Looking for a fic

Tuesday March 8, 2011 at 7:23 PM

I have been wracking my brain trying to find this fic. . ..


Bella and Edward were friends in and then they stop being friends (for some reason I can't remember) and then some how they start sleeping together, even though they hate each other, but they end up deciding to stop because they start to have feelings. Ultimately they end up together. . .can any one help me out?! thanks!


No flames please!

Tuesday March 8, 2011 at 4:55 PM

But I am in need of some assistance! I was halfway through rereading MOTU (because it has been such a long time since I read it from the start) and as I go to start where I left off Icy has TAKEN DOWN ALL THE REST OF MOTU! I freaked, had a panic attack and then read her AN about why it was gone.

Pacified (for the most part), I read that last MOTU II and then I realized I really need to finish what I've started thus far. It's an OCD thing (don't

So, does anyone have MOTU?


Please and Thanks


Twilight...ed? o . O

Tuesday March 8, 2011 at 4:33 PM

Hey there campers! *waves hand frantically

So I was click, click, clicking today and was brought to a Twilighted forum. Of course you can't access it unless you're a member, which I'm not. So - should I be? Is it like ADF? I don't really branch out, this and are pretty much the only sites I go to for my Twilight high. Unless I'm looking for porn worthy pics.  And I was just wondering if I'm missing out. Are stories posted on there? Are they also available other places? Are there discussions and stuff? Let me hear it! (please ;)


Take it down if I'm mistaken and accept my apologies :(


let it out, campers.

Tuesday March 8, 2011 at 2:04 PM

dear so-and-so

write letters to people- on ADF, in real life, celebrities, whatever floats your boat.  say what you want.  


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Tuesday March 8, 2011 at 11:00 AM

Click HERE if you want to see it bigger.

I did the seeding as fair as I possibly could with the help of disinterested people (my husband among others. He officially thinks I am nuts until I caught him having fun. Especially with "Other Fictional Characters" and "Other Vampires".) Some categories had just enough but others had WAY TOO MANY so I had to cut as fairly as I could and used as many criteria as I could come up with. Even in the NCAA there is mystery behind these things.

Also, remember that those are the EDWARDS in the fanfics listed, not the fanfics themselves. You are not battling for best fanfic!

So... what battle are you interested in seeing? Who do you think will be the final four? Do you want to make predictions?? I'll come out with a schedule soon. As well as a way to battle and vote. Again, I am trying to think of the fairest plan! Also, if anyone would like to run a picks pool, they can. But I am up to my ears. They are fun, so you may want to!

ETA: I answered some basic questions to Ruby Wednesday in this post. If you have any more I am home now and will try to answer them!


We Can Do It!

Tuesday March 8, 2011 at 10:26 AM

Today is International Women's Day and to celebrate it I thought it would be cool to discuss strong literary female characters.  You don't have to limit yourself to popular fiction either.  You can even bring in Fanfiction characters - a strong Rosalie perhaps, or maybe a kickass Bella.  So I invite you to come in and share who you think are strong female portrayals in fiction. 

A little explanation of why would be cool too. ;-)

campfire approved by G.A.W. thanks!


Beside Still Waters update

Tuesday March 8, 2011 at 9:56 AM


Chapter 9

Discussion/Spoilers inside



Tuesday March 8, 2011 at 9:36 AM

I've never done this, usually I just ask my friends (which I did and it was the ever wonderful VampGirl and JennyDemons4Eva that suggested I do this), but I need a pre-reader/beta-ish person thing.

I'm writing a new story, and it's a Jasper/Bella fic, here's the banner (I'm too proud of it not to put it on =P)

And I need someone who I can talk lots about it to, who I can send chapters to and see what they think, if anything's missing from the plot, if anything doesn't make sense ect.. I want constructive criticism, I'm a bit of a delicate-flower, but I can put on my big girl pants and take it :) so long as you give me some sort of direction of how to change things.

I just need help basically lol.

