
Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?

Tuesday April 5, 2011 at 11:13 AM

So, I'm watching The Breakfast Club, because somehow, I've gone almost 25 years without ever seeing it (Along with Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink), and now I want to read Saturday School...

Then I remembered it isn't finshed. 

And now I'm sad.


That is all.


Let's talk about beauty

Tuesday April 5, 2011 at 10:27 AM

What are your "must have" products?

What are you lusting after right now?

Anything new that you really love?

Here is my current obsession-NARS Zulu  I am usually a pastel/light nail polish lover but I fell in love with this color. I am glad that they brought it back.


Bobby Long on WERS NOW!!

Tuesday April 5, 2011 at 10:11 AM

Hey all you Bobby Long fans - he is RIGHT NOW playing an in-studio show at WERS in Boston

Here's the link:



Tuesday April 5, 2011 at 8:41 AM


Hi. I'm trying to find a fic After All" by SunKing. 'Bella was once an aspiring opera singer before a car accident destroyed her dream. She gets a second chance when Edward's band holds auditions for a singer. Little does he know that she could help make his dreams come true, as well.'.It's gone from Maybe somebody have a copy. Please let me know. It’s such an amazing story! I want so much to read it. 

Thanks :)

PlayOnWards a hard word to spell

Tuesday April 5, 2011 at 4:31 AM

Let's Ruh-ruh-ruh-reminisce ruh-ruh-reminisce
(Mum mum mum mah)

About the good ol' days!

When wtvoc used to post campfires that got 9 comments in total!
When Capricorn75 mentioned in passing that she was reading
a really good fic called 'With Teeth'

When emibella got excited about Fanfiction at A Different Forest

When every few campfires were from pixievamp
I has a sad I wasn't around in those days
When Jandco was obsessed with Rob.
Oh wait, that's still happening ;]

I challenge you, Campers, to go back in time (or just scroll down and pick a page)
and find old campfires that made you laugh or shock you now.
Find a picture, find a phrase, find a GIF.

Jackson knows you want to...
And Rob's happy to lead this tour..
But Taylor would prefer to forget about the past...


Gaga's taking part. SO SHOULD YOU.

Guess who didn't check that little 'notify me' box? Thats right folks. So Ima do my best to keep a handle on things.
Oh and...our different time zones means that when you guys get this, I'll be counting zzzzzzz's (That's not the right analogy is it?)
so I'll hopefully see you all soon!


Please help a dumbgirl

Monday April 4, 2011 at 9:46 PM

I am trying my damnedest to build a fic library on gdocs. I got a ton of fics from my author friends so I can put them on gdocs and read them using my phone at work. Problem.

Some of the files are rtf or doc or docx or pdf

some are above 1mb and some are under

now I click upload on say 10 of them.

Gdocs tells me that it uploads like four and then tells me the rest are unsupported.

Sometimes its the rtf or the doc or the pdf, never the same thing twice!

And sometimes it's one that's above 1mb and sometimes it will upload a 1mb plus file.

WHATTHEFRACKAM I DOING WRONG?! Why does it hate me?! I am a smart girl. I have TWO bachelor's degree and I work IT two days a week...


I will reward with Robporn or Stewsex or whatever your poison may be.



Favorite road trip songs!

Monday April 4, 2011 at 9:26 PM

So I'm making a mixed CD for my road trip to see Bobby Long in Memphis. What are some of your favorite road trip songs? Do you sing at the top of your lung in the car if you are alone? Are you totally off key like me? I have a horrible singing voice lol but I belt it out if I'm alone! Do you prefer quiet, mellow driving music, or up beat/rock? Do you radio station surf, or pop in a CD? Come share your favorite song, road trip stories, and your dream road trip destination with me!

P.S. Did I mention I will be seeing Bobby Long wednesday!? Squee!


DLC Hoax

Monday April 4, 2011 at 8:34 PM

So Daddy's Little Cannibal finally admits that she isn't dead and literally tells everyone to F*ck off hahaha.

Some outtakes for those that don't want to read it:

"I want to apologize for hurting as many people as I did. You have to understand that I never expected it to blow up so fast and cause so much pain for so many people. I didn’t do it because I wanted attention and I wanted my stories to get more popular. "

"I did it because, for the same reason I have to write this letter, a lot of people crossed a line. My life was getting threatened, people were writing me suicide notes (in hopes that I would kill myself one day)"

"It’s been almost two years. I’m an adult now. I’m 20, going to school, going to work, chilling with my friends, dropping acid and eating shrooms, smoking pot, and living my life the way I want it without fan fiction. I don’t even think about it."

"You made me one of the most popular fan fiction authors"

"With all of this said, I ask that you guys leave me the fuck alone! I’m so tired of getting dirty and mean messages from people on my Facebook, and my friends getting these messages for me. It’s been two years"

"The more hate messages you send me, the more it makes me not regret leaving fanfiction because I left for that reason"



Monday April 4, 2011 at 7:23 PM




pimp away.


E-Reader Advice

Monday April 4, 2011 at 6:21 PM

I am asking all of my crazy fanfiction peeps for advice:


what e-reader works best  for transferring downloaded PDF fanfiction files?


I've heard the nook can reformat them weird.  Then I heard that with the kindle the uploaded PDF's can be a bit small and you really can't enlarge the font? Anyone else experience these problems? or have any other ones you would recommend?



