nature hardwire us to be?

Thoughts and observations from Twilight, other vamp series and real life?



Sunday April 10, 2011 at 8:17 AM

After having been away from fanfic for a rather long time due to real life finally catching up with me, I wanted something guaranteed to make me laugh and ready to dive back in to the fanfic world. Naturally I turned to hunterhunting and her simply hilarious and raunchy story of Misapprehension of Bella Swan. It turns out that she pulled her story, and I didn't quite understand her last post explaining why. Could someone please tell me what's going on and whether the story is EVER going to put somewhere else? 


Thanks :)


late night cravat CF

Sunday April 10, 2011 at 2:02 AM

lol i have no idea what's going on here, but i saw this on tumblr and just about bust a nut laughing


Mischiefmaker17 Fail again?

Saturday April 9, 2011 at 8:32 PM

Hey everyone sorry to bother you guys! Just wondering if anyone else is having issues with FFN? I got like eight update alerts, but when I click them it says 'chapter not found.' And I got like four alerts for the same chapter. Anyone else have this issue?



Saturday April 9, 2011 at 8:16 PM

would you help me by filling out this survey? it's for my sociology class.

I'm doing some research on pornography. I really need your help


**** consider erotica as soft-core porn

thanks :)

ps. look at these cupcakes

******** Thank you so much for your help!! I got 150 responses. way more than I expected.

you get to pick one of the cupcakes as a thank you gift :P 



Saturday April 9, 2011 at 7:19 PM

How do vampires (males) have erections? In a "normal" human, a man has an erection when he becomes aroused and blood rushes to his penis. Vampires don't have blood, so how does this work?


ETA- Feel free to ask any other question 

Sugar Britches

Crossword # 2

Saturday April 9, 2011 at 4:17 PM

Here is another one: I can email the pdf if needed. I'll be around to offer clues if you get stuck


Saturday April 9, 2011 at 2:44 PM

Hey gals!

So I'm just coming back from a day out sailing, and when I come home and flip my laptop open I find... 28 messages from Ffnet. Hello.

Um, anyone knows who Sebastien Robichaud is? Apparently she's reccing my story somewhere and it got a lot of attention. Is she like, big? Should I be panicking?

I have to sit down and write my review replies and I've got a lot of thinking to do on those answers, cause a lot of people made a lot of thinking in those comments.

Am I the only crazy person who loves writing review replies? I have some awesome readers, not to mention a mega-awesome beta who makes me think tons, and I like having a dialogue.

Eh. I might be a little drunk.


bias and morals

Saturday April 9, 2011 at 2:03 PM

I've been thinking about this topic for a while and I've been wondering your take on it. 

To what extent do your own morals and cultural impressions or references impact your reading and writing?

The obvious example is the Twi series with Meyer's mormon background shaping the progression of the relationships in the storyline. Are there stories (both fic and published) that you can't engage yourself in because of the conflict with your own morals?

Do you dislike stories the promote promiscuity or do you embrace sexual freedom? Do stories that insist upon marriage make you smile or cringe? Do you prefer modern Boss Bella or like her as a traditional lady of the house role? Do you find certain authors perpetrate stereotypes because they aren't educated in what they are writing about? If writing, do you spend time researching topics or have you ever fallen victim to laziness and wrote your immediate impressions?

Lettuce discuss. 



Book Recs

Saturday April 9, 2011 at 9:17 AM

Hello!  I feel like I should put up a disclaimer:  This is my first campfire....


So I was hoping to get some good book recs.  I just got a nook, and I'm addicted to it.

I really enjoy stories that have good love stories, but not so much on the "harlequin style"...  Maybe chick lit??  I'm open to most things.


So anyone got any good book recs?

Also, if anyone has the Hunger Games book in an e-pub file and doesn't mind sharing, please PM me.  Thanks!


