
WFE premiere NYC

Sunday April 17, 2011 at 9:48 AM

So, today is the WFE premiere in NYC.

Are there any campers going? If so, please share!

And will there be a stream for the red carpet?


Coffee CHAT

Sunday April 17, 2011 at 8:37 AM

I'm Jennyfly.

I'm a Ranger here.

I like COFFEE.

Now that you know something about me, come in here and tell me something about you, or ask me something, or show me a picture of your coffee.

After all, it's Sunday. What else are you gonna do?



Sunday April 17, 2011 at 8:35 AM

Hello ladies!

I have a similar request to the FYW fire below...  I was reading a fic called "Could Be Worse, Right?" (sorry, I am crap at remembering author names, so I can't tell you who wrote it... :(  And the good ol 'puter crashed.  I got her up and running and was trying to get all my windows up again and when I clicked on the link in my history, it took me to the page that says, "Story Not Found Unable to locate story with id of 6840729"

I'm not on Twitter, so I miss a lot of things, but I wonder if you ladies know anything about this fic/missing?  Is it an FFn fail?  Are they doing a crackdown on TOS infractions recently? Is it a imsonotdoingthis fail?  (<this is also very likely...but I digress ;)

and since I enjoy the pretteh on the front page:

a little finger porn FYT:


Rec: The Decision

Sunday April 17, 2011 at 2:16 AM

THANK GOD it won't be the really short story (2-3 chapters) the author initially said it'd be. It's great to have stories reminding us of what we liked about canon in the first place, only with better writing (duh). Even better, Bella is no longer in HS. They do meet canon-style, but then Edward leaves so as not to harm her, and they meet two years later in Chicago.

The author  is windychymes. She also wrote Bloodlines (liked it) and Distractions (couldn't get into it). Really, check it out, here

In the end, I think for me no Edward will beat the insecure, wretchedly in love *gentleman* that is Canonward *sigh*

Dark-eyed emo Vampward FYT:


Your Triple Threat

Saturday April 16, 2011 at 7:29 PM

Your hot guy triple threat. What is it? What makes you swoon? What about a man makes you weak in the knees?

is it their eyes?

their mouth? lips?

their muscles?

Come inside and share with me your top 3 things. what draws you in. What makes a man hot to you? Pics Please

approved by Tor


favorite show?

Saturday April 16, 2011 at 6:54 PM

i have watched pretty much every series out there including: jersey shore, 16 and pregnant, teen mom, the real world, gilmore girls, keeping up/take miami/take new york, breaking bad, raising hope, boy meets world, friends, gossip girl, vamp diaries, true blood, dexter, us of tara, nurse jackie, kendra, real housewives of NJ/OC, desperate housewives, 90210, degrassi (old and new), hellcats, criminal minds, prison break, lost, etc. yeah, i watch a lot of television, it's almost embarrassing, lol. that list probably is a lot longer too.

since people come on here and ask to be rec'd stories, i was wondering if you could rec me a show? (i like reality tv). to make this interactive, what is your favorite show? why do you like it? who is your favorite character? the plot? etc...


i have this poster, <3


Searching for a lost story

Saturday April 16, 2011 at 2:59 PM

I moved back in August and I did not have this little known fic saved.  I am hoping someone might remember the title so I can pick it up again.   It was set in a modern day concentration camp.  Jasper and Rosie were officers in charge and Bella is  new to the camp as a prisoner.  Edward is a new guard.  Edward ends up hiding food to help Bella.  And that is all I remember.  Does anyone know this fic? It was well written and very different from other stories I have read. 



Saturday April 16, 2011 at 11:31 AM

Generally, I'm a pretty happy, go-with-the-flow kind of girl. 

Not after this week.

Let's have a RAGE campfire! 


Fold your wings Fanfic?

Saturday April 16, 2011 at 8:56 AM

Does anyone here know what happen to "Fold your Wings" fanfic by Jadalulu? It's no longer on fanfiction.net. Thank you in advance for any help with this.

Update: Thank you everyone for the updated info. I am glad to know that the author will continue the story. I haven't been obsessed with any story since Hydraulic Level 5 (and I'm still waiting for HL5 to be completed...it's been like 2 years). Just my opinion...I don't think anything is "hot" about the s-x scenes. I think this story is written better than a lot of story out there and the characters are complexed and very flawed. The author is a good storyteller and I can't wait to see the character/plot development in this story. If someone don't like the story, then just don't read it...why spoil it for others who have an interest in it. Thanks again everyone for all the updates.