Monday April 4, 2011 at 5:50 PM





(b/c yes, Damon Salvatore is THAT kick ass)







be not alarmed, madam.

Monday April 4, 2011 at 3:00 PM

the BBC's pride & prejudice episode 4 campfire watchalong

click here to watch directly at the source

oh dear. i hope no one cheated and finished up over the weekend. and if you did... for shame! come in here anyway, and discuss this episode with us! whether you be on time or not, come and crush a cup of claret!

when last we left our would-be lovers, darcy proposed to elizabeth, and she told him that not only did she never have a positive opinion of him, but that he couldn't have proposed to her in a more offensive way (by saying that "i might as well inquire why with so evident a desire of offending and insulting me, you chose to tell me that you liked me against your will, against your reason, and even against your character? was not this some excuse for incivility, if i was uncivil?"). sigh. are you starting to understand where the title comes from?

anyway, darcy has to respond to this, right? he does, and in spectacular fashion. you could say that the first half of the books (or first three episodes) of p&p is the pride portion; let us now address the prejudice bit. onward with episode 4!

enjoy, darling austenites!


bonus points to whomsoever guesses the "c" correctly first

click here to see the previous 3 episodes/campfires


ADFFCC Round Five: Discussion

Monday April 4, 2011 at 1:48 PM


Discuss in this campfire:

Breaking News Edward VS Volition Edward

Blessing/Curse Edward VS The Best I Ever Had Edward

Edward Cullen VS Charlie Swan

Jasper Whitlock VS Emmett Cullen

Damon Salvatore VS Spike

Eric Northman VS Angel

Severus Snape VS Sue Sylvester

Albus Dumbledore VS Fitzwilliam Darcy

Remember: Toughness, Hotness, Cleverness!


Wondering about an author...

Monday April 4, 2011 at 1:25 PM

Based on someone's rec here, I started reading Art School Confidential....not realizing that it wasn't complete! Maybe this has been asked and answered in the past, but does anyone know what happened to the author, Farkle? (Maybe she's here, reading this right now!) I really love that story and would love to know how it turned out.


Only three days away!

Monday April 4, 2011 at 1:24 PM

Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!

Here are some new pictures from this week's upcoming episode:


Sir Rachel


Monday April 4, 2011 at 11:04 AM

I would like to take this time to post a public service announcement.

We all pretty much know that here in the forest, we have a "no personal attacks" rule.

I would like to advise people to keep this rule in mind outside of the forest as well.

Even if you are not directly calling someone out, think about the way your words sound.

It is okay to have a different opinion, or to not care as much as someone else. But implying that a person or group of people are immature for having an opinion is extremely disrespectful.

You may not be naming any names, but people know you're talking about them, and you might as well be telling them directly.

Post that you don't care, that you don't see what all the fuss is about. Just please, don't imply any negative character traits upon a person.

Keep it kind, and think about how you would feel to be on the receiving end.



i can't right now

Monday April 4, 2011 at 10:23 AM


After months of intense speculation, "The Hunger Games" has found its male leads.

Josh Hutcherson will play Peeta Mellark, with Liam Hemsworth will play Gale Hawthorne, Lionsgate announced on Monday.

Both actors will star opposite Jennifer Lawrence ("Winter's Bone"), who is set to play heroine Katniss Everdeen.

The casting of the two parts has centered on nearly every actor under the age of 25 -- including Alex Pettyfer and Hunter Parrish. Lionsgate has high hopes for the film, which will be directed by Gary Ross, and produced by Nina Jacobson’s Color Force in tandem with producer Jon Kilik.

Based on a novel by Suzanne Collins novel, "The Hunger Games" is the first in a trilogy and has sold 3 million copies in print in the United States.

“The Hunger Games” is set in a dystopic world, where teenagers are forced to participate in the annual “Hunger Games,” a fight-to-the-death live televised event.






Question about Fic?

Monday April 4, 2011 at 9:19 AM

I know this should wait until the day we should be asking these questions...but I forgot what day that was. (weren't  we going to have this posted on the main page, what days were for what things) oh well, here goes.

I am looking for the Fic where Edward and Bella are in High School and they are doing the baby as an egg project, an dthey are paired together. I looked at "MY Best Friends Kid", but I dont think thats it.

Thanks for your help!


OK, now I am thinking it is "Parenting Skills 101" by VJGM, the only thing is is not on her Fanfic site anymore.


FF Sneak Peek

Monday April 4, 2011 at 9:16 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Plot Bunny Central

Monday April 4, 2011 at 8:48 AM

I'm going to go ahead and assume that I'm not the only one that while sitting in line to buy groceries or lying in bed trying to sleep gets little plot bunnies running rampant in their heads, dying to come out. It happens all the time, but I can never come up with anything that I could invest some serious time into!

So this campfire is for these such cute little animals. Tell us what your unexplored plot bunnies are! Do you see Jasper and Alice and the next President/VP of the White House? Does Carlisle go mad and kill everyone in Forks from the pressure of New Moon? Is Edward gay and uses Bella as his faux girlfriend, much to her dismay?

Not into writing? What would you like to see written by someone else?

Maybe if you see something you like, ask the plot bunny originator if you can use the plot for your next fic!

I'm looking to write a new story and will be combing your ideas for my newest and greatest!

I didn't get this approved, but I'm assuming it's okay! Sorry if it's not!

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