
Hot Manipward

Tuesday April 12, 2011 at 8:37 AM

First off, I need to apologize for not starting a RobP0rn campfire in a while. I've been busy with work and preparations for my Thai/Aus/Hawaii travels and BFF's upcoming nuptials. To make it up to you, I've thought of a special topic for this one, to make it count.

Which brings me to another reason for both my lack in posting and my inspiration for this campfire. Over the weekend, I've started reading First & Ten by Nolebucgrl and have fallen in love with her QBward, buff and romantic star quarterback and proud owner of Zeus. She's also tweeted some awesome manips featuring him which left me drooling...

So, this campfire deals with hot manips featuring The Pretty. Let's see what the fandom can come up with in that department!



Yeah. I said it.

Tuesday April 12, 2011 at 5:53 AM

Thomas McDonell is the new Robert Pattinson. In my deluded little world, anyway.

Ignore that prom movie you see him all over. He's also going to be playing a young Johnny Depp for Tim Burton.



You should watch that interview. he's...with his art. in a studio. being hot. Thomas McDonell Robert Pattinson is so hot.

feel free to post pictures of T.D. here. Or Robert Pattinson, if you want. Or debate who is better looking (please, let's keep it shallow) because I'm not sure. It's no secret that I'm a fan based on physical appearance only, and now I have no idea where my vapid, superficial loyalties belong. This is a very stressful time for me. HELP.




I need advice (totally Twi related too :P)

Tuesday April 12, 2011 at 12:21 AM

OK so I have a little dilemma! Hubby was invited to his sister's wedding & he, in no way in hell, wants to go because he thinks she is ruining her life marrying who she's marrying. Now none of us really get along & he invited her to our wedding in Feb, not really because he wanted her there, but because it was expected of him from his family. Now, her wedding is about 4 weeks away & she sent him a message via facebook saying "oh just letting you know if you wanted to come to the wedding let me know." Which to me, obviously states she doesn't really want him there but it's expected from the family you know? (same as us) So because he doesn't want to go (and I think she knows this) I've replied (because he'd straight out say hell to the no & would start fights) that he's not sure & what are the details & he'll get back to her. So my question. How to say no in a polite way that won't come back & bite him (or us) on the ass?

I was going to say "no sorry I can't make it just a promotion (which he did) and dont want to take days off work because i'm training at the moment." Does that sound like bullcrap? Like I'm SURE she knows that he will say no, but I don't want to start fights, as she came to ours & could have easily just said no because of the strained relationship between us all...... DID THAT MAKE ANY SENSE?


OK for interaction. If you were invited to E/B wedding would you go? If not how would you decline? I'd say "Only if you actually seem HAPPY ABOUT IT BELLA. Sheesh."


Let's Chill

Monday April 11, 2011 at 9:21 PM


It's nighttime or early morning for some. Let's have a CHILL post. Post anything you want in here-rants, music, pics, musings, ramblings, drabbles, whatever....



Monday April 11, 2011 at 4:45 PM

Hey lovelies! I just finished what is posted of 'Mergers and Acquisitions' by Touchstone67 and am in a slash fic mood. I'm wondering if you have any recs? I know the master list has some slash and femeslash categories, but I've read many of the ones listed there. I'm pretty open with the boy/boy slash, I'll read any pairing. Femmeslash is something I'm trying out-I would prefer any combo of Leah, Bella or Rose with each other or an OC, but I can't handle Esme or Alice pairings. I'm so picky lol.

So post your favorites in here! And tell me, do you just like boy/boy? Or just girl/girl? Or both and if so, why? Hope you are all having a happy Monday!


Random Pics I like:


tumblr post

Monday April 11, 2011 at 3:49 PM

what's tumblr?

i just decided to get active on mine, mostly because i was goaded by an IRL friend who is a relentless d-bag.

oh, and i know what it is, but everytime we have one of these, someone goes "what's tumblr?", so someone explain it away, please.

anyway, what's yours? who should i follow? what are your favorite tumblrs? who should i avoid? i'm shutupiamnotahipster.tumblr.com (lol)

ooh, not related, but a notice: next monday, 3pm. north & south watchalong starring my future husband. BYOCravats

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Monday April 11, 2011 at 3:43 PM

AKA: Self Promotion, Pimping, Attn W***ing, Etc.

Let’s talk about it...

You say, “Why? Why do you ask me these strange questions, Kate? Why not post Rob porn? That’s way more fun.”

Yes, Rob porn is always more fun. We’ll do that this weekend, k? ;)

In the meantime… let’s talk about Fic promotion.

Let’s be honest with ourselves here. I will argue that 99.99% of writers who post their work on the Internet want it to be read. If they didn’t, the words would sit on their hard drives into perpetuity. Writers want feedback. They want some kind of attention for their words and/or themselves. It’s important for a variety of reasons, right, wrong, whatever. We’re not talking about that part, lol. Let’s just acknowledge the truth that people want their stuff read.