Saturday April 16, 2011 at 8:18 AM

Today is Record Store Day!!  Since 2007, the third Saturday of April is the day where musicians and music lovers worldwide celebrate the unique culture surrounding independently owned record shops.  Record Stores across the country (and globe) are observing the day with special performances and special releases reserved just for today, but artists such as BOB DYLAN, AC/DC, SPRINGSTEEN, RAY LAMONTAGNE and many more!

To find a participating record store in your area go HERE.

To see a list of special releases go HERE.

to read a longer article I wrote about RSD, go here.


Work that pole, baby

Saturday April 16, 2011 at 4:25 AM

So far, I've had a great FFAF.

It all started with unexpectedly getting Friday off work, but still getting paid the full 8 hours I would have worked. No complaints there.

Then, Thursday night, I got a text from a friend I've met through poledancing (she's a couple levels higher than me, but her class is right after mine) asking me if I wanted to go to a poledancing battle with her last night. Who says no to that? So last night, she picked me up and we drove in record time to the venue.

Quick recap: 17 contestants, battling each other in pairs (there were 3 guys participating, who battled each other in the first round), with one advancing to the next. My instructor was one of them, so I was a little proud watching her. Between rounds, the audience had the opportunity to dance and try out some moves. You'd think that, with all the different levels of skill there, people might get a little arrogant or demeaning, but nothing like it. Everyone was very accommodating, allowing others to show their skill, offering tips and suggestions as well as praise. For me, who only started last September, it was very helpful in overcoming my apprehension in dancing in front of strangers, especially those more experienced. All in all, I had a blast!

Some pics to give you an impression.

This is me, after the battle, trying out some stuff. I actually got to teach the cute bartenders some moves (4th pic, trying to teach him the vertical break)! And my friend and I did a double hangover (both of us in the pole, leaning back, upside down). Unfortunately, no pic of that, but the third one below was taken when we were coming out of it.

This afternoon, I'll be heading over to my friend's place, to work out some more and try out some new moves, as well as trying to come up with a routine. I intend on dancing to Muse's Hysteria, and during the final show I'll make sure someone catches it on video, so I can share it with you all.

To make this interactive:

- Have you ever tried poledancing? Share your experience; was it during a party, did you take a class; how did you like it?

- What kind of sport do you practice that people wouldn't expect of you?


Hanka Venselaar, European Pole Dance Champion 2010, was one of the judges. This is her winning performance last year. Seeing her moves makes me want to train even more to improve my skills!


Miss Snazzy

Other Fandoms

Saturday April 16, 2011 at 1:02 AM

It's that time of the week again... =)

Please post your favorites for the other fandoms you follow.

To keep things organized, please include the following:

1) Title of Fandom
2) Title of story, summary, and pairing
3) If you aren't going to link, please provide the name of the author and mention the website where it can be found (if not on ff.net)

 So far, we have recs for:
-Pride & Prejudice
-Ramona Quimby
-The Phantom of the Opera
-Vampire Diaries


Previous Campfires:
-March 26, 2011
Includes recs for: Daria, Doctor Who, Glee, Harry Potter, Jane Eyre, North and South, One Tree Hill, Pride and Prejudice, Roswell, Sailor Moon, Shakespeare, Star Trek, Star Wars, Teen Titans, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Office, The Time Traveler's Wife, Vampire Diaries
-April 2, 2011
Includes recs for: Doctor Who, Doctor Who/Glee Crossover, Glee, Harry Potter, Merlin, Naruto, Prison Break, Sailor Moon, Vampire Diaries
-April 9, 2011
Includes recs for: Aliens, Glee, Legend of Zelda, North & South, Sailor Moon, Star Trek


ABC Soaps

Friday April 15, 2011 at 10:03 PM

Hi all!

As many of you may have heard, ABC soaps All My Children and One Life To Live have been cancelled. To me, this is very disheartening. I don't watch either of these shows, but I do watch General Hospital, which is sadly ABC's last soap. What I don't get is, they were cancelled because of low ratings, so they are replacing them with more reality shows! Huh? That's what we need - more fricken REALITY SHOWS! AMC and OLTL have been on for 40 + years, but let's just go ahead and give them the axe, and give the middle finger to all their viewers by replacing them with mindless crap that nobody gives a flying nut about!

To all you GH watchers: are you scared they're gonna be on the chopping block next? If it gets cancelled too, I'll cry. For real. I've been watching soaps for eighteen years, and I'm so sad that there's only four left. (Yet there's 100 + reality shows. **insert epic eyeroll**)

To those of you that watch AMC and/or OLTL - you have my sympathy.

