
FF Sneak Peek

Monday April 18, 2011 at 2:21 PM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


pfft, what a cliche!

Monday April 18, 2011 at 2:10 PM

Oh, dear...this is my first time!

I'm a virgin, you might say....*wink-wink*

So, I've seen a ton of conversations about the cliches we all love to hate in fanfic.... but they have to be around for a reason, right?

What are the cliches you happen to enjoy? What cliches do you miss if they aren't there? Which do you secretly lllooovvve?

Personally, I'm a little sad when it's written-in that Edward has an average penis. *Awkward smile*

When my favorite cliches are missing, I get that sad empty feeling that I got when I watched Sean Connery's "Never Say Never Again"....or if anyone even mentions Daniel Craig in relation to James Bond.

And really, lets open this up. Any sort of cliche. Not just fan fic. What are your favorites?
Oh, and you know, if you wanna talk Bond....I'm all for that as well. :D
I'm really sorry if this sucks. :|

Rob Unscripted

Monday April 18, 2011 at 1:18 PM

Yeah it's me again posting Rob stuff.  It's a way of avoiding the work I need to do.

Love these Unscripted thingies.


Taken from the fabulous Pattinsonlife.
And...gotta post this oldie but goodie:


Monday April 18, 2011 at 12:43 PM

Hello! Since it's still Free for All Friday , I just wanted to ask you people.

Where can I find this fic - 'My Manic and I' ? And the rest by the author?

I know the author started a campfire a while back,  and provided a link to her stories as well, since they've all been pulled from ff.net.

The only problem is that I can't seem to open the file. I downloaded it, and my pc tells me that it's not compatible with ms word. So I don't know which program to use.

A littlle help, please?

And I really, really, really hope I'm not offending the author by this, I'm just assuming that she doesn't mind, since she herself provided the link to them. But if I am, I am so sorry. However, my curiosity to read the remaining chapters trumps any guilt I feel right now. Again, sorry.

And thanks. :)


prepare for the war of all wars

Monday April 18, 2011 at 12:20 PM

defend your favorite animated disney heroine in this campfire

please note: i did not say princess, i said heroine

use pictures, your words, macros, gifs, videos, and anything you can to prove that YOUR favorite is the best.

diss everyone else's options using the same sort of proof.

this is a disney stan war, y'all.


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

someone please stan for lilo omg


Socially Awkward Sound

Monday April 18, 2011 at 11:59 AM

Hai campers.

Sound needs dating advice. Sound never cared about dating before, but now Sound's clock is ticking and she wants someone to share life with. She just...has no idea how to find them. /thirdperson

I tried eHarmony a little while ago and was told I'm one of about 3% of the population that can't be matched. That felt great; my nerdiness literally broke their computer.

My life is so exciting. I go to work, I come home, and my cat starts slobbering all over me while I read or watch TV or play video games. If I shop I have to do it when the stores aren't busy. Crowds make me all upset. There are fewer sightings of me in public than Sasquatch, and even fewer photos.

I need to find a fellow nerd (just not the kind who's living in a basement plotting to take over the world). The problem is, if he's really my type, he never leaves the house, so I don't know how we're supposed to find each other.

Work is a total henhouse. No help from that quarter.

Finally, even if I sighted one out in the wild, I wouldn't know how to ensnare communicate with it. I'm usually good at talking to someone new only if they lead the conversation.

Someone here must know where to find the quiet ones. And what to say to them. If not, wth. Once you've been told you're too boring by a for-profit dating site, nothing can ever faze you again.



Monday April 18, 2011 at 10:09 AM

Voting will be open for 24hrs...


You are voting for

The winner of the "Fanfic Edwards" Division VS The winner of the "Other Fictional Characters" Division


Edward from "The Best I Ever Had" VS Albus Dumbledore 


The winner of the Twilight Characters Divison VS The winner of the Other Vampires Divison


Edward Cullen VS. Damon Salvatore

Remember, your vote is based on TOUGHNESS, HOTNESS AND CLEVERNESS.... I, for one, am hoping to have two VERY CLOSE RACES and maybe some upsets

SO VOTE, and come here and discuss, because if you feel strongly about these, now is the time to make your case! 


Wait there are cameras here?

Monday April 18, 2011 at 9:13 AM

Oh those kids......

Obviously, this is from last night's WFE NYC premiere.


Oldies but Goodies

Monday April 18, 2011 at 7:34 AM


Morning, Campers! 

It's time for the final discussion fire for River Dam by jennyfly and jandco.

Anyone who has ever read this story - come on in!

Share your thoughts, feelings, etc. etc. on the last five chapters and this story as a whole.

No worries about spoilers this time!!


Thanks for participating guys! It's been fun!

The next story will be announced Monday - with the ADF Spring Break going on, Monday will work best! =) 


Abused Bella!

