

Thursday March 3, 2011 at 5:29 PM


ETA OMG The new trailer

this is a game of thrones post

Thursday March 3, 2011 at 4:19 PM

Holiday Text -

the first full-length trailer for "game of thrones", the new series on HBO that starts next month, was released today!

if you aren't getting excited for this, you should.

if you haven't read at the very least the first book in this series, well- you've got about five weeks to do so.

but, more importantly, oh denizens of the seven kingdoms, i have two words for you.


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so, come sit by my campfire, and we'll fangirl stan for discuss this amazing series.  or try to convince others to join us.  or just, idk.  talk about how amazing this is going to be.  

and have you seen the dragon skulls yet omg

new trailer for your viewing pleasure:


Be vewy quiet...I'm huntin wabbits...

Thursday March 3, 2011 at 3:49 PM

*tnuccio peers around the corner and tried to evade the eyes of the group...*


Pst....anyone seen 2LovelyBunnies?  She sent my lovely daughter a PM because somehow my FF account went haywire and turned off all notifications...I swear...I didn't do it...


She mentioned some nonsense about people missing my story *I'm creaping back around the corner now...*


I'm epic fail I know...


Anywho...please pop by so we can chat.  And please please please forgive my absence...I suck...I know... I may have some good news?  Maybe?

♥ t

edit...I hate that my box isn't naked anymore...why does it have a tree and a camper sign... :(    I miss my naked box.

purple eta:

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Catherine Hardwicke is at it again

Thursday March 3, 2011 at 2:41 PM

You'd think she'd give it a rest already, but here she is rehashing the same Rob and Kristen stories over and over again. She has a new movie to promote. Why doesn't she talk about that?

Check out the link above and let me know what you think about this. Is it as innocent as her being as obsessed as the rest of us, or is she just being a media whore? I honestly used to have so much respect for her after Thirteen. But this is just sad.


Blog for FF

Thursday March 3, 2011 at 10:06 AM

Ok- so I started posting my first FF and each chapter title as well as the story title are songs.

I would like to create a blog to showcase the songs as videos (If i can find them)

How easy (and by easy I mean so easy a caveman can do it) is blogger to use?


Thanks -



I am reading this.

Thursday March 3, 2011 at 8:30 AM

Is anyone reading She gives me religion?

It's a beautiful story, here are Edward and Isabella from chapter 8. The story is not completed but the author Liz Lemon Bennett has already written 76,486 words. I really like it.


I am also reading Such is my luck, this one is a romance and it is really sweet. The next picture translates well the feeling in this fic.

 Such Is My Luck  by ImHereToReview
Bella's bad luck has landed her in Chicago for a business trip, with no luggage and no hotel room. Her co-worker, Edward, steps in to help! Her luck is about to change. AH. Canon pairings. Fluffy. Rated M for lemony goodness.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 11 - Words: 56,051 - Reviews: 205 - Updated: 2-28-11 - Published: 4-16-10 - Bella & Edward


What are you reading today?


In Progress

Thursday March 3, 2011 at 8:13 AM

Seacrest is interviewing Pattinson.

it's already in progress, here's a link :)

edit: it's over.  use this thread to discuss whatever happened during that interview...i guess.

edit #2:

here's the interview if you missed it...


Spring Break, Help!

Thursday March 3, 2011 at 6:31 AM

I am on my last day of classes today (Thank Glob!) before Spring Break, and because of mid-terms I haven't been able to read as I would normally and I miss them (books). I need a good couple of books to read over break.

So here's what I am asking.

Rec me books!

They can be about vamps, wolves, witches, ghosts, YA, adult, whatever!

Just make it something you enjoyed.

I have read VA, Mortal Instruments, BDB, HP, Twi, and a few others.

Oh before I forget, a while back I saw a series rec'd on a thread, I can not for the life of me remember what it was called, but I think it was something similiar to BDB, and maybe, maybe it was by some one named Lauren or something simliar and maybe it was an adult series. Vague I know, but if anyone has any idea what this is let me know, please!

Thank you in advance.