R.I.P. : 

ETA: AMC/OLTL fans, feel free to come in and vent.  :)

All My Children

One Life to Live



Friday April 15, 2011 at 8:36 PM

Hey, since it's FFA,

if anyone else is bummed about missing out on Coachella like i am, i have a little piece of awesomeness.

i may be late to the party and everyone may already know this, but they're streaming live on youtube!!

http://www. youtube. com/ coachella

i just finished watching interpol and an awesome set by cold war kids. kings of leon and black keys are up soon.


also, is anyone there? is it awesome? or do you wish you were there? anyone else watching the live stream?



Looking for someone!

Friday April 15, 2011 at 7:47 PM

Hi babes, in the thread "Freecicling" (I don't remember if that was really the name of the campfire, but anyways) someone asked me for Twilight in forks DVD and I can't find this girl info. I have a new computer, and I saved her name and info on my old laptop and I lost it. So, please babe from Miami come forward so I can send you the DVD.

Oh! And I also have 3 Eclipse BK cups for someone that wants it. PM me please :)






Friday April 15, 2011 at 7:03 PM

I need HELP! OK not serious help but iPAD idiocy help. My lovely husband is feeding my addiction and bought me an iPad ,so I can enjoy my FF and ADF lurking habit! (Yes he is being repaid nicely). However, I am lost as to how to comment in reviews or campfires. When I try to type in the comment boxes there is NADA! There is no blinking cursor, no text, nothing! I want to use my new favorite toy but am finding myself embarassingly ignorant. ANYONE have some tips to help a girl out! THANKS!


* I would load some pretty as a "pre-thank you" but am currently at a loss for that one too! LOL


This Made Me Laugh...

Friday April 15, 2011 at 6:44 PM

Ok, so I'm not sure if there are any Nerdfighters on here...but if there are DFTBA...aaaand this vid made me laugh...


City of Cliff Hangers

Friday April 15, 2011 at 6:16 PM

this book came out a little over a week ago and i know there are a few TMI fans floatin' around the forest.



What happens in the Forest stays in the Forest

Friday April 15, 2011 at 5:38 PM

So my partner in crime, DeeLovely60, and I have been waiting not so patiently for a super long time to see a little movie by the name of 'Water for Elephants'. And to finally meet up in Real Life. And to just bust out of the daily rut and have some fun.

We figured we'd kill three birds with one stone...so we will spend next week partying our little hearts out in

enjoying the beautiful weather and om nom nom restaurants and spending Friday at the theater for multiple viewings of WFE. Pfffft, you didn't think once was gonna suffice, did you? Hell, we already know that we're not going to hear any dialogue over our squees and sighs and panting the first time we watch it. Apologies in advance to anyone who is unfortunate enough to have to share the theater with us that day. Sucks to be you! Luckily the Third Amigo- Dee's twin, aka Bunnyslippersrok- will also be there in case we need someone to bail us out of jail. Or act like she doesn't know us as security drags us out.

Needless to say, we are very really majorly excited about our trip.

Now Campers, I am a Vegas virgin. I don't really know what to expect. I mean, I've seen The Hangover and wouldn't be opposed to waking up with a pocketful of casino chips. But I don't want to lose a tooth or meet up with Mike Tyson or anything. So get in here and share your crazy- or not so much- Vegas stories with us. If you're a virgin like me, but have a really great Orlando story, or New York City tale, or Cleveland highjinks then get in here and tell us all about it.

Dee and I promise that your secrets are safe with us, and your stories of debauchery and depravity will not leave the Forest ;-)

Oh, and anyone in the area next week is more than welcome to join us. As long as you don't embarrass easy.


for the l.a. crowd: i need a crazy cat lady...

Friday April 15, 2011 at 2:59 PM

...or at least someone aspiring to become one.


so here's the deal - my neighbors were booted from their house some months ago and they just left their dog and their cat behind.  sadly, the dog was dealt with by the city and was probably put down, but the cat just sort of moved over one house to ours and i've been feeding him for awhile now.

i love this cat - i would totally be his except for one small detail - i'll be leaving soon (i hope) on my road trip and then moving away from los angeles, and i just can't have this poor little guy who's used to roaming free in the neighborhood locked up in a car with me.


if there is anyone in the los angeles area (i'm willing to spread the net farther for the right person/family) who might be interested in adopting a wee black cat with green eyes and an adorably obnoxious meow, please let me know.

i'm completely open to working out any and all details to get this cat into a loving home - i really do not want to put him into a no-kill shelter where he just ends up spending the rest of his life in a cage.


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