Anyone interested, comment after here and I'll PM you my rather rambling summary of what this story is going to be and my email address :)

I did get permission for this, even though (as I found out) I didn't need it xD



Tuesday March 8, 2011 at 8:08 AM

It was the season of Lent year round for the Cullens--refraining from indulging in that which tempted them most.  So, with a wink and a nod and a bow to the only priest I know..

Father Edward in Sanctuary,

I'm just wondering what you will be sacrificing this pentitential season of Lent?


Liquid dreams...

Tuesday March 8, 2011 at 5:32 AM


Sing us a song, piano man—let’s start with “Happy Birthday.” New Orleans’s Preservation Hall—where Annie Leibovitz shot young Robert Pattinson, shown tickling the ol’ 88 with the world-famous Preservation Hall band—celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Situated in the French Quarter, the music venue is one of the country’s most hallowed: it was founded in 1961 for the purpose of preserving New Orleans–style jazz, and indigenous American music. On his first-ever visit to the Quarter, Pattinson jammed with the house band and thoroughly held his own—his celebrity perhaps subsumed by that of the musicians, whose legendary status awed everyone on set. “When we first started, none of us knew that Robert really does play piano,” says Ben Jaffe, the tuba player (center, above), the band’s director, and the son of the venue’s founders. “But when he got up there, he started ticking out these notes, and it was obvious he wasn’t just tinkling—he really knew how to play.” Though the musicians were expecting the actor to just pose, Pattinson gamely jammed along with their tunes. After finishing a song, he leaned over to Jaffe “and said, ‘That’s the first time I’ve played with a group of guys like that,’” Jaffe recalls. Not a shabby gig—especially with Jaffe’s homemade red beans and rice waiting as reward. -VF

OMG is not even the right sentiment for how I feel....I love jazz. I beyond love Rob. I would pay money and flash my boobs to see the video and hear the audio from this jam session!!! What dream artistic pairing would you give anything to see (actors), hear (musicians), or read (authors- real life and/or fanfic)?



Monday March 7, 2011 at 8:55 PM

What's on your minds tonight? Let's make this post like a call-in radio program. Tell us what you are thinking/wondering/venting about and everyone can weigh in.

Gather around the campfire....



Drama is Old. You Wanna Know What's Not?

Monday March 7, 2011 at 3:52 PM

I think everybody needs to just calm the hale down.

Today's like drama circus on steroids.

And frankly, it's making me freaking tired. :/

So... I don't want to hear about the drama, the wank, the whatever about who's doing what to whom and all that nonsense in this campfire.

I don't care. Sorry. I don't.

Let's take a minute and really, really focus on what's truly important here.




Wait for it.






Post pics of the pretty. Or gifs. Or link videos. Or whatever else just as long as it pertains to Rob Perfect Pattinson.

To start with, look at this amazingness that Biel made.

I DARE YOU to not grin your face off.


Who's worse?

Monday March 7, 2011 at 2:17 PM

This is my first campfire, not sure if it will be allowed or not, but maybe. We all saw the campfire re MOTU getting published, now I don't know where I stand on this, I dont think I particularly agree with it.  However I think probably anyone would jump if they got an offer to be published, come on who would say no?

The thing that bothers me is this is partly a money making scheme from the publishers.  By offering to publish these popular works they surely think they're onto something with the amount of readers they have. Why should the authors get bashed and not those making the offer? I don't see what use it is berating these authors for this, there has been tweets re icy's decision and parts of private conversations posted, this is really disappointing, regardless if they have been taken out of context or at face value, what difference will this make trying to make a fool of someone? I loved both MOTU and WA was the first fanfic I read, so to see these two authors more or less come to blows is sad. 

With these tweets has resulted in each of them getting messages either supporting them or badmouthing them, I don't know why the fandom has got so hateful and jealous now.