P.S. I'll be in class taking tests so I want be able to check the thread for about 4 hours, and also I paged a ranger but did not get a response before I had to be in class, so feel free to delete if not approved, and please except my appologies.


Dennis 7474

Thursday March 3, 2011 at 4:30 AM

I don't have permission to start this campfire, so if it's in appropriate, please delete it. 

Has anyone here heard from him in the past few hours? Does anyone here know how to get in touch with him? 





Soldier Boy?

Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 10:21 PM

Hi everybody!! I'm new I was looking for some stories I've been reading but they were recently pulled out of the if anyone by chance can help me use this web site or help me find them...I would really apreciate it. The stories I'm looking for are:

-Soldier Boy by Annalbr

-A normal life by Annalbr (sequence of Soldier boy)

- Island Love (don't know the authors name)

thanx in advance.


Wait. You KNOW her?

Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 9:41 PM

True Story.

They have Kindergarten Socials now, did you know? For all upcoming Kindergartners to meet and hang out before the new school year starts in the fall. So, I attended one such social last Saturday at the park with my little girl. I meet a few moms, and get to talking with one mom in particular- I like her and her little boy is really cute. In fact, my little girl and her little boy are playing nicely on the see-saw together. After about ten minutes of talking to my new mommy-friend I see her eyes shift to someone behind me...

She says, "Oh good! I want you to meet someone!"

I turn around, and see a person I haven't laid eyes on in EIGHTEEN YEARS.

I sputtered and stammered and I KNOW my mouth was hanging open. ALL I could think about was... 

OMG. I'm in a FIC.

There wasn't one of these but there should have been...

Come on, I know you know which fic I'm talking about. More story inside... you don't want to miss my humiliation. Trust me.

After you've read my story, tell me YOUR story of finding yourself in the middle of a familiar story line. Please assure me I'm not the only one.

FYT... :)

Rangers, please trash or approve as necessary :D


It's SO ROBvious

Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 8:58 PM

Campers. It's been brought to my attention (by myself, and my powerful abilities of observation) that Rob's stalking tendencies may have shifted. Away from whom, you ask? TOWARDS WHOM, you ask? Allow me to provide new startling EVIDENCE that Rob is now, in fact, as we speak, stalking FEEB01.

"Who dat?" you ask? Why, it is none other than MYSELF! *gasp* "But, he loves GrownAssWoman!!" you cry, horrifically shocked and appalled. Outraged even. But I ask you -- what British heartthrob has GAW been cavorting with for at least the last 6 months? Why none other than Rob's friend BOBBY LONG! Do I even really need to post a picture of him? GAW won't shut-up about him. "He's so hot! He's so talented! Blahblahblah I luuuuuurv him."

"Where does that leave Rob?" you ask? Clearly, he needed some time to heal. I mean, look, here's photo evidence of the devastation he suffered when GAW cheated on him with his mate:

After re-discovering himself, Rob has turned his attention elsewhere in the Twi-Fandom. He convinced his Vanity Fair photographer to make this photoshoot a love letter. A love letter that can only be feeb01. The irrefutable evidence glares like the NYC jumbotron in this photo:

See what's on top of the piano? A clarinet. Do you KNOW what INSTRUMENT I PLAYED in my HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND? Allow me to SHOUTY CAPS you the ANSWER!! THE CLARINET!!!!

BEHOLD FEEB01 AT THIS 1992 BAND REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm the totally sexy one with the backwards band hat. You can't make out the clarinet but it's there. In fact, it's here, in my garage. 

Don't even get me started on the VF cover picture. Amish schoolboy hat? I was in Amish country in 1999. Tiny alligator? It's just so...little and...FEEBLE EVEN? He's holding the most feebish alligator I've ever seen. And I've been to Florida.

