rotten miracles

fics that should have been

Friday March 11, 2011 at 12:57 PM

So, at the very beginning of the first HP novel, Draco Malfoy tries to befriend Harry. Remember?

I don't, actually, or I didn't until i saw it mentioned in another fic a while ago, but it got me thinking. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the HP novels, but they are sort of black and white. Harry and friends are fighting for freedom, equal rights, an end to prejudice etc, but really, they do the same thing. In their eyes, every Slytherin is evil, no exceptions. And the way JKR writes the story, they're almost right. The Slytherins are all cowards, idiots, meanies or just plain evil. When the war is over, everyone goed their own way. Slytherins are still isolated, they haven't formed any friendships or relationships other than within their own (former) House.

There is one obvious exception to this, but I won't name him in case someone hasn't read DH yet :)

Anyway, back to Draco and Harry. I wish someone would write an AU in which Harry accepts Draco's offer of friendship, is sorted into Slytherin and gains the support of some of his housemates during the war. Not all of them, obviously, that would defeat the whole friend-turned-enemy potential of the fic, but I'd like to see Draco stand up to his father. Bonus points if he's madly in love with Hermione.

Does anyone know of a story like this?

(If not, could someone please write it...? )

And, to make this interactive, have you ever had this same problem that I'm having right now? If so, please elaborate :) and branch out, any fandom is welcome!


Movie Options

Friday March 11, 2011 at 12:50 PM

My neighborhood Blockbuster store put up a closing sign this week and, while visiting a friend in the city, I saw another with the same. It looks like video rental shops are becoming a thing of the past but I think it's no surprise. 

I rarely go to the cinema anymore and with a Netflix account, I'm able to stream new movies from the internet to my computer/TV. So I'm curious...

How do YOU watch new movies?

Do you still go to the theater? Do you rent? Do you have friends that share with you?

What new movies have you seen, want to see, or are planning to see?

I'm dying to see The Adjustment Bureau but being the scrooge that I am, I might wait until the DVD. IDK. IDK.


It's Not All Doom and Gloom

Friday March 11, 2011 at 12:50 PM

There's a lot of bad stuff happening in the world right now, stuff I can't adequately describe without swearing rather profusely, so I simply won't go into it.

But bad things are happening, all over the world. It's just one thing after another, whether they be man made or natural disasters, when will it end?

So this is a happy campfire :D

I want to know things you're happy about, things you're excited about or proud of or anything else.

I know I need cheering up, as I'm sure a lot of us do, so show me your funny and cute things too :)

Just be happy!!



London Calling!

Friday March 11, 2011 at 12:42 PM




We are trying to organise a get together in sunny (?!) London on Sat 28th May, and would love to get a big group together to collectively mutter about how we have to wait longer than America for everything (except Dr Who!)....Pretty please?!



Alternatively, all you Anglophiles come share the best of British.....


Hey All!!

Friday March 11, 2011 at 11:39 AM

Just wondering if any of you have heard anything how Sandi is doing?  I have been thinking about her ever since her husband took down her blog....





520. Darren Criss Pictures, Images and Photos


don't cost a thang

Friday March 11, 2011 at 11:23 AM

so... i think this seems to have been beaten to a pulp in the last few months in regards to the twilight kids, but the topic of fame and its cost has recently hit home for me, and i want to hear thoughts on it. let's have a sociological discussion, if you'll join me. 

one of my friends from college is/was (look at me being nondescript) on this season of american idol. i'm not going to tell you who he is (well, you know it's a dude), because it doesn't matter. what i'm interested in talking about is the amount of fans he already has just thus far. there are already twitter accounts dedicated to him/his fans, and some of them are... unsettling. 


anyway, here are a set of questions i'd love to hear y'alls opinions on:

1. maybe it's just because he's a guy, but why are most fanatic things you hear about like this caused/started by females?

2. what is it about twitter that makes its users feel like they can get all up in other people's business? is it just that "celebs" (i'm not calling him a celeb... because eww) offer that kind of disclosure and therefore hand out an open invitation?

3. as is talked about frequently regarding R/K, if someone is going into a business to find fame, or maybe just a business that often results in fame, should she/he seriously think about the consequences of becoming widely recognized? is that even fair? 

