Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club 3/40

Friday April 15, 2011 at 1:22 PM


Hello my beauties its that time again.
Wanted to start out by mention something I should have stated last week but it slipped the mind.  Something good to do is to take before and after pics of yourself so you can personally see your transformations.  By no means do you have to post them here, if you want to more power to you but not required.  Just something for yourself so you can see just how far you've physically pushed yourself.  
Okay homework reporting time, what updates (weight, lbs) you got for me?  Got any odd facts, I found a couple that seemed neat:
     * After eating too much, your hearing is less sharp.
     * When you take a step you are using up to 200 muscles.
     * The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades!
HOMEWORK: Next week will be an easy assignment.  List some of your favorite songs to workout to.


Friday April 15, 2011 at 10:46 AM

So I'm not trying to start drama or anything but we were just talking about this the other day in the Help campfire.  Does anyone know where AnjiJ is?  We haven't seen her around here lately (for probably close to a month) and several of us have tweeted her, pm'd her, and emailed her with no response.  AnjiJ?  Come out and play, girl!  :D

EDIT: Yay!  I just received a reply to my email to her from earlier this week.  She's just been really busy and had a rough month and not had time or internet.  But she will be back when she is able! 


What a life

Friday April 15, 2011 at 10:35 AM

Walter Breuning, the world's oldest man, has died. He was 114.



"I am deeply saddened by the loss of my dear friend and a great Montanan," state Governor Brian Schweitzer said in a statement. "Walter taught me that all things in moderation will help lead to a long life; that hard work and a modest living are enough for a happy life and most importantly that giving back to others is good for the soul."

Breuning attributed his longevity to eating only two meals a day for the past 35 years and always embracing change — especially death.

"We're all going to die. Some people are scared of dying. Never be afraid to die. Because you're born to die," he said.

Born in Melrose, Minn., on Sept. 21, 1896, Breuning took a job with the Great Northern Railway in 1913 before moving to Great Falls five years later. He retired from railwork at 66, but continued to work as a manager for the local Shriner's club until age 99.

Breuning had resided at the Rainbow Senior Living retirement home since 1980, where he kept active every morning by taking a stroll around the premises.

He was declared the world's oldest man on July 18, 2009, after British World War I vet Henry Allingham died at 113.

In recent years, Breuning developed a following after appearing on News Hour with Jim Lehrer and CBS Evening News. On News Hour, Breuning showed off his sharp memory as he described his life during the Great Depression and said that the first president he voted for was Woodrow Wilson.

Breuning was married once to Agnes Twokey, a telegraph operator, from 1922 until her death in 1957. They had no children.

The record of world's oldest man now goes to Japan's Jiroemon Kimura, who turns 114 on Tuesday.



i can't get my mind around this, he witnessed over 100 years of change. he lived in three different centuries.


ADFFCC Results

Friday April 15, 2011 at 8:44 AM

Question for the day: CAN ANYONE BEAT EDWARD?

Like, seriously, in a real fight of wits, strength and hotness. Can anyone beat him, even someone NOT on these brackets?

Next round is 

The Best I Ever Had Edward VS Albus Dumbledore


Edward Cullen VS Damon Salvatore

We will vote soon...I may make it and just keep it open all weekend. I am not sure.

Oh, and a friendly Ranger Reminder:



The Royal Wedding

Friday April 15, 2011 at 8:38 AM

I have been told that Americans love Royalty. Is it true? Anyone from England here? What do you think of the wedding.

Pretty Little Liars

Friday April 15, 2011 at 8:06 AM

I am watching the 1st season [don't want to get into] and it's interesting. I am a little hooked.


Wanna talk about it?!

[I know I am SO late to the party]


Spoilers are totally cool.



Taylor's new movie

Friday April 15, 2011 at 6:36 AM

 He does a  jump he did in new moon at the end. What do you think?


LJ Summers


Friday April 15, 2011 at 6:18 AM


i received this VERY PIC in my inbox this week with the request to have you, the Campers of ADF, collect the best fics out there that feature Edward as a Chef.  (Or Bella as a chef! I just thought Chefella looked like Che Fella... I need more coffee...)

So...have you seen stories that feature CHEFWARD or even CHEFELLA? Bring them around the campfire so I can post them on the MASTER FIC LIST.

Now, remember the rules of these campfires:

1.  Keep it Simple.  Title, author, summary and link it if you can.

2.  No discussions. This is a list, not a pimp-n-rec fire.  


Thanks so much for sharing your favorite Chefward fics around the fire!



Friday April 15, 2011 at 6:14 AM


Yesterday's marathon campfire got me thinking of some of my favorite actors, both today's and yesterdays. I thought it would be fun to see what we could come up with if time wasn't a factor in our quest for the perfect onscreen couple or maybe actor for a movie.


Would Rob feel the same if instead of Reese he played opposite...


Gif Halp?

Friday April 15, 2011 at 1:30 AM

So I would like to change my avatar on here, I've had the same one for a whole year & I'm getting bored. 

Would any of you lovely ladies be able to make either of these into avatar sized gifs? 