Discuss your favorite Twilight cast member's blatant attempts to capture your fancy. As always, photographic evidence is encouraged. Don't forget to wish GAW and Bobby Long a long and happy (stalkeresque) future together. :^)


a mighty bloodless substitute for life

Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 6:23 PM

whatcha readin'/goodreads CF

according to goodreads, wtvoc is currently reading:

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how pretentious of me, sheesh

and lol great expectations

i should move it to my "never finished yet" shelf because i just can't bring myself to pick it up again

anyway, what're you reading?  do you want to add me on goodreads jw

share your goodreads links here


wtvoc on goodreads (no, i don't really live in beverly hills)


king firth, oscar winner; ardently admiring and loving you for your time:


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you're so pretty

Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 4:51 PM

Okay, totally fangirling here right now but I wanted to share with you some new hot pics of Rob:


More pics inside...

To make this interactive, I call on you forest dwellers who think Rob is pretty, post your favourite HOT ROB pic.  Or even better, pictures that are new or rarely seen.


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 3:29 PM









Couldn't find any new Twilight fan vids this week, so here's an oldie but a goodie. ;)

"New Moon - Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking" by paradisedanifm1


"O Death || The Vampire Diaries" by bevva20 <- YES, THIS IS YOURS TRULY WHO MADE THIS. :D



(here's some encouragement)


I never thought my life would turn into a fanfic..

Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 2:26 PM

As I sit in this hospital room right now, I come to the realization that I need -like i need air to breathe- the support of the fanfiction at this time. I need everyone to pull together and offer words of advice like I know all of you can.

Four years ago, my daughter was diagnosed with TSD. A month, two weeks, and three days ago, her struggle with the vicious disease was finally over and she passed away at the ripe old age of four. Last night, I came home to find my husband passed out in her room, an empty bottle of Tylenol in his hand. He had overdosed and attempted to take his life. His stomach has been pumped, but now his liver is irreparably damaged and he desperately needs a transplant, otherwise, he will die too.

I need you all to tell me that it's going to be okay. That the pain I'm feeling will eventually go away. Please?



Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 11:13 AM

This week’s game:
Summarize a fic (without telling us the title) in three short sentences, or less. It can be a literal summary, a snarky summation or a tarty tweet-like tribute.
See the examples for well, some examples.
Example 1: (from some other website that was posted about long ago)

Edward Cullen: Hoo mama, I can't decide whether to drink your blood or kiss you passionately.
Bella Swan: That's hot.
(Answer: Twilight by SM)
Example 2: (from the same other website... I cannot remember the name of it)
Whine, Whine, Whine. To be or not to be. I'm Dead. (Answer: Hamlet)
Example 3: I interviewed him. He tied me up, and I liked it. I stuck around. (Answer: MoTU)
Example 4: Insomnia. He draws, I bake. We survived together. (Answer: Wide Awake)
Special thanks to Capricorn75 for the pushpin!

My first entry inside.
LJ Summers

Revenge Fic List

Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 5:03 AM

Good morning! Today's compilation is brought to you by:

[_]D  (a big mug of coffee)


the letter R


It's not an uncommon feeling, is it?  Revenge?  When a character we sympathize with or even adore has been wronged, we want them to avenge themselves, or get revenge on those who hurt them.  

Fanfickers certainly know how to do that!   

So which stories have you read that have revenge as a theme?  Care to share them?  Please do!  

Just remember the rules, eh?  

1.  Keep it simple.

2.  No discussions.


Thanks so much for sharing the best revenge fics around the fire!


i Love the midweek

Wednesday March 2, 2011 at 1:25 AM

It's a Tuesday/Wednesday and I went to the bar!

And now, after 3 China Whites, 2 Rum and cokes, 1 Superman, 1 Emerald City, 1 vodka Gimlet and 1 Sex On The Beach I want to know Who is your fav Twilight character (not including the Cullen's, Jacob or Bella) and why?


VampBella fics ?

Tuesday March 1, 2011 at 11:51 PM

Hi everyone !

I wonder if you guys can help me find some good and complete fan fiction where Bella is already a Vampire when she meets the Cullens. I 'm searching for stories with canon couples.

Thank a billion times for those who will help me


Love O

First --- | >> | 895 | 896 | 897 | 898 | 899 | 900 | 901 | 902 | 903 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
