

Sunday February 27, 2011 at 6:49 PM

So I read and update today for a fic. I won't name it so as not to spoil anything. But it got me thinking. I'd love some recs where Edward has to fight for Bella's love. So what do you rec?


Edit:  I prefer completed fics.


What Type of Reader Are You?

Sunday February 27, 2011 at 4:15 PM

I don't want your favorites.

In all honesty, I don't want a single name of a fic in this campfire (unless you just *have* to use one to describe your *type*).

I want broader than that...

1. What genres do you find yourself reading most often? (Genre: Romance, H/c, Angst, Fantasy, Drama, Horror, Action, Suspense, Crime, etc)

2. Are you AH only, AU only, or AH and AU in your reading? )

3. What genres have you not read or refuse to read?

4. What ratings do you read most often? (K, T, M - R or NC17) Is there a reason you avoid the other ratings?

5. What pairings do you love the most?

6. What pairings will you refuse to read?

7. Do you like complex stories/plots or do you prefer simpler, more straightforward ones? Why?

8. Do you like cliffhangers? Why?

9. Do you read only completes? Why? (Please only answer this if there's a reason beyond fear of hiatuses, pulling - I want to know if there's another psychological reason you like to read only complete) When you read "real" books, are you the type who turns to the end before getting into the main story?

10. Do you enjoy reading WIPs? Why?

11. Are there plot lines that you just love? That you just hate?

For your time... How about some Roblicious...


Oscar Chat Post

Sunday February 27, 2011 at 3:37 PM

Pre-Show: Who do you think will win? Who do you think will be the Best and Worst Dressed? How will Anne Hathaway and James Franco do as co-hosts? 

What are YOU looking forward to MOST about The Academy Awards????

ETA: there is red carpet streaming via MTV here: MTV Red Carpet

ETA: punkfarie is posting pretty pictures inside. Thanks to her. :)

cool lass

Love Hurts

Sunday February 27, 2011 at 3:34 PM

I'm pretty much a lurker here. I come for the fic... Right now I live for Bound For Glory by jandco and WTVOC!

But this weekend I found Longing by jennyfly, and I thought we would be in for an epic. it's in Storytelling, and if I knew how to make a link for it, I would.

It turned out not to be an epic... not in length anyway, but it still kind of feels like one in scope.

Have you read it yet? It was started and completed all in like 2 days, and the summary says it's non-sequential, and it leaves me feeling


idk how I feel. except it brings this song to mind:

Anyoen want to discuss this one?


Shameless Begging is Shameless

Sunday February 27, 2011 at 1:15 PM

So I stumbled on this contest and am now determined to get more people to do it. It is the:

Who doesn’t Love a Fairytale? Contest

JUST THINK! You could do THIS!

With Trusty Side Kick Singing: "It's Better Down where it's wetter..." (Yeah I went there)

Don't want To make Bella a helpless women? How about THIS:

And since all pairing are welcome you could even do this:

The point is I need more fairy tales in my life and I can't write all the entries. The contest ends MARCH 14

and is Anon. so there is an even playing field. :D

If you aren't sure of what to do here is a like of fairy tales. I may also know of some youtubes if "Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics." That would be great for this!

PS I am not involved in the actual judging or anything. I am just greedy and shameless.



Get it off your chest~~

Sunday February 27, 2011 at 10:08 AM

Is there something you've been DYING to say to someone, but you just...haven't?


Is there something that you need to CONFESS....something you feel guilty about?

Well then, this campfire is just for you!


Tell someone you love them

Tell someone you're sorry

Confess your darkest secrets, fears, desires...

A few simple rules:

Be honest.... there's no judgement here.

Nothing inflammatory

TMI is perfectly, deliciously acceptable


Feeling weird about Breaking Dawn

Sunday February 27, 2011 at 8:59 AM

I don't want to see any teaser photos of Isle Esme or teenage Reneesme. I don't want to hear any details at all. Any campfires on the subject makes me cringe and close my eyes, as if I'll go blind reading any info about this movie. I just want to pretend that Breaking Dawn doesn't exist.

Is it just me or does anyone else feel this way?


Am I sad that it's the end of the series and there will be no more movies? Is it because I was so disappointed in the book (at least the second part)?  I know there is a 90% chance I will see the movie(s), but basically I don't want anything to do with it! Why am I so weirded out?



Internet blogging/writing/virtual smoke-signals

Sunday February 27, 2011 at 7:17 AM

This is my first campfire...eeek!

So, my question any of you blog/Tumblr/do- any-other-interweb related writing? How do you find it? How often do you update?

What's the coolest thing about what you do?

Signed, someone who wants to blog but has no skills :-/

mods: Hope this is right??

jandco says it's ok :)


Mmmm... Bacon

Sunday February 27, 2011 at 1:34 AM

Robert Pattinson apparently will have more than one steamy sex scene with Kristen Stewart in "The Twilight Saga's Breaking Dawn". Their co-star in the vampire drama series, Jackson Rathbone, let the information slipped when met by E! Online at Leeza Gibbons' Dare2Care Pre-Oscar Cocktail party.

Asked how sexy Edward and Bella's love-making scene will be, the actor best known for his portrayal of Jasper Hale in the series, said at first, "It's a PG-13 movie, but also it is what it is and it's a union." He then noted, "They are consummating their relationship and they don't just do it once, let's put it that way."