Monday April 18, 2011 at 7:15 AM


I'm having one of those days when I crave a CERTAIN type of fanfiction. So I was wondering if anyone knows any fics where -

Bella's abused by her step dad/Charlie/Renee, someone find out,and she gets adopted by the Cullens. Cue angst explosion , and self destructive Bella?

Edward/Bella pairing :)

Thanks for the help!


Rob's on Telly

Monday April 18, 2011 at 5:56 AM

This morning on the Today show.  Interview too short and a little lame.  Why is it that top journalists (Vanity Fair, The Telegraph, BigTimeTVpersonlities, even Leno this time round) give such mediocre interviews?

He was signing autographs and wearin' shades.  


But there's no crawling back into bed with Kristen, it's off to more torture at Regis and Kelly.  I almost dread it.  Regis is generally useless.


For Interactivity-ness:  Who is the best television interviewer, do you think?  Is it Ellen?  Letterman?  Graham Norton (UK)?   


Happy Spring Break!

Monday April 18, 2011 at 3:28 AM

Let's start it with a bang!
What makes you happy?
Makes you smile?
Makes you laugh?

The Offspring

What's Your Party Music?

Sunday April 17, 2011 at 10:54 PM


I went to a dance party/birthday party for a guy at my youth group who turned 19. It was AWESOMELY RADICAL!!!!! (I love using that expression to describe it.)

There were strobe lights, awesome music, great food and great company. I had TONS of fun.

Anyhoo, the song E.T. by Katy Perry was played a couple of times and it's been stuck in my head ever since, so I thought I'd post it here!


To make the members of The Forest participate,



Facebook Friends update

Sunday April 17, 2011 at 7:51 PM



Anyone want to discuss this long awaited update with me?


ADF Spring Break

Sunday April 17, 2011 at 7:11 PM


It's Spring Break this week for many peeps around the world. It is also a major holiday week with Palm Sunday, Passover, Good Friday and Easter.

Guess what that means?

Lots of travel. Lots of down-time. Lots of different schedules.

So we decided to declare this week....


That's right. It's Free for All from tonight until next Sunday at 9 p.m.

Enjoy yourselves!  We want dancing, drinking, tanning, hook-ups, drunken confessions, drunk-dialing/tweeting/gchating/commenting/postings, deep thoughts, shallow thoughts-anything and everything goes this week!


Help me!

Sunday April 17, 2011 at 4:56 PM

I read, a long time ago, a story called Let your light shine by Lolashoes. It was beautiful and definatively replaced Breaking Dawn for me. The author has since pulled her stories and suggests asking around to see if anyone has a copy of it. Can anyone help me in my search? I would forever be grateful!


Water for Elephants Premiere

Sunday April 17, 2011 at 2:34 PM


Today is the day! Yes! The Water for Elephants premiere in NYC!

Some people from the fandom actually went to New York just to see the movie Rob.

Here where you can watch the stream from the red carpet:

Please share your opinions on the book, the upcoming film, Rob, Reese & Christoph or whatever you want.

Let's share pics of the red carpet as well as videos, interviews etc...

If you are at the premiere, tell us about it!


Look who's joined Twitter

Sunday April 17, 2011 at 1:59 PM


It hasn't been verified yet, but it was tweeted from the Twilight twitter account, so I think its really him.



To make this interactive, who is the funniest person you follow.



Sunday April 17, 2011 at 12:35 PM

Did you go to prom? Did you end up bringing a creepy date and wished you hadn't gone by the end of the night or was it the best night of your life?

So, tell me your good, bad, and the downright ugly, as well as the funny; funny is always welcome. And if you have pictures please share :)


Please and thank you


The Survivors

Sunday April 17, 2011 at 10:44 AM


I just wanted to say again how awesome this newly released book series is. It came out two weeks ago and this is book 1 of 5.



In 1692, when witch trials gripped the community of Salem, Massachusetts, twenty-six children were accused as witches, exiled, and left for dead. Fourteen of them survived. The Survivors is the first installment of the tantalizing tales of the fourteen ill-fated Survivors and their descendants, who have been content in hiding for over three centuries. Isolated on a Montana mountainside, only Sadie, the rogue daughter, dares to abandon the family’s sacred hiding place. But no matter how far Sadie runs, something always pulls her back. On a muggy summer night in Tennessee, she witnesses a shocking scene that will change her life forever. It is the first in a sequence of events that will drag her from the human world she’s sought to belong to for over a century and send her back to her Puritanical family and into an uncertain future filled with cunning witches, mysterious nosferatu shape-shifters, dangerous eretica and vieczy vampires, millennia-old mythology, and the search for her own mortality. After all… HOW DO YOU KILL A SURVIVOR? The Survivors will steal your heart and invade your mind. Fall into the pages of Sadie’s life, a world so frighteningly similar to your own, you’ll find yourself wanting to go to the Montana mountains to find the Survivors for yourself. And it is only the beginning.


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