To be honest if I saw MOTU or WA in a bookshop I'm not sure I'd buy either, probably more towards WA as I'm all for teen angst. Is anyone else saddened/disappointed by this or think this is where the fandom is heading? Whose more at fault, the authors, the readers/commenters, the publishers? Please feel free to remove if required x



Monday March 7, 2011 at 2:12 PM

So, Edward Wallbanger was just pulled from FF. Was this expected? Had she gave warning that it was imminent? I really loved the early chapters of this fic. Appears to be gone from Twilighted, too.

I would like to see this turned into a screenplay. Perfect for a RomCom.

FF Link


Men without Eyes

Monday March 7, 2011 at 12:39 PM

If I've found the courage to make a campfire you know I'm in a desperate situation

Does anyone know if Danieler123 will continue to update Men without Eyes? I know she has a baby and all, but the "Do not fear. I have not abandoned MWE" line has been removed from her profile AND she just started an AU. She has her pms disabled, so if anyone knows anything more please let me know. I remember seeing comments made by friends of hers here

Thanks :)

ETA: The backporn picture has been replaced with this "Imagine this on top of you" FULLY CLOTHED pic. Not sure if you'll be more focused though

ETA II: Alright, alright, here's both of them


Fan Fiction for Dummies

Monday March 7, 2011 at 11:21 AM

Okay, so the reason behind this campfire is that I'm thinking of writing my very first Fan Fiction story - the idea has been floating around my head for a while and it won't seem to go away.

But, and this is a big but, I'm completely and utterly a bit lost.

And so I was wondering:

1. What do you consider the basic Do's and Don'ts of Fanfiction? As a reader, what sort of thing annoys you when you see it in a story? As a writer, what experience have you had with features that people completely love/hate?

2. What story line do you think has been done one too many times? What clichés should be avoided?

3. How do you find enough confidence in your own work to post it?

Feedback is very much needed welcomed :D

(Hope this campfire is okay - I wasn't sure if I needed permission or not for this one. Feel free to delete if necessary)


FF Sneak Peek

Monday March 7, 2011 at 10:24 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Oldies but Goodies

Monday March 7, 2011 at 9:46 AM

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Hey Campers!

I'm back this week (after a mini vacation) and am ready to chat!

This fire is for discussing Chapters 31-40 of Abbraciarre il Cantante by Bratty Vamp

Come on in and share your thoughts/feelings/predictions/etc.

No spoilers, please!!

On Thursday we will be discussing Chapters 41-50.

ETA - 41 to THE END!! =) Just realized there are 51 chappies plus an Epi! Thursday we'll have the final AiC fire!!

Thanks for participating!


The banner below will link you to the story here in the forest.

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What are you reading?

Monday March 7, 2011 at 9:00 AM

This is not a call for fanfic recs-I'm looking for real book/fiction recs here. Ever since Twilight, I've been sucked into the young adult fiction world. I still read things outside that genre, but I go on young adult kicks sometimes. There is actually really good work to be found there!

I'm currently reading Amanda Hocking's "The Trylle Trilogy" and enjoying it. She's self published and her books are at the most like $4 a piece. I love the Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine, and anything by Tamora Pierce.

I'm also into strong female leads, in both young adult and regular fiction. Chicoland Vampire Series is a recent discovery that I loved, and I'm a huge fan of Patricia Briggs 'Mercy' series.

So what I want to know is, what's your fave young adult or even your fave supernatural series/adult series right now? Mystery, supernatural, historical...I read it all! Share the wealth, and rec it! Is there a series you've been reading for so long, you just can't give up on it? For me that's Anita Blake and Stephanie Plum. I still read them even though I'm kinda tired of the same stuff/different day approach sixteen books in. What's your favorite series besides Twilight?


Rec Me: Witty Banter

Monday March 7, 2011 at 8:48 AM

I'm in a specific mood again and this time I'm yearning for some witty banter (not to be confused with Banner).  I want the yin-yang, back and forth, amusing exchanges between our favorite B&E.  I'm thinking The Cullen Campaign, Edward Wallbanger, Blame It On Rio, The Best I Ever get my drift.  What are your favs?


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