Tiny Baby Fever Pic Post

Saturday February 26, 2011 at 10:10 AM


So, I have this problem. I'm totally done having babies, but I have Baby Fever SO badly. Like, I just really want to hold a little baby and hear its tiny breath in my ear. 

When I'm at the store or wherever and someone has their little baby out with them, I've been totally resisting the urge not to stare like some kinda creeper.

But!!! If you show me pics of yours then I can coo over them all I want without looking like a freak.

Show me what your babies looked like when they were teeny-tiny? I'm thinking between 0-6 months. 

I'll post mine first in the comments as a show of solidarity.


New Book

Friday February 25, 2011 at 11:05 PM

Ok...This is my first campfire....and I'm popping my cherry to get some opinions on this book:


Has anyone else read it and if so, what is your opinion?


Bad boys

Friday February 25, 2011 at 9:33 PM

In honor of my first campfire here (hello by the way!) I thought I would pay homage to the sexy singing bad boys in the particular, this sexy mohawked one right here.


I know there are some fellow gleeks in the forest and I wanted to see what some of your favorite fics are in this fandom. Especially if they involve my man Puck sexin' up some Rachel Berry. Hottest couple ever!


If you don't have any fic recs to offer, feel free to post more hot Puck action or any other sexy singing bad boys! Or hell, just show me some Puck/Rachel or Mark/Lea sweetness.



These hips...I just can't...

Anyway, a few of my fave recs will be in the comments :)


A is for Alice

Friday February 25, 2011 at 9:14 PM

What's your favorite All About Alice story? I was looking for something along the lines of Luniere or Mary, Full of Grace. But COMPLETE.

No Alice-the-perpetual-shopper

No Alice-the-fashion-designer

No Alice-the-art-student

No Alice-the-ballerina

No Alice-the-pixie

Ugh, it's like someone took an ADJECTIVE from Twilight and built Alice's entire existence into one of these cliches. I am looking for Alice's story, perspective, Alice the Vampire, the one who has to deal with everyone else's issues because of her abilities, the one who has to bear the burden that comes with loving Jasper....

Awww.... Alice...


life is everything

Pick-me-up Videos

Friday February 25, 2011 at 8:08 PM

I don't know about all of you, but I've had a rough couple of weeks.  Everywhere I turn in my life there are seemingly endless uphill battles to fight, and it's left me exhausted both physically and mentally.  (Lesson of the week: going to bed at 7:30 is not necessarily a bad thing.)


But that is not what this campfire is about! 


No, what I'd like is if you would please share your favorite pick-me-up video(s).  Something that makes you think "hey you know, maybe things aren't as bad as they seem" or that gives you a little extra get-up-and-go-conquer-life! feeling.  They can be funny, poignant, inspirational, whatever it is that helps you dig deep and keep going when life kinda sucks.


My top pick: Jessica!





Friday February 25, 2011 at 7:24 PM

Ok so I think someone recently posted a campfire about sharing something you do really great. I was inspired by it and thought I would try it with my children. Sometimes being a parent can be rough...and I am normally really humble and don't brag about my kids to my friends. So I thought do it online! Brag up your kids...and if no kids...some niece or nephew or grandkids?  I will get it started:

My one kiddo is only 5 and can read amazingly well and has since he was a little over 3!

My other kiddo is very little but can wink and give the "guns" like the charmer he is frought from. He also does it within the correct social realms, like when I catch him doing something naughty he will wink at me!



Friday February 25, 2011 at 7:10 PM

HI just thought I'd start a little post for this tonight.

I want to hear MUSIC OF THE 1990s from Campers.


Here is the link to record:

Also what is your favorite 90's song????


Happy Campers

Friday February 25, 2011 at 6:22 PM

Disclaimer: I will cut you.



Friday February 25, 2011 at 5:56 PM


I have read a few stories where Edward is in the Army, Marine, Navy SEAL, and soft sweet Bella changes him, or waits for him, and gives him reason to live besides the Call of Duty.

