
rando fernando

Friday April 8, 2011 at 8:13 PM

We've done it before, let's do it again. (Why? Because music is life)

Put whatever music library/mp3 player you have on shuffle. Play through 10 songs. Post 'em here. Don't cheat.

Points for whoever gets good stuff because then I'll put it on my show and save time going through CDs at the station. 

Discuss music as well. All sorts. I bought King of Limbs (Radiohead) today - thoughts? Cage the Elephant's Thank You Happy Birthday? What's your favourite new song/band/album right now?


Stephenie Meyer Lemons

Friday April 8, 2011 at 7:54 PM

Can you imagine them?

Bella slowly unbuttoning Edwards white sleeveless shirt.

Edward watching Bella's tight sexy butt sway under her long khaki skirt.


Do these images get you hot? Come in here and post some great SM lemons. Let's see how funny they can be!


Stop What You're Doing

Friday April 8, 2011 at 7:15 PM

Hi all!

Last night, I was making dinner and as I was moving the fish from the pan to the plate, and I swear I heard the name 'Carlisle' on tv. I dropped set the tongs down and ran went into the living room, but it was just a car commercial. My husband gave me one of those questioning looks, but I just waved him off. He already thinks I'm nuts, no need to add to it.

So this got me thinking - how many of you have stopped what you were doing at the mere mention of anyone or anything Twilight related? Was it something important? And do others think you're a weirdo because of it?




Friday April 8, 2011 at 7:02 PM

I know it’s Friday and I’m supposed to be all happy, but I am utterly furious and am literally unable to say anything out loud about it right now, so I will share my rant with you lucky forest dwellers.

Come in, hear my rant, and share one of your own. Seriously- somebody else MUST be angry about something too



Friday April 8, 2011 at 6:16 PM

Let's talk....


 - Do you hate it?

 - Do you read it?

 - Do you write it? If so, what's your death count? :D

 - If you have an idea that a story might end in major character death, will you refuse to read it?

 - What about killing off secondaries?

 - Do you think there's a difference in fic expectations than in "real books"? (I mention this because MANY popular "real books" feature character death, including YA series)... Hehe, I'm so sneaky adding in this serious question at the end


Note: while yes, my death count is um, high, this campfire is in no way, shape, or form indicative of anything plot related re: my current fics. Just in case you think I'ma give anything away either way, haha.




Friday April 8, 2011 at 6:13 PM

i'm watching eclipse for the third time - because i hate it. the only reason i'm watching it now is because my gram hasn't seen it. she's all like "i can't enjoy this movie with all your hooting and hollering." but i can't stop cursing at the screen with bella does something stupid. LIKE JUMP ON THE BACK OF JACOBS BIKE WITH EDWARD WITNESSING IT! it's like, you fricking promiscuous whore! how does she not feel guilty for being such a two-timing skank? ......i don't have a purpose or a point to this campfire... i just really hate this movie. my grandmother: "christ. one minute she's with one, and the next she's with the other." hahaha.

anyway, that is all.


Trying to track down a story...

Friday April 8, 2011 at 4:40 PM

Hi -- I hope my description of this story doesnt\'t give any spoilers. I will try not to.. but if you are worried, please stop reading now. 

Looking for a fic: Bella is a music promoter/writer(?) and meets Edward while in maybe Texas? -- He is a drummer, he possibly lives in the apartment below her. Jasper is in the band (guitar), and Mike is lead singer. Rosalie is tour manager (?) -- Bella moves away from area and tries to forget about Edward -- during this time, his band becomes famous and she ends up returning and then going on tour with them. The story details their time on the tour bus and dealing with all that ensues on the road.

I hope that is enough description without giving too much away? If not, please let me know and I can provide additional details. 

Thank you to anyone that can point me in the right direction! :-)


Did I Leave the Gas On?

Friday April 8, 2011 at 3:47 PM

I just got done watching Dressed to Kill. I thought I'd start a campfire to see who everyone's favorite comedians are. I love comedy, but I'm so snobby about my comedy. Post who your favorites are and I'll check them out and see if I can find some new material!


(My favorites are inside!)


What's up, doc?

Friday April 8, 2011 at 2:43 PM

Hey everyone! It's been a while.

The first three months of this new year have been anything but a walk in the park, and some unfortunate circumstances made it very difficult to write. How hard has it been? Well, today is the first time in nearly two weeks that I have had the time and energy to turn my laptop on. Thank goodness for my blackberry! It makes me feel like I'm not completely cut off from the world.

Anyway, the reason why I'm starting this campfire is to catch up on all that's been happening! Please tell me which stories you've been reading, what's new, etc. 

