
Edward VS Edward

Tuesday April 19, 2011 at 3:23 PM

The results are in.

The final Matchup:

Fanfic Edward VS Canon Edward

Edward from The Best I ever Had" defeated Albus Dumbledore with 59% of the votes and Edward Cullen (the original) scored 63% of the votes with his defeat of Damon Salvatore.

That means that we will have a title face off for ADF's best fictional character between a fanfiction Edward and Canon Edward.

WHICH BEGS SO MANY QUESTIONS! How do we feel about our fanfic Edwards? ARE they in many ways superior to the original or do we allow them that place in our hearts because they are still "Edward"? Would we love them as much if they were named "Stan"? If they didn't have Robert Pattinson's jawline? 


Tomorrow will be the final vote between canon and fanfic. I am not sure how I would vote. I think I am going to have to really remember what Canon Edward is actually like first!



Tuesday April 19, 2011 at 3:08 PM

So, you may regret this free for all week...but I'm just going to put it out there. You can flame if you want, but here it is.

I loathe Kristen Stewart.

I live in a lovely little place called Denial and in that place, she is not humpin' my man.

KStew is a dumb nickname and she has now become REDACTED

Come in and share your hate or defend your love for...



we don't delete campfires, because we believe in free speech and discussing all opinions, no matter how disgusting or ridiculous and downright stupid we think they are. play nice, no name-calling, or this gets deleted.

also, i'll leave my comment here: she is. get over it.

thank you,


Ranger Edit EDIT:
Dear Ser,
I am censuring you for your ad hominem argument.
You mustn't begrudgingly admit to the value of all opinions while calling the OP "stupid," even obliquely. And you certainly mustn't imply- by use of the pronoun "we" whilst wearing your Ranger Hat- that everyone working to keep the Forest green shares your objections.


Dear Jenny,

What's up?

Did I call anyone stupid? I was only referring to this campfire and some of the opinions expressed by the OP. I'm sure the OP is awesome, and really smart, and I never meant to offend her.

let me just edit my edit...

I don't delete campfires, because I believe in free speech and discussing all opinions, no matter how disgusting or ridiculous and downright stupid I think they are. play nice, no name-calling, or this gets deleted (unless the rules have changed... i wouldn't know).




It's TMI time!

Tuesday April 19, 2011 at 2:34 PM

So, usually, the lovely GAW starts campfires like these, but at the request of Littlestar300, I figured I could light a fire. Hopefully GAW will jump in soon to entertain us with some of her stories...

So, TMI.

Don't be afraid to share you're embarrassing stuff with us.

Feel comfortable knowing there are two screens and - hopefully - miles of physical distance between us.

Share your stories of schmexy times going wrong in all the right ways, bodily functions not functioning as they should, unexpected occurrances with said bodily functions... anything goes, as long as it's TMI.

Mine will be in the comments.

FYT some wet and awkward Rob...


What's your Stoli?

Tuesday April 19, 2011 at 2:13 PM

Hello lovelies! First, let me say that Free For All Week? Super awesome idea! You rangers rock :0) Okay, on to my bit of randomness. We all know, have seen, or at least heard of The Stoli. You know what I'm talking about. That holey, light grey shirt we have seen our boy in over and over. It seems to be dear to his heart:


It started off dark grey back in the day....

But it's been through a lot since then. It seems like Rob someone did surgery on it at some point!

Anyway, what's your stoli? The one thing you own you'll use/wear til it gives out and can't be fixed? A certain shirt, or pair of jeans? A dress, or pair of boots? A blanket, a necklace? For me it's a Guns N Roses shirt my sis passed down from her teenage obsession with them in the 90's. So come tell me what your Stoli is, share your fave Rob/stoli pics or just comment on the fact that he's been wearing the same shirt for like seven years (which is so awesome and so Rob)!

Sugar Britches

Camper Appreciation Day

Tuesday April 19, 2011 at 12:40 PM

Hi Ho Campers!

This is a camper appreciation campfire.

Tell me which camper you secretly stan. Include pictures and quotes if necessary.


The camper I secretly stalk is __________because I love her_______.

I really miss ___________ (camper).  She hasn't been to the forest in a while.

I can always rely on ________'s posts to make me laugh. Especially when she_______

My favorite ADF moment was when________________

I can always rely on _________'s posts to give us the best photos/gifs

__________provides the best snark

I would most like to meet ________________in real life

__________ is my favorite author who gives Sneak Peeks

Recently, I started reading __________ 's fanfic, and it is hella good!