Please and thank-yous :)


The original HP ;)

Friday April 15, 2011 at 12:13 AM




It is Friday morning here were I live, and I couldn't wait to get it out and confess my love for the man

really, who needs vampires when you have the original HP by your side


Pictures Pictures Pictures

Thursday April 14, 2011 at 8:30 PM

I have a tin box full of photographs, and this seems to be genetic. My dad has BOXES of photos, and everytime I go to my grandmother's place to clear stuff out... there're MORE PHOTOS. It's a sickness with us.

For example, here's a THRILLING shot of me enjoying a picnic.

So I was thinking, with the Cullens living for SO LONG and all, since the beginning of photography and beyond, they must have more photos than anyone.

I've dug up a couple of them:

This is one that Emmett likes to pretend is his gangster grandpa who robbed thirteen Land and Cattle companies in the Southeast before he was busted. Never served time, though... technicality.

And this one is more recent. Alice snapped it, of course, when she & Jasper were out birthday present shopping for their dear brother Edward.


Do you have any treasured old snaps to share? Of your own family or of the Cullens? Drop 'em in here.


Here story story

Thursday April 14, 2011 at 5:45 PM

LOST FIC:  Does anyone remember a story where Bella goes to Emmett's house to talk to him about talking to Rose, who is pregnant, and while there she meets stoner Edward.  Edward's an artist, tattoed & pierced, and they all go through this whole babysitting plastic/robot babies deal (for reasons I don't recall).  At any rate, anyone remember the name and author of this story?

Thanks, and FYT



Thursday April 14, 2011 at 4:11 PM




eta: bexi21 is the bomb dot com

you guys.

it's almost time.

the vampire diaries 2x18 "the last dance" will air in the east coast in less than an hour!


bring your questions/theories/predictions/reactions/etc. 

and wear your best go-go boots and bell bottoms.



what are you waiting for?



eta: one day, i'll remember to include this the first time. WEST COASTers -- there WILL be spoilers. so if you don't want to be spoiled, stay away for a little while! :D



Thursday April 14, 2011 at 9:55 AM



You are voting for the following

Edward in "Breaking News" VS Edward in "The Best I Ever Had"

Edward Cullen VS Jasper Whitlock

Damon Salvatore VS Eric Northman

Severus Snape VS Albus Dumbledore

This is both a discussion post AND THE VOTE. Tell us who you voted for and why. Give us some solid evidence for those on the fence. After this the divisions will BATTLE EACH OTHER so this is the last of the individual votes effectively creating Division CHAMPIONS. If you feel strongly about any of these, spread the word. Anyone can vote!


A Writer's Challenge

Thursday April 14, 2011 at 9:07 AM

Approved by wtvoc

Attention Writers, Readers and Betas!!!

Want to participate in a fun exercise aimed at helping authors improve their writing skills? Then come visit us on the Freewriter’s and Reader’s site where the One Shot Group is hosting their In the Spotlight Writer’s Challenge. We will be presenting the work of one author at a time for the group to critique and comment on. Please see the guidelines for more details.

The FWaR One-Shot Contest is currently on a short hiatus, but we will be back with more fun and exciting contests this summer!

You must be a member to access the site. Membership is free, easy and FWAR is a censorship free site.

Contact Keye, here at ADF, if you have any questions.



where everyone knows your name

Thursday April 14, 2011 at 8:09 AM

ADF personal ads

i thought we should do this again since there's lots of new faces and such here in the forest.

here's how this works: make a comment with a bit about yourself. people can comment back and strike up a conversation, or they can click on your icon and send you a PM if they're shy or don't wanna necessarily come outta lurkdom.

you can even include links to your twitter, tumblr, LJ, blog, whatever you've got.

be friendly! make a new friend today!

discussion topics, if you don't know what to say:

-i've seen ___________ so many times that i could act it out in its entirety.

-my biggest pet peeve is ________________.

-i would mop the floor with trebek if the jeopardy category was ________________.

-i have more ____________ than is considered healthy or normal.

-i'm very excited about ________________.

-i am part of the ___________, _____________, and ____________ fandoms.

now, get to it. reach out! make a friend! including me. 

day 1 of the hobbit production blog featuring the future ex-mr. wtvoc for your time:

oh, the armitage reminds me. i have to postpone the watchalong for north & south to monday, april 25th. sorry. but i hope that gives more of you the time to rearrange your entire lives to suit my needs!


Oldies but Goodies

Thursday April 14, 2011 at 7:51 AM


Howdy Campers!

It's time to discuss River Dam, Chapters 11-15.

Come in and share your thoughts, feelings, etc, etc.

No Spoilers Please! There are lots of first time readers.


On Monday we will discuss Chapters 16-20, and this amazing story in full.

Thanks for participating!!


Hump Day...

Thursday April 14, 2011 at 7:25 AM

Was yesterday, I know, I know. 

Well I am going to recap what has happened so far this week. AND IT'S EXCITING!!!!

But mine will be in the comments. 

Anyone else have an interesting week so far?


The Twilight Saga: the Official Illustrated Guideh

Thursday April 14, 2011 at 5:38 AM

Hiya *waves*


Just thought I'd shamelessly plug that...

 I have reviewed/analysed the Twilight Saga: the Official Illustrated Guide and what it means for the future of Twilight fanfic...

over at the TwiMuses blog. I basically devoured most of the book last night after I'd bought it wrote my review as I went.


I'm wondering what everyone else thinks of the guide, and how you reckon it will change ze fanfiction :) linkage is here:




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