The 26-year-old actor further teased, "It's definitely sexy. It definitely qualifies as shmexaaay." When the question turned to the chemistry between Robert and Kristen for the final installments, he said with a laugh, "It sizzles, man. It sizzles like bacon!"  

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Tribeca Threesome

Saturday February 26, 2011 at 11:32 PM



These pictures were taken in 2010 (maybe late 2009?-can't remember) at the Tribeca (downtown NYC neighborhood) restaurant Locanda Verde which is in Robert DeNiro's hotel. Aren't they just the cutest threesome ever?


akdioeaj-can't type b/c of below

Saturday February 26, 2011 at 10:51 PM

Ian Somerhalder Won't Stay Dead

As bittersweet as the impending Lost finale has to be for all concerned, it's bittersweeter for Ian Somerhalder. As Flight 815 survivor Boone Carlyle, he brooded, nursed a weird crush on his stepsister, then became the first of the gang to die. Somerhalder says J. J. Abrams picked the right moment to tell him he'd been killed off: "I was in wine country, man, with a beautiful girl. I said to J.J., 'Your timing is impeccable. If I'd been at a Denny's I would have started crying.' I downed a couple bottles of Pinot and I was set." Things have worked out okay for Somerhalder—he may play Boone in at least one more "flash-sideways" this month before Lost wraps up, and he's now drinking fine reds on the regular as a 150-year-old undead hunk on the CW's Vampire Diaries. There are worse fates, he says, than being accosted in airports by obsessed fans of two different TV shows: "The decibel level at which a 13-year-old can explain how much she loves you—it's the coolest thing ever."



Yay for Photoshop

Saturday February 26, 2011 at 9:46 PM

So, I buckled down and made a banner for my new story and not to toot my own horn, but I'm super proud of it!

There were so many elements I wanted to put in it, it was hard to decide what stays and what goes...Tattward, Bella, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, sketching, a tree, guns, San Diego, etc.

Then, I had to search and search for my Bella. I am an out and proud KStew hater, so she was NOT an option. This girl is italian actress I believe. Beautiful. I'm definitely open for anyone interested in making banners. I'd like to feature Tattward more, but I had issues finding the right pics of tats.

How do you get banners made for your stories? Take on the task yourself or recruit others to do it? Have you ever made one and had someone send you something better? Do you have more than one banner for your stories?


What fan fic cheers you up?

Saturday February 26, 2011 at 3:29 PM

What fan fic cheers you up? I'm looking for one shots or completed stories. Preferably canon and/or AU (not AH).



World of Warcraft

Saturday February 26, 2011 at 2:59 PM

Do any of you play?

I just started playing again after almost 3 years and I feel so lost. Come inside and talk about your characters, realms, guilds and everything WOW related.

I will post questions inside.

Unless my time converter lied to me I am just in time.


And the winner is...

Saturday February 26, 2011 at 2:31 PM

I love the Academy Awards - it's my super bowl.  I park myself on the couch with food I shouldn't eat and drinks that are yummy and watch E!.  I'm bummed that the Twi kids aren't going to be there this year.  Now I feel the need for a good Edward or Bella actor fic.  Any recs?  I've already read --

A Matter of Trust
America's Sweethearts
Chance Encounter
Cullen Unscripted
Faking It
Help Wanted
Reel Life
The Diva Diaries
The Port Angeles Players
When Fiction Becomes Reality





Saturday February 26, 2011 at 2:11 PM

It's that time of year again!


Every year, around the end of February/beginning of March, I start getting anxious. I want to be able to go outside in a sweater and jeans and have a nice cold beer with a couple of friends while avoiding puddles.

I want to be able to do this:

(a.k.a puddle jumping!)

And I want to be able to go outside at ten o'clock at night and still see the teeniest bit of sunlight.

And I want my Grandma's farm to look like this:

Is anyone else feeling this?!? Does anyone else feel the incredible desire for it to be a little warmer and a whole lot nicer!?

I'm so sick of -30 weather in Sask. D:


how dare i

Saturday February 26, 2011 at 1:31 PM

other fandoms

simple enough.  post a link to the BEST fanfiction you've ever, ever read.  NON-TWILIGHT, THOUGH.

i wanna see what else is out there.  this CF inspired by the fact that i was scared by some of the bbc robin hood fanfiction i found last night.

ps- i'm still looking for great north&southfic, as well as canon post-DH HP.  but i would like to read the other stuff out there.

sexy, undone brit for your time:

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stuck in my head...

Saturday February 26, 2011 at 12:50 PM

so i've got a song stuck in my head... but i don't mind it because i am loving it at the moment

But i wanna know what song you can't stop listening to...

is there an older song that you can hear over and over but never get tired of?

mine right now is this:


Where Are You From?

Saturday February 26, 2011 at 12:26 PM

The title says it all. 

Tell us where you're from, post a picture or two , maybe a few of you exploring your city/town. Specefics, please. 

Let's take Bella as an example. 

From Forks, WA, USA. 

You can post multiple if you would like. As in, every single place you've lived in. 

Mine is in the comments. :)


Saturday Ritual

Saturday February 26, 2011 at 11:04 AM

It's Saturday.

This means I'll sit and enjoy a leisurely

and then meet up with a friend here

for breakfast


What are your Saturday Rituals?

First --- | >> | 897 | 898 | 899 | 900 | 901 | 902 | 903 | 904 | 905 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