4. do people try to get in good with upcoming "celebs" before they're huge and famous so they can somehow ride out the success? or just because they want to be able to say, "i was a fan of his since the beginning?"

5. why do people even do this at all (the twitter/fangirl thing)? 


this just.. really creeps me out. because he's not even "famous," yet, really. he's just on idol. and yet he already has tons of fangirls trying to become his best friend on twitter... or maybe trying convince him that they're soulmates? hell if i know. anyway. thanks, friends! 


Robert on MTV live stream

Friday March 11, 2011 at 10:25 AM


Calling all Robert Pattinson fans! MTV News has a very special treat for all of you next Friday, March 18, when we'll present an exclusive sit-down interview with Robert Pattinson and premiere a previously-unseen clip from his new movie, "Water for Elephants."

Hosted by MTV News' Josh Horowitz, "MTV First: Robert Pattinson" airs next Friday at 8:56 p.m. ET on MTV and Fans can tune in to see RPattz introduce the new clip, followed immediately by a live 30-minute interview with Josh on, during which the "Twilight" heartthrob will answer a few questions from fans.

Fans can begin submitting their pressing queries on Friday (March 11) on or via Twitter (using @MTVNews/ hashtag #AskRob).

In order to properly prepare for this exclusive, must-see event, MTV News will also be pulling from its extensive Robert Pattinson library — dating back to the first "Twilight" flick — during a five-day countdown of our favorite MTV moments with the star. Fans should check in every day to see and comment on the latest clips!

Pattinson's eagerly anticipated "Water for Elephants" is based on the acclaimed best-seller by Sara Gruen. The story revolves around a veterinary school student Jacob (Pattinson), who meets and falls in love with Marlena (Reese Witherspoon), a star performer in a circus around the time of the Great Depression. They discover beauty amidst the world of the Big Top and connect over their compassion for a special elephant. Against all odds — including the wrath of Marlena's charismatic but dangerous husband, August (Christoph Waltz) — Jacob and Marlena pursue lasting love.

"Water for Elephants" hits theaters on April 22.


Taylor Lautner & Kristen Stewart Evacuated

Friday March 11, 2011 at 10:20 AM

With Hawaii and the North American West Coast placed on tsunami advisories early Friday after an 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck in Japan, the Vancouver Island beach area in British Columbia where Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart and the rest of the Wolf Pack are filming the Twilight series' Breaking Dawn has been evacuated.

The actors are not believed to be in any danger, but for safety measures they apparently have been moved out of the region.

The town where production is taking place, Tofino, contains a long stretch of open coast on the furthest westerly point of the island and was seen in the earlier The Twilight Saga: New Moon.



idek if this all that true, but I thought I'd post it anyways


some damon

Friday March 11, 2011 at 10:17 AM

While we're weeks away from the next episode of "The Vampire Diaries," we're even further away from seeing how another action-packed, lust-filled season will come to an end. When we caught up with the always-hot Ian Somerhalder earlier this week, he admitted even he has no idea how the season will wrap up.

"We have 29 days [left in shooting]. I'm just curious as to what the hell is going to happen," he told us on Monday at Cosmopolitan magazine's 2011 Fun Fearless Males party."I'm excited how we're gonna [end it]. Season one was such a great journey. It took us all for a ride. I'm excited to see what happens. I'm excited to see it because it's not as if you read a film and you've got the definite answer. I don't know anything, which is kind of like life."

Okay...Then we ventured to get Mr. Smolderhotter to weigh in on what he'd like to see happen if he were in charge of writing the rest of the season. "What I would like to see is, is I would like to see Damon kidnap Elena and then go to the Caribbean. Go to Paris first, then they go looking for her and then they disappear to the Caribbean for a season or something, while everyone frantically searches for them."

So, would things get sexy? "Why not?" Ian added.

Why not indeed! Count us in for that wild, sexy ride then!


via ONTD


Baby Tips!

Friday March 11, 2011 at 9:49 AM


Hello Campers!

I am currently 4 months pregnant with my first child and since this is FFAF..I was wondering of you all had any advice, recommendations or tips for me??

- Do you have a diaper cream that is the absolute best?

- Tips about breastfeeding?

- What products could you not live without??