Consider this campfire an opportunity to tell writers what works and what doesn’t as far as promoting their work goes. I think this is some useful information that maybe some people don’t have, especially people who are maybe newer to the fandom or who are just dipping their toes into writing and posting.

See, sometimes I see things that people do that make me shake my head, roll my eyes, and go “whatever”. Sometimes I see things that tick me off and I say to myself, “Well, that’s obnoxious. I’ll never read this person’s work.” And then other times, I see things that make me want to immediately seek out a writer’s work and devour it like candy.

Of course, this is all subjective. But I’m kind of thinking that some writers might be interested in how to best get their work out there.

1. Where do you pick up new stories? (In other words, where are good places to advertise?)
- Twitter recommendations?
- Teaser posts on ADF, The Fictionators, Edwardville, Other?
- Forums?
- Blog recommendations?
- Pimp / Rec campfires, threads, posts, other?
- Looking at other people’s favorites?
- Fic diving?
- Other?

2. Is it a turn off to see an author creating threads, posts, etc for themselves? What’s okay as far as self-promotion goes? Or should authors wait and let others pimp for them?

3. As far as others pimping stories for authors, what’s okay and what’s annoying? What are basic “rules” of etiquette that you think should be followed?

4. How effective are banners and other graphical “advertisements” in making you want to read?

5. What annoys you as far as story promotion goes? (Do not name names as specific examples)

6. At what point do you say, “Enough! OMG I know about this story already. Stop it.” In other words, what’s your saturation point?

7. If you could offer specific advice to an author on how to get more attention for their work, what would that be?


Okay, fine, I can't post a campfire without a little Rob porn... It's a weakness.... so sue me. Unf... Cannes Rob is just lovely...

Fluent in Sarcasm

Howdy campers!

Monday April 11, 2011 at 12:20 PM

I am in need of your help please...

I would like to read Emancipation Proclamation, however, the link on the blog only directs you to single chapters on google docs, and FFn search is down, if it is even still posted!?

A little help here ladies (gents?) a link or pdf? something?>

Thank you

FinS x


Thank you to CLHahny! x



Monday April 11, 2011 at 11:33 AM

K, so today I created myself a goodreads account and I'm all lonely and shizz.

And, I mean, goodreads themselves tell me "Goodreads is approximately 7 bajillion times more awesome when your friends are using it too. We have proven this. With science."

So, in light of that I really want friends.

And I'm really forgetful too - so tell me what books I've read.

AND- REALLY, WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS THING? Are we gloating at about how mighty clever and well read we all are? Because that's totally fine by me.

Come teach me the ways of Goodreads.

- And from all the hints WTVOC keeps giving me I'm guessing this campfire is totally approved-

And to make this SUPER interactive- if you don't have a Goodreads, what have you read recently? And I mean a fully fledged, published, paperback (or electronic!) book.

ETA: As if I forgot to link you to my profile: http://www.goodreads.com/cshepherd91


FF Sneak Peek

Monday April 11, 2011 at 8:44 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Technologically Challenged...

Monday April 11, 2011 at 8:07 AM

Could I ask for help of someone who know's wth they are doing???

I want to make a .GIF out of this vid...but am completely clueless as to how...




its the Talks Love at First Sight, :22 to :25 freaking hilarious if you ask me...

if anyone could help i would be sooooooooo appreciative!!!


Oldies but Goodies

Monday April 11, 2011 at 7:54 AM

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Morning, Campers!

It's time for the discussion fire for River Dam, Chapters 6-10.

Come in and share your thoughts, feelings (omg my feelings), predictions, etc.

No Spoilers please - we've got lots of first time readers.

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On Thursday we'll discuss Chapters 11-15.

Thanks for participating!


Running for Awards, oh my

Monday April 11, 2011 at 7:48 AM

I know that there is a pimp yourself section, but I don’t know how to post there something new, with a chance of being read in time. The ranger never answered me. And time is of the essence, since voting for one award has started already. I do hope I am not going against the rules positing this.
So, to recap: some of my stories are running for different awards and contests, as follows

A) Awards
I am so excited: The Parachutist is up for two Awards (and so are other stories I wrote, or myself as an author.). Here is the list:

1) The Faithful Shipper Awards (Just google it, it pops up well)
Best Alternate Universe/Canon :The Parachutist
Best Classic- Alternate Universe/ Canon Fiction: Eros and Psyche
Plus I am there as Best Author- Alternate Universe/Canon
Voting has started and ends on April 21.
(A lovely O/s by my friend Raum” Love Path” is also there as Best One Shot)
2) The Sunflower Awards (Just google it)
The Parachutist, for Best Vampire Story
Heartbroken for Best Edward Story
Eros and Psyche for Best Bella Story
The Archer for Best Romance Story
(As an author I am up for The Sunflower Storyteller Award and that really floored me. You cannot vote for this, there is a special Jury. Cross fingers).
Voting will be from May 4th to May 25th. .so there is some time
(Raum is also there with two O/s, Love Path and The Moon over Volterra as Best Carlisle).