Here is an image I would like to share with my fellow campers:_______


ETA: who pinned me? Was that you Vampy?

yes. i hope you'll wear my pin with pride. SAY YOU'LL BE MAH GIRL



Tuesday April 19, 2011 at 12:01 PM

don't know if this is allowed here but,here goes I was out of internet (and of cash too...)and I miss the end of Gynazole so there is someone out there that have this fic saved,any type of file would be helpful.I'm also looking for The misaprehension of bella swan by hunterhunting.If I will get in trouble because of this campfire let me know and it will be erased.



Tuesday April 19, 2011 at 11:54 AM

Here ye, here ye:

As the news cannot stop keeps reminding us, a certain Prince is about to gain a ball and chain wife and she shall be called a Princess.


As many belong to the country that disowned said monarchy long before they were born, there is very little in the way of actual royal history for them to read...so they are forced to make things up...or rely upon Disney for their royal fantasies...or The Prince and Me because Luke Mably is so cute when he's trying to make a turkey sandwich...


The hope, in starting this fire, is that there may be another way to feed the royal hunger.


Dear citizens of Forest-dom, do you know of any completed RoyalWard fics?


Preferably fics where Edward is some kind of prince or king or something and Bella is somehow connected and somehow they end up married? Or it could be the other way around, I suppose, though the idea of Edward as royal is pretty awesome in my head. Preferably, canon couples, and preferably HEAs because this is royalty and that seems proper.


Disclaimer: I think I read correctly that it is still FFA week, so if it is not, I apologize for posting out of turn. I DO know that there is a Master Fic list on here, but there was no Royal section from what I could tell, AND for some reason, if I click on the link to view said Master Fic list, ADF kicks me out and when I log back in, I can't get back to said Master Fic list without getting kicked out again, which means, I can't heart it and I can't look at the comments where any fics are listed. I apologize for the crudity of the photoshopping on the photo of Will and Kate (why does she spell Kate with a K if it's Catherine with a C?) but I have limited access to photoshop at work. :) And really, I'm a total Anglophile and if the wedding wasn't going to be on at like 3 am I would consider watching it even though I live in the states. Thank you so much for reading this ridiculously long disclaimer. And for helping me find some happily every after (I hope?).


Ho-leigh Shiz-nit

Tuesday April 19, 2011 at 11:04 AM

SM has always said her first casting choice for Mr. Edward Cullen was Henry Cavill.  I have to be honest: I never saw the attraction.  Sure, I thought, he's pretty, but, eh.

I've been watching Season One of the The Tudors where he plays Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk.

Can I just say......WOW.

(If I knew how to embed a video I would put the part where Brandon does Margaret Tudor on the ship to Portugal right here.)

Apart from the horendous history, I'm very much enjoying Mr. Cavill and I totally get you SM, totally.

Anyone else have one of these episodes of "Wow, he actually is really hot," where before you've been completely lukewarm?


Happy Passover!!

Tuesday April 19, 2011 at 9:14 AM

Let's wish everyone who's celebrating this holiday a Happy Passover!!





Tuesday April 19, 2011 at 1:24 AM

So, i'm not sure of I'm allowed to start a campfire...But i'm really excited, and I had to share with you guys

Have you ever watch "make it or break it", that silly show that sum up gym AND high school drama???

Well, you sure should! Because, dear campers, I found right there a new competitor in the jaw porn department. He's called Sasha Belov in the show, and he concentrates all the hotness of you favorites roughward/angryward.



Here is a portrait. The man is even sexier in video. Try it!






a different kind of rec CF

Monday April 18, 2011 at 9:54 PM

i really wish you'd check this out

here at a different forest, we like to think that we're not all about repeating the same crap over and over again.

not that there's anything wrong with the same crap. i mean, i'll always be down with the vampires, if you know what i mean.

so here, i thought instead of recommending the same things we keep talking about that we'd go for the lesser knowns.

movies, tv shows, musics, books, fics, celebs, whatever.

just... rec us something that you ADORE and that you think, "man, i wish more people would watch/read/stalk this with me."

tell us what you love about it.

this is brought to you by one of my favorite movies of all times- beautiful girls. this movie is fifteen years old and it's still as true today as it was then. stars matt dillon, rosie o'donnell, lauren holly, mira sorvino, david arquette, michael rappaport, annabeth gish, martha plimpton, uma thurman, and a bb natalie portman. this movie is amazing, i tell you.

it also contains what i consider to be one of the GREATEST monologues of all freaking time.

so... whatcha got for us, campers?


Ego much?!

Monday April 18, 2011 at 9:18 PM

Hey chicos, I just wanted to send out a quick mass "OMG you all are effing amazing" message. And just a general thanks to the insane amount of PMs and emails I have gotten over the past couple of weeks. It's really touched my heart.

