

Friday March 4, 2011 at 3:08 PM

  I want pictures of you. I don't care if it's one where you are being eaten by a freezer, or if you decided to mimic Ben Stiller for the day. So, bring your psycho, funny, smart, hot, beautiful, silly and all else and show the lovely members of a different forest you and all your glorious self. 

  Ok, Ok, I'll admit, I do have a selfish motive behind this. Despite my half assed efforts, I still suck at memorizing peoples names, and faces are supposed to be one of the most helpful connecters to names. So help a girl out and post


A Campfire for Anglophiles

Friday March 4, 2011 at 1:12 PM

Can we talk about these two?

What do you all think of this whole royal marriage business?


True Blood

Friday March 4, 2011 at 12:00 PM

A poster for the new season has surfaced. Is this Bill or Eric. Tell me, are you looking forward to the new season? Do you have any good gifs to share? Care to rant how great/awful last season was? Are you looking forward to amnesiac Eric?? Do you read/have spoilers? The fandom is buzzing in anticipation of the True Blood panel at Paley Fest tomorrow. Galleries One Nine Eight Eight was asked to curate limited edition silkscreen posters to commemorate the nights’ events. Will you be there??



New York, New York

Friday March 4, 2011 at 10:56 AM

Hi all, I am looking for some NYC travel tips!  Am very excited to be going to New York in just a few weeks.  It's a completely spontaneous trip with 4 of my girlfriends and we're looking at flights/hotels now for 4 nights.  I've been before but it was 11 years ago when I was 14 years old with my family, so am very excited about going on a girlie long weekend!  (We're from London)

Does anyone have any hotel recommendations and insider tips in the Big Apple please?

Thanks everyone :)

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Thank You!!

Friday March 4, 2011 at 10:11 AM

I want to Thank each and everyone of you wonderful ladies here in the forest that had my Grandmother and family in your thoughts and prayers....She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's eight years ago and was put in the hospital last week for Pneumonia and Congestive Heart Failure...She was placed into the local Hospice House last Wednesday afternoon and she passed away just after midnight on Tuesday...She was an inspiration to her family and everyone who knew her and she is greatly missed...We laid her to rest yesterday afternoon and I am just so broken...Please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers!!


This is a picture of My Precious Grandma and me at my high school graduation...



FFA? Not sure

Friday March 4, 2011 at 9:58 AM

Please feel free to delete this if it's not appropriate, I just laughed my ass off watching it and though why the hell not...lets share this.


Ranger Edit: I embedded it for you because it is fantastic. And YES, it is FREE FOR ALL. Post 'till your heart is content!

Prayers for Mama Herron

Friday March 4, 2011 at 9:42 AM

I know some of you have heard about what's happened with my family, and some of you haven't. That's why I'm posting here today.

Would have posted it sooner but wasn't sure if it was allowed before free for all Friday.

Right now, our family could use all the prayers it can get.

I'll give more details inside this campfire.

Please take the time to pop in


It'd be like Bella picking Jake!

Friday March 4, 2011 at 9:25 AM

So I've been dying for FFA since I found this on Wednesday!  Don't know if anybody will discuss this with me, but I'm dying to talk about this travesty!



My thoughts will be in the comments!


Fic Pet Hates..

Friday March 4, 2011 at 8:53 AM

..the word DRUG!

I drug him out of bed, I drug a brush through my hair, I drug my suitcase down the street etc,etc.

I was starting to doubt myself & think this was some conjugation of the verb To Drag that I was unaware of so I looked it up.  Please, please please authors there is no such word as drug, unless you are referring to a chemical substance the word is DRAGGED.

I am not an author so I am loath to criticize something that someone has invested time and effort into that I read and enjoy at no cost but I'm afraid the word 'drug' came up once to often.


That Plagiarism Issue...