In any case to peruse over the nominated stories is the best way to find something new to read. And, sincerely, it is not so much that I hope to win, but I do want more readers!

B) Contests
I have submitted an O/s to: The Never Ever Happily Ever After One-Shot Anonymous Contest at http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2733868/ Yeah, no happy ending, something new for me. I can’t tell you the title, of course. But go visit there, bringing kleenex. Public voting will take place from 4/18/11 to 4/21/11.


Weekend Recap

Monday April 11, 2011 at 7:39 AM

Good Morning (or Afternoon)


Well it's Monday...

Who did anything fun this weekend?

Mine is in the comments


Thankyou LJ.

Monday April 11, 2011 at 4:58 AM

She knows why.

PS. whatthevock, git yo' butt in here.

ETA: Didn't ask for permission because I wanted to surprise the forest...but I know better than to think wtRAoc/LJ/anyone not wanting to get in their bad books will berate me for my extenuous use of Dick. AS IN RICHARD!


Are there still any betas in this fandom?

Sunday April 10, 2011 at 6:53 PM

So... I've been on the lookout of a beta. I've checked...

* Twi'd forums

* Twific News Classified pages

* PTB (now they have this form which you have to fill out, and no one got back to me)


Any one know where else I can go? I am one step away from making a Yahoo! Question about this...



Outlander - the hell?

Sunday April 10, 2011 at 6:40 PM

With the permission of the lovely purple one....


Jazzy Cullen was so kind as to provide me with the Outlander series (she rocks, obviously).  I read the first book and was...tbh, traumatized.  But I cannot leave it alone so I continued on.  I'm halfway through the second book and I am feeling the rage.  What is it about these books?  I both love and hate.  Right now, hate is a bit stronger.  Have you read them?  What are your thoughts?  This seems to be very popular series but I am just not feeling the love for the main characters right now.  If I am wrong in this opinion, please show me the error of my ways.  If you agree, let's commiserate.


IDK.  I laughed. 



plagiarismhaven or ego boosting?

Sunday April 10, 2011 at 5:12 PM

I recently came across this livejournal plagiarismhaven for former authors that posted original fic on FictionPress (the sister site of FF). It's a members only community for the authors to post their new fic without fear of being plagiarized after it happened to them multiple times. In order to ensure that, though, they have a lot of strict rules for membership. A few samples of their rules:

"3. No over-sharing about our stories outside the community. This means no detailed recaps and summaries and excerpts of our work. Now, we're all okay if the person writes in her blog: "Wow! I just read this amazing story by Myrika, SamanthaNicole, and angelsandeffects." But more details than that? Nope.

4. No sharing your LJ account with your very, very special best friend, so she can log in and read our stories. Our permission is for you and you alone. If your friend wants to read our stories, tell her to get a LJ and request our permission. It's that simple."

Their requirements for membership is to have previous communication with one of the authors before (on FP before "the Great Plagiarism Fiasco" as they call it) and you fill out a form with a bunch of stuff that includes giving them your Facebook account page. They don't accept many people that didn't review their stories before. To stay a member, you have to participate at least once a month or they delete your membership.

They even have excel worksheets of members & a record of their participation!

I know a lot of Twilight authors have been plagiarized and subsequently pulled their fics & there is the issue of the google docs website. HOWEVER, I didn't start this campfire to debate that...

My question is: is this a good way to combat plagiarism of their work or is it just massive trolling? They're an "exclusive" group for these "exclusive" writers. If this happened in Twilight fandom, would it be accepted or would people scoff at their egoism?

I'm just curious! (ps, I hope this campfire is okay since it does have to do with Twilight fanfiction a little...?)


lazy sunday CF

Sunday April 10, 2011 at 3:35 PM

ask wtvoc

go ahead. i'll answer anything. 

questions about the universe?

what i had for breakfast?

ever wonder what the deal is with the purple font thing?

wanna know when i'm going to update something?

wanna know why uhh idk whether you should upgrade to blu-ray or something


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Badward? Brokenward? Darkward?

Sunday April 10, 2011 at 3:26 PM

Do you have a favorite?

I've been reading things like Roughward from Fold your Wings http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6636749/1

And I loved With Teeth and The Blessing and the Curse. I'd really like to read more in this vein. Broken or Jerky or Dark or redeemable Assward.

Got any ideas? Which ones do you swoon over?



I'll post more inside. If you have no recs you can atleast post some Badwards :)

purple edit: please, no eff bombs on the front page!

SORRY!!! I'll post it inside! I totally didn't even see the potty word I was lookin' at Rob!

First --- | >> | 867 | 868 | 869 | 870 | 871 | 872 | 873 | 874 | 875 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