- You favorite place to buy baby clothes?

Spread your knowledge!

I'm clueless!! ;)


Thank you!!



Happy Birthday...

Friday March 11, 2011 at 7:36 AM

Happy Birthday to the always lovely, ever fabulous Wonderwall!!





Come on in and help her celebrate this special day....

 leaving her some love (and Rob, Colin, or any kind of pretty) and birthday wishes!




Thank you! :D


ADF Tech Help

Friday March 11, 2011 at 6:05 AM

Please, could somebody tell me how to unsubscribe from a campfire?  My e-mail is continually inundated with e-mails from the *Pulled Fics* campfire back in November.  I'd like to *unsubscribe* from that campfire, if possible.




Earthquake and Tsunami

Friday March 11, 2011 at 2:48 AM

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Please keep us posted.

Yes, I am a dork, but also a worry wort who cares about all of you.

santa muerte

Is This the Winter of Our Discontent?

Friday March 11, 2011 at 12:25 AM

No really, I have a friend who thinks because of a certain Fanfic that is to be published. (50 shades of Grey) That Twilight fanfiction is done.. Too much attention is going to be put on it, and Mrs. Meyer is going distroy the house we built. What do you think? Is it the begining of the end .. or is there nothing to worry about?


Venn Diagram of Life

Thursday March 10, 2011 at 10:49 PM

We're all connected by our love/hate relationship with Twilight and ADF.

But what about the worlds we're not directly connected by? 

What worlds, hobbies or careers are YOU - secretly or otherwise - a part of that might surprise some people? 

For example, I'm secretly part of the Twi-world, but I'm also a part of this world:

This world is incredibly small.  Every choreographer or dancer knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody.  Though, some people might think it's all about "being the best," or "dissing" others, there is an incredible, incredible amount of love and support for the whole community.
Maybe it's an organization, or an ultra secret society, or a knitting community, or another fandom.  Maybe y'all get together and sing karaoke at the local pub every Friday night.  Maybe y'all are fans of Charlie Sheen and share his quotes daily (really Sheen?  Tiger blood?)
What other circles do you run in? 
Who knows?  Maybe we share them, esoteric as they might be.
(I'm also a Nerdfighter.  A term which will make no sense to 90% of people.)

Welcome to Free For All!

Thursday March 10, 2011 at 10:03 PM

Let's make it a memorable one!

Remember this ridiculous moment?


We Heart It

Thursday March 10, 2011 at 5:40 PM




Hey Campers! 

Share with the forest  3 things that you've most recently hearted  

If you don't use We♥It, use your tumblr, etc!



*FFA late thursday- saturday afternoon right?



Thursday March 10, 2011 at 5:01 PM

Yep it's that time again!

So stop by to share a though, a picture ,or GIF related to this good looking fellow and the actor behind him: Ian Somerholder!!

 You know what to do...



Thursday March 10, 2011 at 4:59 PM

a wee bit early today because I have a meeting tonight 

What fics are YOU reading right now?

What fic makes you drop everything to read the update?

What fic do you think MORE people NEED to be reading?

Here is the place to put your weekly recommendations for the fanfictions that you love most.

Don't forget to link up the fics! We love to click and read!

For my recommendation, I suggest you read some of the fics that are going to be battling it out via their Edwards in the ADFFC Championship next week! A good vote is an informed vote!


internet safety

Thursday March 10, 2011 at 4:32 PM

so.... adf and ff are online communities.  my question is..

how internet safe are you?

as in, are you trusting? wary?

 personally, i'd like to think i'm careful.  but, i've realized, that on adf, a lot of ppl know a ton of personal stuff about me, like

1) my name

2) my email

3) my age

4) where I go to school

5) the area I live in

6) my specific address (with those freecycling campfires yall)


because anyone can be anyone on the internet. and while adf is the only place i've ever shared so much info, and yall are a pretty great group...

it's scary.



other questions to consider... 

what do you do to keep internet-safe?


how much do you reveal of yourself?

what things are okay to tell?

what things you NEVER SHOULD?

this comes for a conversation with my dadda and me, where i was telling him about this awesome online community that i visit everyday called adifferentforest, and he warned me to be careful... and it just gots me all panicky and paranoid.

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