Friday March 4, 2011 at 7:41 AM

I don't know if anyone will be interested in this anymore, but I found this explanation on krismom's author profile page on March 3 (you know, the author of Committed to Memory that so many people loved???). Her description of what happenend is very interesting:

since : 02-03-09, id: 1826676, Profile Updated: 03-03-11

There aren't enough apologies in the world. I left the PM's on for a while so people could vent- but that got scary. Fast.

I have no explanation - other than to say it was not done on purpose. I didn't cut and paste or have the books out in front of me- and have the keystroke count and typos to show for it.

It's a weird ass memory thing. I have a f*ed up ability to recount large amounts of useless information. Kind of like a photographic memory- it's considered eidetic memory and most people think it's unfounded or Asperger's-ish. It's not impressive enough to matter- It's not related to intelligence or even useful. It's mostly dates, text and random information that scares and impresses people when googled. Although I did get to meet Marilu Henner once. ;) Most people don't buy it anyway- kind of like my kid with Sensory Processing Disorder. :(

I had posted (notice I didn't say written) half the story before I heard a review on NPR about the book Still Alice- and realized It was the same book/story I read a year ago and was currently posting. I don't want to ruin an apology with an excuse- so I'll just say that if I could give you all the time back that you invested reading, I would.

I am so very sorry- my plagiarism penalty was losing all of you. The talent, the stories, the Twitter banter- are all sorely missed. I should have stuck to reading and reviewing- which is what all of you wonderful writers deserve."

What do you think?? Is that plausible?



Friday March 4, 2011 at 7:33 AM

Tell me how you feel about me, I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings. (8)

Okay. So, I need your help.

My Mum is a complete techno-phobe. The only time she'll ever touch the computer is to turn it off (and she's proud of herself when she's able to do that). She's had Sky+ for almost two years and she stills asks people to record things for her, or to load a recorded programme for her. I refuse to do it, so she'll faff out, have a mini-meltdown and stuff - BUT SHE KNOWS HOW TO DO IT.

And my Grandma has moved to Spain, and she was complaining about how expensive it is to call - so I explained Skype to her and she looked PETRIFIED.

She's just scared of technology.

And I'm like "Hot Damn Mum, get with the 21st Century. Even my Granddad is cruising around Facebook"

And then she'll moan that she misses out on things because she's not online.

So I made her a facebook profile. Bahaha. And when I rang her and told her, she was like "But I don't even know anyone!" -- MOTHER, YOU'VE GOT 25 FRIENDS IN ONE DAY. But she refuses to log in. Hahaha.

So,  I mean, I know a lot of ladies around here are a similar age to my Mum. Was you always scared of technology? What can I do to get her onto the computer? Any Step-By-Step things I need to get her to do, so she's atleast comfortable with getting on to the internet. I mean, she'll love stalking Taylor Lautner.

Or, should I leave her alone with her True Movies?

I think I'm just in that mindset of - the internet makes my life so much more interesting, so she needs this fun in her life. Hahaha.


Where you'd get That Name???

Friday March 4, 2011 at 7:05 AM

Tell me please. Not your real name of course, your Screen name.  What does your name mean? I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours?




Friday March 4, 2011 at 6:21 AM

It's FFAF!! Woohoo.

And I'm so excited I couldn't wait to share. I have a new dog, my very first pet! My friend gave her to me because she's got WAY too many dogs at her place, and this one was a last minute addition rescue. They don't know the age because of this but they think a little over two years. She's a yorkie with shiny silver hair. It sort of reminded me of a fish's iridescent scales, plus she's tiny and long. SO I named her Tuna. Tuna Albacore Jellyfish to be exact!

I'm SUPER excited about this new addition because I've been pretty solitary for as long as I can remember, and I didn't have time when I was in the military. But now that I'm moving to WA where I don't know anyone I won't be alone. We're working on her Spanish, but other than that, she's perfect.


Show me your pets! And let's hear their names cause names are my favorite part. 


Hybrid Babies and the Power of Print Impregnation

Friday March 4, 2011 at 5:35 AM

Blame my love for all things Seuss (his birthday was the second of the month, and I'm still celebrating.)  But I was thinking about weird hybrid babies today.



omgoodnessIlove HORTON!!!