Just for FUN

Saturday April 9, 2011 at 2:15 AM

In the chapter I posted this week Jasper (an American) and Seth (a Britt) get into a small argument over the proper term for a tasty treat.


So is it a cookie?

Or a biscuit?

In case you're wondering where this all started, through my crazy research links I found this article on folks debating the introduction of Oreos in the UK: Can Oreo win over British biscuit lovers?  


So, what's your favorite treat?  Be sure to share the recipe, if you have it.

Miss Snazzy

Other Fandoms

Friday April 8, 2011 at 10:29 PM

Once again...

Please post your favorites for the other fandoms you follow.

To keep things organized, please include the following:

1) Title of Fandom
2) Title of story, summary, and pairing
3) If you aren't going to link, please provide the name of the author and mention the website where it can be found (if not on

So far, we have recs for:
-Legend of Zelda
-North & South
-Sailor Moon
-Star Trek


And requests for:
-I Am Number Four
-Pride & Prejudice
-The Fever Series


Previous Campfires:
-March 26, 2011
Includes recs for: Daria, Doctor Who, Glee, Harry Potter, Jane Eyre, North and South, One Tree Hill, Pride and Prejudice, Roswell, Sailor Moon, Shakespeare, Star Trek, Star Wars, Teen Titans, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Office, The Time Traveler's Wife, Vampire Diaries
-April 2, 2011
Includes recs for: Doctor Who, Doctor Who/Glee Crossover, Glee, Harry Potter, Merlin, Naruto, Prison Break, Sailor Moon, Vampire Diaries



Friday April 8, 2011 at 9:48 PM

So I got INSPIRED by KSTEW's birthday. So come in and tell me about your 21st birthday...I consider this different than the post FOR KSTEW...because it's about ppls' past 21st! Hope that makes sense...its late, I have had  a lot of wine, and I am suffering from my monthly insomnia session!

MY 21st =


I will start....inside because it's kind of dirty and LEGENDARY! LOL COME SHARE!


A favor please?

Friday April 8, 2011 at 9:11 PM

Hey guys, I know I haven't been around much recently (Doctor Who owns my soul) but I have a favor for you all this Free For All Friday. Even if it's barely Friday anymore....

My friend has to do a survey for a paper she's writing from a class. It's only two questions, and it's about cursing. So really, it's a fun survey!

Even with her hate for Twilight she's already loving the fandom because of how helpful you guys were over twitter. Anyone who hasn't yet, please help :)


happy, happy, happy birthday

Friday April 8, 2011 at 8:36 PM





Happy Birthday Kristen!!

Kristen Stewart turns 21 today (or tomorrow, depending on where you are). I love her so, so much. She's the perfect Bella, Joan, Marylou, and she has the brightest smile and cutest laugh and so much talent and, and... I don't know. It's almost midnight, and I'm so f*cking tired. So stop by and wish her a happy birthday, share your favorite pics/gifs, maybe write haiku... whatever you want.



"Good Ones Are Always..."

Friday April 8, 2011 at 8:36 PM

Hot guys that are gay are like Adam and Eve's forbidden fruit.

You can look.  But you can't touch.

So when we look, LET'S MAKE THE MOST OF IT.

Post pictures of the dudes that you wish batted for your team.  I show my appreciation for this man, right here:

OR post pictures of girls you wish batted for your team or girls you wouldn't kick outta bed.

She can charm the pants off any human being.

Sugar Britches

Clearly, I have too much time on my hands

Friday April 8, 2011 at 8:20 PM

I'm bored stuck at home waiting for potential roommates to stop by.

Look what I did:

Anyone who correctly solves all clues gets a surprise!
PM me your email address if you want me to send you the pdf.
Now get solving!
RANGER EDIT: Wow. We are really touched that you took the time to do this! It is wonderfully creative and we feel honored that we now can say ADF is a crossword puzzle! You just got yourself a $25 Amazon gift certificate as a token of our appreciation and thanks. Email with your info. xoxo
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