Thank you! :)

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club 2/40

Friday April 8, 2011 at 2:38 PM


Good Morrow, my lovely ladies!
So I hope you came prepared with your healthy recipes.  Got any updates for us?  Finding anything to be working out for ya so far?
For those who wanted on the chart you will find that in the comments below.
Also last week some people suggested a Live Journal Community we can post during the week as well so you can find that <HERE>.  
HOMEWORK:  Next week I want you to find a random/oddity/fact about the body, food, drink, or workout.  An example is:  For every pound of fat you gain, your body produces seven miles of new blood vessels!

Put the Lotion in the Basket

Friday April 8, 2011 at 1:13 PM

I want advice. I am going to London in May (28-30th to be exact) and I have tentative plans to meet up with some ADFers. My problem is this: I'm going to London with my sister and she is not too happy that I'm going to be meeting people. I'm trying to convince her that people on here don't want to wear my skin as a suit are normal people just like us who happen to share an interest in Twific, but she doesn't want to hear it. All she can say is "You want to meet people you met on the internet?!?!" She's watched the CraigsList Killer one too many times.

When you were meeting up with people, how did you explain where you were going to loved ones that didn't understand? How did you assure them that as long as you're in public you felt safe meeting someone?

Also, anyone else that wants to join the London outing, let me know. This is going to happen whether my sister likes it or not.



Friday April 8, 2011 at 12:41 PM


 Edward Rob Edward in a suit is my favorite....mmmmmmmm.... what's your favorite? If Edward/Rob was your Ken doll, how would you dress him up everyday?



Friday April 8, 2011 at 12:39 PM

I quit Twitter this week!!!


I'm proud of myself for letting it go

What did YOU do? Did you accomplish something this week that made you proud.

Come and share with me, I'll give you a pat on the back..


I seriously debated over this...

Friday April 8, 2011 at 12:05 PM

But, I am desperate for some UST. I really, really want some good ol' lemony, ExB, AH, UST!

I just caught up w/ the Diva Diaries and now, I am badly craving some tension and build up of the citrusy kind.

I checked the master fic list, weekly rec list [a while ago] AND the golden lemon awards for recs and no cigar...

I RARELY get access to FF.NET so, I am really frustrated that I don't know what to read when I can.

[Also, I like when B pursues E].


I realize I'm coming off a little weird, but I badly want something to read!!!





Sugar Britches

Coachella 2011

Friday April 8, 2011 at 11:52 AM

Hi campers!

Just a quick campfire (I am at work and can't even access Photobucket) to let everyone know that if you plan on going to Coachella this year, I am hosting friends at my cottage in the desert.

PM me for more deets.

Love and stuff.

santa muerte

Looking for a story

Friday April 8, 2011 at 11:31 AM

Ok I'm not but i want to help because I want to read it.

Bella moves to forks and is a little of a badass. She hangs out with Jake and they goes to the reservation to a party Bella drinks a lot and Mike hits on her, she doesn't like it and tells him but he doesn't listen, Jasper helps her out.. They later on that night have sex in Jaspers car. They both feel like they have a special connection.. But when monday comes and school starts, Bella meets Alice, and Alice introduce Bella to her boyfriend Jasper.... When I started to read this months ago it were only about 5 chapters posted.. I accidently deleted the story from my favorites and can't find it.. Someone know the name or maybe the author?



Friday April 8, 2011 at 11:27 AM

So, maybe I should post this in my earlier campfire, but I think this deserves a campfire on it's own.



(fyi: you ian somerhalder fans out there?  you'll like this vid).






Friday April 8, 2011 at 10:23 AM



I am old enough I don't have to worry about contraception any longer so I haven't been paying any attention to new methods for the past many years.  I am pretty much ignorant about what's out there these days.

More after the cut. 

Okay this is the guy I have always thought was swoon-worthy.


More questions after the cut.


Passion Parties&Finals

Friday April 8, 2011 at 9:26 AM

So, I went to my first ever Passion Party last night, and it was surprisingly fun. There were three guys at the party with us, and they were hysterical and diffused some of the awkwardness at the beginning. (For example, we played this lap dance game where you had to move a seat to the right if you could answer yes to the question being asked. One of the questions was, "Have you ever attempted anal?" and one of the guys asked in return, "Like, in my ass or..?" I hit the floor laughing, ha.)

Favourite toys? Any funny stories?






Harry Potter World

Friday April 8, 2011 at 6:14 AM

So, Im going to Harry Potter World in Oct and had a few questions for those that have been.....I know several of you have been there, I just cant remember who.

My main question: Is HP world included in your regular ticket to Universal? The ticket packages Im looking at say Universal Studios and Universal Islands of Adventure. HP world is all I care about, byt the rest of the family wants to do everything.

Any tips/tricks for getting the most out of our trip to "the happiest place on earth"??

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