Today I told a friend that I thought I was going to have a hybrid elepha-Rob baby because the Water for Elephants trailer impregnated me.


IF THE POWER OF A PHOTO COULD REALLY IMPREGNATE YOU... (as many people have joked about.  I KNOW I'm not the only one)...



I'm pretty sure mine would be born with a beanie, and would have a cigarette hanging out of it's mouth.


Share the pictures that you'd be expecting child-support payments from... or just tell us about your freakish love-child. 

(Babies born with extra long fingers, or scruffy jaw-lines?  Heck... if Rob aint your guy, maybe your baby will be born with a great throwing arm and tats?  I'm curious.  No hybrids will be turned away.  <---Stephenie Meyer would approve of this message.)

LJ Summers

Do you follow Epsom...salt?

Friday March 4, 2011 at 5:24 AM

In a "can it get any more random" thread/convo energized by caffeine, I learned from our Awesome Ranger JANDCO that Epsom salt has its own twitter account.


Now, I follow some unusual folks on twitter, but I've never followed a food product.  And I think it'd be fun. SO, Campers, please share with the class any food products you follow on twitter.

Also include any unusual cooks or commercial anythings.  Companies?  That kind of thing.  Not celebrities (unless they're Andrew Zimmern, because he DOES food) but foodstuff.


FFA Mkay

Friday March 4, 2011 at 4:28 AM

Click play and don't dance around like a fool.  I DARE YOU.

it's ffa, y'all.  Post away.  And leave fun- can't- help- it-NEED- TO -SHOW- OFF -MY -RHYTHMLESS- DANCE -SKILLS songs. 

Sir Rachel


Thursday March 3, 2011 at 10:41 PM

Much to Grown Ass Woman's pleasure, I have finally discovered passionate love for BOBBY LONG.

But, to my deepest woe, he is not coming anywhere near me at the current moment. Which is a travesty.

Have you seen any of his shows? Any cool videos to share? Stories? Make me jealous!

And if you haven't managed to listen to his stuff in all of GAW's campfires, listen now. Cause I swear, he grows on you more and more the more you listen. I'm living proof, yo.




Thursday March 3, 2011 at 8:18 PM

Hey Campers-- I was asked by SDFREEZE's friends to post the following message.  I know many of you enjoyed her stories and have been concerned about her absence.....


Sandi's abusive husband has hijacked her fanfic account and now her new blog and erased all her stories, posts and comments of support from people.

She was seriously injured by him and had to flee the hospital to a secret location to escape him. Now she has checked herself into a hospital due to post traumatic stress and depression. She needs our support and a safe haven- someone who will host her stories so they can live on without his access to her memories and passwords to erase them. Please collect any and all electronic copies of her stories and save them to present back to her when she needs them. Let's show a criminal that he cannot bully one of our own.

If you have ever read and appreciated SDFREEZE's stories, please do not forget her in your thoughts and prayers now.



Thursday March 3, 2011 at 8:09 PM

Tell us what fics you are LOVING RIGHT NOW.

No theme this week, just a fantastic list of awesome fanfiction. 

If you know of fics from other fandoms that just rock your world, put them here are well! We love trying new things!

Because omg, this week I went fic diving in Vampire Diaries and I came up dry.

Remember to link for the lazy!


Pride & Prejudice Sequel?

Thursday March 3, 2011 at 5:37 PM

Hello, I was listening to Pride and Prejudice and Just finished Darcy's renewed sentiments and it had me wondering if there is a sequel. I know nothing is written by ms Austen but I mean other Authors that went on to write about Jane and Mr. Bingley or Elizabeth and Darcy. Or am I the only person wondering what life was really l ike after their marriages aside from that short summary at the end of the book? If any of you know of any books or something similar drop a line... leave a link. It's greatly appreciated.


Found this pic immediately on Google and I just couldn't resist posting it. Le Sigh... He had such intense eyes in this film. Loved Love it.

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