But... what I really want to know if anyone knows of a FF with Bella, with her big doe eyes, and lush waves of brunette hair is a Jarhead. Army, Navy, Fighter Pilot, or she could be a Nurse like Kate in Pearl Harbor ( idc how historically incorrect that movie was I loved and cried every time i watched it) or maybe a higher ranking officer who puts Edward in his place.

anyway basically Bella is the G.I. Jane hard ass and Edward changes her, gives her a reason, etc. Catch my drift. Now go forth and send me links, I beg of you xxoo =)

thanks in advance if you find something.

P.S. If not can one you amazing authors out there write something like this, grant my last dying wish, even though I'm not dying yet...

The Offspring

This Is Slightly Disturbing

Friday February 25, 2011 at 4:44 PM

This sorta reminds me of The Mominator. It's inside to encourage curiosity.


Closing eyes & hitting the button

Friday February 25, 2011 at 4:41 PM

Ugh. I don't know about you guys, but every time I start posting a new story, I feel nauseous. It's like putting these crazy ideas and thoughts into something tangible that people can read and judge. While I enjoy sharing my stories, it still makes me nervous every time I do so.

Also, this is the first time I've written in third person, so it's very different than my previous stories. Here's hoping I keep my previous readers, gain some new ones, teach someone something, make someone laugh, move someone, make someone cry, anger someone and make someone think outside of the box.

"Easy reading is damn hard writing." Nathaniel Hawthorne


How do you feel when posting?


How do you get your food made?

Friday February 25, 2011 at 3:42 PM

NOT how you make it but how OTHER people make it for YOU? Even if you rarely eat out you do sometimes and when you do, how do you have your stuff made? This is for when you don't want/feel like cooking or if you never cook and always get something outside.

I went to Subway on my lunch break yesterday and it got me thinking when the lady in front of me ordered a meatball sub with everything on it and the man behind her gets the cold cut trio with black olives only. Then I come behind him with my turkey on wheat, mustard on on side, mayo on the other, lettuce, pickles, bell peppers, oil/vinegar, salt/pepper only. So I'm curious how you get your stuff. When you go out what do you get and how to you get it made? Are you no fuss and get it as is or a substitute galore person?

Steak - bloody, rare, medium, well done, charcoal black well done? Or don't do steak?

Chicken - if not baked will pass, fried, no chicken, what have you?

Subway, Quiznos, Panera - What do you get? How do you take it? Do you get it as is then pick off what you don't want?

Burgers - from where? Cheese/no cheese? Ketchup only? Mustard and mayo and ketchup?

Hot dogs - do you go somewhere chain or live somewhere you go to a vendor? Sauerkraut? Are you one of those mayo on hot dog over mustard people? Ketchup? Everything that can fit on it AND some relish?

Pizza - I want to know? Pineapples and peppers? Veggie? Meat lovers? etc.

Seafood, Sushi, Salads, any food you order from somewhere sit down or fast food how to you get it?

Do you gasp when you order something new and something you dislike is on it then proceed to pick every trace of it off before you eat it? *points to self on tomatoes*

Not just these but anything you order?

*This isn't really a survey so you don't have to answer them all. Think of ANY and everything you order or get to go.


Your story...

Friday February 25, 2011 at 3:40 PM

Do you have a cool story about how you and your significant other got together?  I do and I want to hear yours!

When I was in college my group of friends did everything together.  But out of our group of friends 4 of us were really close.  I'm just going to give fake names for everyone for the ease of telling this story.  There was Susan, Peter, Andrew, and me.  Susan and I were best friends and Peter and Andrew were best friends.  Susan was engaged to someone back home.  Peter and Andrew were both dating other people in other states.  And I was interested in this one other guy on campus.  But we were all really close and we often went to meals together, etc.

For the rest of the story, come on inside. :D



Friday February 25, 2011 at 2:21 PM

Did / do you know your grandparents? Were / are you close to them? What did / do they mean to you?

I never got to know my paternal grandfather, he died some 10 years before I was born. I disliked my paternal grandmother (well, I am just being honest, she wasn't a very likeable person at least from a child's point of view). My maternal grandparents were "ok", we just lived so far away that we didn't get to know them so very well.