I'm alive and well, just real life has been kicking my butt lately.  I left a specific message on my Twilighted thread about where I've been and what's going on with me. And I'm working on getting the birthday campfires going. I REALLY am. It was an overwhelming turnout. I've got a good 500 people. That's crazy, right?!

So to make this interactive, if you haven't participated in my birthday drives, get in here and leave me a comment with your birthday so I can add you to the list.

And if you've been gone or hidden, get in here and let us know where the hell you've been because we've missed you. 


I should not be loving this, but....

Monday April 18, 2011 at 8:06 PM

My DD is so mad at her friends because they aren't "playing Twilight Barbies right." Those dirty rotten whore friends (my words, not hers) keep trying to get Bella Barbie to marry the Jacob doll. DD keeps trying to get them to play it right, Edward marries Bella Barbie and then Jacob shows up at the wedding!

Also overheard, the DD was telling her friends, about Edward, "If you take his shirt off, he sparkles."

Friend: "What does this one do?"

DD, with disdain in her voice, "Nothing, he's a werewolf."


Sooo..... I shouldn't love this as much as I do, but it secretly THRILLS me that the DD is completely brainwashed to love Twilight! :)

And how are you brainwashing your girls to wait for her Edward or Jacob?





Monday April 18, 2011 at 6:35 PM

So, as many of you know, I was out of the FF game for about six months. I'm having a really hard time trying to find my way back. I need a good combo of completed fics and newer fics to follow. If I can get about 10, I'll be the happiest person ever.

Now, I'm a little bit snobbish when it comes to what I like.

-I only like canon couples.

-I prefer AH fics.

-I like to stick to modern times, so I don't do post-apocalyptic, historical, etc.

-i like angst, smut, and smart humor (a la old wtvoc/jandco, jennyfly, itzmegan)....if you can combine all three, you are my hero.

I've read a lot of the really popular stuff, but maybe you know something that I missed out on. I appriciate all your suggestions and thank you sooooo much in advance!


Hunger Games: Rue and Thresh!

Monday April 18, 2011 at 6:10 PM


Dayo Okeniyi and Amandla Stenberg as Rue and Thresh.


This is how I always pictured Rue. As for Thresh, meh, I dont care lol.





Source: ew.com...dont know how to link

Luna StarFire


Monday April 18, 2011 at 4:45 PM

Show off your desktop

You know the drill




Monday April 18, 2011 at 3:27 PM

May 1 is National Candidate's Reply Date in the good ole US of A, and all over this fair nation, seniors are making list after list, trying to decide where to go to college. 


But not me. Because I have already DECIDED



Kenyon it is! 


Tell me about your college experience! Where did you go? How did you choose it? Were you in a sorority? Roommate horror stories? Or if you're still deciding, where are you looking? 




And on a separate, unrelated note: 


Elysian Fields

Monday April 18, 2011 at 3:11 PM

I never do this...ever. But I recently started reading this story Elysian Fields by MonstrousRegiment and I'm completely enthralled.

It's been a while since I've found something on one of my many fic-dives that I've actually enjoyed, tbh it's been a while since I started reading something completely new. But this is just fascinating.

Summary: The Masen crypt was the only crypt in the graveyard who never got a visitor, until its unlikely resident brought in an unexpected guest, in an effort to unravel the mess they inexplicably found themselves in. AU, B/E.

These are proper vampires, not to be confused with those pansie's SM created. There's blood & fangs & claws, and it all somehow makes sense. (Though I think having some grounding in general vampiric folk-lore does help).

What I'm saying is if you're not reading this, you should be...basically :).

To make this somewhat interactive; Are there any other good fics of this nature? Or what's your favourite vampire novel...involving proper vampires lol :)


speaking of cliches

Monday April 18, 2011 at 3:09 PM

I just had to post this about my life, it's so test book it's almost funny...almost.

This year my Daughter started her Freshman year of college.

My husband bought himself a used Corvette from money from our his 401K 

My husband turns 50 this year.

My husband lost 44 lbs

My husband of 20 years told me that he does not love me anymore and he wants a divorce.

and he's really serious about this.


I know we have some older women on this site, anyone been through this?

How did you cope? I'm actually doing OK but thought I would ask.


Songs Requested

Monday April 18, 2011 at 2:27 PM

As those of you in the US of A know, Mothers Day is sneaking up on us. What you don't know is that my mothers bday is right behind it.

For Mothers Day, I ALWAYS send my mom a pack of wildflowers and she plants them (Bless her 65 y/o heart) For her bday this year, I want to make her a CD of songs that show how much she means to me.

I have like 3 in mind and am looking for help, think of a song that reminds YOU of YOUR mom

She and I get along really well and I can tell her almost anything (i.e. she knows about my outpatient rehab stint from when I was 20)



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