I kind of envy people who have close relations to their grandparents. They are really the best people to have around you: all the incentive to spoil you and not a thing to be a responsible adult in your life.


Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Friday February 25, 2011 at 1:21 PM



This game is called Two Truths and a Lie. So, how well do you know your fellow campers?

Tell the forest 2 true things about yourself and 1 that is a lie while everyone guesses which of the facts are true and which is the lie!

It can be anything! Ex, places you've gone, things you've done, personal tidbits that would reflect your character (or not!)


Some random Rob Gifs for your entertainment!




Friday February 25, 2011 at 1:18 PM

Hello Forest.

I just called wolvesnvamps on the telephone, and she is SO F||CKING CRANKY RIGHT NOW OMG!


Please post things she likes in order to make her smile. I'll start.

LJ Summers

Married with children...?

Friday February 25, 2011 at 12:47 PM

Not the TV series. Trust me.

I am married. With children.  Life is good. Okay, I have no anti-kid bias or anti-marriage bias or anything. REALLY.


But I guess I am getting annoyed with the assumption by reviewers of many fics that I read that say something like: "Oh, I hope they'll have kids!" "Oh, I just know they're going to get married and have such a happy family and I hope you write more about this...!" And so on.

It's not the fanfic authors. It's the readers. And they are entitled to express their opinion. I have no gripe with that.

My gripe, I guess, is the expectation that Our Hero and Heroine will not attain a state of true BLISS unless there is the patter of tiny feet.  Tiny feet necessarily birthed from the womb of Our Heroine...whomever she might be.  "Oh, they can adopt, but they should get pregnant, too!"

Really? Why?


Okay, so this is fanfic and all that. Fine. But still I guess I was just annoyed with the presumption.  


To make this Foresty and Interactive and all that...


Do you ever have hopes and aspirations for the characters in fics you read?  Can you write a little persuasive paragraph to the author in this campfire for making it happen?

And yes, it can be about (sigh) "Oh, can you please let Bella get pregnant so they can have lots of babies!?"  


FTR: I have a story in which Bella is changed within 48 hours of first having sex with Edward and I STILL had readers assuming Bella was pregnant (because of course Edward's sparkling sperm is SOOO motile and awesome) so that, lodged within Bella's unchanging vampire fallopian tubes or whatever there was, indeed, a baby.  And it mattered to my readers. 

I had to shake my head.


Hurts So Good

Friday February 25, 2011 at 9:58 AM

Adele. Yes, everyone's talking about her. But this song - this song of hers:


It makes me want to have a broken heart just so I can cry properly onto my pillow while listening to it. She's so lovely and that voice and those lyrics....
So, what's some of your go-to songs that let you wallow in awesome sorrow? 

That's what friends are for?

Friday February 25, 2011 at 8:53 AM

Let's talk about friendship.  I'm sure many or most of you have a best friend that you can share everything with and braid hair and love on each other and you always have each others backs.  Some of you might even have a group of friends like this, a la Sex and the City.  Must be nice.  Is anyone else like me wherein you find friendship HARD?  I moved away from my hometown when I got married 6 years ago and have made a few friends but let me tell you: it is HARD.  I don't know if it has to do with being older, having small kids, or if I'm just a broken person. 


So please share with me your secrets of best friendship.  Or commiserate with me.  I'm tired of feeling alone and like it's my fault I'm socially dumb. 


This post may or may not be brought to you by the letters P, M, and S.  The jury is still out.



Friday February 25, 2011 at 8:24 AM


So, this may sound blasphemous to some, but I never liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  I always just dismissed it out of hand because I HATE Sarah Michelle Gellar, something about her rubs me the wrong way.  However, I ran across this article of fun facts about the show  and it piqued my interest.  I really liked Firefly, and Dr, Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog so I am thinking I might like it because Joss Whedon was behind it, but I am still not sold.

So I am asking, what do you like about Buffy?  

Should I spend my weekend watching all the seasons on instant play on netflix?  

I would love to know what you think.

And if you don't feel like giving me advice, was there anything fun that you didn't know in the article?


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